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Author Topic: BVP Nemesis  (Read 29403 times)


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BVP Nemesis
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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The Brunswick BVP™ and Monster™ ball lines were developed to provide the widest range of reactions available at the popular moderate price point. This line-up provides any bowler the ball performance they’re looking for at a price they can afford.

Technology – Awesome Versatility The universe of core/coverstock choices for bowling balls has greatly expanded in the last 12 years with the development of reactive and particle coverstocks and core system technology that can create a vast array of performance characteristics. Using these choices, Brunswick’s engineers have been able to create optimum reaction match-ups for a wider range of bowlers and lane conditions than ever before.

While some core/coverstock combinations are more specialized in nature, others have an awesome versatility that has met with mainstream approval and acceptance. The BVP Nemesis targets just this type of ball reaction by employing core, coverstock and surface finish choices designed to help most bowlers match-up on typical house conditions.

Medium RG: With a RGmin. of 2.536 the Nemesis inverted bell core system is squarely in the mainstream range of balls like the Danger Zone & Teal Rhino Pro. More length than an Ultra Low RG ball. More able to create mid-lane recovery than a High RG ball. The Nemesis provides an optimum match-up for most bowler on typical house conditions.

Medium RG Differential: With an RGdiff. of 0.044 the Nemesis inverted bell core system will provide plenty of track flare for most bowlers without encountering the problems associated with over-flaring.

Aggressive Reactive Coverstock: PowrKoilTM 18 has been on more bowling balls than any other Reactive coverstock in the bowling industry. Aggressive in the oil and strong off the dry, PowrKoil 18 is a perennial favorite among both bowlers and Brunswick’s private label customers.

800-Grit Wet Sand Finish: The Nemesis is finished with an 800-grit wet sand finish which will allow most bowlers to match-up to both freshly oiled and moderately broken down house conditions. Plenty of traction on all but the oiliest lanes combined with a strong backend reaction.

Reaction Characteristics.
Out of the Box: With its 800-grit wet sand surface, Nemesis matches up well on most medium to oily house conditions.
When dulled: The hooking action will increase and its arc will become more even, creating a better match-up for oily lane conditions and for smoothing over/under reactions seen on wet/dry lane conditions. When shined: With Brunswick’s Factory Finish High Gloss Polish, Nemesis will go longer in the oil and react stronger to the dry creating a more skid/snap arc.

PowrKoil 18 Reactive
Black/Orange Solid
Hardness: 76-78
Factory Finish
800-Grit Wet Sand
More Information

Core Dynamics
RG Max: 2.580”  
RG Min: 2.536”
RG Diff: 0.044”
RG Avg: 4.6
Hook Potential: 125
Length: 85
Breakpoint Shape: 60
Available Weights
10-16 Pounds


rick stubbs

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Re: BVP Nemesis
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2004, 08:51:23 PM »
just picked this gem up for my fall league. i saw jeremy`s review, and decided to copy the drilling, only i polished the ball with 3mpolishing compound,but left the ball the box 800 grit. on a shot that had been bowled on all day,dry ouside with carrydown, ball was STRONG off the dry,and compared with my time zone,and power groove,nemesis, cut throught the carrydown quite well.the pg had no chance.

i will say big b has another great ball to deliver!


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Re: BVP Nemesis
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2004, 01:41:59 AM »
My stats; Tweener 17-18 MPH righty, axis rotation about 25-40 degrees, more end over end type of rotation. Lane condition-easy 40 foot pattern, good back ends, dry to the right of 8-A basic wall if you will.

I layed this out box finish with the pin in a 10:30 type of drilling 4 x 3, hole down on axis midplane. The idea was to get somethign between my Bruiser and Raging Inferno. This ball was rolling well on this type of shot. I got smooth roll and transition. The only jerk was when I fed it to the dry too quick, but all bowling balls do that. Hitting power seemed all right, but I would like to try it on more of an inside shot to see what it really hits like.
"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 83? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Bowling Amateur Staff - Westerville, OH

Dwight Albrecht

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Re: BVP Nemesis
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2004, 11:55:23 PM »
Brunswick Nemesis:
Ball Specs
The ball being drilled was a 2” pin out with 3.00 oz top weight.
The drilling chosen was my favorite. Pin 3 3/4" from PAP and Mb 5" from PAP (approximately 70 degrees) pin is below fingers, 1 3/4" above grip midline. Weight hole past axis pitched away at a 3 o'clock angle.
Bowler Information:
Track diameter is 10 1/2.
PAP is measured at 5 1/4 over and 3/8" up.
Average ball speed (foul line to head pin) is 17 mph.
Axis rotation is typically 45 degrees
Initial rev rate is typically 300 rpm, "Tweener"
Lane Condition and Pattern: Wood Lanes, just resurfaced from the summer, oiled to 45 feet super clean backends. Oil Pattern tapered block dry outsides, 50+ units of oil on the inside.

