The Danger Zone-Pro HPH is a ball I still haven't totally made up my mind about. It is great in ball heavy oil, but I still feel the Zone-Pro Azure and Jade Quantum are better in their handling of oil when compared to the HPH. The HPH does get through the heads a bit better, and does have more backends, but the problem I have noticed with this ball is that when it hits dry too early it hits like a marshmellow. Both the Jade Quantum and Azure Zone-Pro could still make it through that dry and still hit better than the HPH. Also, the Jade and Azure outhook the HPH, but this does make sense since both are ETX coverstocks. This is one reason I have taken so long to post a review of it because I still feel that the original ProActive coverstocks that first came out were superior to this HPH on heavy oil. The Teal Zone-Pro (for crankers and strong tweeners), the Azure-Zone-Pro, and the Jade Quantum are much better at handling a flood than the HPH, and their coverstocks hold up longer and better than the HPH as well. Their lifespan seems to last longer than the MTX-1 coverstock on the HPH. Now I may change my mind with time on the HPH, and I have shot well with it when I've used it on the right condition, but this ball is by far Brunswick's most condition specific ball they have had in their selection. I am happy though others have enjoyed it and had alot of success with it! Continued good luck!