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Author Topic: Avalanche Pearl  (Read 20901 times)


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Avalanche Pearl
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00
Coverstock: N''Control PowerBoost Reactive
Weight Block: Teal Rhino Pro light bulb core
Ball Color: Blue/Silver Pearl All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
Ball Finish: High Gloss Polish
Hook Potential: 80 (Medium-High) on a scale of 10-175 Low-High
Length: 145 (Early) on a scale of 25-235 Low-High
RG Differential: 0.024 (Low Flare) on a scale of .000-.080 Low Flare-High Flare
RG Average: 2.548 (Medium-Low) on a scale of 2.43-2.80 Very Low-High Break Point
Breakpoint Shape: 70 (Angular) on a scale of 10-100 Arced-Angular
Recommended Lane Conditions: Dry to Medium Oil
Description: Retro cores and strong reactive coverstocks define the new Avalanche series from Brunswick. Using proven core technology from the Teal Rhino Pro and some of Brunswick’s most well know coverstocks, the Avalanche delivers unprecedented value to the bowling customer.



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Re: Avalanche Pearl
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2008, 07:46:35 PM »
Layout - Leverage Drilling 3 3/8 to pin.
Cover - Box Condition

We drilled the Avalanche Pearl for drier lane conditions.  I was looking for a piece of equipment that would let me play up the boards or a little straighter when the lanes were hooking.  On certain lane surfaces we could only move in so deep before the pin carry suffered.

First test was on a very dried up league shot, the Avalanche Pearl allowed me to play just outside the track area.  The front part of the lane was very dry, but the Pearl was still clean through the heads, and strong on the backend.    

I tried stronger balls on the same line, and ended up with roll out.
I moved in deeper with the stronger equipment but did not have the same carry as the the avalanche did on the dry lanes.

Tried the Avalanche Pearl on a fresh 38' pattern and the ball was to straight.

I believe this ball will be valuable for players who are looking for length on dry lanes. It will allow most people to play the dry boards straighter without sacrificing hitting power.  High Rev/slow ball speed bowlers may get alot of use out of this ball on medium conditions.



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Re: Avalanche Pearl
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2008, 05:13:25 PM »
Drilled 5in from pap
pin in middle finger
cg kicked to the right

i just got this ball drill today and bowled on a house shot three days old with no reapplications. The heads were toast and the back-end had carry down. I played the track out to about the 5 board at the break-point. This ball got effortless length with great back-end on carry-down. Carry was extremely high.
I would recommend getting the ball drilled weak for people who have high revs and pretty strong for those with less hand as the cover will push it down the lane. THIS IS NOT A BALL YOU SWING GET REAL YOUR NOT SEAN RASH. THIS IS A DOWN THE LANE BALL!!!
Don''t get mad..Get better!


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Re: Avalanche Pearl
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2008, 11:51:37 AM »
A great edition to my arsenal. Drilled this ball 60* by 5 1/2 inch by 40*. Pin ended up above my bridge. No x-hole was needed. I keep the ball oob. This can be used on medium to light oil and medium to short patterns. With the 3 other balls I drilled up that are Brunswick, this one is the most angular for me.  like to use this when there is an abundance of friction.
Ohio High School Singles Champion 11th Grade
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Re: Avalanche Pearl
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2008, 01:29:05 PM »
a great ball from brunswick and a great compliment to the solid. has a very good roll kinda jumpy but good on drier lanes. goes long and flips with a good arc. hits good. another great ball from brunswick what can you say brunswick is the best company hands down. go big b
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Re: Avalanche Pearl
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2008, 11:24:10 PM »
Drilled this ball up about a month or so ago for the purpose of bowling on some of the shorter patterns.  I ended up deciding on a 2 1/2 pin to pap drilling with a hole on my axis.  This layout allows me to stay left alot longer with an even roll.  I found success with this ball anywhere from 35-38 foot patterns and also patterns with lower volumes.  Great ball for the price.
***Brunswick Advisory Staff***


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Re: Avalanche Pearl
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2008, 12:36:12 PM »
I don't usually leave reviews on this site, but I love this ball so much that I decided to write one.

Layoutrilled with a 5" pin to PAP. Pin down and to the right of ring finger with CG kicked out.

Bowling Style: Tweener. 15-17 mph ball speed with a pretty decent amount of revs and tilt.

