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Author Topic: Avalanche Solid  (Read 20185 times)


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Avalanche Solid
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00
Coverstock: PowerKoil 18 Solid
Weight Block: Teal Rhino Pro light bulb core
Ball Color: Blue/Red Solid All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
Ball Finish: Rough Buff
Hook Potential: 95 (Medium-High) on a scale of 10-175 Low-High
Length: 125 (Early) on a scale of 25-235 Low-High
RG Differential: 0.024 (Low Flare) on a scale of .000-.080 Low Flare-High Flare
RG Average: 2.548 (Medium-Low) on a scale of 2.43-2.80 Very Low-High Break Point
Breakpoint Shape: 70 (Angular) on a scale of 10-100 Arced-Angular
Recommended Lane Conditions: Medium-Dry to Medium-Oily
Description: Retro cores and strong reactive coverstocks define the new Avalanche series from Brunswick. Using proven core technology from the Teal Rhino Pro and some of Brunswick’s most well know coverstocks, the Avalanche delivers unprecedented value to the bowling customer.


Corey C

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Re: Avalanche Solid
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2008, 06:06:48 PM »
5" pin above fingers
No hole
OOB finish Shiny
House Shot

Like most I have been waiting for this series. There is virtually no flare with this ball as is and I think I'm going to leave it this way. Compared to my Punisher drilled the same I had to move 5 right with my feet and three with my mark. It doesn't jump off of the dry like the Punisher which is perfect. It has a smoother move to the pocket because of the core and solid cover combo, and it doesn't lope like the power Groove Pink/Blue. Controlling the dry is the name of the game with the solid.

You could play a medium oil pattern with a little more surface and an X Hole, but this ball fills the gap in my bag. We have a few houses with bad surfaces and the only ball that would work was the Power Groove. Now we have a weaker cover and a proven core to play the dirt. The carry is good with the Avalanche.

Corey Clayton
Brunswick Amateur Staff
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Team Canada 2007 & 2008
Corey Clayton
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Re: Avalanche Solid
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2008, 10:47:02 AM »
Layout - 4" from PAP above fingers, balance hole 5">, 2"^, box finish.

I wanted this one to be pretty tame and it fits that description well. The Avalanche solid can be used on the drier portion of the lane with ease, but the movement is more controlled than the high RG Power Groove, which also goes long but turns more sharply. I've tried it on fresh house pattern and had a good outside line.
Took the cover to around 2000 (no polish) and created a little more "wiggle" room, and as the lanes transitioned it was still quite good. I will probably leave it at this surface for awhile just to see if my pin carry suffers, but so far I haven't noticed any.

Absolute great ball for the price for bowlers who want something that's not over/under.  Another plus is that the PK18 coverstock will be very durable which also adds value.  Great job Brunswick for putting this cover and core together at a tiny price.

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Amateur Staff


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Re: Avalanche Solid
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2008, 06:51:25 PM »
All I can say is this ball was worth the wait.

Layout: 5 3/8 pin to pap
        45 degree layout
        Pin up

Lane condition: Broken down open play lanes.

The lanes were wet dry with a lot of friction waiting on the back. The ball was clean through the heads and with this pin to pap distance got into a late roll but the roll was strong enough to punish the pins. The carry is unbelievable on this ball. Light hits mixs the pins up great and solid pocket hits keep the pins low. Playing in thhe friction was something I needed from a ball and still maintain carry.

Fresh House Pattern

With this pin to pap distance I had to slow the speed down and get a little stronger release and play closer to the pocket used the ball 3 games shot a decent 600. As the lanes opened up I didn't have to make big adjustments. And the carry was still there.

Brunswick did a great job on this ball. I would recommend one to anyone. A durable cover and a nice core the match up couldn't be better. I think I will be getting the pearl and this will be my league one two combo.

If you knew better you do better.


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Re: Avalanche Solid
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2008, 10:11:43 PM »
pin - 5" to pap below the fingers
cg- 45 degrees
x-hole 1" past pap

ball is very easy to read through the heads and does not overreact in the midline and when it hits the backend its very controllable. i like to use it after the 1st game in my league where it begins to open up somewhat. so far after 6 games with it im averaging 216.
Total Inferno
Strike Zone
Vapor Zone
Red Zone
BVP Ambush
Avalance Solid
Current Arsenal-
Modern Marvel
Marvel Pearl
Iq tour pearl

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Re: Avalanche Solid
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2008, 09:16:28 PM »

Since the site won't let me update my original review, here's a second one. I plugged and re-drilled my Avalanche solid because I wasn't using it as often as I had hoped. I thought I would see more "dry" than I actually have and my first layout was a bit too tame.

