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Author Topic: BVP Goliath  (Read 25795 times)


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BVP Goliath
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
The Brunswick BVP™ and Monster™ ball lines were developed to provide the widest range of reactions available at the popular moderate price point. This line-up provides any bowler the ball performance they’re looking for at a price they can afford.

Technology – Hook Potential Scale Expanded
Advanced Particle Technology and a new core system have resulted in the Goliath, the highest hook potential ball in Brunswick’s history. Brunswick’s Hook Potential Scale, formerly 10 – 150, has been expanded to
10 – 175 to accommodate the 160 Hook Potential rating of the Goliath.

Medium RG: Goliath’s new inverted bell core system is a medium RG design that is a perfect match to the Goliath high traction coverstock. High traction coverstocks can roll too early when combined with lower RG cores. The Goliath core helps create mid-lane recovery and a strong arcing backend reaction.

Medium RG Differential: With an RGdiff. of 0.044 the Goliath Inverted Bell Core System will provide plenty of track flare for most bowlers without encountering the problems associated with over-flaring.

New Particle Coverstock: Goliath’s High-Load Particle coverstock is the result of extensive R&D and six years of particle coverstock development. These experiences have combined to produce a coverstock that significantly improves particle ball performance. Compared to Brunswick’s previous mid-price particle offerings, the Goliath has both a higher hook potential and a more skid/snap arc. Bowlers will find that these performance enhancements result in a particle ball with greater room for error and improved pin carry on many lane conditions.

400-grit wet sand finish: Goliath is finished dull to increase its hooking action in the oil.

Reaction Characteristics
Out of the box: With its 400-grit wet sand surface the Goliath is an ideal heavy oil ball. The high-load particle coverstock increases traction and hooking action in the oil, reducing skid and maximizing playability in heavy oil.

When shined: Using Brunswick’s Factory Finish High Gloss Polish the total hooking action of the Goliath can be reduced to a more moderate hook potential and the arc made more skid/snap. Changing the surface finish in this way allows the Goliath to be used to smooth the over/under reactions seen with Reactive coverstock balls on medium volume wet/dry lane conditions. With its new particle coverstock, even high RPM players with be able to use the Goliath shined to smooth wet/dry lane conditions while avoiding the early hooking action associated with many high load particle balls.

High Load Particle
Color: Deep Purple
Hardness: 76-78
Factory Finish
400-Grit Wet Sand
More Information

Core Dynamics
RG Max: 2.590”  
RG Min: 2.546”
RG Diff: 0.044”
RG Avg: 4.8
Hook Potential: 160
Length: 45
Breakpoint Shape: 45
Available Weights
10-16 Pounds



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Re: BVP Goliath
« Reply #16 on: March 27, 2005, 09:21:52 PM »
Cover:Red scotch-brited, Dull and Clean
Drill:Stacked leverage
Pin:3 1/2"
Top weight:3oz.

Reason for purchase:Looking for something to counter soft backends.

Lane conditions thrown: Nationals(softer outsides, light carrydown)synthetics, synthetics(soft outsides, light to no carrydown), wood(soft outsides, no carrydown), wood(a soft version of THS), wood(THS), and no oil burnt toast.

I have to say that this ball has responded well to both hand changes and speed changes. On both dry and slick I could still find a shot. If you have trouble changing speeds, be ready to make a ball change quick. In my opinion the higher RG helps this ball store a good portion of energy even when the heads are burnt(as long as you can push the break point).

Heavy oil: A
Burnt: B
Carrydown: A
Synthetics: B
Wood: B

Overall: If you can't control it don't throw it, and thats the truth with this ball. Its strong, it carrys well, and the core is what this coverstock needed. But have something for backup, please.  


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Re: BVP Goliath
« Reply #17 on: April 22, 2005, 01:15:44 PM »
I just got my BVP Goliath about two weeks ago. I love this ball. Great pin action. The house where i bowl tends to always have heavy oiled lanes and i was looking for a ball that would do well in heavy oil. I read alot of ball reviews on this web site and i am glad that i choose the BVP Goliath. I usually carry about 160-170 avg.  I don't have that many games on this ball yet but I've been tracking my scores and I've averaging 188, not counting last nights practice I bowled a 212 203 226 204.  I just know that there will be some good games to come with this ball. If you are looking for a heavy oil ball, your search is over.