Lanes: New Brunswick Pro Anvilane.
Oil Pattern:

This ball offers great length and a strong predictable move off of the dry. I have been looking for a ball that reacts like this for a while and have found it. I have not been able to start a series in the track for a long time. I previously bought a Cherry Vibe for this and still found myself playing 17 to 10 with that so called weak ball. Strong balls would roll out on me once they got to the track. Now I can start with a slight belly up ten and stay there for almost the entire night. Currently averaging 225 with this ball.


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Re: Avalanche Pearl
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2008, 07:32:58 PM »
16#, 2oz top, 4" pin

Used a simple label layout. Drilled ball pin 4" from pap, above the fingers, CG in palm, no weight hole. Took the surface to 4000 abralon before throwing the first shot.

I was a little leary about buying this ball since weaker balls get over/under for me. The loe diff on this ball made it look appealing on paper. I wanted something I could control on house shots that would let me play more in the track without the fear of the ball over-reacting.  

I must say I am VERY pleased with this ball.  The drilling gives it a nice arcing motion to the pocket.  The over/under is minimal. I really like how it blends the lane front to back, which is excellent on hi friction surfaces and abrupt wet/dry conditions.

If you are looking for a control ball that doesnt hit like a sponge, this is the deal. Straighter players may need to add a bit of surface to get the look they want.
Speed: 17.0 (Quibica)
Revs: med-high to high (@400 RPM)
Axis: 5-3/4"  5/16 down

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Re: Avalanche Pearl
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2008, 12:50:36 AM »
Ball weight- 15lb, 2 oz prior to drilling
pin length-- 2-3 inches(closer to 3)
top weight-- 2 oz.

  Been having some trouble lately with the shot burning up in the heads, so I thought I would give this ball a try. I had heard some good things about it, and I have had good luck with Brunswick, so I thought why not? ( Yeah, I know it's made in Mexico. So are tacos and I eat them )

  After hearing about some of the other drillings, I decided to go ahead with a stronger drilling. I drilled it at a 4 X 3 which put the pin in the ring finger and the cg kicked positive. Had exactly 1 oz positive side ( after drilling ), so I put an x-hole 1 inch in size and 1 inch deep on a line from the pin through the cg, ending up in the thumb positive quadrant. Left the surface OOB.

  The lane man wasn't in tonight ( no leagues ), so I had what was left from last nights mixed league. Dryish heads with a touch of carrydown, exactly what I wanted this ball for, when the heads have blown up on the mens league after 1 1/2 games and some residue has carried down. Time for the test.

  Started out with my feet on 20, armswing at 15, over the second arrow out to the breakpoint on 6 at about 40 ft, then watched it come back. seemed to really like the dry, maybe NEEDED it in fact, but when I hit the mark, it was nothing but ten back!

  First two games I throw 215-215. Made a small adjustment and went 268! Then I got lost in a transition and, not really knowing the ball, made some bad decisions. Fourth game was a miserable 162, so I decided to throw one more game, moving my feet in to see if this ball could handle making the corner if the shot was dry enough. I moved my feet in to 26 and moved my target in to 12 with a large belly out almost to the gutter. What do you know, this thing came rolling back and smashed the rack! Left a tenpin the second frame, then off the sheet for 280!

  All night long, the ball seemed to be a smooth reaction for me, not at all the skid/snap some others have experienced, although in its factory finish, it definitely doesn't like much oil.  As long as there was any oil, I could play up the boards and carry was still fine as long as I made sure to get it rolling, but this ball really shined when the shot seemed to be burnt out for my other equipment ( Inferno and Total Inferno ). It still got through the heads cleanly, but made a definitive move at the breakpoint and hit harder than I expected by quite a bit. Almost left a solid 9 a couple of times.

  On a scale of 1-10, I would give this ball an 8 1/2-9 for doing what it is designed to do, but I subtract the point or so for being SO sensitive to oil in its OOB finish. Maybe a little surface alteration is coming down the pike in the near future for my little blue friend.

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Re: Avalanche Pearl
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2009, 10:55:38 AM »
Pin Length - 3-4
Starting Top Weight - 3.0oz
Ball Weight - 15lb

5X5 places pin above bridge with the CG slightly kicked right. no weight hole needed.

