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Blazing Inferno
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
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The Blazing Inferno is a higher RG version of the original Inferno. Even though the inner core shape is the same as the Inferno, 1.17 pounds of weight have been moved from the inner core to the outer core. This shift in weight results in a significantly more cover heavy ball. The RG-min of the Blazing Inferno is 0.068” higher and the RG-diff is 0.017” lower than the original Inferno. This change in mass distribution allows the Blazing Inferno to be a better match-up when reduced traction through the heads and the mid-lane are desired.

Compared to your original Inferno:
-The Blazing Inferno will match-up better to drier lane conditions and shorter patterns.
-The Blazing Inferno will match-up better to lane surfaces that are in less than ideal condition.
-The Blazing Inferno will match-up better for bowlers who struggle with early ball reaction.

Brunswick’s new Activator Coverstock has quickly established a reputation for excellence in ball reaction, durability and longevity of ball reaction. On the lanes, Activator Coverstock is clean through the heads with excellent mid-lane recovery and a strong arcing back-end reaction that creates powerful pin action. Owners of the original Inferno have reported that it requires less frequent resurfacing and rejuvenations and is more resistant to cracking than other reactive coverstock balls.

Out of the Box: With its High Gloss Polish finish the Blazing Inferno will match up well on medium-dry to medium-oily lane conditions.
When dulled: The Blazing Inferno hooking action will increase and its arc will become more even, creating a better match-up for oily lane conditions and further blending the over/under reactions seen on wet/dry lane conditions.

Reaction Setup
Warning: The Blazing Inferno is a low differential ball. This means that high RPM players can use leverage pin positions and medium-low RPM players may need a flare increasing hole to achieve the most aggressive ball reactions. See Brunswick drilling instructions for symmetric core low-differential balls.

The Blazing Inferno is finished with a high gloss surface which enhances its appearance and reduces hooking action in the oil. High gloss finishes can sometimes cause over/under reactions, too little hooking action in the oil, then too much hooking action off the dry, which can be hard to control. To increase hooking action and smooth out the ball reaction dull the surface, first with a fine 800-1000 grit abrasive or grey pad. If more hooking action and a smoother reaction is desired dull the surface of the ball with a coarse 320-400 grit abrasive or red pad.

Bring your Blazing Inferno back to its original Factory Finish with Brunswick’s new High Gloss Polish. Available at your local proshop.

Color: Red/Orange pearl
Hardness: 77-79
Glow Engraving
Factory Finish
High Gloss Polish
Core Dynamics
RG Max: 2.564”  
RG Min: 2.531”
RG Diff: 0.033”
RG Avg: 4.3
Hook Potential 110
Length 115
Breakpoint Shape 90
Available Weights
11-16 Pounds


JuniorsProShop - Bobby

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Re: Blazing Inferno
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2003, 04:06:19 PM »
We got one of these bad boys in today and drilled it up for myself. I have a serious problem with early rolling of my equipment. This ball solved the problem. Drilled 4 x 4, pin over the ring with a hole on PAP. I bowled on synthetics after two shifts of league play. This ball cleared the front with ease, no problem with early hook here. Something I have been looking for. The ball made a nice controlled move in the back part of the lane even though there was definitely carrydown. This ball's carry was consistent with my original Inferno...Unbelievable. I am very excited about getting to use this ball on my late shift league nights. However, this ball is a little allergic to oil, because it was not designed for that. If you are looking for a ball to go to on those dry nights or nights where the oil is a little spotty, buy this one, you won't be dissapointed.

Visit us at
Ball is in stock and will ship Monday November 17, 2003
Robert Gogolak
Sales at Junior's Pro Shop
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Re: Blazing Inferno
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2003, 04:21:29 PM »
i really hope your joking, i mean why would you get it sanded down an inch?
thats the most un logical thing i have ever heard, the ball is supposed to hit the 1-3-5-9, now with ti being smaller it doesnt hit the 9, WOW


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Re: Blazing Inferno
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2003, 04:45:30 PM »
Hey cornholio,

All I can say to you is "STUPIDITY HAS NO CURE!!!!!"

Bowling is 99.99999% luck.

Bowling is 99.99999% luck.


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Re: Blazing Inferno
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2003, 06:19:49 PM »
Blazing Inferno is a great compliment to the original Inferno.  If you have an Inferno that on certain patterns read a bit to soon, I recommend drilling a Blazing Inferno the same way.  The Blazing Inferno will clear the fronts with very little effort.  If you wanted to put a stronger layout on this ball you can cause of the lower flare potential on it.  

Jason Kaiser
Jason Kaiser

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Re: Blazing Inferno
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2003, 02:12:32 AM »
I drilled this ball today...... This ball is amazing.... It is the best ball I have ever thrown...THe ball gets through the front better than any ball I have ever thrown and reacts strong but not snappy on the back,doesnt roll out though...... Hits great... If you dont own this ball you are at a serious disadvantage...................

