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Author Topic: Fury  (Read 37224 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00
The market has been asking for it and you''ve been warned it was the new high performance brand from Brunswick is finally here! After three years of development Brunswick proudly introduces FURY.  FURY comes to market with two new technologies High Octane Coverstock and Symmetric Torsion Core Technology.

High Octane Coverstock is Brunswick’s latest development in Solid Color Coverstock Technology. The Ultimate & Scorchin’ Inferno® balls were the humble predecessors to the new performance standard of FURY.More aggressive than Activator® or ActivatorMAX, High Octane coverstock provides more traction in the oil and is better able to handle the combination of hard synthetic lane surfaces and the carrydown created by today’s high-tech lane oils. Fury is the highest hook potential non-particle ball Brunswick has ever produced and is our best ever combination of high hook potential, great mid-lane recovery combined with strong and continuous back-end reaction.

The Torsion core is a new core shape concept that involves applying a computerized torsion or twisting process to high-tech shapes. Brunswick testing has shown that the Torsion core should quickly become known for its high hook potential, easy revving and powerful, but controllable breakpoints.  The first Torsion core is a symmetric version that requires no unique drilling techniques. Brunswick has twisted the core on the inside of the ball so you can twist it up more on the lanes. It started with a Fuze®, turned into an Inferno and now comes the Fury......Feel the FURY.

Reaction Characteristics
•Out of the Box: The FURY continues the Brunswick tradition of controlling the mid-lane to create maximum forgiveness and versatility. With its 800-grit wet sand surface, the FURY matches up well on most medium to oily house conditions.
•When dulled: The hooking action will increase and its arc will become more even, creating a better match-up for oily lane conditions and for smoothing over/under reactions seen on wet/dry lane conditions.
•When shined: With either Brunswick’s Factory Finish “High Gloss Polish” or “Rough Buff”, your FURY will go longer in the oil and react stronger to the dry creating a more skid/snap arc. High Gloss Polish creates more length than Rough Buff.
High Octane Reactive
3-color Solid:

Black / Red / Purple
Hardness: 76-77
Factory Finish
800-grit wet sand
More Information
Core Dynamics @ 16#
Symmetrical core
RG-max: 2.515  
RG-min: 2.471
RG-diff: 0.044
Average RG: 2.8
Hook Potential 165
Length 45
Breakpoint Shape 75
Available Weights
12-16 Pounds



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Re: Fury
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2007, 10:18:26 PM »
got my fury today and got to throw it in league last nite. drilled mine with the pin up and to the right of my ring finger. the ball still gets into a midlane roll and has a lot of pop on the backend. it carried the corners very well and had good mix on off hits. i got a feeling this is going to be one of my go to balls

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Re: Fury
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2007, 01:00:33 AM »
This ball is scary good!!  Used mine for the first time in league tonight (fresh oil and backends) and I AM IMPRESSED. Shot a modest 731 without working at all. Just kept chasing the shot inside and even missed a few way outside of target: NO PROBLEMO!!  

The cover on mine came a little too coarse for me, so I smoothed it out with 1000 abralon on the spinner. My pin is basically above the ring finger and the CG kicked out slightly.

I've thrown Brunswick balls exclusively for the past two years and always compared everything against the Strike Zone, which for me has been a real monster.  There is a new standard now...

Took orders for three of them tonight after others saw it roll. Great work Brunswick. This one was worth the wait.


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Re: Fury
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2007, 12:46:57 AM »
got my ball is way to right middle finger and the x hole.first big roller ball.have 2 other infernos the radical and the scorching.threw 3 practice games of 175 203 199 not to bad for the first 3 games with a 190 average.this ball to me is like the scorching but moves alittle better.have a tournament this weekend and league nite on monday.i will give a better review then.seems the ball moves well depending where you want to throw and sprrd and hand play a big part.otside in on fresh oil seemed ok.left through the middle works real i said had fresh oil and first three games i thought ok.


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Re: Fury
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2007, 02:53:27 PM »
this Ball is simply UNREAL!!! my info... pap 5 3/4 and 1/8 up... approx 18 mph and 400 rpm.. got it drilled by john bradford in streamwood il at streamwood lanes... pin at approx 4pm under ring finger.. cg kicked out approx 35 degrees and mb about 2.5 to right of thumb... ball out of box hit immediately with rough buff.. this ball hits like a truck got it drilled sunday morning then pulled it out for league.. out of box 257, 269, 267 for a 793 highest series ever.....36 out of 36 in the pocket not one ten pin left all night just everything else on the back row 7, 8 and 9 pins which i can say were my error in hitting the pocket either too high or just was too fast.. this ball is extremely controllable and not a lot of over under if any at all.. i cant wait til the pearlized fury which hopefully will be next in line hits the shops....Great Job Brunswick....


