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Author Topic: Fuze Detonator  (Read 20905 times)


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Fuze Detonator
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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Coverstock: Proactive MTX-1

Color: Black

Hardness: 77-79

Factory Finish: 35-Micron Trizact

Core Dynamics:


  • RG Max: 2.585

  • RG Min: 2.538

  • RG Diff: 0.047

  • RG Avg: 4.7




  • Hook Potential: 140

  • Length: 45

  • BreakPoint Shape: 45


Available Weights: 12-16 Pounds

View the official Spec sheet including Drill Instructions



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Re: Fuze Detonator
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2002, 10:14:33 PM »
The FUZE Detonator is a Good Blended Ball!

Again from Brunswick comes the next of the FUZE Series!
using the same weight block design as used in the RAGING RED FUZE,
but a new Particle/Reactive blended cover stock!

This ball out of the box is too much for most medium lane conditions but
with a little help from "Black Magic" and this ball is ready for that
fresh league condition! Oil is the answer here! Find some and your ready to score!

We label Leveraged our test ball with the pin at 1:30 4"from the PAP
This ball rolls smooth and strong! Good hit and carry!
Not a big Hooker! but predictable! Because of the blended cover stock you
will find that this ball will work well on the Medium to Heavy Oil lane conditions!
We also find this ball a good choice for Slick Plastic lanes.(Syn)
Again, the more oil you find the better this ball will work out of the box!

Of the FUZE Series we thought that the RAGING RED was the best to date!
but I think we can now say that this one is up there too!

This ball will not turn heads! Its milky black shell just does not attract attention to itself!
but for a Brunswick Ball, it will perform well for many bowlers! Just remember that shell adjustment is the key here!

We will recommend this ball to our customers and to all bowlers!


Bob Hanson

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Re: Fuze Detonator
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2002, 04:02:42 PM »
For you guys with plenty of hand don't even look at this ball, you will never find a place for it.  Also, if you are bowling on a 10 to 10 with plenty of dry outside you don't need it.  However if you are the kind of stroker who knows how and when to move inside, this ball should give you the hit that you haven't been getting in there since the oils took on the viscosity of molasses.  The Detonator is the ball Brunswick should have made when they came out with the navy sparkle.  I drilled this ball 4 1/2 by 3 1/2 with no extra hole.  On a 10 to 10 wall with a 40 foot buff and fresh back ends I went right to 15 and never let the ball drift outside of 8. Carry was excellent, with no flat 10 unless I really made a bad pitch.  As a comparison, my Vortex 2 would have been leaving corners before I got to 12 board, and its a strong reactive.  

Like most good Brunswick stuff the Detonator reacts best when you roll it firm off the back.  Get to the side and it will still work, but you can literally see it wasting energy trying to stand up.  The Detonator is in the class with the popular HPH, but you can tell the lower rg core right away.  We play on heavy long oil around here, and the last go to ball I had for these conditions was my Deep Violet.  I will be disappointed if this ball doesn't do the same thing for me.


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Re: Fuze Detonator
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2002, 12:08:09 PM »
i drilled this ball with the pin over the middle finger with the cg in the center of the grip. this ball lets me play many different shotsi can throw this ball with a way outside angle but i am also able to play straight up the boards which is really unusual for me and a proactive. this ball hits harder than anything i have ever thrown.this ball also has a nice long consistant reaction. the one thing i will tell u is u might want it drilled a bit more aggressive than this. i am gonna drill a flare increasing balance hole. this ball is nearly perfect. the cover is very versital you can polish, sand, and use rubbing compound and they all change the ball to do so many different things.

Dwight Albrecht

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Re: Fuze Detonator
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2002, 01:54:01 PM »
Thank you for reading this review.

The Fuze Detonator is Brunswick’s latest entry into the Fuze line with this one geared for oily lanes. This Black Proactive/Particle Ball is Brunswick MTX-1 Coverstock sanded at Brunswick’s 35 Micron Trizact Finish. The MTX-1 is Brunswick Middle particle load category. The weight block is similar to the Raging Red Fuze, which is a medium R.G. at 2.50—and medium Differential of .04--. This combination should give this ball strong hook and backend reaction.

I drilled the Fuze with the Pin 3 3/8 from my axis pin down and placed the mass bias/C.G. to the right of my grip center. Weight Hole at 4:00 angle to make statically legal.

