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Author Topic: Demolition Zone  (Read 18221 times)


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Demolition Zone
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
The Demolition Zone combines bowling's most successful Reactive cover stock,
PowrKoil18, with a new "Bell-Cap" core system that distributes more weight
toward the perimeter of the ball. This cover and core combination work
together to create a Reactive ball reaction tailored to the majority of
players with mid-range revolution rates and speeds. Using a higher Rg core
system (4.5 Rg avg.) than other balls with the PowrKoil 18 cover, the
Demolition Zone achieves a good balance of length through the front end
without sacrificing the aggressive mid-lane and back-end recovery that the
Zone Reactive Series is famous for. This combination of length and strength
makes the Demolition Zone a great all around ball for typical league
conditions. When the Demolition Zone finds the dry boards on the outside of
the lane or in the back end it reacts fast and hard to change direction and
seek out the pocket.  The Demolition Zone isn't for the driest or the
oiliest lane conditions, but on everything in between it can't be beat.
Compared to the other balls within the "Zone Reactive Series," the
Demolition Zone overall hook potential is similar to that of the Danger Zone
Red Alert, but since Demolition Zone breakpoint is farther down lane it
generates a more skid/snap arc. Compared to the Command Zone and Command
Zone Arc the Demolition Zone rolls stronger through the oil, giving a more
even arc with a higher overall hook potential. (See the Brunswick Ball
Comparison Chart for comparative ball reactions.) The specifications are:
Part Number: 60-103381; Cover stock: PowerKoil 18; Hook Potential: 105;
Length: 105; Typical Breakpoint Shape: 75; RG Max: 2.579; RG Min: 2.531; RG
Diff: 0.048; RG Avg: 4.5; Hardness: 75-77; Color: Black; Surface Finish:
Factory Polished; Weights: 10-16 lbs.



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Re: Demolition Zone
« Reply #16 on: September 21, 2002, 12:11:48 PM »
Ok People, ready for a ball that does it all, here goes! First of all I manage the local bowling hall here in Rochester New York area.  My boss is one of the areas best ball drillers his cradentals will prove his drilling technique.  Any way the ball out of the box I opened with 299, 259, 219. I would have done better but lost my consintyration after the 299 game,and all the guys talking to me.  Even in a small community we use the [sanction oiling machine] so we get a very professional condition even our house shot. I do not have a strong rist so I do not turn the ball alot but I still keep up the speed.  This ball had splinters going down the lane with the ball,  my boss has the ball set up to hook early because he is excellent on knowing how to drill with the way you throw your ball!  So drilling has alot to do with the ball but believe me the Demolition zone is quite a ball.

Jesse James

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Re: Demolition Zone
« Reply #17 on: June 26, 2003, 06:32:11 PM »
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. It's 2003, and who the heck still uses this ball anymore??! Me...that's who. Anyway, just realized I'd never posted a review on my benchmark ball. Received this ball, used and set up righty, 4.5x 3, with pin under the ring finger. Was wayyy too strong, and too continuous for me, almost condition specific. Redrilled to 5x4, righty, pin aprox. 1.25" over the ring finger and whalaa! A gem. Ball goes long and strong, and just explodes the rack. I love shooting 10, down and in; or 15 with a slight swing. Up the back of the ball or spinner....don't matter comes back from anywhere on medium to med.heavy! Raised my avg. 5 pins with it in league, and shot a 706, followed by a 690 this past season. Definitely a great ball. Still first out of my bag......except at tournaments.

PS. Not enuff ball for heavy oil. As drilled, I'd have to square up and slow down speed, tremendously to be effective.
Some days you're the bug....some days you're the windshield...that's bowling!


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Re: Demolition Zone
« Reply #18 on: July 07, 2003, 04:48:55 AM »
i went in a different direction in drilling this ball then i normally do, i put the pin right over my middle finger(i'm right handed) and kicked the cg out about 1/2 in. to the left, so basicly more of a lefty drill.  but it did the trick.  this ball gets down the lane pretty good but the magic of this ball is when it starts hooking, on house shots i can stand around 30 and play up 18-20, when it starts hooking its a continous ARC that doesnt stop.  on the tuffer shots, i can get deep and loft the left gutter and still find the pocket.  a great, not so new, ball...if you can find one, get it
  i'm out


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Re: Demolition Zone
« Reply #19 on: May 18, 2005, 10:44:30 AM »
this post should be done years back....
i had this ball previously.. now it's retired and given away to my friend...

it's the best ball that i had before.. always giving me the "demolition" that it was supposed to do.... pins fall upon the hit and always none are left...
although the results from my Storm ball is better but i always felt that the effect from this ball is much Better!!!!
X X X X X X X X X Xxx
PeRfEct GaMe!!!

"No one is perfect.."
Scores don't mean anything...


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Re: Demolition Zone
« Reply #20 on: May 18, 2005, 07:20:48 PM »
i've had this ball for the last four years and it still hooks, i  will never retire it!

Gerry H

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Re: Demolition Zone
« Reply #21 on: January 19, 2008, 02:13:58 PM »
Gerry H here, I've had a Demo Zone since it came out and believe it or not ,I had a 712 with it last year.  I'll buy another if I can find one. Mine looks like it was in a razor fight but still gives a long look with a nice flip. Only trouble , have to keep my speed up, as it really snaps at the end if I don't. Best rock I ever threw.