I thought the same thing as everybody else, there's a lot more that's right than wrong. I have a lot going on in my mind too, and the way to combat that is to reduce the amount of things you have to conciously think about, and the way to do that is to practice one thing at a time until your muscle memory picks it up. So when you're practicing, don't try thinking about more than one thing at a time. It doesn't matter what else you do wrong, how the ball reacts, just worry about one thing at a time. Then go on to the next thing. You'll find that once your body really learns something it will almost do it automatically, meaning your list of things to focus on during the shot boils down to 2 or 3 things instead of 6 or 7.
And honestly, don't let it turn into a crutch, but a drink or two used to help me out a ton. It relaxes you, and a lot of people either use it without knowing that's what it's doing for them, or people will take pain pills before they start bowling because that's essentially what it's doing. You can actually mentally think yourself into mistakes. It's amazing that when I have a small buzz, my mechanical problems disappear, and it all becomes accuracy. If I had to guess, I'd say you're a pretty precise perfectionist with a lot of things, and getting close doesn't cut it for you, you want everything perfect. That also means you have a clear vision of what you want your end result to be. That can mess with your head too. You can also mentally put yourself in a shoebox when you have a lot more room than that. I tend to focus too much on exactly how I want the ball to enter the pocket and where I want it to hit, rather than relaxing and just trying to hit the pocket, which is pretty wide if you think about it. If you've got 3-5 boards of area on a house shot, and 3-4 boards where you can hit the pocket to strike (high flush to mixer), that's a lot of room. Now, leaving a flat 10 or ring 10 is occasionally going to happen no matter what, it's keeping your expectations realistic. Yeah, if I leave a flat 10, I can see exactly what went wrong for that to happen, so instead of trying to force 4 or 5 adjustments to make it more perfect, try to figure out how to reduce it to 1 or 2. Hope that helps rather than confuses . . I get on rants sometimes and get a lot of blank stares.