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Author Topic: Need help with form  (Read 3815 times)


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Need help with form
« on: December 18, 2012, 01:45:42 PM »
Recently i have been having a hard time with getting my backswing straight again.  I haven't had a coach in about a year now since he moved and i do not know what to do about my backswing.  It tends to vear off behind my back on most of my shots.  i think my push off is whats causing it to do this.  Please feel free to give any helpful tips or comments about my form here is the video link

Thanks!  :)



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Re: Need help with form
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2012, 10:04:31 PM »
From what I see you are opening your shoulder to much causing your back swing to go behind your back. Face your lane not the one to your right. Just stay square, that should help.


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Re: Need help with form
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2012, 10:22:16 PM »
I see what your talking about.  I thought it was fine to open up in your backswing but as long as you are square with your target at the foul line its ok?


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Re: Need help with form
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2012, 10:30:06 PM »
That's fine as long as you get it back when you release the ball, but your not every time. That's why you miss to the right so much.

Arm swing should be just like a pendulum, keep it as simple as possible.


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Re: Need help with form
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2012, 10:31:17 PM »
Yeh that's what my old coach taught me :) do u think my push off is what is really killing me? it seems like its going out right maybe that is effecting it?

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Re: Need help with form
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2012, 08:42:50 AM »
I don't really reply to these kinds of posts very much because I'm a believer in you get what you pay for with regard to bowling advice.

I do have some recommendations for you.  Read the Game Changer and then read it again.  You have a very exaggerated cross over step which is illustrated and explained in detail why this is less than ideal.  The book stresses good footwork which you are lacking.

Drifting is not necessarily a big deal but weaving is something to be concerned about. You are trapping your 3rd step with the crossover and trapping the swing sometimes (too far right) in the 4th step.

Until you address the footwork issues, your swing is really going to be a series of manipulations which leads to inconsistent shotmaking.


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Re: Need help with form
« Reply #6 on: December 24, 2012, 03:24:05 PM »
I don't really reply to these kinds of posts very much because I'm a believer in you get what you pay for with regard to bowling advice.

I do have some recommendations for you.  Read the Game Changer and then read it again.  You have a very exaggerated cross over step which is illustrated and explained in detail why this is less than ideal.  The book stresses good footwork which you are lacking.

Drifting is not necessarily a big deal but weaving is something to be concerned about. You are trapping your 3rd step with the crossover and trapping the swing sometimes (too far right) in the 4th step.

Until you address the footwork issues, your swing is really going to be a series of manipulations which leads to inconsistent shotmaking.

Would have to agree on your foot work needing alittle help because you difting... Also you seem to be a down and end bowler and was wonder why you are helping the ball turn with your point finger....


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Re: Need help with form
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2012, 03:12:37 PM »
things I see are that your push away goes to the right. This causes you to bring the ball behind you and having to re-route to get back inline to release it. I am not as worried about the drift because as long as you drift the same every time you are ok. But it looks like you drift right instead of left. Not many right handers do this. But look at your foot at the finish line. your to is supposed to face the direction you intend your target to be. your shots are mostly up the lane but your toe is pointing well right. If your ball traveled on the line of your toe it would be in the gutter before the arrows.
Also I would work on freeing up that armswing. It seems a bit to tense and not a free as it should be. This might be caused by the wrong fitting (just because it feels good doesnt mean its correct) also maybe to big of a thumb hole.

Best of luck with the game. Keep working


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Re: Need help with form
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2012, 11:42:41 AM »
Continue to practice your game.  Visiting sites like this,, and, you can find very helpful insight into correcting a problem.  I will let the others continue to critique your game for you as I'm an observer and ongoing student of the game, but no where near as knowledgeable as others.  One thing I will point out to you that Mo Pinel taught me is that if you are going to have your hips open to the lane, make sure that your target continues in that direction.  I think it was pointed out above, but you do have an exaggerated dropped right foot for a 5-step approach.  This completely opens up your hips whether you feel like it does or not. With such an angle, your target would really end up on the next lane, which is fine if that is how your are going to play the lane.  By the time you reach the foul line, your backswing/follow-thru has squared towards the pins but your lower body remains open to the lane....can you see where this creates body angles that fight against each other to complete your swing?....determine which type of bowler you are most comfortable being....if you are more comfortable with the dropped back foot...remember this promotes swinging/opening up the lanes....if you are more comfortable with the square follow through towards the will need to bring that right foot back even with your left, to allow for a more matched body alignment when you finish at the line....hope this helps.  Again, I've learned and watched a lot, have had some good influences around me, but I'm no teacher or professional.  Just passing on my observations in hopes of helping continued growth of a fellow bowler....good luck and keep us all posted!
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Re: Need help with form
« Reply #9 on: December 31, 2012, 06:32:35 PM »
Absolut, your observations about foot position are interesting. Where can I find more info on this?