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Author Topic: Raw Profit, 718A, and Mission Domination Videos/Mini-review  (Read 1360 times)


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Raw Profit, 718A, and Mission Domination Videos/Mini-review
« on: February 12, 2011, 09:03:44 AM »

Went to the alley today to drill up my 900 Global Raw Profit. I threw 3 games with it on a somewhat used up house shot. I threw a game with my Pink Panther (my benchmark piece) while I was waiting on the driller, which gave me a good idea what to look for on this pattern. The Raw Profit has a bit more surface than the Pink Panther, but on this condition it was 5 and 2 stronger than the Pink Panther. I had the Raw Profit drilled almost identical to my Pink Panther (other than the RP has a MB). There was also a noticeable amount more strength in the back part of the lane. Both balls read the midlane very well and started up fairly early, but while the Pink made a nice smooth arc, the Raw Profit made a more angular move for a solid. The Raw Profit carried very well too, really had the pins moving. Dead flush was 10 back without a doubt.


My plan was to drill the Raw Profit to be the oiler of my arsenal and I think it fits that bill well. I believe the OOB is 4000, so adding more surface to it will only help it fit that position better.





After I threw the Raw Profit, I went to the shop to grab a couple of the demo balls they had sitting out. The World Beater was being used, so the first ball I tried out was the Track 718A, followed by the Ebonite Mission Domination. The demo balls have a span of 4 1/2, which is a tad long for me. My size for the thumb inserts was broken, so I had to go a size up and add a bunch of tape to the thumb in order to throw it. I was still able to release the ball fairly well, but I was definitely squeezing. It affected me a bit, but still gave me a good idea of the ball's potential. Both demo balls were drilled pin over ring with the mb roughly 1" right of the thumb. Works out to be about 4.5" Pin to PAP for me.


This was the first Track ball I had ever thrown, so I wasn't really sure what to expect. Due to the numbering system, I just knew this ball was supposed to be angular. I threw this ball standing essentially the same line as I started the day with my Pink Panther. The 718A was noticeable longer and more angular from this same line, though still made it back to the pocket with ease. The ball seemed to clear the heads easily and even with the backends pretty messy, had no problem turning the corner. Carry was good, though I did leave a couple 9 pins. I only threw one game with this ball because a youth bowler wanted to try it out, so naturally I obliged. Hard to get a good read in one game, but this one didn't really scream at me. It was a very good ball, but I'd have to throw it quite a bit more before I could get a good idea of what it's all about.


Short Video:



The other demo ball I tried was the Mission Domination. First Ebonite ball I've thrown since the Angular One; again didn't know what to expect. Started on the same line as the 718A since I didn't where to go with it. First shot with this ball absolutely decimated the rack, so I stayed right where I was at. The first 3 shots with this ball blew my mind. All 3 shots were dead flush and left no doubt, I think I actually got a splinter from pins blowing up. First game with the Domination was a 267. It cleared the heads easily, read the mids well, then made a strong but controllable move to the pocket; carry was amazing. I only threw 2 games with this ball so again I didn't get a real great read on the ball, but it was enough to sell me on it. I loved the ball motion I saw and definitely loved watching it blow up the rack. I think with the proper fit I could throw it more consistently and I'd love it even that much more. This was definitely my favorite of the 3 balls I threw today.

