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Author Topic: Absolute Inferno  (Read 56168 times)


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Absolute Inferno
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Think you can handle Absolute Power?

Find out with the new Absolute Inferno from Brunswick. Combining the red-hot performance of the original Inferno's Ultra-Low RG core with the aggressiveness of a rough-buff, pearlized Activator+ coverstock, the Absolute Inferno sets a new standard for traction that leaves other balls behind. For improved hook potential, a more angular breakpoint, and better mid-lane recovery and forgiveness, there’s only one absolute you can count on – Absolute Inferno.

Brunswick’s Activator® overstock has quickly established a reputation for excellence in ball reaction, durability and longevity of ball reaction. On the lanes, Activator coverstock balls are clean through the heads with excellent mid-lane recovery and strong arcing back-end reactions that create powerful pin action. Owners of the original Inferno have reported that it requires less frequent resurfacing and/or rejuvenation and is more resistant to cracking than other reactive coverstock balls.

Activator ® + is a more aggressive version of the original Activator coverstock formulation that maintains the durability and longevity of ball reaction that are characteristic of the Activator coverstock family. The rough-buff, pearlized version of Activator + coverstock used on the Absolute Inferno creates more traction in the oil, increasing the ball’s mid-lane and backend hooking action, while still being clean through the front end. When combined with the more angular breakpoint of the Activator + coverstock, this creates a ball with excellent mid-lane recovery and strong back-end power that is very forgiving, allowing the bowler more room for error.

Out of the box: The Absolute Inferno is an ideal ball for medium-dry to medium-oily lane conditions.
When shined: Using Brunswick’s Factory Finish High Gloss Polish the total hooking action of the Absolute Inferno can be reduced and the arc made more skid/snap.
When dulled: The hooking action of the Absolute Inferno will increase providing a better match-up for oily lane conditions.

Reaction Setup
The Absolute Inferno can be drilled using the standard drilling techniques developed for two-piece balls, see the included drilling instructions for reaction characteristics and layout details.

The Absolute Inferno is finished with a new rough-buff compound finish. To bring your Absolute Inferno back to its original factory finish use Brunswick’s new Factory Finish Rough Buff. Available from your local Pro Shop.

Blue Pearl/Orange Pearl
Hardness: 76-78
Glow Engraving
Factory Finish
Rough Buff
More Information

Core Dynamics
Symmetrical core
RG Max: 2.513”  
RG Min: 2.463”
RG Diff: 0.050”
RG Avg: 2.6 out of 10
Hook Potential 130
Length 100
Breakpoint Shape 85
Available Weights
12-16 Pounds



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Re: Absolute Inferno
« Reply #46 on: November 06, 2005, 09:51:34 AM »
Ya right.  This ball is a piece of junk.  I have two of them and niether does a darn thing.  Yes, I bowl at a brunswick house and yes, the shot sucks.  They strip and oil in the morning then put a fill shot out before league.  Not many people are scoring.  I've tried everything I can think of with regards to sanding and polishing my absolute pieces of junk.  They still do nothing.  Yes, I do know what I am doing.  I have my own pro shop in my garage and have been in business for years.  Maybe someone has done something different that I haven't yet and can offer some advice.  I have an ultimate and it sucks too.


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Re: Absolute Inferno
« Reply #47 on: December 16, 2005, 08:44:49 PM »
Please see my profile for my stats:

I laid this out 4 x 3 at a 60 degree angle with a hole on my VAL down from my axis. I left this box finish.

This is my ball I go to when I feel the condition will let me stretch the pocket a little wider. I always get recovery to the right. I also will throw this from deep inside going away from the pocket and wheeling it back. This ball changes direction when it encounters dry harder than anything I have in my bag right now.

I have also thrown this on a 42 foot sport shot and was able to close my angles down, but still felt the ball was moving hard off the breakpoint and just destroying pins when it got a good piece of the pocket. I do have to maintain my speed, this is not a good ball for me to throw if my speed is up and down. If I am having speed control problems, I bag this as it can put my into some wide open splits quickly.
Mike Craig-Columbus,OH
"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 83? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Bowling Amateur Staff - Westerville, OH


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Re: Absolute Inferno
« Reply #48 on: December 25, 2005, 10:56:25 AM »
hey just got one of these i had to post a review on it good ball breaks really early got it drilled 2L on dry lanes it tends to roll out at the end but on oily lanes its fantastic another good ball from the inferno series

wrote this review for andy dingle


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Re: Absolute Inferno
« Reply #49 on: February 09, 2006, 10:25:06 PM »
i got this ball last spring , and i thought that it would be time for a decent review.  

specs in profile.

ball drilled with pin above ring finger, no weight hole.  

ball hooked a ton out of box, but it did lose its hook after a while.  wound up taking it out of my bag.  then I used a green abralon pad, and it started to work fine.  didnt hook like it did out of the box, but it wsa good enough until i got my strike zone for heavy oil



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Re: Absolute Inferno
« Reply #50 on: February 10, 2006, 09:30:25 PM »
Absolutely perfect ball for medium oil lanes. I shot my first score worthy of a ring with this ball (299). Smooth through the front with an extremely powerful backend.  It can be used on long heavy oil, but plan on seeing ALOT of tens due to the extra skid in the front.  I just picked up the Scorchin Inferno to compliment this ball in my bag so we will see what happens in my league sunday.


