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Author Topic: *~Lane #1 Buzzbomb/R Video from!~*  (Read 1577 times)


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*~Lane #1 Buzzbomb/R Video from!~*
« on: August 24, 2008, 02:50:54 AM »
Hi All,

I'm proud to present to you The Lane #1 Buzzbomb/R Video.

My Take on the Ball:

I drilled up 2 buzzbomb/r's for this video, one for the Typical house shot and one for the Viper pattern...The one for the typical house shot is a beast of a ball, get it to some dry and this thing will have one of the heaviest rolling moves in the back part of the lane you have ever seen from a pearl ball, this thing loses NO energy going through the pins...i have not thrown an original Buzzbomb yet but from what i have read and heard about it, this should be an excellent compliment...the buzzbomb/R has the potential to hook a ton, and it was coming back from a long way on my Typical house shot.

The second buzzmomb/R was drilled up for the shorter viper pattern to control the move off the dry better and really get this thing to roll, again no loss of energy, and good versatility. This ball let me play quite a few different places on the lane on the viper pattern, because it was not real whippy off the dry.

The only thing that will stop the BB/R is heavier volumes of oil and lots of carrydown...but thats where the original Buzzbomb will rule the lanes. I had the chance to throw it on scorpion as well for a few shots and it did fine, as long as it had some dry to work with

As always, Comments and questions are welcomed!
Britton (formerly bar5003)

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