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Author Topic: Blazing Inferno  (Read 30231 times)


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Blazing Inferno
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »

The Blazing Inferno is a higher RG version of the original Inferno. Even though the inner core shape is the same as the Inferno, 1.17 pounds of weight have been moved from the inner core to the outer core. This shift in weight results in a significantly more cover heavy ball. The RG-min of the Blazing Inferno is 0.068” higher and the RG-diff is 0.017” lower than the original Inferno. This change in mass distribution allows the Blazing Inferno to be a better match-up when reduced traction through the heads and the mid-lane are desired.

Compared to your original Inferno:
-The Blazing Inferno will match-up better to drier lane conditions and shorter patterns.
-The Blazing Inferno will match-up better to lane surfaces that are in less than ideal condition.
-The Blazing Inferno will match-up better for bowlers who struggle with early ball reaction.

Brunswick’s new Activator Coverstock has quickly established a reputation for excellence in ball reaction, durability and longevity of ball reaction. On the lanes, Activator Coverstock is clean through the heads with excellent mid-lane recovery and a strong arcing back-end reaction that creates powerful pin action. Owners of the original Inferno have reported that it requires less frequent resurfacing and rejuvenations and is more resistant to cracking than other reactive coverstock balls.

Out of the Box: With its High Gloss Polish finish the Blazing Inferno will match up well on medium-dry to medium-oily lane conditions.
When dulled: The Blazing Inferno hooking action will increase and its arc will become more even, creating a better match-up for oily lane conditions and further blending the over/under reactions seen on wet/dry lane conditions.

Reaction Setup
Warning: The Blazing Inferno is a low differential ball. This means that high RPM players can use leverage pin positions and medium-low RPM players may need a flare increasing hole to achieve the most aggressive ball reactions. See Brunswick drilling instructions for symmetric core low-differential balls.

The Blazing Inferno is finished with a high gloss surface which enhances its appearance and reduces hooking action in the oil. High gloss finishes can sometimes cause over/under reactions, too little hooking action in the oil, then too much hooking action off the dry, which can be hard to control. To increase hooking action and smooth out the ball reaction dull the surface, first with a fine 800-1000 grit abrasive or grey pad. If more hooking action and a smoother reaction is desired dull the surface of the ball with a coarse 320-400 grit abrasive or red pad.

Bring your Blazing Inferno back to its original Factory Finish with Brunswick’s new High Gloss Polish. Available at your local proshop.

Color: Red/Orange pearl
Hardness: 77-79
Glow Engraving
Factory Finish
High Gloss Polish
Core Dynamics
RG Max: 2.564”  
RG Min: 2.531”
RG Diff: 0.033”
RG Avg: 4.3
Hook Potential 110
Length 115
Breakpoint Shape 90
Available Weights
11-16 Pounds



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Re: Blazing Inferno
« Reply #16 on: February 19, 2004, 10:45:51 PM »
I love my blazing i have the pin below the ring finger which allows me to let the ball roll a little bit ealier because i have alot of sucess with midlane roll on my equipment.... Big B
Mitta Eh no stoppin


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Re: Blazing Inferno
« Reply #17 on: March 05, 2004, 02:01:23 PM »
Good ball. I like my blazing.


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Re: Blazing Inferno
« Reply #18 on: March 11, 2004, 06:54:13 AM »
Drilling - Pin above Ring Finger, Cg kicked out, 5x2.5, X-hole
Coverstock - Sanded grey scotchbrite, 400grt compound polish

As others have said, its an Inferno type roll for drier conditions. Really clean thru the fronts with the same arc backend roll as the original Inferno. The carry is incredible if theres enuff friction for it to make a move. This ball is at its best on worn heads; old wood, old synthetic, or late tournament blocks... a definite asset for the slow roller or tournament player. This Inferno's biggest strength is its smooth transition from skid to roll, very controllable and continuous. And cant forget it has that Activator coverstock!

I'll probably drill another with a stronger pin and no X-hole.


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Re: Blazing Inferno
« Reply #19 on: March 30, 2004, 11:46:55 AM »
My first "B" ball since the Saphhire Zone.  Wow!  I can't believe this piece is discontinued already.  I drilled it with a high rg 4" pin and small x-hole 2 1/4 above my PAP.  This ball does exactly what it is advertised to do.  Good length, smooth transition, and decent entry angle with fantastic carry.  Not for low rev players.  Not for people looking to play the big bank.  For folks like me with some speed, high rpms and a bit more tilt than most, this is the key to taming the transition and the perfect "middle" ball.

