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Author Topic: black widow pearl video  (Read 1034 times)


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black widow pearl video
« on: June 29, 2007, 03:19:38 AM » (only just uploaded so may be offline at the moment)

first attempt at a video with the pearl couldn't record to many shots as it was in league, sorr about the poor quality, ill try 2 make a better video soon
lane was freshly oiled 35ft , i bowled the day before with the widow pearl on a 40ft heavy oil pattern and the ball hit so hard ,
ill try to make a video next week recording shots at 3 different centers if possible , i know each center has a different pattern so would be a good test

so far i think this ball hits harder than my solid BW and my no mercy ( had issues with no mercy lol )

hope u like

PS I'm still working on my balance at the line i think its got a bit better then before and tiny bit more knee bend


Big Columbia

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Re: black widow pearl video
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2007, 11:45:16 AM »
Wow, this ball is sick coming off the dry, I gotta get this ball. Has anyone compared this ball to the Big Shot.....