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Author Topic: BVP Rampage  (Read 37602 times)


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BVP Rampage
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
BVP – Brunswick Value Performance – Exceptional Value and Great Performance
The Brunswick BVP™ series was developed to provide the widest range of reactions available at the popular moderate price point. The BVP series provides any bowler the ball performance they’re looking for at a price they can afford.

The BVP Rampage combines a pearlized PowerKoil 18 coverstock with the proven BVP medium-RG core system to create a ball reaction that fits between the Nemesis and Punisher. With its pearlized surface the Rampage delivers more length and more angularity than the Nemesis and its aggressive PowerKoil 18 coverstock delivers more total hooking action than the Punisher. The new BVP Rampage will send the pins into a frenzy. Get the power of BVP. Go on a Rampage.

Out of the Box: With its High Gloss Polish finish the BVP Rampage will match up well on medium-dry to dry conditions.
When dulled: The BVP Rampage’s hooking action will increase and its arc will become more even, creating a better match-up for oily lane conditions and help blend the over/under reactions seen on wet/dry lane conditions.

Reaction Setup
The BVP Rampage can be drilled using the standard drilling techniques developed for two-piece balls, see the included instructions for reaction characteristics and layout details.

The BVP Rampage is finished with Brunswick’s Factory Finish High Gloss Polish. To bring your BVP Rampage back to its original factory finish sand the surface to 400-grit then use Brunswick’s Factory Finish High Gloss Polish. Available from your local Pro Shop.

PowerKoil 18 - Reactive
Red/Yellow Pearl
Hardness: 76-78
Factory Finish
High Gloss Polish
More Information

Core Dynamics
RG Max: 2.580”  
RG Min: 2.536”
RG Diff: 0.044”
RG Avg: 4.6
Hook Potential: 105
Length: 105
Breakpoint Shape: 75
Available Weights
10-16 Pounds



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Re: BVP Rampage
« Reply #31 on: August 01, 2007, 09:27:15 PM »
I need to know what happens when I have a ball drill at 75%? And what happens hook wise at 50%? 25%also what do you recommend? How to be drill? Cal


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Re: BVP Rampage
« Reply #32 on: October 31, 2007, 05:00:53 PM »
Got this ball in a trade and love it.  Rolled it yesterday for the first time. I hadn't had anything change to fit the grip to my hand, but wanted to see what I could do with it anyway.  
It has a very mild setup in it with the pin above and center of the fingers.  Seems to work very well for me. As I had hoped, a ball for when the conditions are light to medium oil.

Thanks to UCFKnight for the trade!!

Currently in the bag:
15# Brunswick Ultimate Inferno
15# Brunswick Rampage
coming soon Brunswick Absolute Inferno
Joined the Brunswick Nation 04/07 Viva la nación de Brunswick!


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Re: BVP Rampage
« Reply #33 on: December 02, 2007, 09:07:18 PM »
Description in profile.

NIB 15lb Rampage with a 4-5" pin. Had one in my shop with quite a bit of yellow in the ball... Color was quite appealing to me, so I broke down a bought it.

I placed the pin 5.5" from my PAP (above and between my fingers) and the cg kicked right a little. Ball weighed out to be statically legal, no weight hole necessary.

Initially, I left the ball in the box condition.  Currently, I have the ball sanded to 2000 grit Abralon and treated with Doc's Magic Elixir

Lane Conditions
I've thrown this ball on a bunch of different conditions.  Two house shots, first was a 40' on HPL synthetics and the second was 37' with a short buff on HPL synthetics.  I've also thrown this ball on the Cheetah, Viper, and Chameleon patterns during my Experience league (also on HPL synthetics).

On the longer house shot, I was able to line up standing at 20 on the approach and throw ten at the arrows and belly the ball out a little (polished box finish).  The ball got easy length through the heads, revved up in the mids and made a strong arc off the end of the pattern.  Consistent strong reaction.  On the shorter house shot, I started on 30 on the approach, sent the ball over 15 at the arrows out to around 5 at the break point (polished box finish).  Again, easy length and a strong hard arc on the backend.  Easy to get the pocket and a strong reaction.  On both shots, as the pattern started to dry out, I was able to make 2&1 adjustments inside and chase the oil line.

