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Author Topic: Comparison Videos  (Read 2762 times)


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Comparison Videos
« on: June 28, 2008, 12:08:55 AM »
I've read a few posts on this site that ask "How would ball x compare to ball y if they where drilled the same" and such.
This is the question that i pose to you all. Would you look at a site that did just that?
I am looking into setting up such a site... I would like to have input on what the people would like to see, what balls you would like to see compared.
If i get enough of a response from you guys then ill strongly consider setting up the site. As if the demand isn't there, there's no point in doing it.


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Re: Comparison Videos
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2008, 09:03:09 AM »
No, I don't think it's a law issue w/the folks that do reviews.  They can't or won't get balls comped to them if they did that.  Any average guy can do it.  To be fair, the person doing it should layout exactly the same & show their form & release on all shots so there are no questions.  I guess it could be done, but there will still be "some" skepticism involved.
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Re: Comparison Videos
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2008, 09:03:30 AM »
It would be interesting to see some thing like that.

 Not sure about any law though, as you buy the balls and can do what you want with them.

 One thing that would help is for you to put up a  profile, so others can see what you are about.
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Users,  I wont deal with,  CBB, twckhorn,  xrage4200,  Stever5000, J_Mac
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Re: Comparison Videos
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2008, 09:08:59 AM »
Try looking at the comparison videos from the ball company's perspective.  If you had a video that compared two balls that you provided to a site, how would the comparisons be judged?  Would Brunswick be happy if a Power Groove Reactive were judged side-by-side with a Buzzbomb or a Dimension?  Of course, I've exaggerated to prove a point.  However, without explicit permission from the ball companies, they might get their hand slapped.
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Re: Comparison Videos
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2008, 09:17:16 AM »
I think that Buddies does a great job of this and so does Video Ball reviews.

Buddies often uses the same bowler and the same drilling in the videos they supply to Utube and Video Ball.

VideoBall reviews Britton and I had this talk and he told me....he drills to accentuate what the ball company tells them.  ie if a long ball he puts pin up.

I particularly like when he superimposes two balls on each other with same drill.   I also like when he takes the same ball ie twisted fury and shows it pin up and pin down.  (I now know for most cases I like pin down best for my style of bowling(most of the time!).

I think these services are already being provided and it might be overkill for you to mimic what's already out here.

As to good friend JessN16 has a new drill and is putting all sorts of exotic drills on balls and then reviewing me frustrating..(of course I believe this a review more of an exotic drill than the ball)..I like the concept of benchmark drills to show the difference of what a ball does.....but as I stated I think in general it is being done!


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six pack

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Re: Comparison Videos
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2008, 09:58:33 AM »
I highly enjoy watching all the videos of different equipment so I say go for it as long as the quality is on par I'll watch it.
that being said,I don't take what I see in these videos seriously as the reactions can differ greatly from what I see in the video to what I would see on the lanes and feel they are as helpful as they are deceiving.
I think it could go a step further if you could have three classes of bowlers,stroker/tweener/cranker/high track/mid track/low track.
I would much rather see a comparison of different bowlers with the same ball,and please keep the wall shots down to a min.
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Re: Comparison Videos
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2008, 08:53:34 PM »
six pack

I am actually in the process of starting to do this.  It happens that we have a cranker/stroker/tweener that all have close enough hand spans that the span can be adjusted with a new slug.

The pin-to-pap will not be exact but they will also be close enough to get a good feel as to how the ball reacts from different styles.

We also plan to play with coverstock so we have comparisons of OOB vs xyz.

Right now, we are negotiating with the house manager to allow us to put down a PBAx shot once or twice a week to shoot the reviews.

Hopefully the effort will be worth it and helpful in making ball decisions.

six pack

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Re: Comparison Videos
« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2008, 01:01:07 PM »
sounds good,I can't wait to watch!when do you think you will be up and running?
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Re: Comparison Videos
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2008, 11:54:15 AM »
 Was that directed toward me or to scadreau?


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Re: Comparison Videos
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2008, 12:01:50 PM »
That'd be neat to a degree.  I'd also like to see 1 ball drilled 3 different ways to see the difference in reaction shape.  Like the new Storm Dimension, get it drilled pin over, pin under, and say 3 and 3/8 pin to PAP on the midline a universal third spot.
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Re: Comparison Videos
« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2008, 08:25:03 AM »
Doing a thorough video review should IMHO include different drillings (say, 2 standard setups that are used on each ball reviewed), plus different surface preps (again, standardized, e. g. with a polished and a matte surface) and different lane conditions - knowing what was laid out would already help a lot to assess a ball's potential.
Additionally, different player styles (PAP, revs rates) would also be nice.

But: with all those options, and THEN a comparison with one or more other balls, makes for an evening-filling documentation. I recently made a video of my new Fuze Igniter, on a 42' and a THS in different houses, pitted against 1 ball on each lane - and it is already a 6+ min. film.

On the other side, it is always nice to see a ball in action - it tells more than humble words in a review, and direct comparisons help a lot!
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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