Ball weight- 15lb, 2 oz prior to drilling
pin length-- 2-3 inches(closer to 3)
top weight-- 2 oz.
Been having some trouble lately with the shot burning up in the heads, so I thought I would give this ball a try. I had heard some good things about it, and I have had good luck with Brunswick, so I thought why not? ( Yeah, I know it's made in Mexico. So are tacos and I eat them

After hearing about some of the other drillings, I decided to go ahead with a stronger drilling. I drilled it at a 4 X 3 which put the pin in the ring finger and the cg kicked positive. Had exactly 1 oz positive side ( after drilling ), so I put an x-hole 1 inch in size and 1 inch deep on a line from the pin through the cg, ending up in the thumb positive quadrant. Left the surface OOB.
The lane man wasn't in tonight ( no leagues ), so I had what was left from last nights mixed league. Dryish heads with a touch of carrydown, exactly what I wanted this ball for, when the heads have blown up on the mens league after 1 1/2 games and some residue has carried down. Time for the test.
Started out with my feet on 20, armswing at 15, over the second arrow out to the breakpoint on 6 at about 40 ft, then watched it come back. seemed to really like the dry, maybe NEEDED it in fact, but when I hit the mark, it was nothing but ten back!
First two games I throw 215-215. Made a small adjustment and went 268! Then I got lost in a transition and, not really knowing the ball, made some bad decisions. Fourth game was a miserable 162, so I decided to throw one more game, moving my feet in to see if this ball could handle making the corner if the shot was dry enough. I moved my feet in to 26 and moved my target in to 12 with a large belly out almost to the gutter. What do you know, this thing came rolling back and smashed the rack! Left a tenpin the second frame, then off the sheet for 280!
All night long, the ball seemed to be a smooth reaction for me, not at all the skid/snap some others have experienced, although in its factory finish, it definitely doesn't like much oil. As long as there was any oil, I could play up the boards and carry was still fine as long as I made sure to get it rolling, but this ball really shined when the shot seemed to be burnt out for my other equipment ( Inferno and Total Inferno ). It still got through the heads cleanly, but made a definitive move at the breakpoint and hit harder than I expected by quite a bit. Almost left a solid 9 a couple of times.
On a scale of 1-10, I would give this ball an 8 1/2-9 for doing what it is designed to do, but I subtract the point or so for being SO sensitive to oil in its OOB finish. Maybe a little surface alteration is coming down the pike in the near future for my little blue friend.
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