New layout is 3 1/2" from PAP but below the fingers as this tends to work better for me. Balance hole, surface is left at 2000.

Much, much, better this time. The ball starts reading the midlane and finishes very smoothly. I kept waiting for it to go high on the head pin, but it continually stayed on track and carried quite well. Before, I had to play quite straight and wait for the ball to make it's gentle move, whereas now I can play my preferred swing shot and watch it make a smooth turn. In 4 games on a fresh condition at 2 different houses, my games were 224, 289, 212, 233.

I thought I had a winner with my first layout, but it definitely matches up with my game better now. I love the PK18 cover for it's versatility and durability and the core keeps it under control. Great value.

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Amateur Staff


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Re: Avalanche Solid
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2008, 11:47:27 AM »
I believe the Avalanche series is the best on the market right now. I bought this ball to fit in between my Ultra Zone and Twisted Fury. The drill pattern I used is a modified 50* by 5inch by 50* with a medium hole down. Modified by just drilling the pin out completely in ring finger hole. I like to use this on about everything below medium-heavy oil. Great midlane control, smooth move to the pocket. I keep the ball at 4000 abralon usually. It is becoming my first ball out of the bag.
Ohio High School Singles Champion 11th Grade
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Re: Avalanche Solid
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2008, 12:30:44 PM »
I haven't written about a ball in awhile but had to say something about this ball as it's been a gem to me that kills on a medium house shot. I use to be a big fan of the Purple & Teal Pro Rhino's back in the 90's and figured I try this ball since it had the same weight block with a mild cover. I did a good choice as this ball has carry power that I haven't seen in any other ball in it's price range in years. I'm a right hander with med speed with a good roll, (Brian Voss kind-a style) Mine is drilled with the pin above the fingers a little to the right and cg kicked out an 1 inch with a mildly dull finish. I've averaged over 240 for the last 4 weeks with this ball playing a mild swing-out almost straight up 2nd out to around 5-8 board and ball carrys almost 90% or better. I don't have to move as the league night goes on as the mild cover just rolls true and holds the line down the lane to the end of the 3rd game. If you pull one it looks like it's going to go high but holds line for a high-hard flush strike and if you loop it out a few boards the weight block kicks in to get it back enough for a explosive light hit. I got tried of throwing high power hooking balls covering the whole lane for the balls to only dry up the line and have to move all over the find fresh oil.  But with this ball just roll it good and it will reward you, no more guessing and moving half the night when weird ball reaction starts around the 2nd game with the other balls. I haven't shot a 300 with it yet but have had some really nice games of 289,280,279,278, the last few weeks, with 5 straight 700-750 range series league nights.  On league night at my house this is my new first ball out of the bag, very very easy to read, just sit back drink my beer and bowl, no more switching balls playing all over trying to find a good reaction.  For medium to light oil patterns, this is the ball to have period.
   This is a medium oil ball and will only work well on those conditions.  This ball does not do well on any oil pattern longer than 38 or more feet or lots of carry down. If there isn't enough dry backend for this ball to do it's magic it will just skate. On the right house shot you should have a nice very forgiving 8-10 board strike area to play with as this ball carry's almost all kinds of pocket hits.

10 out of 10

RJ Ugas
Houma, Louisiana


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Re: Avalanche Solid
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2008, 12:49:21 PM »
this is a great ball. drileld it pin next to ring cg stacked with x hole. has a great roll to it. for 90 bucks with drilling. hits good and jus another great ball by brunswick.
AIM- cjh7125

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Re: Avalanche Solid
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2008, 12:12:03 AM »
My review on the avalanche solid.


rev rate: 400
speed: 17-18 mph
Positive axis point: 3 1/4 over 1/2 up
Drilling: 3 7/8 from pap, 70 degrees. Leaves me with pin above bridge, cg kicked out in a very strong position.
Finish: 2000 abralon


This ball is very controlled, even with such a strong layout. Doesnt over react at all, has nice slow midlane action with a roll off the dry. This ball is going to win me my summer PBA league. Its been my go to ball on chameleon and viper once they start to break down. On a house shot its perfect cause i can play up the boards with it which is my "A" game.

wait what?


