Well, I did some training this weekend and also brought my little video camera to the lane - my notoriously dry/light club house. So I decided to match my (semi) urethane equipment and here comes the result, a 4:20 video for those with a nostalgic touch
http://media.putfile.com/Urethane-strikes-back-Faball-Blue-Hammer-vs-Pure-Hammer--Slate-Blue-GargoyleInterersting, how drastic the "progress" of 10 years in ball technology is!
What's confusing me a little is the fact, that the Blue Hammer does nor flare at all, as if it had been drilled dead. Or does it simply have no exploitable differential, just a low RG? It revs up, but never seems to move its spin axis. Strange. I guess with a true break and end roll, it would have more power at the deck, cover more boards and allow more margin for error.
The Slate Blue Gargoyle appears as a pretty strong piece, compared to the Blue Hammer, despite its polished surface. But mine is drilled pretty strong, has a strong mid lane recovery and breaks early for an overall arcing move.
Finally, the Black Pure Hammer. It literally runs circles around the Blue Hammer! It mocks its urethane movement, though, but it is VERY strong for a light condition ball. Even though the PH and BH have the same (basic?) core, my PH looks like a back end monster in direct comparison.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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Edited on 3/10/2008 3:45 AM