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Re: Absolute Inferno
« Reply #51 on: March 12, 2006, 05:18:58 PM »
This is one of the best ball that I have by Brunswick.The way I have this ball is drilled max flare and hook.I just keep this ball clean.I do not put polish on it. I didn't like the reaction that I got.When the lane had broken down bad,I pull this out the bag.Standing on 27 and swinging out to the 5 board and came roaring right back in the pocket.I was shooting this the whole 3rd game and I could not believe how this ball come right back in the pocket almost hanging off the gutter.Third game 269 I have alot of games on this ball,it gotta have at least 50 or more and it hasn't lost a step.I give this ball 9 out of 10 or this condition I was bowlng on.I am going to get another one just to have and drill it up oh next year.


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Re: Absolute Inferno
« Reply #52 on: March 21, 2006, 06:26:41 PM »
I only average 215 to 220 and am not a cranker.  I only bowl once a week in the same house where the shot typically doesn't change and it usually plays around 12 to 15 with a 4 board swing.  I currently have all the inferno's and really like Brunswick equipment.  I don't understand RG's, CG's or pin placements, I tell my pro what I want the ball to do and he drills it accordingly.  I like the way all the inferno's hit but this Absolute, wow, I mean it may not hit as hard as the scorchin (that ball hits really hard) but the Absolute is so versatile and carries so well, it's unbelievable.  I have the pin right under the ring finger and the cg is like 1.5 inches below the pin and 1.5 inches to the left with no weight hole.  Not sure what that means but it is a great all around ball.  The scorchin has the pin under the ring finger but the cg is directly under the pin and about 3.5 inches below it, but it hooks to much to use after the first 6 frames and it has a side hole punched in it.

Just thought I would share.  Thanks.


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Re: Absolute Inferno
« Reply #53 on: March 23, 2006, 08:53:30 AM »
this ball is vewrsatile but it hits like a marshmallow
i dont like it at all

anyone can strike but lets see them spare


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Re: Absolute Inferno
« Reply #54 on: April 01, 2006, 07:12:15 PM »
Ball is drilled with the under and to the right of the ring finger, Brunswick drilling pattern 1E.  I'm a medium rev, low speed player.  Overall, this ball is extremely versitile.  I only bowl casually, and so the amount of oil on the lanes differs greatly.  When the lanes are freshly oiled with clean backends, this ball slides through the heads and comes off the dry like a rocket and carries just about anything.  When the lanes break down some the transition is far smoother and far more predictible. Most of the time, carrydown is not an issue, as the ball is strong enough to smoothly arc through it and still hits hard. If the lanes are dry, then this ball is way too strong; it just won't stay on the right side of the headpin.  The only real problem for me with this ball is when i'm playing too deep inside.  The ball will still get back to the pocket, but it'll leave 10 pins constantly. Overall though, great versitile ball.


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Re: Absolute Inferno
« Reply #55 on: April 02, 2006, 08:14:24 AM »
i scored five perfect games with this ball, and i love it absolutely.


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Re: Absolute Inferno
« Reply #56 on: July 04, 2006, 02:43:35 AM »
This is by far one of the best balls i have ever owned. It hits like a truck and it is forgiving. I know it is a couple of years old, but i recommend buying ones of these bad boys before their gone.

JG Bowler

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Re: Absolute Inferno
« Reply #57 on: July 13, 2006, 02:28:28 AM »
This ball is the ball almost every one should get.... It hits like a big mack truck...

I stand about 27-28 and swing it about 15-16 so yea its the bomb
A-Town's Finest


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Re: Absolute Inferno
« Reply #58 on: July 20, 2006, 02:42:26 PM »

Hi All

I've always been a "Inferno" fan.. since the very first one.. now I've got just two of them.. the Smokin' and the Absolute... the AI is my favorite one for medium conditions, I love it in thougher (medium) conditions.

Pin over the ring finger
1500 finish w/shine

Good mid-lane read, and very contralable turn...

I've found (with the proper maintenance) that the Infernos have a very durable coverstock, more than average, and also it don't break as quick as ... others in the market.

- A wise man told me once, "If you want to do the best job, you have to have the best tools".. I would add "... be sure to know how to use those tools"...


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Re: Absolute Inferno
« Reply #59 on: July 28, 2006, 07:22:48 PM »
I have this 15lb ball for about 5 months. I hardly used it coz I have other Inferno's ball I prepared to use like my Blazing and Intense. But this ball is a great hitting ball as everyone said it hits like a truck. I have it drilled 2E with extra hole. It goes long side role (high Rev) then snap a the end. It's fun to watched. So far the ball for still ave around 220 for me on the base on 4 weeks league but the last 3 feet hard hook must have a lot of trust on the ball. I still prepared Nice clean hook like the Blazing and Intense Inferno.

Overall very good ball!


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Re: Absolute Inferno
« Reply #60 on: July 31, 2006, 10:58:01 PM »
Ball Specs  15lb-3 oz with 3-4 inch pin
Drilled like Brunswick 1L only 4inches from PAP (Pin above ring finger)

This is a great medium ball. Can also use on a fresh shot as long as it isn't put down too heavy.  This is the go to medium ball I was looking for. The ball is drilled to start up a little later and have backend, so it fits under my heavy oil ball which is a Columbia Action.  I can switch from Action right to Absolute and stay with it unitl lanes really dry out.  The great thing about Absolute Inferno is that it is such a versatile ball it does most things (ie most lane conditions) well.  When I use it on a true medium condition the results are impressive.  Ball goes long, with a nice smooth arcing but strong backend reaction.  Very predictable. As long as I loft the ball a little I get great pin action and it will still kick out 10 pin on drier lanes.  Great striking, great rolling, predictable ball, that has become my favorite in a short time.  My best line with this is right foot on 12-14 target 7-8.  Just a smooth rolling, strong reacting, great ball.  Highly recommend to anyone.