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Re: Avalanche Solid
« Reply #10 on: August 11, 2008, 11:18:41 PM »
Drilled up 2 of these so far.  The first one a laid it out with a 3" pin to pap with the cg in the middle of my grip.  Pin ended up being about an inch above my ring finger.  This ball gives me a strong hook and set up type roll.  It works best for me playing the track area.  If I get too deep it tends to quit.  The 2nd one I drilled was with my favorite 5" pin to pap drilling with a small hold on my axis.  This one allows me to stay to the left longer and smoothes out my reaction compared to the stronger Avalanche I have.  These 2 are great balls for the price.
***Brunswick Advisory Staff***

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Re: Avalanche Solid
« Reply #11 on: December 16, 2008, 07:35:24 PM »
PAP 5 3/4 1/4 under
High Revs
AVG 223
15-17 MPH
15 LBS
2" Pin

Best Buy of the Year..Who has one at your local center?

     I had no intentions of buying this ball at all...I wanted the Avalanche Slide, but after getting to the Pro Shop my man Jon realized he didn't have a 15 pounder, so I made a last minute move.

   A quick, a couple YOU TUBE videos, and we was off to the press... No inserts in the fingers this time, I wanted a cleaner feel at the release..My layout SIMPLE, and nothing FANCY..Pin next to the Ring finger, CG in the Palm..105 Degrees. Most Layouts i use are too strong for me and don't allow the ball to push down the lane...This layout for me allows the ball to roll and not rev off my hand..
   League Night w/ No Practice Prior, just warm up. 247, 246, 246, 739
    I missed 10 pin each game on a strike, so do the math..Oh, I can Spare

     39 THS, Med Oil, Brunswick Synthetic lanes..    
     This ball is retarded sick, a solid hard hitting ball...Very clean through the heads with no wiggle, It has a quick move, but a slow readable transition off the dry with a heavy roll at the break..The energy is retained through out the entire lane..I like this ball much better than the Twisted Pearl, Cell Pearl, T-Road Solid, and my Rapid Fire Pearl...Mainly because of the layout..Sweet ball like the Cherry Vibe..Remember its all in your Layout..I can't wait to see this ball on a sport pattern..Will Update you soon!!! 10 out of 10

Shout out to Billy O at Brunswick...Nice Ball
If you see em lookin while you rollin, then you probably got em in a bracket...


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Re: Avalanche Solid
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2009, 09:36:10 PM »
my style varies i work on versatility weekly but i usually have higher revs with end over end soft roll
pin approximately 3 3/8  in middle of the fingers.

this ball matches up well with me and hits hard. smooth and consistent backend roll and reaction doesn't slide long and flip hard, by the way i like a reaction that is a smooth arc not a skid flipy reaction.

i would recommend the ball for its versatility consistent roll and hitting power alongside it (my centres side walls are not lively at all but i am getting quite a few messengers with this ball)


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Re: Avalanche Solid
« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2009, 12:04:42 PM »
i love this ball.  i love this cover!  
i drilled up my 2nd one of these to go along with the other avalanches i've drilled up.  (i have the other 3 drilled w/ the same layout, pin above middle finger 1 1/2in).  i put a stronger layout on this one to get it to check up a little sooner and read the lanes earlier and it does just that.  

"Every Strike brings me closer to my next homerun"


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Re: Avalanche Solid
« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2010, 01:15:00 AM »
I just recently drilled one of these to see what type of reaction I would get if I drilled the ball pin up stacked versus the pin down layout I used on one when I threw 14lbs. Wow, was I impressed with length and smooth ball reaction i got with this ball. I bowled on the house pattern after the late league session was over and I was very impressed that this ball got threw the heads clean and still had some hook left at the back end.  This ball is great for medium dry to dry lane conditions. I recently used this on a short patter put out for the PBA experience league. I put it at 2000 and was impressed that it was matching up perfectly. This ball is a must get if you are having trouble with drier house patterns or shorter patterns.