Zack Pelton

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Re: Blazing Inferno
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2003, 01:26:10 AM »
Brunswick: Blazing Inferno
Pin: 2-3"
Topweight: 2.43 oz
Weight: 15.1 after drilling
Surface: Factory Finish
Drill: Very similar drill to my spirt just has a longer pin and the weight hole is like 1 1/2" wide and very deep (about the size of my middle finger if I stuck it in the hole).



I bought this ball to replace my spirt however I wanted the ball to get down the lane a little more and have a less jerky backend. Basically the ball has been good to me and I have enjoyed it. Although, with the lack of angle it makes me put a little effort forth and change my grip pressure to kick the corners (no biggy). Overall this ball is great on sport shots, gets good length and has a very smooth backend (perfect for as many revs I put on it).

Sport shot (12 out is out of bounce and the closer you get to the middle of the lane the more the ball will jump)43ft pattern

Started off playing the ditch with some hand and I couldn't get a consistent reaction (not the most accurate bowler) so I moved left to 17 to catch some dry boards to get the ball to react more. I found this shot to work (shot 620 not bad for me). In transition this ball did not react well to carry down so i had to put it away after 5 1/2 games. But it did get through the lane well when others were having trouble keep the ball right (righties).


The ball gets through the lane and is smooth on the backend making it great for sport shots.


Tends to not have the greatest carry, but as I said earlier its not hard to start kickin the tens and sevens.

Bowl to Win!!!
Zack Pelton
Zack Pelton
Bowl to Win!!!!
Repeat Shots Nothing Less


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Re: Blazing Inferno
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2003, 01:02:52 PM »
Probobly the best 1-2 combination of balls i've ever dealt with.  Drilled my Blazing just like my inferno to truly see the better length i would get.  Pin above ring, cg straight below it.  Ball just rolls sooo good.  My inferno is sanded to 600 and when it starts to pick up a little too early this ball does the trick everytime.  There have been some shots that off the hand i think i'm gona flat 10, and it kicks it out more often than not.  Another great ball by Brunswick, thanks again.

Mike Larsen


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Re: Blazing Inferno
« Reply #8 on: December 25, 2003, 12:26:41 AM »
When I first threw this ball, I was disappointed in the reaction. I was expecting a strong angular movement. I think I had the wrong impression of what it was supposed to be. Then I started thinking about the ball – coverstock, core, layout, and I realized I was looking for a reaction that just wasn’t going to happen. After all, it’s the Activator coverstock – same one that’s on the original Inferno – with a weaker core. The strength of the Activator coverstock is that it is STRONG, yet not flippy. My experience has been that the Activator cover reacts somewhere in the region between reactive and particle. Strong but never flippy – predictable. The strength of the original Inferno was not only the cover, but the fact that it had a very low RG quick revving core, and this combination proved to be devastating if you matched it up with your game and the lanes. Strokers and low rev players loved it for its early revving qualities, and the bigger-handed players loved it for its midlane read and predictability. I think it’s us Tweeners who have the toughest time matching up to the Inferno. Anyway, since I’m more of a Tweener than a Stroker, I was eagerly awaiting the Blazing Inferno, expecting it to give me the length that I rarely was able to achieve with the original Inferno, followed by a huge backend provided by all that stored up energy. My first few games left me shaking my head. It did not have the backend I was expecting. The length was there, but the hockey-stick I was looking for was more of a banana. It was predictable as hell, but not what I thought it would be. Oh – this was the layout:
This is around a 6 x 5.5 layout for me. This is my favorite layout, and I have it in a lot of my arsenal.
In my home center, I found it to be weak on heavy oil (as expected), and it didn’t appreciate a lot of carrydown. The coverstock made it too strong to play up the boards in the track on a fresh shot. It just didn’t match up well the first day. Since that initial usage, I’ve had it in two other centers, and tried it with some surface tweaks. What I’ve decided is that this ball is exactly what Big-B intended it to be. A longer, less-flaring version of the original Inferno. Predictable, never jumpy, with good hit. In houses other than my home center, I’ve been getting more backend and stronger movement. It was devastating in one center with a more pronounced medium oil volume house shot. I took it out today at my home center during some small $$ pot games when my Monster Red-Black wasn’t finishing hard enough, and my Fire Quantum was snapping back too hard. It was perfect. It covered virtually the same territory as the Fire Quantum, but it was more even and predictable. It plays almost like it ‘smooths out’ the pattern. Some of the other bowlers throwing pearl reactives or light load particles were getting inconsistent results, but the Blazing stuck around with only a couple of minor moves for 6 games of play – 5 bowlers on the pair. The heads and early midlane started to get squirrely for everyone else, but the Blazing navigated through the changes extremely well. GREEAAAT HIT too! So far, the cover prep I’ve stuck with is a rubbing compound finish with a light layer of reactive polish. This is just a tiny bit more surface than the out-of-box high gloss polish. This is an intriguing ball, and as readable and consistent as it’s looking I’m probably going to drill another in the future with more of a sport shot type layout.