PBA Experience Patterns
With the box finish, the Rampage ate up the Cheetah pattern.  Playing outside of the first arrow, the Rampage had just the right amount of length and backend reaction.  I would describe the reaction somewhere between a strong arc and a flip, but still controlled.  Super hit and carry on any shots a little light or flush in the pocket.  If I got a little slow with the ball, it would run high and leave a 4 pin or 4-9.  

On the fresh PBA Viper pattern, I was able to play a small swing shot over the second arrow out to around 6-7 board area at the break point.  Strong arcing backend reaction and good carry.  AS the night went on, I was able to make parallel moves and stay with the pocket.  No problems with carry.

On the Chameleon pattern, the box finish of the Rampage seemed to push a little too far down the lane for my liking.  Since I recently punched up an Elite Cheetah which also covers the lighter conditions well, I decided to change the surface of the Rampage.  I knocked off the shine with a 2000 grit Abralon pad and applied a coat of Doc's Elixir.  This surface change caused the ball to start up a little sooner (couple feet), and increased the overall amount of hook by about two boards.  This small change made a huge difference on the Chameleon pattern for me.  I was able to play straight up the boards around 11-12 at the arrows (on the fresh pattern).  Consistent strong reaction off the end of the pattern.  Great hit and great carry.    

Overall, the ball performs very well, especially for this price point.  With small surface tweaks, I've had success on a range of patterns.  This ball is best suited for the medium types of patterns.  I think the cover is just too strong to use on drier patterns... unless you have very high speed or lower revs.  I could see it being used on oilier patterns (with a something like a 1000 or 500 grit surface), but I think its best on mediums.

In box condition, the Rampage most closely reminds me of my Cheetah. Both balls would easily clear the heads and had same type of hard arcing reaction, however, the Rampage started up about 5'-6' sooner than the Cheetah.

With the sanded surface, I don't own anything else that reacts like the Rampage.  Strong and smooth.


"This kind of inconsistency play against a team like New England will get you completely blowed out."

- Emmitt Smith 11/18/07
-Not only is he a poor commentator, but he fails to show basic knowledge of the English language- fire him!


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Re: BVP Rampage
« Reply #34 on: March 05, 2008, 04:12:53 PM »
being a fairly new returning bowler (haven't really bowled since i was a young 'un in the late 70's) i bought a rampage strictly 'cuz i had intended to get a power groove but the color I wanted was on back order for several months...  no big deal so i pony up a couple extra george washingtons to get the rampage...  so glad I did...    I can't think of a better ball to work with...  took me a while to get used to actually having a ball that wasn't a plastic house ball...  I've been using the rampage now for several months, i do not do league bowling at all so i don't get out as frequently as i'd like to, however, compared to my house ball average my typical game has added about 20-30 pins per game, my consistency is much better, and I'm typically getting into the 160-170 range fairly consistently...  this ball is WAY better than i am and my skill is improving, but i attribute some of this to the ball and the fact that i'm very comfortable throwing it...  I don't know the actual setup of the ball other than it is a 15lb and my pro shop drilled it for THS conditions and a smooth predictable arc...  I'm just thrilled to death with this ball, so much so that I've reccomended it to a friend for his first performance ball as well...  I've since had my brother order up a Twisted Fury for my bag (to be drilled this weekend)...  should be a good compliment for me...  I might do a summer league or next fall, lotsa practice to go before I feel confident enough to go into a league though...

Ryan Peebles

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Re: BVP Rampage
« Reply #35 on: March 13, 2008, 01:39:02 AM »
Continuing with my return to the big B, I purchased the BVP Rampage.  My thanks go to Ric Hamlin for suggesting this piece as a complement to my Sidewinder, to Jeff Lizzi at Star Lanes in Sandusky, Ohio for punching the holes, and to the Internet for helping me compare apples and oranges!

I selected a drilling that has been very successful for me these past three years: pin under bridge 5" from PAP and 1" above grip center, CG in positive thumb quadrant 45 degrees from grip center, X-hole 6 3/4" from grip center and 1" past VAL in line through the CG.  Grips and slugs were employed as well, except I opted for ovals over lifts.

This ball is a modern-day Danger Zone Black Ice, but with a touch more angularity.  Although it is relatively clean through the heads, the Rampage needs oil to perform effectively.  The best condition was slightly broken heads with light traces of carrydown.  When this ball sniffs dry, it will react strong and sharp.  One final note: boy, does this ball hit the pocket hard!  Pin carry was no problem when the Rampage was in its element.