I used this ball at three different houses and saw 3 slightly different reactions. On HPL synethic lanes freshly oiled, the ball really had a hard time revving quickly, even with a pin down drilling, it labored its roll. It still scored well but did not roll as quick off my hand compared to the Brunswick Monster Purple, which came out this last year. The monster core seemed to rev or roll quicker off my hand and had an earlier reaction than the fuze. The fuze gets through the heads cleaner and back end’s harder, but seemed like its core was one of a higher torque. More hand was needed to get it rolling.
The hit was comparable to the Purple Monster, I left a few more solid ten’s with the fuze, which I tested on the same condition. At the 2 wood lane houses the ball rolled a little quicker and hard stronger backend, but again for my release, which is a low tracker/spinner, the ball labored its roll. The balls that rev quicker seem to match up better to my game. I have been to many tournaments recently and have seen many top players doing well with this ball. The best release for this ball is the “Up the Backer” or the Bowler that puts a lot of forward roll on the ball. For me the ball “even factory sanded” skidded and did not roll enough for me to consider it an oil ball. When polished the ball is very impressive from an inside angle on a drier lane condition actually gave me better ball reaction than my competitors bowling the same line against me.

I am not disappointed in this ball. It just does not match up to my game as well as balls from Brunswick, like to HPH’s or Purple Monster’s. After throwing this ball I feel a higher Pin Out with a strong pin distance, “Flip Leverage” would work quite nice on this ball. I will be writing a second review on this ball and will update the review in the near future. The best game for this ball would be either the “Up the Backer”/”Down in Inner”, or the Cranker looking for a ball that they can over power the lanes. This ball would not be intended for spinners or low revved players at least on oil.

Thank you again for reading my review and best of luck to you and your Bowling.


Brad Basart

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Re: Fuze Detonator
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2002, 01:45:17 PM »
The Detonator I received wasn't the best to work with.  The pin was 1" from CG and the top weight was over 4oz.  Knowing the cover would probably make it hook too soon, I took some rubbing compoung to the surface, and the Storm "clean an polish" stuff.  This filled in the shell a little, but far away from shining the ball up.  Being right handed, I turned it to stack the pin and CG under my ring finger.  I ended up shifting 3/4" to the left as well to ensure the pin was under my ring finger.  Quality control bit me in the butt on this one though.  When I took the ball to the scale to confirm it would pass at ABC's, it had over 2oz. positive side.  After putting a big hole into it to get down to about 3/4oz, I took it to the lanes.  My home lane conditions are pretty well walled up.  Massive amounts of oil in the middle, down the lane about 42ish feet.  Outside 10, the oil is pretty thin.  Anyway, first 3 games out of the box, you knew when the ball came off the oil.  It moved left in a smooth strong hook to the pins.  Flaring was smooth.  Performance was good enough that it made the excursion to Billings.  Used it for the entire weekend.  Ball reaction was continuous.  My home house has wood backends.  I didn't notice any distinct difference in the backend reaction between home and the HPL lanes at Nationals.  Both gave me very good carrying power.
Now seems to be the discouraging part.  20 games are on this ball now, and the backend aggression seems to be fading.  Actually, this is reminding me of the ball reaction I got from the original proactives.  Since I've been out of the pro shop industry for about 3 years now, I haven't kept up on all the product changes w/ Brunswick's line.  I'm beginning to think things haven't changed that much though with their coverstocks.  My Danger Zone HPH seemed to hold it's consistancy much longer.  If you already have Brunswick proactive equipment, you probably already have something similar to this ball.  If you want a ball with a durable coverstock, this ball appears to be holding up very well.  Very little visible track marks for me so far.  If it fits your needs, give it a try.


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Re: Fuze Detonator
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2002, 10:59:12 PM »
I had this ball drilled powerfull for maximum backend reaction 3" PAP and 3 ounces of top weight.  The ball is basically drilled 1L on Brunswicks guide with an added weight hole.  

I am currently using the Raging Red and Purple Pearl Fuzes, both great balls.  This ball reminds me of when I had my Red Alert and Pro Azure ball combo its like I have my old combo again with the Red Fuze and the Detonator.  The Detonator is just like the Pro Azure in that when the Raging Red doesn't make the turn because of to much carry down the Detonator will.  I never did like my Pro Azure that much because the lanes had to be just right to use it.  I did shoot 300 with both my Pro Azure and Red Alert, but the Pro Azure just wasn't what I was looking for and it is apparent to me that the Detonator isn't either.  I wanted this ball for heavy oil to replace my worn out Chaos and it just isn't enough ball.  I thought about roughing up the cover, but I would rather buy a ball that is more aggressive in oil then the Detonator.

I read a review in one of the bowling mags that says this ball is a "Superhuman Big Boy Bowling Ball".  I would have to disagree.  

If you have average speed and slower this ball might be great for you, but if your like me and throw 19+ it wont make it back unless there is a clean backend or dry outside.  I could see the ball trying to rev up and turn but it just kept sliding out!  If you like the Pro Azure then this ball will be great for you.  

