Stats in profile:
Specs: 15lbs
Pin: 3-4"
Top: standard
Box finish
Because I picked this ball up specifically to toy around with, I allowed my driller to go with whatever layout he felt would give me the reaction for which I was looking. That reaction, basically, was for the ball to read the lane early but then remain very smooth, mild, and consistent down the lane. In essence, a ball for smoothing out severe wet-dry.
When all was said and done, he placed the pin under the bridge, the cg down and to the left and the MB in line down and left of the thumb hole. We left the ball in box finish.
Results: I haven't thrown this ball a great deal just yet, but I think we definitely succeeded in giving me a look that I didn't previously have in the bag. With this drilling, the Impulse is tame the whole way down the lane. It seems to enjoy being played very straight up the boards. On our freshly oiled house shot, which usually serves as nothing more than a standard medium volume wall, the ball reacted best when thrown up seven or eight directly with the boards. If I leaked it a board or two further right, the ball would read the pattern sooner but still would not over-react on its way to the pocket. If the ball was pulled in just a bit, it picked up the roll and tried to fight its way to the hole. Once it got there, it was simply a matter of whether or not the 10-pin would snap out.
Just for giggles, I attempted to move deeper inside and give the ball more hand. To my surprise, the ball would make a fairly hard move if I truly wanted it to. I was able to play as deep as third arrow out to around the 3-4 board and get it back to the pocket with some power. The ball didn't seem to like this path nearly as much as the straight approach, but it did its best to accomodate what I was asking of it.
Overall, I think this will have to be a niche ball. I don't see it having a great deal of usability on a day in and day out basis, but for what I drilled it for, it should shine when called upon. With this drilling, the ball is very stable, predictable, and it provides a pretty solid punch.
I'm not really sure how this ball would react with a more traditional drilling. I think we've all heard mixed results. What I can tell you is that the ball can do what you want it to do provided you plan things out. That's the key to matching up ball to bowler: figure out what you want the ball to do and on what conditions you want it done. Once you've got that figured out, let your driller lead the way. That's what I did, and I think it has led me to another very nice piece of equipment.
I've only bowled 300, but I've benched 345 : )

I provide the muscle for the Fellowship of the Saws