I tested this ball in the factory 800 sanded surface. I had every intention with this ball to see a similar ball reaction pattern to my Columbia Shock. The ball is very similar, revs quick, rolls real smooth through the heads and has a strong sweeping hook on the backends with a hard hitting pin carry. Left two 10 pins in 3 games for 697 out of the box with it. This ball is another example of a $200 performance but with a $150 retail price point. Truly an “Everybody Ball” here. Any style will like this ball with the right drilling and correct surface. Brunswick proves again that Powerkoil 18 (Black Danger Zone) veneer is that good of a cover stock.  This ball is a nice improvement from last years Smash/R.

Compared to my other Balls:
Columbia Shock: The Shock revs up a touch quicker in the mid lane then the Nemesis. Both have similar roll pattern and similar backend.
Brunswick Ultimate Inferno: The Nemesis hooks a touch earlier and is very comparable to the Ultimate on the backend. I’m anxious to see if the backend reaction disappears quicker than “Activator” veneer found in the Ultimate Inferno. Activator seems to last longer before oil soaking and going through “Dead Ball Syndrome”
Thanks for reading my review.

Mike Austin

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Re: BVP Nemesis
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2004, 03:06:56 AM »
I drilled myself a Nemesis last night.  The ball had a 3-4 pin out, with 3.7 top weight before drilling.

I didn't have a good heavy oil ball, have drilled MANY of these for customers and wanted to find out what all the furor is about.

I used my default layout for a oily ball, which for me the pin is under the ring finger, with the CG swung out to the right.  This puts the pin 4 1/2 inches from my PAP, the CG is about 2 inches from the CG (guessing), the mass bias is at about a 60 degree angle.  I used an extra hole 1 1/2 below my PAP on the verticle axis line.  I had too much positive side without the hole, I didn't want the hole on my axis, but if I put it too much lower, I thought it would give me too much finger weight.

We polished this ball before ever drilling, as my ball speed is medium, and KNOW that I would never throw this ball with the box surface.  I used a Triple Extreme to compare to, as I have only Storm balls.  The Extreme is drilled a little similar, and this ball hooks alot for me.  Has the box surface with about 30 games on it, and it has soaked up some oil.  

The Nemesis hooks about 8-10 boards with my feet more than the Extreme.  Revs very early and keeps reving through the middle third of the lane.  Fairly sharp break point because of the polish and the lanes were really a little dry for this ball.  I think on heavier oil, like we see in PBA regional competition, this ball will let me be really loose with my swing, not TRY to hit the ball, but still be able to hook the ball without shooting through my break point.  Hitting power and carry is very good, and like a said, not really the right ball for the condition.  Can't wait to get this ball on some soup!!

I think this ball will work great on HEAVY oil, and for very high ball speeds.  Other than that you will need some polish and/or hand position changes.  This ball will be about the most bang for your buck, and at about $160.00, depending on your area, this ball is awesome.

Hope this helps ya.....
Mike Austin
Mike Austin's Precision Pro Shop
Houston, TX
Storm VIP Shop Member
Brunswick Pro Source Member
Drilling and Tech Advice
Coming soon !!!
Coming soon !!!

Driller to many "Stars" and Tony Melendez too!
Onward through the Storm!!!!

Mike Austin's Bowling Dynamix Pro Shops
Inside Emerald Bowl
Inside Tomball Bowl
Track Pro Staff Member
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Re: BVP Nemesis
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2004, 01:20:43 AM »
5 1'2 pap
max hook potential and Max FLare

Box: This ball rolls real early more i sent it the more it recovered in the midlane. House shot (Dryer outsides flooded middle).If i miss left it would go straight . It has great carry doesn't go long at all. It is not a forgiving ball to left on heavy oil. But i drilled for early roll but this thing is awesome

Update: well 12/11/04 ball cracked got it replaced no charge drilled same
burned up on dry lanes
Added a little react shine come out next day  and shoot my first 300 in practice



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Re: BVP Nemesis
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2005, 04:20:42 PM »
Rt hander.
Ball speed 16-18 mph.
High rev.

