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Author Topic: *~Track UpRising Video from!~*  (Read 1328 times)


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*~Track UpRising Video from!~*
« on: July 29, 2008, 10:19:21 PM »
Hi All,

I'm proud to present to you The Track UPRISING Video.

My Take on the Ball:

Alright Folks, i have gotten countless requests to show different styles in my videos. Well here you go, this video is one of the most complete video reviews ever done in my opinion. Figs was kind enough to send me a few extra Uprisings to make this possible!

This video features a Cranker, Tweener (myself), and a lefty Stroker

The Cranker absolutely LOVES this ball, he has so much room on the house shot with this thing its fact right before we shot this video, he shot 802 straight out of the box with this ball...great recovery for him...after he tested it some more, the only time he ran into trouble is when he gets a little fast, he can throw it through the breakpoint somewhat and start ringing 10's

For myself, this ball is an excellent compliment to the original Rising, it retains energy SOOOOO much better...what i also like about it is it allows me to square up a bit and not cover as many boards as with the rising, but still keep that strong heavy roll. Great Carry, great ball

We laid the Strokers ball out a little differently to get a different look in the video. He really likes the look he gets on flatter patterns with this ball, a very long and strong ball reaction with a quick response to friction...still very controllable at the breakpoint.

Overall, another gem from Track!

As far as the format of the video goes, i would love to do more of these, but it is up to the manufactures as to how many balls they send so please dont ask when the next one will be cause i dont know  Not to mention it was 3 times the work to put together lol....enjoy and please let me know what you think!
Britton (formerly bar5003)

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