In only two complete series performances (and in two different houses), I have rolled 660 and 712 series with noted games of 269 and 256.  Overall, this ball is my new best friend, great for most typical house shots and, hopefully, some challenging Sport conditions.
The three-inch tie, The Dark Side Of The Moon, and PowrKoil18: timeless!

Heil die Braunschweigenation!
Ryan Peebles
Area Staff Member
Lane Masters/Lord Field/SWAG



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Re: BVP Rampage
« Reply #36 on: August 15, 2008, 07:40:06 PM »
There have been alot of post about this ball. This is one of my favorite balls. My style is down and in.But can swing it out when need too. This ball stays online and then sharp turn to the pocket. I agree with others,this ball need a little oil up front and dry boards down lane. This is a keeper for me to use in the fall league in my house. Great job Big B !!!!!


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Re: BVP Rampage
« Reply #37 on: March 19, 2009, 06:19:42 AM »
The Brunswick Rampage is the best bowling ball I ever purchased.  I've had the ball for about 3 seasons, so a review is long overdue.

Med rev rate
Med speed
moderate axis tilt
Pap is 4 1/4 > 1/4 down

Pin above bridge about 5" from my PAP
Cg under ring
OOB surface

Lane conditions:
USBC Open Championships(Corpus Christi)
Variety of house shots
Tournament shots
Sport Shots

This ball has saved my *** so many times it isn't even funny.  It seems that whenever I'm over/under with every other ball I own, I can find a consistent reaction with my Rampage.  

I feel this ball was a perfect match of coverstock and core.  It offers easy length and a nice move down lane.  I've played a variety of angles from up the gutter to deep inside with this ball.  My carry has always been very good with this piece in my hands.  

I shot 698 with this ball at Corpus in the singles event.  I've won more money in tournaments with this ball than any other I've ever drilled.  I placed 2nd just last weekend in a doubles tourney.  I used my Rampage 8 of 10 games, averaging nearly 222 for the day on a moderately difficult tournament pattern.(only 3 teams of 39 were plus after 6 games of qualifying)

We've been thru alot together.  It cracked out of the pin, so I have a large plug area above the fingers.  The fingers have been plugged once, the thumb twice.  But, she is still going to strong.

I purchased another one to put in the basement for a rainy day.

This one was definitely a winner from Bwick.  Great performance and a great price.  Strong backend reaction with a good read of the midlane.


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Re: BVP Rampage
« Reply #38 on: January 25, 2011, 09:00:32 AM »

Length: 37


Volume: medium oily

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS



Likes: This is an updated review about this ball. I used this ball this past Sunday. 1 st game and 2 nd game I was using my Blast zone standing on 15 and going up 10. Nice pocket hits some light. 1st game 190 2nd game moved 2 bd to left 204 good game good pocket hit. 3rd game thats when I noctice the heads were drying up and the track area. 3rd game rampage standing on 20 little swing out to 10. This ball is amazing ,nice rev in the midland and at the break the ball just stood up and nice forward roll into the pocket. 3rd game 255 . I have not used this ball much because I have too many balls at home. Everytime I use this ball for later games , this ball never failed me. Since I am throwing 15 lbs now. I am going to get me another one , just to keep.

Dislikes: When its too much oil.







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Re: BVP Rampage
« Reply #39 on: June 03, 2017, 03:38:22 PM »
I know this topic is old as hell and this ball is old as hell but imho it is criminally underrated.  Just threw a 233 on a somewhat dry house shot with which considering both myself and the ball have largely been dormant bowling wise for the last decade impresses at least me.  When I was a younger man I threw a 289 with it.  Lets put this way I bought it as an after thought thinking my Storm Shift was going to be my primary ball long ago but very quickly the Storm Shift found itself benched (that ball was a particle ball that was the definition of burning up on most shots though didn't know at time just knew it hit like a marshmallow usually).  Though the Shift cracked due to garage storage luckily the BVP being the trooper it was, survived.  Woot for that.  My recommendation is everyone should think about having one of the Brunswick PowerKoil balls in their arsenal.  More of a hammer man myself but this ball is the real deal.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2017, 11:41:20 PM by HackJandy »
Kind of noob when made this account so take advice with grain of salt.