Rev Rate - Med.
PAP/Track - 5 1/8 over up 1


Length - Burn or Short patterns
Volume - light volumes
Type (Wall, Xmas Tree, Sport) - Sport (PBA Cheetah)

Length - very clean 8/10
Back End - 9/10
Overall Hook - 5/10
Midlane Read - 8/10
Breakpoint Shape - 9/10

Carry - Super carry with this ball. I've thrown two other Brunswick balls that have the N'Control coverstock the Monster ScreamR and the Monster Frenzy. The shape of this ball reminds me most of the ScreamR, it hits very hard and sprays pins all over the deck. Even the sound of the impact is obvious. Light hits often carry because of the way the headpin is thrown to the sidewall. Did not leave many corners.

Likes - What is great about this ball is how clean it is through the heads and the length that it gets. Two points that are very important on a pattern like Cheetah. What is really interesting is how predictable and aggressive a move it makes off of the breakpoint.

Dislikes - I have a fairly weak drilling on this ball so, i can see where it may be too skid/flip with a stronger drilling. Also, because this ball is so clean the fresh feels like it is thighter in the front half of the lane. Ironically, it reacts best when the lanes begin to break down a bit.

Overall this ball is easy to overlook. Most people don't give the lower end balls a second look. With its proven coverstock and core (essentially the same as the Teal Rhino), this is no low end dud. It's and awesome piece that can find its way into a tounament players bag and also be used by the casual league player. I was excited when I saw what Brunswick had released. The first time I saw it thrown was when I set one up for a good friend to take to last year's U. S. open. He told me that he used it quite a bit in that tournament and that it performed as we had expected.
Fran Varin
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Re: Avalanche Pearl
« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2009, 04:39:29 PM »
my style is higher revs with heavy roll sometimes a bit around it to get the ball to hook when im inside.
pin 4" from pap with skid flip layout (just a tester see how it felt)

when the ball can't get the corners out this is my go to ball.
this ball really tends to go past the 8 pin. i often doubt its going to get back because i prefer the ball to arc earlier but this ball almost always comes back.
very good for when the ball is struggling to get down the lane.

i would recommend it to most


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Re: Avalanche Pearl
« Reply #11 on: October 26, 2009, 12:09:11 PM »
Drilled this ball about 2 months ago have used it several times I am a lefty with 370 to 400 rpms high 220 house shot bowler ball is laid out 4x4 I like the ball has good pin carry but this ball is very very over under if you can find the right condition which is a medium you may be pleased with the ball but you have to be very consistent with release to get same reaction each time. It is one of my favorite balls but alot of people may have trouble with it.


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Re: Avalanche Pearl
« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2010, 10:00:01 PM »
Bought this ball 2 years ago (used). Plugged it and put it on the shelf. The lanes were pretty tough in the middle, so I saw this ball on the shelf and thought what the heck. I drilled it 6x4-3/4. Wow, what a ball for the price. The crankers were playing around the 15 board and having a hard time playing through the oil. I went back to my old favorite (10 board - playing 23 to 10) and just blowing the deck (this ball was hitting harder than my Ultra Zone ever did - still disappointed with that ball especially with all the hype on it). The Avalanche goes nice and long and makes the move just at the right time. Great ball for playing outside the heavy oil. I give it a 10 out of 10 for that.


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Re: Avalanche Pearl
« Reply #13 on: May 26, 2010, 10:27:26 PM »
This by far is my favorite of the line. #14 monster I have had all 4 in this series and this one is by far the best of the bunch. Lately this ball has been first out the bag as I prefer to play the track in my Thursday league. Modified THS with out of bounds and crisp/clean backends. I have used this on modified pba patterns and a few Kegel patterns as well. When the lanes break down or transition the combination or core/cover along with the drill (4" pin pin right and 2" above ring, cg on gripline) gets length with predictable read at the breakpoint. Definitely a ball for THS and tournaments. A true remake the the Monster ScreamR with update tech....9
We all can hit the pocket,just carry the damn corners
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Re: Avalanche Pearl
« Reply #14 on: February 23, 2011, 12:01:32 PM »

Length: 39ft
Volume: medium-light

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS


Likes:I bought this ball to be able to play straighter on the medium, or for when the lates start to get burnt out. Due to it being pearlized it gets through the heads with ease, and is never jumpy off the spot it always rolls smooth off the breakpoint which is exactly what I wanted from this ball, it fills the spot I had in my arsenal perfectly.

Dislikes: Pin carry seems average at best, don't get me wrong it carries all my great shots, but over the course of 2 games I left nine 4 pins I shots that were just a tad high.

Check my arsenal pics in my sig, theres pics of it there! 

Brunswick Avalanche Pearl
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