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Re: Fury
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2007, 07:40:56 AM »
16# drilled 4x3, pin above and right of ring finger.  Box finish.

The ball is a truck .. almost too strong. I could only use it for a game and to be honest, I was forcing it then.

I have never seen a dull ball clear the heads like it does.  It has a huge backend move that makes me look like Tommy Jones.

The Scorchin' Inferno is a joke compared to this thing.  If you have the Total, the shot shape is the same, but 5-7 boards stronger.  

The video on the Brunswick website is a VERY good representation of what can be expected out of this ball.

I do not think that a lot of bowlers will be able to to use this in box condition.  

I will continue to mess with it and post a more educated review in the next few weeks.
Speed: average 16.5 (Quibica)
Revs: med-high to high
Axis: 5-3/4" w/ 0' tilt ( hi-track )

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Re: Fury
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2007, 09:54:41 AM »
Ball is a monster. Clears fronts well and revs up down the lane better than any other Brunswick ball in the line right now. Versatile as any ball out there today. Box finish will grip on the slickest of surface and this ball goes forever with a good polish on it. Can't wait to drill another one. Thanks Brunswick for this one.

mr furious

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Re: Fury
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2007, 12:17:18 AM »
great ball. i have an absolute inferno and need something that had some more hook to it and could deal with some more oil. i saw the hype about the fury and decided to get it asap. very strong ball. it clears the heads with ease starts to pick up in the midlane and come screamin back on the backend. i had a problem with my AI squirting a lil bit on THS during league and had to play a much more direct line to the pocket then i usually like doing. the fury is just what i wanted. it helped me open up the lane and come back strong. i sometimes tug the ball and it hold real good in the oil without over reacting. overall a good ball for anyone loooking for a few extra boards of hook and something that wil pick up in the midlane and have a strong, consistant back end


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Re: Fury
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2007, 09:27:09 AM »
After seeing it in action, had Eddie Byrd at Best Bowling Pro Shop in St. Louis drill me one for the PBA Sr. Regional at Taylorville Feb 23-25. We laid it out like they specified for the pin down, hole down.

We used pattern 1 and leaving it in box finish, used it for first three games, +15, then had to switch for New North Lanes notorious transition on 22' guardian.

The Fury is all that it advertised. Cleared heads, B+, mid lane, B+, back end B+, for now I will leave it box finish because I will encounter longer/heavier conditions, but it reminds me a lot of the old V2 sanded, and that was a must in every bag. The Fury is a must in every bag too.


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Re: Fury
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2007, 07:56:27 PM »
ive had my fury for about a month now, probably my fav Big B ball since the Zone Classic. when left at a factory finish this thing is just a monster, stand left, throw right, and for even someone with few revs it will recover. i took my surface to a 500 grit abralon and then hit it with the Brunswick High Gloss Polish. It gave it alot more length like polish will do and gave it a very strong breakpoint with easy recovery. hits like a truck and can be played from a variety of angles on a THS weather its tight and inside or comming off the dry outside. excellent ball!
The OFFICIAL Nick Smith padiwan

You might recognize me from such films as... "how to pre-bowl 900" and my arm made a guest apperance in "X-hole demo video"

current arsenal:
BVP Ambush
Power Groove Reactive V-A-B


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Re: Fury
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2007, 09:23:15 PM »
First off, I have NOT thrown this ball.  I do feel qualified to post a review because our pro shop has drilled several, including two of the guys who work in the shop.  

This ball obviously created quite a buzz because it's Brunswick's first ball in a new line and with a new core design.  After having seen it in action I can safely say that it does come as advertised - it hooks.  

The shell is nicely versatile and not only that but it is actually useable in either a dull or polished condition.  As someone mentioned earlier, this ball does seem to get through the fronts without much force which was somewhat surprising given it's overall strength. We did find that the ball overall was more predictable and sure-footed through the back end in a dull, smooth finish.  We used 800, 1200 and 1500 grits on three different balls and had more success overall than we did with the ball we sanded to 1500 and polished with Black Magic.

