As most of the others have said, your timing is a little bit late and you're not getting your center of gravity low early. Have Jason film you from the side so that you can play it back and watch (in slow motion), the correlation between your armswing and footwork.
For a five step approach, you should be starting your pushaway on the second step. On step three, the arm/ball should be at the bottom of the swing. You can watch and see for yourself if it is or not.
When you first start out, are your knees locked (couldn't tell from the video)? They should be slightly flexed and as you take your steps, your body should be gliding slightly down to land the ball at the foul line (bending the knees more and more). Think of how a plane comes in for a landing. It doesn't make a sudden dip at the last second (sudden bending at waist) to land on the approach end of the runway, it uses a continuous gradual descent of 3 degrees to make that smooth landing. And to keep your balance, swing your right leg off to your left side.
Practise and enjoy a smooth flight.
I am the Sgt Schultz of bowling.
"I know nothing! I see nothing! NOTHING!"
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