On a scale of 1 to 10, an 8


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Re: Blazing Inferno
« Reply #20 on: May 17, 2004, 10:22:48 PM »


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Re: Blazing Inferno
« Reply #21 on: May 20, 2004, 01:53:51 AM »
And the majority of the people say this ball doesn't hook?  WRONG!!  onto the review.

Ball Specs:
3 inch pin over the ring finger, C.G stacked.  This is about a 5x4 drill for me, No weighthole needed

Conditions played:
Late block house shot.


With the general consensous saying that this ball doesn't hook, I find the complete opposite.  I'm a medium-high speed, medium-high rev(360-370 rpms) player and I found this ball extremely useful on a fresher house shot as well as when the lanes break down, even in extreme breakdown after 4-6 games.  I bowled 7 games with it tonight along with my teammate, along side with my Nitro R2 which is about 3-5 more feet earlier than my V2 Solid and 3-5 boards stronger, as well as a Rhino Pro Teal.

I find the Blazing Inferno to be an awesome fit inbetween the Nitro R2 and Vortex 2 and my Teal Rhino being under the V2.  The blazing completely ignores the heads but when it finds dry on the lanes it recovers, B.I.G!  I was so shocked to see how strong this ball was on the backends when kicked out to the dry boards to the right.  Even when I held the oil line, this ball showed no signs of over/under or skid in the oil in the middle.  This ball reads the midlane so well for a pearlized high R.G ball.  The strength of the core in this Inferno is the real shocker as you can see it going through its motions in the ball's path to the hole.  This hits better than most of the stuff in my bag and is the most yeilding to high shots in the pocket, as I tripped plenty of 4 pins which I usually don't do.  When I overthrew the ball it showed as a Ring 10 stood up in an instant.

Another great thing about this ball is how well it responds to slight hand adjustments.  I can use 4 different releases and the ball seemed condusive to each one.  This is a very versatile ball on mediums for me as well as the lighter side of mediums.  Being from the Maryland/Virginia area, conditions are usually alot drier than most in the nation and the extreme humidity of our climate can make for some weird lane breakdown and transitions but under the conditions tested on today(with severe humidity outside) the Blazing Inferno seemed to ignore them and give me the consistancy and reliability that I was looking for out of this ball.  I really feel that this is an awesome release and I might even pick up a NIB one since it got discontinued way before its time.

Another Excellent Brunswick release.  I'm hoping to pick up the Big Brother soon(regular Inferno).
-DJ Marshall
"Repetition beats luck everytime"


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Re: Blazing Inferno
« Reply #22 on: May 24, 2004, 09:14:25 PM »
If a dry lane ball is what you need, this ball works very well. The ball is drilled pin under ring finger with CG stacked below. I have really taken a liking to this drilling. It rolls very consistently. I am able to play outside if the back ends are dry as well as between 10 and 15 out when the lanes are dried out. I have been using it for about 6 months now, and definitely is nice when you are bowling on second shift of the synthetics. It's just another great ball from Brunswick's Inferno line. If you have the Original Inferno, it's a great dry ball compliment.


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Re: Blazing Inferno
« Reply #23 on: June 25, 2004, 11:53:36 PM »
I had the ball drilled for an arcing motion, very clean through the heads, little pricy for a light ot med oil ball, but well worth it if your bowling \on some burnt lanes, I love the ball and have a couple 600series on it already
I was called a loser for winning a handicap tournament!


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Re: Blazing Inferno
« Reply #24 on: July 21, 2004, 02:28:17 AM »
i love this ball just got it from a friend 2 weeks ago and already boosted my ave from 192 to a 202 first night i threw it i bowled 721 the next week i threw it i went 258 289 279 for my first 800 a 826 to be exact i love the inferno line the next one i want is the raging but i dont know anything can happen i recomend this ball for anyone who plays strait up in between the 5 and 10 board right handed

Monster Stitch

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Re: Blazing Inferno
« Reply #25 on: August 30, 2004, 04:47:39 PM »
15lbs 3ozs
3 inch pin
3.2 top weight
Drilled 5 x 5
Pin Over bridge with the CG kicked out, no hole
Box condition

All i can say is that i have a found a ball that goes straight. Without friction this ball is a dart. It doesn't move. You can see it just roll and stay on a straight line. This is perfect with lanes that have burnt heads and are really broken down. The ball is very consistent. As long as you have a little friction the ball will work. It hits hard too. The only type of condition i did fairly well with it is on wood lanes that are heavily oiled in the middle with really dry outsides. I was able to just roll the ball of the dry and let it setting into the oil to the pocket. It carried every time. I was impress. Other than that i find this ball to work as a good spare ball when the lanes have a lot of oil, ahah!

Plus i think this ball will work great on short oiled conditions that have very stripped backends.


