Don't be mad at him, be glad for him. He is not the reason his "formula" seems successful, it is the bowlers themselves.
We here at ballreviews tend to greatly under estimate the greater number of recreational bowlers, and their influence on the game. Let me just re-state that there are almost 70,000,000 people who bowl, but only 1,500,000 who are sanctioned league bowlers.
That is a ratio of 70 to 1.5. That means there are almost 50 times more open bowlers than sanctioned league bowlers.
Who would you cater to, especially if you were in it purely as a financial business, not something you were emotionally tied to?
I hate that his formula is successful, and I hate the direction bowling is going, but that seems to be where it is headed, I just hope there is still room for people like us, the dedicated league bowlers who love it this way, and that we're not relegated to the "back burner of history" like some almost firgotten footnote.
Be happy for Mr. Shannon, but be sad for bowling. The reason it works ain't his fault.