Good luck and good bowling!


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Re: Fuze Detonator
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2002, 11:18:26 AM »

The detonator is a wonderfull ball. It dose the best on oil lanes. The more OIL is out there the better it does.
I got the drilled for the most hook. I can stand at 25 and throw at 15 at a angle and the ball come rowing back into the
pocket.  The ball is good for people that do not have alot of reves on there balls.


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Re: Fuze Detonator
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2002, 08:19:23 AM »
Hey everyone
Got this ball last week as i wanted a BALL ON OILED LANES as my rock on had started to loose its reation. I am inpressed with the results my first series was 620 with a high of 210 and a low of 202 (pritty consistant). I will see what its like in weeks to come but i will say that from the games i bowled it does a hook a lot, a very lot!!!
overall 8/10 not bad at all!!!!


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Re: Fuze Detonator
« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2002, 10:37:47 AM »
This is a great ball that cuts threw the oil and carries great as well. I just shot my first 800 with it last night. out of the 3 games I left two 7 pins, two 10 pins, an eight pin, and a pulled shot that left the 3,6. the rest carried, out of 36 possable I had 28 strikes.And by the way I only had 2 strikes in my 3 10th frames. So I think it is safe to say this ball gets the carry.


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Re: Fuze Detonator
« Reply #10 on: November 25, 2002, 08:02:50 AM »
I am a high speed medium rev bowler.  I had my detonator drilled very aggressive in order to get through a heavy oil condition.  This ball is fantastic in a heavy oil condition.  Even with my speed it breaks through the heads and drives hard into the pocket.  It hits with explosive power and is very forgiving if I get to far outside.  The only drawback is when the lanes begin to dry out.  You might as well put it away.

MIrons - SF bay

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Re: Fuze Detonator
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2003, 11:30:27 PM »
After all of my friends told me that they love their fuses, I had to try one for myself.  I definitely was not dissapointed!  I have this ball drilled with the CG 1" right of the midpoint of my grip, with the pin 3.5" out towards 1:30.  I did have it drilled with a balance hole about 5" out, on the centerline of my grip.  This ball has a surprising grip on backends, whether they are oily or spotty.  That is the strong point of this ball.  It seems to be able to cope with spotty conditions very very well.  It seems to store up the oil on the track and use it where needed.  It rarely jumps left, and has a very consistent break point and angle.  I do recommend that you use some polish with this ball, because if you are like me (good amount of turn and lift, lots of speed), you will definitely need it.  
I have read quite a few reviews on this ball, and all of them seem to point out how good this ball is on oil.  I tend to have better luck with mine on conditions that have a lot of carrydown.  
Overall, I would have to give this ball a grade of 93%.

Brian Green

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Re: Fuze Detonator
« Reply #12 on: February 04, 2003, 10:34:06 PM »
got this baby drilled stacked leverage.... i use this for extremly heavy oil or when their is no backend.....   this ball is the most underrated heavy oil ball in my area  in my opinion......  the detonator just explodes on the backend  where no other ball in my bag will carry a corner pin because the ball dies on the back  this ball carries everything...........  This ball is a definately winner from Brunswick
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Re: Fuze Detonator
« Reply #13 on: July 08, 2003, 10:06:42 PM »
I bought this ball simply because of the reviews here at ball  I was looking for a ball that I might use once or twice a year on extremely heavy oil.  I am a high speed, high track, and high rev rate bowler.  I had it drilled 4 1/2 x 4 1/2, basically the the same as my V-2 sanded.  I wanted to use my V-2 sanded as the bench mark.  I have thrown it on two different conditions, practicing on the everyday house shot (swing 15 to 10) and in our local "PBA condition" league.  The Detonator was right out of the box (no surface modification).  The amount of hook was less then what I was expecting.  The Detonator surprised me by not over finishing on the fresh back-ends, this can be a problem with the V-2 sanded.  After four games the detonator was still finishing strong, I expected to start losing the back-ends and was surprised with the consistency that the Detonator showed.  It is not the hooking ball that I was looking for, but I that think that it definitely has earned a place in my bag.  Overall I give it a 9 out of 10.

Tallaght kingpin

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Re: Fuze Detonator
« Reply #14 on: July 09, 2003, 09:16:19 PM »
I have to say that im a fan of brunswick but this ball was a disaster.I bowl on heavy oil week in week out and it just doesn't do the job it skids right down the lan. Im a fast medium rev bowler and when theres oil it just doesn't move. ON medium lanes its a god sent but just not what im looking for. Ill stick with the X-Factor Reloaded as its top notch when it gets tough.