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Re: Blazing Inferno
« Reply #26 on: September 19, 2004, 03:02:50 PM »
WOW this ball goes long! I had this ball drilled up to go long anyway (pin an inch above ring finger with CG 3" stright below) and by mistake probably added to the balls length. That being said, the Blazing still is a great ball for burnt out track areas and just overall dry lanes in particular. This ball paid for itself during a team shoot-out in January. After 6 full games of team play with no re-oiling for the final match, I was able to use this ball farther right then anybody else on the pair. The ball stored all it's energy for the backends even with completely burnt out heads and mid-lane! I was able to shoot 279 with it in the championship match. This is a great ball to keep in the bag for just this type of condition! DO NOT use this ball when there is any oil in the heads or track. This ball will not wrinkle in oil!
Hit 'em thin and watch 'em spin.


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Re: Blazing Inferno
« Reply #27 on: November 04, 2004, 10:08:06 PM »
My Blazing Inferno has a 3 inch pin with just under 3 ounces of starting topweight. I didn't know what to expect from this ball. The reviews are really love/hate. I picked this up off of ebay for the price of a white dot. Even so, it sat NIB in my basement for a while while I decided what to do with it. The original Inferno has been a huge success in Philly. It displays length through the heads and great midlane control along with a nice strong but predictable backend and great hit. I never purchased one because I generally can't roll low RG high differential balls because they hook to early for me. I decided to drill this blazing with a leveraged pin in the hopes the higher Rg of the Blazing along with the lower differential would give me the same look that the average handed players get from the original Inferno. I usually drill my pins 5+ inches from pap for length, but I was concerned that this ball wouldn't turn the corner with a weak pin placement because of its low flare potential. Anyway the pin is leveraged at finger height with the cg just above and right of span center.

The result is a ball that clears the heads, reads the mids and flips when it reads the dry. The cover is pretty strong. I can only use this ball when head oil is present. I have the best success with this ball playing fairly deep. It gets into a roll and then just charges into the pocket. I leave more 9 pins than 10 pins. If I send it into the dry too early it will over hook, but when I start it inside the oil line and feed it into the dry it is a monster. I can see where people got into trouble with this ball. If you don't drill it strong it will have too much cover for dry and not enough core for mediums. With a strong drill it is a great medium condition ball. Control and power all in one. Definitely long and strong. A good ball as long as you understand that it is a weak core strong cover ball and drill it appropriately.


I've come to think of this as the wall ball. It loves to be played deep and bounced off of a dry outside. Huge area and carries the world. Take away that miss room to the right, and the ball isn't happy. It tends to ping ten pins and leave washouts when you need to play a tighter more precise line. A great ball on the wall. (While many of you may think any ball is great on a wall, I find a lot of balls over react to all of that dry. That bleeds energy, which reduces area and carry. This one loves dry boards and helps you maximise the advantage that the lanes are giving you.)

Why does everyone laugh when I bowl?


Why does everyone laugh when I bowl?



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Re: Blazing Inferno
« Reply #28 on: December 11, 2004, 01:10:21 PM »
My profile:
Junior bowler
168 average
Medium-high rev player
Straight up the back of the ball, no side rotation
I bowl on a regular house condition, 38-foot long oil, soaked in the middle, bone-dry last seven boards.  The house I bowl at has weak backends, but this ball makes up for that!
I got this with a 4-5" pin and I drilled it with the pin at 2 o'clock above my ringfinger, cg under my ringfinger.  This ball is AWESOME.
There are two ways I can throw this ball to make it hit:
1- Stand on the 22, throw it out to about 10, snaps back to the pocket.
2- Stand on 27, throw it out to about 15, snaps back to the pocket.
The house i bowl at is a house where it's hard to get some carry.  Not anymore with this!  I rarely leave ten pins, as with my previous ball I left quite a few.
Only the second time i threw this, I came up with a 179-235-211, for a total of 625.  NOT TOO SHABBY!!!
Great ball by Brunswick.


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Re: Blazing Inferno
« Reply #29 on: January 28, 2005, 08:33:48 AM »
I bought this ball online for about $70. It was a hell of a deal!! I first used this ball in out of box condition on a pattern that was 41 ft oily middle, and real light on the outsides to about 10. A pretty normal house pattern. I threw this ball across 15 out to 5 about 19 mph and snapped back and shredded the rack


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Re: Blazing Inferno
« Reply #30 on: February 19, 2005, 08:27:36 PM »
i just pick this ball up from my friend about a month ago and in the first week of throwing it i threw a 279 (high game). I find this ball to be at when it is about light oil and where my inferno hooks to much. great ball. BRUNSWICK ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!