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Author Topic: Inferno  (Read 41293 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Coverstock: Activatorâ„¢ Aggressive Reactive

Color: Fire/Smoke

Hardness: 77-79

Factory Finish: High Gloss Polish

Core Dynamics:

RG Max: 2.513”

RG Min: 2.463”

RG Diff: 0.050”

RG Avg: 2.6

Hook Potential 115

Length 105

Breakpoint Shape 80



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Re: Inferno
« Reply #76 on: March 28, 2005, 11:13:45 PM »
i got this ball in the PBA Pro-Am style, and it has been magnificent.  It works really well for me and has improved my game a whole lot.  The ball creates great pin action, and has great carry.  I got my average up twenty pins with this ball in my travel league.  i recomend it to anyone


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Re: Inferno
« Reply #77 on: March 30, 2005, 09:20:54 PM »
I use to bowl with a Rhino Pro.  It seemed to lose its "bite" and would not drive into the pocket.  I talked to some people and heard this was a great ball.  I can throw it much slower, and it still blasts the pins with its strong back end.  Which in return gives me much more accuracy, and the ball more time to grab the lane.  I averaged around 160 with the Rhino.  My last four games with this ball were 186, 197, 200, and a 213.  I am very pleased with this ball.

[Update]  I've bowled many games with this ball now, and it is still working great for me.  My average went up a lot, with a new high game of 246 (opened in the 1st and 10th).  This ball seems to work great on any lane condition, and proves to be very forgiving.  My average is around 190'ish now.

I had to be cool and get a video, so here is my hard hitting inferno:


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Re: Inferno
« Reply #78 on: April 11, 2005, 06:49:44 PM »
watch my inferno "wiggle" down the lane

     My cousin "JOEN" recently purchase an inferno. He used to use a Rhino Pro and it seemed to lose its "bite" and go brooklyn most of the time, hitting the pocket like a teddy bear.  He couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with his rhino pro.  

     Now with his inferno, he has vastly improved, rolling in the 100-130s range like its going out of style.  one time, at lancaster....he hit the 10 pin and got a strike. That ball hits hard. By the way I would like to plug the omega lion by Ebonite,(its for bowlers who don't have the cash for an inferno) it hits half as hard as the inferno but has a decent drive to the pocket if u have a white thumb insert.  Omega lion came on the scene in the mid 90s and hasan't stopped roaring since.

Brunswick Inferno A+
Omega Lion B
Real bowlers have ripped bloody mangled thumbs;go Forrest Griffin!

[update]  JoeN is struggling with reaction in his inferno(its a dart in oil right now).  He struggles and often bowls in the 120s range.(Joen recently bowled on sunday night with me under "dark" lane conditions...he struggled posting a 104(probably the lowest score ever shot with the original inferno lol)  one time JoeN's ball ended up in the gutter of the lane next to us, figure that one out.  Joen keep ur head up, u will be rolling 120s again, just need to get that release lion has rolled me 3 games in the 240s within the last week..go Ebonite u finally got a winner, keep up the good work!


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Re: Inferno
« Reply #79 on: April 12, 2005, 12:16:50 PM »
I just got this ball and love it. It is very strong and carries the pins very well. This is a very sucky review and I know that. I don't have my measure ments or anything. I can just tell you that this ball is teh cool.
--------------------  <----------- my vid


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Re: Inferno
« Reply #80 on: April 21, 2005, 03:50:52 PM »
By far the best balls I've owned in a long time (I say balls as I have 2 of them)

My first one was a 15 pounder drilled with the pin above the fingers with it and the CG right on my gripline (unfortunetly, I don't know my PAP numbers offhand, so I can't give you a pin and CG to PAP distance) This ball has been my money ball. Pretty much usable on any shot save extreme oil or carrydown. It's very smooth in it's transition and is very controllable. Only negative is that it can skate too long on carrydown and start hitting weak.

The second one was a used one 15 pounder from a friend of mine. I slugged the thumb and pretty much drilled it label, with the pin sitting just to the right of my ring finger and the CG in the center of the grip. Compared to my first one, this one picks up a quicker roll and is earlier in it's break point. It works great when my other one won't quite make the corner. Carry is excellent as well. You do need head oil with this as it will roll too quick without it.

Overall, I don't think you can miss with this ball. This is a very late review of it, but if you can still find one, go for it.


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Re: Inferno
« Reply #81 on: June 03, 2005, 10:28:40 AM »
Very forgiving, good on many shots, and good for almost any bowling style. Very versatile. godd benchmark ball.


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Re: Inferno
« Reply #82 on: June 04, 2005, 11:49:44 PM »
Lane Conditions: Medium Oil
Typical Conditions: Variety of Shots
Type of Lane: Combination
What part of the lane did you play? Outside First Arrow
Did the ball track out? Slow
Weight of bowling ball: 15
Surface of bowling ball: Factory/Box
Dislikes: NUTTIN!