After we polished the Fury, it me of the Quantum Leap for some reason.  I think it's because the ball has such a large differential and will flare as much anything we've seen in some time.  There is such a thing as too much differential for some players and this ball might just be too much for some of the heavier handed or those with slower speeds.  

I would recommend the Fury for anyone who is looking for something to top out their arsenal at the top of the hook scale.  It's a very nice rolling ball with sometimes spectacular carry.  I don't often mention "flare separation" but in this ball, you will get much wider flare separation on a given 5 1/2" pin to pap, pin over the fingers type layout.  You might want to consider keeping the pin a tad lower or just on a line from the pap to the ring finger.  

It's a winner and worth the cash for sure.  If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail us at:

big B

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Re: Fury
« Reply #11 on: March 01, 2007, 07:57:20 PM »


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Re: Fury
« Reply #12 on: March 03, 2007, 04:39:03 PM »
i drilled the awesomehook in about december, its drilled straight up and i noticed its starting to die out when i hit the pocket. I used to bowl when i was younger i was a 195-200 bowler. this is my first year bowling in about 8 years. the house i bowl in floods their lanes about 42ft i believe. there are no people that really swing the ball everyone plays the 5 or 7. I want a ball that will hook back to me when i throw it. i want a ball where i can stand left and throw right and have it come back with some power. Can someone who has both the Awesome hook and the fury compare both of them and tell me a ball that will hook out the door for me. thank you


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Re: Fury
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2007, 01:31:42 PM »
I have thrown a handful of games with this ball so far and am impressed.  Not blown away, but very impressed.

My ball came 16.1 lbs, 3.6 oz, 2 1/4" pin.  I am a tweener with med speed and med revs.  My preferred line (A game) would be close to 15 at the arrows to around 8 or so.

After taking the rest of my arsenal into consideration, my driller and I concluded that we should drill this ball strong.  I don't have anything that can successfully handle the "slop" that my bowling center places in the middle of the lane.  I have been forced outside all year, which is not my "A" game.

The result of the drilling was a pin x PAP of about 3 1/2 and a cg x PAP slightly further.  Pin just right of ring finger.  It is close to stacked.  Required a weight hole as it was almost 1/2 oz illegal.

We angled the weight hole to help get the ball down the lane better.  Unfortunately the place I get my equipment drilled has wood lanes while I regularly bowl on synthetics.  This ball reacts completely differently for me on the two.  I had trouble getting the ball to skid on the wood lanes, even though there was some head oil.  Because of this, we decided to Rough Buff it.  It reacted much better at the time.  VERY strong off the break, not snappy, but strong.

I then proceeded to bowl a few games at my home center the next day.  I found that the ball went a little too long for me and reminded me too much of my Vapor.  So I went back and had him take it back to 800.  That did the trick.  I will say that the number of boards it covers is close to that of my Vapor on house conditions, but with a different shape.  However, in heavier oil this ball starts revving up and will make the turn whereas my Vapor has a little hesitation.  I will also say that for me, the ball is not a hook monster.  What makes it great is the hit and carry.  I have never had a ball in my hands that carries like this one.  It seems to have a deep hatred for the AMFlite II's that my center uses.  

I do not typically post scores, but I threw 266 first league game on a line that I have not been able to play all year (in the first game anyhow) before putting it away late-second game after trying to force it for a few frames.  My one big gaffe was a 2-8-10, that I ended up converting, not sure if it was from the awesome power of this ball or just a sign from God.  Of course the lanes broke down much quicker this week than they normally do, so I went to my Vapor and was able to carry better as the track broke down.

This ball will not change your life or help you score better with the opposite sex, but it may help your confidence and possibly make those around you green with "NV" (ha).

Brian Menini

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Re: Fury
« Reply #14 on: March 07, 2007, 06:54:05 PM »
Drilled with Brunswicks 2L

Speed - 19.5 Mph
Revs -  approx 480
PAP - 5 3/4 over 5/8 up

Just received my fury a couple weeks ago, Honestly I did not like it all that much with box finish. I bowl on Wood lanes with Guardian and Synthetics another night. Both places I had early hook and not a whole lot a back end at all.

Threw some polish on it and my god, this is a different ball. Clears the heads and makes a very very strong move off the dry..

This will be in my bag for the upcoming regional season.

Brian Menini