No one's posted a review on this ball for a while. To me, this is one of the MOST underrated bowling balls out on the market today. You can pick one of these up on line fairly cheap. Buy one and you won't be sorry. This is my first ball out of the bag and usually ends up being the only ball I bowl with all day.
Lane Conditions: Medium-Heavy Oil
Typical Conditions: Tournament Shot
Type of Lane: All Synthetic
What part of the lane did you play? Second Arrow
Did the ball track out? Normal
Weight of bowling ball: 16
Surface of bowling ball: Scotch Brite
What grit was the surface of the ball? Grey Scotch Brite
Likes: Just about everything
Dislikes: Snoop dog
Went to the local Sunday morning tournament at a local house. Oil pattern was "A" for the shot on synthetic lanes and a fairly healthy dose of oil. I was standing out on 25 using the fifteen board as a target and swinging out to about the ten board. I'm more of a cranker than a stroker without the big backswing, but still use plenty of hand in the shot.
As soon as the ball cleared the oil and read the lanes, it almost made a 180 into the pocket. Light hits, high hits, flush hits, it didn't matter. Grabbed the first eight and stuck a solid 8 in the ninth. Went 279 256 250, but didn't win as it was a handi capped tourney. But did take a healthy side pot of $120 for the first game.
What was great? As the shot broke down when the oil started moving, the ball didn't do any thing "strange". It stayed on line reading the dry and wet part of the lane without going spastic. Minor adjustments with speed or feet was all that was needed. I was the only one throwing this ball amid all the Storm, Track and Lane #1 products out on the lanes. I must have talked to at least 6 or 7 people about the ball who were impressed with the reaction.
Keep looking. I'm sure there's a 300 in one of those balls you keep buying!!