I know It's pretty late to post a review for a Twisted Fury, being it came out a while ago. But, I just got it from a friend who decided he didn't like it anymore. I however, was more than happy to take it off his hands. I put in a new thumb and grips, and hit the lanes with it. Now, he had it pretty aggressively drilled, and I decided to keep it, since I needed a little more hook.
I bowl on a Modified house shot, about two feet longer than avg, and wet outside. Being a stroker who loves to throw it up five, this ball can let me do that on fresh oil. But, I can also open up the lane and will not worry about the ball not coming back. It will. My first set was a practice session where I shot a 741 series with games of 215, 227, and 299. If you're on the right condition, lined up, and repeat shot, you can strike on command with this ball. The carry is just phenomenal. Just my own $0.02
Currently Throwing:
Storm Dimension
Storm Street Rod Pearl
Brunswick Twisted Fury
Brunswick T-Zone