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Re: Blazing Inferno
« Reply #9 on: December 28, 2003, 03:44:13 PM »
I just got his ball as a christmas present, and to say the least, im very happy with it.  I got it drilled for length and strong backend reaction.  It was between this ball and the lane 1 cherry bomb, im happy i got this one.  It fits my game perfectly, i have above average revs, and a fairly high ball speed, 18 mph.  I can throw this ball as far right as I want and it I still have to worry about it crossing over the 1 pin.  I love this ball and have bowled really well with it, so far I have had a 258, 261, and a 220 someting.  I am now a fan of brunswick, and I will stay with them for a while.

I dont know the pin placement or anything, but i the lane conditions are 43 feet of oil.

Mike Whitacre

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Re: Blazing Inferno
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2004, 12:22:17 PM »
I had this drilled to go long with pin above ring finger cg in center of grip.

For me this ball was a disappointment from the start. 60' of skid. I took the surface off and buffed it back and still skid city, would call it "lope". I even put a huge hole in the side later to try to get it start rolling. I just did not have a good look with this ball. I recommend not drilling this ball to weak. I don't have alot of hand so higher RG balls don't really suite my game. High rev players may like this ball.
Mike Whitacre
Mike Whitacre

John Ski

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Re: Blazing Inferno
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2004, 03:39:21 PM »
I am a 16 year old sophmore at North Tonawanda High School.  I have been on the bowling fro my 4 year now.  When i bought the Blazing Inferno i was looking for a ball that cleared the heads very well.  Well this is the ball that does it.  I have it drilled with the pin in the middle above my fingers and the cg directly under it.  I absolutely love the ball rolls.  It gives me such good recovery on the backend.  

When i used this in one of my matches i bowled a 300. Its my first one. Shot 751 with it.  So if  you want a ball with ability to clear the head very well then buy this ball!


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Re: Blazing Inferno
« Reply #12 on: January 18, 2004, 01:37:21 AM »
Bought this ball as a Christmas present to myself. Had it drilled for suggested Brunswick heavy oil pattern for players with high rev rates.  Out of box, this ball was horrible for me.  If it rolled through oil, you could forget about it hooking.  I had throw to the inside the first arrow to have any chance of this ball coming back to hit the pocket.

So, after a horrible week of scoring (shot barely 500, with a 195 average), I took the ball back to my pro shop to get it dulled.  What a difference.  The ball now has to be swung out across the lane to hit the pocket.  Throwing it up the first arrow will not get the job done.  The ball, even though it does not have the break angle I expected, rolls very smooth, right down through the heads.  It carries very well (only left one 10 pin in 3 games + practice in my league today), and no longer minds the oil, sliding right through it.  The ball adjusts to changing lane conditions with ease.  I shot a 649 after getting the ball dulled, using it for the first time (had to rush to work after getting it sanded).

Although its probably too early to rate this ball, I'll give it an 8/10.  The ball doesn't have the angle I expected, but it hits very hard and takes no prisoners.  It is a strong replacement for my now-dead Columbia Game.

Dwight Albrecht

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Re: Blazing Inferno
« Reply #13 on: January 22, 2004, 10:53:28 PM »
Blazing Inferno Review:

The New Inferno has a Fire Red color, very appropriate for the name. Brunswick designed this ball for drier lanes with the cranker in mind. The cover stock also promotes durability and less chance for cracking.

I drilled my Blazing with the pin 4” and swung the mass bias at a 60 degree angle, weight hole slightly past my axis pitched away. I kept the pin below the ring finger looking for a smoother look from wet to dry.

I tried my blazing on a variety of conditions from oily to dry and wood to synthetic lanes. I found my best reaction with this ball when the lanes broke down or on a freshly stripped backend condition. If the ball read oil, it skidded or labored its hook, but when the ball hit the dry it transitioned smoothly with a strong sweeping hook on the backend. Hit was average to above. I think all polished reactive/particle balls hit hard today with the increased entry angle that they can achieve. The Blazing is a nice controllable predictable ball with a great reaction from an outside angle on dry lanes. If you plan on using this ball on a inside angle, you better have a lot of hand and put a lengthy and snappy layout on the ball.

Best bowler choice for this ball would be a person with a lot of hand or slower ball speed players. Either up the backers or side rotation players will like this ball given the fact that you have dry somewhere on the lane to swing the ball to.

Thanks for reading my review and best of luck with bowling.


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Re: Blazing Inferno
« Reply #14 on: January 24, 2004, 10:23:22 AM »

   I am a lefty that throws about 17-19 mph and has lot of revs.  I bought this ball in search of a ball when the inferno gets to much this would take over.  Didn't quite accoplish that.

  This ball was too much over under to me.  I would like up and play straight up boards and it would be to much.  Try to swing a little and that where over under came into play.  It had same break point as inferno but it turn corner and die but it think that because of drilling i had on it.  Had the cg in center of grip and pin was 4in at 10 o clock no balance hole.  Wasnt too impressed with this one but that partially my fault on the drilling.  When i did get it in pocket it still had that inferno hitting power. still give this an 8 out of 10!