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Re: BVP Goliath
« Reply #18 on: April 29, 2005, 09:36:52 PM »
ball is awsome! right handed 15mph "extreme" revs in heavy oil ths ball is great thank you brunswick


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Re: BVP Goliath
« Reply #19 on: August 17, 2005, 09:51:29 AM »


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Re: BVP Goliath
« Reply #20 on: September 10, 2005, 03:24:56 PM »
this ball is a PIECE OF JUNK. i cant CARRY with it to save my live. SO IF YOU ARE LOOKING TO BUY THIS BALL DON'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

William Esau
Lafayette, IN


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Re: BVP Goliath
« Reply #21 on: October 25, 2005, 09:53:36 AM »
i totally take back what i said about this ball its the biggest load of crap i have ever used brunswick says it has the the more hook than any other ball that is a load of crap it doesnt even move 5 boards it goes straight with a tiny amount of hook i am bowling with an apex intensity at the moment that is far better i had to move 20 boards to the left to bowl the same line as my goliath


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Re: BVP Goliath
« Reply #22 on: December 22, 2005, 02:22:18 PM »
I must also, like my former reviewer, take back what I have said about this ball.  At least partly.  

To begin with, this ball is not the extreme heavy oil ball Brunswick made it out to be.  It qualified as a Medium - Medium w/ carydown.  6 months later, it is suffering from Brunswick High Load Particle syndrome.  I really don't think its much different from the Swamp Monster.  It was a decent ball at first, but time takes it affect, and in a reativly short amount of it.  The balls hooks less and less, providing weaker and weaker hits at the pins.  

It is no longer the first ball out, but many times, simply the one I know will only hook a little, aiming it at odd multi-pin spares.  I'll try everything I know how to save it, as it provied amazing carny and scores just 1 and 2 months prior, but I think it comes to a flaw with Brunswicks ideals on high load particles.  

You CANT just rely on an aggressive coverstock and leave a more aggressive core the in the Groove than inside the Golitah and expect results.  I did, and wasted money and a spot in my bag.  I like the Inferno line, but fear that the lower price lines are suffering from speedy production and little research.

Bowl with your own style - because unlike a textbook, there is never a last page.


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Re: BVP Goliath
« Reply #23 on: April 30, 2006, 09:22:30 PM »
Seemed to pick up one of the last of these and for now I am pretty happy with it. Had it drilled for the medium rev max hook layout and have not seen the oily conditions reappear that were being used earlier in the year.

As for the reaction or lack there of on the ball in my honest and novice opinion is almost always due to how I release the ball. Seems if I hold the ball in the traditional 12 oclock/6 oclock and release with 9/3 position of the palm i hardly see any spin out of the ball it tends to spin well and then die at the breakpoint and go straight with the lane. This release for me could be useful if i want any corner pins on the right but useless for the drilling.

My other release which starts at 9/3 and finishes at 9/3 but with a lot more lift from my fingers seems to provide a nice smooth arcing motion out of the ball. Easy to throw to towards the right 10 board and watch it run back to the pocket. I can also bowl this ball over the first right arrow standing 5-10 board and watch this pick up 7 pins or gutter.

Before using my less favoured release I hardly saw spin and now that I made my adjustments this is doing what I wanted just wish to see how this handles flooded lanes next time i see them. Even in the dry it tends to move in the same motion no real overreaction then again im not a big turner of the ball and i keep my speed at a medium pace.

Also have noticed this particle ball is like an oil sponge. Soaks it all up as it rips down the lane and it will discolour the ball along the bowling track. Definately want to keep this ball clean and may want to sand it with a scotchbrite pad of similar grit to the original ball surface if you notice any loss of hook. Have noticed too the ball surface is real soft so dont over do any hand sanding.

Out of the box 10 games in bowled 4 200+ games the best being 254 and I must repeat if you don't figure out the right release for the ball forget about getting more then 150s. I have found out it will leave you wondering what they were on about in their ball chart and hook rating and thinking you wasted your money.


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Re: BVP Goliath
« Reply #24 on: May 21, 2006, 09:39:26 PM »
This is a great ball for oil. Tears right through it.
GOOD NIGHT NOW !!!!!!!!!


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Re: BVP Goliath
« Reply #25 on: September 19, 2006, 06:37:07 PM »
Have you ever had a good Steak?  I mean a really good steak, yeah, juicy, aromatic, perfect charring, hmmmmmmm...

Well, if I were to compare meats and a good ball is equivalent to a Porterhouse, I would equate this ball to a rock!