I purchased this ball at a great price, so I had to get it. Plus I saw my friend drill about 4-5 in front of me in 2 hours. It kinda just grew on me. Normally I don't like throwing a dull ball, because of the way the look and roll. I like the long delayed left turn. I had a Track Mutant that move quite a ways, and my friend messed up the thumb trying to double slug it. Needless to say that ball had only 10 games on it and I traded that towards this Nemesis.

I told him that I wanted as much "hook" out of the ball as possible. He sure did listen to me.

I played my left foot on 36, sat the ball down around 27-28, and swung it out to 5. No problem making it back into the pocket. A couple of times I thought I threw it OB, and it made it back easily.

I can only say awesome. Shot 252 w/ a  4-10 split, then a 209 w/ 3 9 counts in the 8, 9, 10. Finished it up w/ a 232 and throwing a 4-10 split in the 10th. Ball comes in hard. Hence, 4-10 splits. It had a sharp breakpoint the initial game that I threw it, but then after it kinda polished itself as the ball tends to do, it became a smooth entry into the pocket; or as smooth as you can call it.

Would highly recommend for the price, especially what I paid for it.

EDIT 2/4/05
Another league night and another awesome set. Not awesome, but good. 236,207,257 for a 700. Not too bad. Had a shot at 290 the last game. 4 pin spare in the first, next seven, left the 10 pin in the 9th and of course missed it, struck out and go 257. Oh well. I think the ball has paid for itself already.


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Re: BVP Nemesis
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2005, 10:56:01 PM »
Im 13 carrie a 177 i get my nemesis about a year ago when i got it. It was dull and i realized that when it hit the pocket that it would die so i decide that i should it get it polish and i shot 616 and 7 in a row in practice that same day


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Re: BVP Nemesis
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2005, 02:41:28 PM »
Drilled this ball up with pin below the fingers with cg stacked.  Roughly a 4 X 4 layout.  Placed a weight hole 2" below my PAP on the VAL to take the ball to -1/4oz side and 1/4oz finger.  I used both the box finish... 800 grit matte and ebonite matte finish (1200 grit matte).  Shot was 40ft medium heavy oil on synthetics.  On the fresh shot, the box finish was plenty strong to play up the track area, even belly the ball a little.  This layout/surface combination produced an extremely smooth heavy roll.  Definitely a smooth arc type of movement.  With all of the roll, hit and carry were incredible.  Pins and messengers in all directions.  After a couple games, the track area began to dry up and I was forced to move in a little deeper to catch additional oil.  No problem for this ball.  Still a very smooth roll..probably not the type of reaction I would want to play deep, but as long as it was kept on a tight line, ball was very good.  

At this point, I took the ball back to the proshop and hit it with some ebonite matte finish...  it is roughly 1200 grit.  back to the same pair and I was able to get back in to the track area.  Same smooth heavy roll as previously.  The ball just keeps going and going.  After a couple more games, I was forced to move in a little again to catch some more oil.  Ball rolled incredible.  Definitely no skid snap out of this one.  its smooth heavy rolling the entire lane.  Great reaction.

Being a PK 18 cover, I would imagine (although I didn't try it), that you would be able to get an entirely different look from the ball with a polished surface.  Box finish works well for medium-heavy oil.... ebonite matte finished gives it a little less overall friction, and thus usable on medium oil.  Overall I am very happy with this ball...a great smooth reaction... a definite plus on some of the tougher sport patterns.
-Strapper Squared

Who says MAC's never crash?  Word works for less than a minute... Safari isn't much better... and I think last time the Force Quit even crashed...

4-6 Split

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Re: BVP Nemesis
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2005, 08:35:42 PM »
I had my Nemesis Layed out:

Pin Above Ring CG out. I was throwing it on Med-Light which made the ball way to strong. Out of the 3 weeks I threw this ball. My Average Series was 649. I bowled a 247 with this ball. It is very Over/Under. It is strong rolling and when you hit the pocket right it crushes it. Light hits do not tend to carry at all. If you see Med-Heavy, Buy this ball.


