I would like to start off saying that DP3 is a ball layout genius, not alot of people give him credit but it was DP3 the first to come up with the "TJ" layout and thats all I got to say about that. Another thing.....God does exist and the days of rubber bowling balls are gone, people stay post'n about "back in my day" and "In the dark ages so and so wouldn't scored" I don't understand why? Ask DP3 he'll tell you all about it......Bowling has changed, scores are higher because of easier conditions that the "average joe" asked for so deal with it and bowl or go on youtube.com and watch Guppy Trouper bowl if you miss the "Good ole days"
So I will end this by saying this...........
My girl shot 850 tonight in league with a Screamin Banshee 278-297-275 and I shot 768...Holla.
Shout out to:
James Cobb
Ron Davis
K.C. White II
Billy Slater
Ball Death
Nate Bolden
Clarissa Maddox
Chris from Phili
Janeen Hall
Wayne Saunders
Verizon Wireless
or go Home
Sabaku kyuu
......Sabaku SouSou!!!!!!
- Sabaku Na Gaara
-The SuperHitMan
Hoss Central Team Member