Drilled my Vintage Inferno 40x4 5/8"x70 (pin below bridge) with no x hole thanks to the short pin.
The Vintage Inferno gives me moderate length, some hard revs in the midlane with a strong arcing backend motion that matches up really well for me when playing a mild swing on medium oiled lanes. For a pearl, I was pleasantly surprised at how well the ball rolled through the oil and how it wasn't jumpy off the spot. My pin down Fanatic (original) and Edge Pearl both are much more sensitive to oil (or lack there of) and my eye prefers seeing this look. I am definitely considering drilling another Vintage Inferno pin up to give me most angle downlane for when I want to be inside 4th arrow.
I haven't bowled on too many interesting patterns lately, but our local centre has been cycling through new house patterns (we just got a flex) to dress for the fall season. My best look was on 40' Stonehenge swinging 3rd arrow to 8 where I had to throw a terrible shot to miss the pocket. The Vintage Inferno gave me enough hook to get into the oil, but the moderate response to friction prevented me from getting less than 9 if I got around the ball too much (my #1 miss) or caught the dry boards early. I saw a similar look on 44' Big Ben, where I didn't have to worry about the ball skidding out if I got it too far into the puddle and again, the most trouble I would find on misses into the friction were 4's and 9's.
Compared to other balls in my bag, the Vintage Inferno is a full step stronger in oil than any of the other symmetric pearls in the Brunswick line (Edge Pearl, Jab, Diva Style, Freakshow and Fire Quantum) and is comparable in strength to the midrange Asyms (Xenos, Vandals). It has replaced my pin down Brainiac in my bag and is my ideal #2 ball to use once my sanded balls start to read the fronts too early.
I recommend this ball for anybody who loves the look of symmetric balls on the lane and is looking for a strong pearl that can be used on a wide variety of patterns.