(This is NOT the original Ultimate Inferno, this is a review of the PBA Ultimate Inferno Green/Yellow)RPM Rate: 275-300 RPMs
Speed: 15-16 MPH
Style: Power Stroker
Ball Layout: Pin 5" from PAP.
800 grit.
http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k80/poetryinsane/MVC-006F.jpg0Review: This ball is by far, THE best ball I have ever owned. This ball with this drill, clears the heads with ease, and starts to rev up in the midlane, and takes a right turn at about 45 feet. I am always able to use this ball, no matter how heavy or light the oil is, except extremes..
Light Oil: I have to stand at about the 25 board, and playing a huge angle, playing the deep inside line, and that ball rockets back to pocket and carries the world. Only time it can get sensative is if you aren't completely accurate with your hand release every shot on this line, it can either jump on you or skid too far. RATING: ****
Medium Oil: This condition is a lot better for this ball, as I can stand about the 20 board, and playing 15 out to the 3 board and get great recovery, with some room for error. RATING: ****1/2
Medium-Heavy Oil: This condition is the best for this ball. I can stand on the 15 board, and play about 10-3, and 12-5 or so, and this ball has quite a bit of recovery and area to play around in. RATING: *****
OVERALL: The more oil, the better this ball does, obviously. The only time it gets hard to use on is either extreme dry lanes or floods. I have used it on a flood and played down and in standing on the 5 board, and it reved up a little late but it wrinkled about 5 boards overall, but still drove through the pocket! If you can be versatile with your speed and hand releases, this ball is just amazing. I recommend this ball to any higher rev or power player that needs a good go-to ball for a decent price!
Thanks for reading!!
- CJ CoanAbsolute Bowling - Absolute Mantelligencehttp://cjcoan.co.nrBrunswick - Best in the Biz