Monster Stitch

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Re: BVP Goliath
« Reply #26 on: September 21, 2006, 03:27:02 AM »
1.8 top
4 inch pin

Pin above and right of ring, cg in middle of grip, Pin 4 inch from PAP

Condition: HPL Synthetics, 42 feet oil 1 to 1, stripped backends

This is the best Heavy oil with clean backend ball i have ever thrown. I know  a lot of people try to compensate by using a dull reactive or polished ball to get the ball down the lane and control the backend with this type of condition. The Goliath is the perfect ball for this. You don't have to worry about the ball over hooking on the back because since this ball burns up so much energy in the front part of the lane that it is very tame when it hits the backend.

Weakness is carry down adn burnt heads.

The performance and hitting power is just amazing. A definite tournament ball.


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Re: BVP Goliath
« Reply #27 on: October 16, 2006, 11:35:05 AM »
I've had my Goliath for about a year now.  I have it drilled moderately because of it's aggressive core and coverstock.  I bowl in a house that uses medium conditions but have used this ball in 2 tournaments with heavy oil, I'll base this review off those conditions.  As a bowler I'm a high rev stroker (not quite a full tweener) throwing an average of 15mph and probably somewhere in the 270rev range.  

Before I go into the review, one thing I want to stress about this ball is that it's more of an arcing ball than anything else.  Those looking for skid snap may not get what they want from this ball.  It rolls beautifully and once it arcs it never stops.  I haven't seen this ball roll out even once.  You need to give it time to get there though, I've slowed my ball speed down about .5mph to 1mph to let it rev up in the midlane.

House shot medium oil:
This ball can be a bit of a beast on medium oil.  With it's hook potential it really thrives on medium-heavy oil.  However, if you can handle an inside line, or keep a very tight outside line this ball will roll in beautifully everytime.  I rarely came up high playing the outside line unless I pulled it and I surprisingly get really good length out of it for a particle coverstock.  It hits very strong in the back end but can be touchy leaving a solid 10pin or a light 7pin.  This ball rolls best on medium-heavy oil but on medium I'd give it an 8 out of 10.

Tournament shot heavy oil:
While it's rated as a heavy oil ball because of it's hooking power, this ball did not roll well for me in tournament heavy oil conditions.  Even with me slowing down quite a bit (up to 2mph) it was tough to get a consistent aggressive reaction.  I found the best line for this ball in heavy oil to be a very tight outside line.  Right up 5-10 board with a solid 14.5-15mph ball speed and medium revs make this beauty hit hard.  But miss by 1 board, or throw it too fast, and on heavy oil Goliath has a problem recovering.  On heavy oil like tournament shots I would rate this ball 6.5 out of 10.

My final review comments, if you have a house with medium-light oil this ball works wonders with an inside line, or if you can handle it a very tight outside line. If you're working with some oil, stick to that outside line and let it work for you.

Hope this helps!


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Re: BVP Goliath
« Reply #28 on: July 26, 2008, 12:34:25 AM »
I drilled this ball pin over ring, cg kicked as far as possible without needing a hole. This is roughly 4-1/2 pin to pap with bout a 3 inch cg to pap. Right of the bat I put a heavy coat of polish on this beast before I ever threw it. I was pleasantly surprised with this ball, I instinctively thought this ball would check at the toes and roll out. Boy was I wrong, this ball didnt even read the first ten feet with the polish I put on it, however after that it was a strong continuous roll with a defined lil kick at the end. This ball can cover as many boards as there are on the lane. I would recomend this to anyone bowling on sport conditions as it is so predictable you cant do with out it. Im sure as long as you pin it up it will not read early especialy if you can give it some polish to help it down the lane. If need be you could take the shine off and most likely handle 60 feet of oil. Just dont drill this bad boy too strong or it might want to roll out.
A new ball will never make u better nor will agruing constantly make u right so go practice and stop arguing.

Proud Brunswick Staff Member

lane shark

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Re: BVP Goliath
« Reply #29 on: September 17, 2010, 11:16:28 AM »
I received this ball about 2 years ago and still haven't gotten the confidence in it. it has a good arch, but hits the pocket very flat. doesn't mix the pins at all, and i have seen alot of flush shots leave splits. i'm going to have this one drilled more aggressive before giving up on it, but i'm not happy w/it so far. also, be sure to clean after every use because this one soaks up oil like no other.