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Re: BVP Nemesis
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2005, 12:31:16 PM »
Hey I just bought my second nemesis, because I've moved up from 13 to 15lbs. I love my new Nemesis so much.  It doesn't hook to much or too little, unlike my 13lb one.  The pin is under the ring finger, no weight hole.  I am able to throw it just outside the second arrow ( I'm a righty) and have it hook perfectly back in to the pocket.  It tends to leave 10 pins, but thats just the nature of


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Re: BVP Nemesis
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2005, 08:54:44 PM »
the nemesis was the first reactive ball i bought. i bowled about 50 200 games with that ball, and i only used it for like 4 months until i got another ball. but about 6 months later, and a couple balls later i used my nemesis again and i shot a 745 series. its a great ball, but it hooks best on heavy oil. later


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Re: BVP Nemesis
« Reply #12 on: April 10, 2005, 09:10:56 PM »
I've had my Nemesis for about 2 months now and it is the first reactive ball I have owned. Previously I had only used sanded/dull particle equipment. Recently my game has changed and I felt it was time to migrate towards less aggressive equipment. I read the reviews on the Nemesis and figured it would be a baby step to get this ball since it is still a very strong ball.

My ball was drilled stacked leverage. I tried it with the box finish and it worked ok on a fresh house shot (I play mostly down and in with medium speed and low revs) but the line would dry up quickly and the ball would start to overreact. When I moved in I would get an over/under type reaction with it sliding too much on the inside oil if I didn't get it out far enough to the dry outside boards, and still hooking too much if I got it to the dry spot too early. At this point I was advised to dull it more and try to play more inside with it. I did not want to do this because my "A" game is the straight shot, so I polished the Nemesis up with Brunswick Factory Finish. The result is I can play my straight shot longer with it and it is now my first ball out of the bag on a fresh house shot. I get decent carry using the ball this way, it has a nice backend when polished even though it is not a skid/snap ball. For the price ($87) this ball is a bargain! My local house is installing synthetics this summer and I might yet have to bring out my sanded particle ball again, but for now I am happy with my shiny Nemesis.


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Re: BVP Nemesis
« Reply #13 on: November 18, 2005, 05:01:05 PM »
this ball is out of this world becuase it will work on most meduim oiled centres which most of them are around my city so it works and is a great tournament ball. ive hit about 10 230+ games since ive had this ball and before i was struggling to get 170 and now its almost 170 every game i play
way to go brunswick i recomend this as a great meduim oil ball/ must have


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Re: BVP Nemesis
« Reply #14 on: February 18, 2006, 01:27:10 PM »
Lane Conditions: Fresh THS, sythetic, very average nothing special or bad about it
Drill: Pin next to ring finger 1/2", CG in palm

The lane man has either been putting more or different oil out or there's just more remaining for my 2nd shift 9pm league, but whatever the case I've been really struggling with my Smokin' Inferno lately, when I was averaging over 210 earlier this season with it (part of it was that I was in a slump for a couple of months too, but that's another story). I picked up this ball to combat that after a semi-failed experiment taking down the surface on the Smokin'.

What a good I remember why I like solid reactives so much. This ball gets easy length, reads a little on the midlane, and then has a VERY strong arc to snap on the backend. People have compared this to the Columbia Hyde, and I think this ball gets a little more length, similar midlane read, and a WAY stronger backend comparing box-to-box. Fantastic core/cover combination, I love the BVP stuff...I think I could probably keep a Nemesis and Punisher and almost never need anything else! Way superior to the Monster line IMO, as that just seemed like a haphazard "combine a cover with a core that we haven't done before and ship it" that worked well sometimes and not so well others. The BVP line has really been concieved to provide versatile, forgiving balls for medium average bowlers and strong arsenal balls for high average bowlers.

In short, this ball is the quintessential league ball. If everybody in your league got one and got it properly fitted and drilled by a quality pro shop, the entire league's average would go up 15 pins. I think PK18 is better than Activator on a league shot, and the BVP core is perfect in spec for league conditions so combining the two was a match made in heaven. This ball should be in everyone's arsenal.

I will update with any additional insights from additional games (total of about 2 last night between warmups and league).
Need new stuff? Get it from and get it drilled by Mike Austin!