Got this ball from the great Jeffery Mersch of UCF. Didnt like the way he had it drilled...(and he's lefty) So i plugged it and have the pin below the fingers in the center, w/ the CG a lil bit to the right... w/ a normal ball surface(achieved w/Rubbing Compound and a ball spinner) AND WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can play multiple lines w/ it, down and in, swing it out, deep, anything!!!!!!! I love it, It'll always be my first ball out of my bag along w/ my Gemstone Spare Ball.
Brunswick.. Nuttin Better than a good Brunswick Ball


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Re: Inferno
« Reply #83 on: July 18, 2005, 12:23:51 AM »
Ball is drilled stacked pin above ring and Cg below ball is perfect for ;ight medium and for heavy if you play strait up.  The ball is very good on playing deep angles and for playing the track.  Wont work in a flood but will work for 2nd shift perfectly.  Ball is very versitle but not the best still a 8 out of 10
Good bowlers use the big B and when they do they create a Storm
Kiall Hill
The Chipmunk
"Its a trip 4 fest"
"Thanks Randy"
"Yea but the Brunswick ones get all ten down"


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Re: Inferno
« Reply #84 on: October 11, 2005, 12:18:04 AM »
Ball: 15lb Pin 3-4  
Drill: Pin above and slightly diagnol of ring finger, cg swung 3/4" towards grip center. Basic label configuration. A bit of black magic for more down lane energy release.

Reaction: This ball gives me a nice mid-lane read with good backend continuation. I have used this ball on many different shots from med/light to med/heavy. It goes through the heads very clean and then picks up a heavy arc. It can cover boards but it never felt out of control which is a great trait for harder patterns. It has also played well inside and outside with different releases, very versatile.

Comments: The cover really is clean through the heads, even though the core leads to a pretty early read. Carry has been excellent and somewhat suprising as it has carried both flush and light well at more than one house. It definitely lives up to its elite staus by the bowling community and wish i had it before now. It has found a permanent spot in my bag as it and my v2 sanded make a great 1-2 punch for all mediums.

Ball rating : 9 out of 10 - This might be higher with more games especially on harder shots. I can't understand why just about any tournament bowler doesn't have one of these in his bag.


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Re: Inferno
« Reply #85 on: October 19, 2005, 06:08:58 PM »

I've had this ball for 3 years now and i've pretty much kept it in excellent condition.  This ball is very forgiving.  It allows you to play various conditions without making big adjustments.  First time I got this ball, I had it drilled to a down and in shot had a lot of memorable scores (7 & 5 pin shy of 800 series).  Then after about 1 1/2 years (couldn't let the ball go), I had it re-plugged to an early roller (to sort rejuvinate it)with max flare and until now, i'm still having memorable scores (300 off record).  For all brunswick bowlers, I don't understand as to why you would not have one of this included in your arsenal.
INFERNO Series: The "FLAME" burns brighter with every roll.

Arsenal: Smokin  / Absolute/ Ultimate (DEAD)/ Original Inferno/ Target Zone


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Re: Inferno
« Reply #86 on: November 08, 2005, 09:19:16 PM »

yeai have had this ball for about 4 months, and it is amazing. it hits amazingly hard when you throw it right, and will explode the pins. best ball i think i have. i wouldnt trade it for anything. i would recamend this ball to anyone, a pro-a begginer.


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Re: Inferno
« Reply #87 on: December 04, 2005, 02:55:39 AM »
this guy i bowl with bought this ball and he has a 200 average.. he has a very simple shot, he just throws it down the outside and it hooks into the pocket.. a very repeatable swing its like a perfect pendulum with a semi small twist at the end of the release. Since the beggining of a recent league he has shot a bunch of 700's which he had not done previously before (his personal best was a 702) so he joined the league and the first week he bowled a 779 268 240 something and another 268 i believe, then the next week he shot a 749 then the next week a high 6 something series and hes just been up there a whole bunch .. last week he shot a 775 lol, i need to get myself a 15 pound original inferno. He makes it look like a great ball!!


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Re: Inferno
« Reply #88 on: January 24, 2006, 10:23:23 PM »
So i finally got this ball, and im playing the same line as the other guy is playing and wallah! I'm great again .. the ball is awsome you get great pin action.. and the cover seems to be pretty durable.. almost more durable than the absolute inferno which seems to have a soft cover :-\


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Re: Inferno
« Reply #89 on: January 30, 2006, 05:36:07 PM »
I'm glad some one likes it.I got a diffent reaction
every time i threw it.It does'nt have half the motor
as what the storm "xxx" x-factor has.It now sunk to
rest in our pond,bluegills love it on sunny days.


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Re: Inferno
« Reply #90 on: February 01, 2006, 10:18:56 PM »
I have had mine for a little while now, just have not reviewed it. It is drilled 2L, for medium oil. It works great in the Medium and the Medium oil, but not in anything more oily. It hits like a cement truck, shattering the pocket. Once it hits the dry, expect it to zip back to the pocket. This thing is a ball to keep.
Its hard to play with an inferno and not get burned. Last time I threw my inferno, the opposing bowler definitely got burned.

Columbia Scout Reactive(Blue/Gold)
V2 Sweet
Original Inferno
Intense Inferno
Smokin' Inferno
(scorchin to occupy this place shortly)