Hello all,
since my last style video in January and some very helpful feedback I am (a bit) proud to present a current update.
Major issues were the upward movement of the ball during the pushaway phase, which caused (extra) late timing, as well some "wobbling" of my head, up and down with my step cadence.
I tried to work on this, especially on the pushaway. Overall, I think timing has much improved, as well as my slide (it had been non-existent 1 year ago!). I just found that the old habit of moving the ball up- instead of for- and downwards creeps back into my game every now and then, when I hurry too much. You can see this in some of the side shots.
But the downwards pushaway movement is the way to go - I feel that the overall timing becomes much better, and my release point in the ankle area has more leverage than the induced later timing through the upwards movement. The ball also has much less loft.
So, still some work to do, but I see and feel the progress - an here is the training footage (ball is my Revolution Renegade):
Style video - status June 2008 (4:33 min.)PS:
Do not wonder why there are no people to be seen in this 24 lane house (Treff Bowling, Duisburg, Germany) - only a few are so sick/possessed to go for training at 10 AM Sunday morning
But I wanted the lanes to be fresh - especially with an oil pattern that will be laid out in a tournament in this house in 2 weeks (only 38', rather thin, but with built-in change for the course of play as special challenge).
Please feel free to add constructive criticism.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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