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Author Topic: Inferno  (Read 41330 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Coverstock: Activatorâ„¢ Aggressive Reactive

Color: Fire/Smoke

Hardness: 77-79

Factory Finish: High Gloss Polish

Core Dynamics:

RG Max: 2.513”

RG Min: 2.463”

RG Diff: 0.050”

RG Avg: 2.6

Hook Potential 115

Length 105

Breakpoint Shape 80



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Re: Inferno
« Reply #106 on: February 27, 2007, 11:10:38 AM »
I have two of these. One from back in 2004 made in USA, and one just re-released via the Ace-Mitchell re-orders made in Mexico. I can't tell the difference.

The older ball is drilled with the pin above and between the fingers, CG kicked out a bit to the right of the vertical mid-line, above the horizontal mid-line, X-hole on the PAP, my PAP is 5 1/4 over - 1/4 up. In box finish this ball killed. Depending on the shot I could play up 10, belly from 15 or 20 to 10 or if they were burnt play a fall back shot. I have this in 2000 abralon now and it's very close to box finish in it's reaction. This layout goes somewhat medium long and has a nice arc on the finish. Very good for most oil unless super swampy or desert dry. Wood or synthetic doesn't matter. Change your speed or hand position if you are getting too much hook or not enough, or move left or right. When this ball hits, IT HITS.

My newer Inferno is drilled almost "Rico" style. I would call this a Pin Down, Hole Down layout. Pin is on the vertical grip line a little bit more than halfway down between the fingers and grip center, CG is kicked out below the horizontal grip line at about 45 degrees and the X-hole is almost in perfect line with the CG at the same 45 degree angle from grip center just about 3 3/8ths down the VAL from the horizontal grip line. This ball is still in box finish. This layout revs the ball up very early but it doesn't overhook. It has a ton of juice left on it when it hits the backend and comes LEFT very very hard. I'd say the reaction is a very very hard arc snap, but smooth. Carry is no issue when in the pocket as anyone who has an Inferno will tell you.

I'm very sold on the whole family of Activator coverstocks as they LAST if you take care of the balls. My first Inferno is 3 years old and hits like new. All my other Activator based equipment rolls fine and I still have it. If you didn't get one of these when they first came out now's your chance. Don't sleep on this ball. Layout and knowledge of your track, style of bowling and PAP is key to properly lay one of these out. Bowl well.


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Re: Inferno
« Reply #107 on: May 21, 2007, 11:33:41 AM »
First inferno ever! Wow should have got one when they initially came out. Here's the scoop.

Left handed
Stats: 15.5 MPH
PAP 4 5/8 & 1/4 up
Revs: 275 + or -

the ball
15lbs 2oz
3.5" pin
4.4 oz top

drilled pin above fingers on the mid line. cg shift 7/8 left

Only threw it at nationals 2 games in singles so far. And some practice beforehand. It clears the heads with ease and starts reading the mids and makes a nice controllable arc to the pocket. It hits hard, must be the new ball thing.

At nationals I had it polished and took it out the second game of singles when my Bully couldn't make the turn (playing up 5 with soft speed) Shot 213 219 after a 177 start.


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Re: Inferno
« Reply #108 on: February 10, 2008, 06:00:51 PM »
Brunswick Original Inferno
Layout: Pin 4 1/2" from PAP, pin down. No x-hole. OOB Cover.

Bowler: 225-250 RPMs, 16 MPH. Release for this review: medium-ish tilt, medium-high side rotation. PAP is 4 1/8" over, 5/16" up.

Lanes: Typical House Shot - medium in volume, 40' in length, broken down from earlier, pretty dry on the outside, backs on the inside were on fire.

Review: Ah...The Original Inferno. I've heard so many good stories about this ball, and to say I haven't wanted to try one for awhile would be a flat-out lie. So when I got my grubby hands on one I JUMPED at the chance. I decided to lay it out 4 1/2 x, I hoped I'd have a decent ball on medium house shot conditions. Lately I've been looking, or "in the market" you could say, for a drier lane ball that I could play the track with, so I'm not stuck swinging the lane. Well the way this ball ended up, it filled my gap!

I started out standing on the 26, hitting 15-7 and the ball just was so smooth and powerful, I loved it. I decided to move further left, add some speed and forward roll. Remember, the further left today, the more my other stuff was going haywire, or burning up. The Inferno just held on line and then broke later and harder, giving me a ball I had versatile amounts of room with. I had a ball I could play my line I originally wanted, and then some chops to play deep when I wanted to. I'm excited to try this ball on something like the Cheetah or Scorpion pattern, where I have friction around me but I don't want to over-utilize it.

Excellent product by Brunswick, We'll see what happens in the coming weeks!
My Arsenal:

Brunswick Total Inferno
Mo-Rich Archon
Roto-Grip Mystic
Storm T-Road Pearl





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Re: Inferno
« Reply #109 on: November 26, 2008, 09:15:58 PM »
Awesome bowling ball! This ball gets down the lane and makes a nice controllable snap on the backend to find the pocket everytime. Even when I missed right and hit the pocket light it still mixed the pins around and found a way to strike. Great ball from Brunswick! Inferno rating-10/10.
CHRIS FARLEY:1964-1997
JOHN CANDY:1950-1994      
JOHN BELUSHI:1949-1982

"NO RESPECT, I GET NO RESPECT."-the great Rodney Dangerfield

InSite Bowling Products:2004-2008


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Re: Inferno
« Reply #110 on: April 24, 2009, 02:27:14 PM »
After giving up on the Fury line, I went back to my original inferno.  This ball must have nearly 1000 games on it, but still in my opinion no ball has ever or will ever be made that reads the midlane, makes the move, and continues through the pins better than the OI.  I wish they would bring it back for an encore.

I am batman

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Re: Inferno
« Reply #111 on: September 13, 2010, 10:51:49 AM »
Found an original (made in USA). Plugged redrilled pin under 45degree. Ball is just a tad flippy. Not bad, didn't have one of these when they first came out. I have it drilled same as Maxx Zone, great combo, when Maxx breaks the pattern, this baby just slides right in and heads for home with a pop. I like to play with the older stuff before I buy new. Having so much fun with this one that I may wait awhile before buying. I was thinking about a Python/Anaconda combo, but this ball sure fills in the blanks. It's no wonder Brunswick is keeping the core/cover on the market good stuff!
I am Batman
"Where does he get all of these wonderful balls?"