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Author Topic: Karma Purple/Pink Pearl  (Read 12765 times)


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Karma Purple/Pink Pearl
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00
- Core Type: Medium RG Performance
- Coverstock: Activator Plus
- Finish: 500 Siaair Micro Pad; Rough  Buff; High Gloss Polish
- RG Max: 2.579
- RG Min: 2.539  
- RG Differential: .040
- RG Average: 4.9 (center heavy 1 - cover  heavy 10)
- Hook Potential: 120 (low 10 - high 200)
- Length: 130 (early 25 - long 235)
- Breakpoint Shape: 85 (smooth 10 -  angular 100)
- Recommended Lane Condition:  Dry-Medium  Oily
- Description:Activator Plus is a more  aggressive version of the original Activator coverstock formulation and  features enhanced durability and performance longevity and is one of the  most recognized coverstock names in the bowling world. The pearlized  version of Activator Plus coverstock used on the Karma Purple/Pink Pearl  is factory-finished with High Gloss Polish to create extra length on  lighter oil conditions.
 The Karma Purple/Pink Pearl incorporates a familiar light bulb shape  Medium RG Performance core that provides easy length through the heads,  mid-lane stability while maintaining axis rotation for a strong  continuous backend motion.
 With its High Gloss box finish, the Karma Purple/Pink Pearl will provide  excellent length with a medium to quick response to friction at the  breakpoint. The Karma Purple/Pink Pearl is a great ball for rev-dominant  and slower ball speed players on light oil conditions.
 The Karma Purple/Pink Pearl can be drilled using the standard drilling  techniques developed for symmetric bowling balls.
 At Brunswick, the unique core shape of each individual ball is used for  weights from 12 to 16 pounds. This approach to lightweight ball  engineering provides bowlers with consistent ball reaction  characteristics across this weight range.



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Re: Karma Purple/Pink Pearl
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2012, 08:41:54 PM »




Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS



Likes:Gets through the heads cleanly, picks up the breakpoint downlane nicely, smooth strong arc on the backend, and just destroys the pins.

Dislikes: 0







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Re: Karma Purple/Pink Pearl
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2012, 10:35:10 AM »

Pin Length:2 in.

Starting Top Weight:1.4

Ball Weight:15


Pin to PAP:4 1/2

CG to PAP:4

X Hole (if there is one):Not needed


Rev Rate:400+   

Ball Speed:18MPH   
PAP/Track:5 1/4 1 1/8 up


Grit:Box finish

Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded):


Length:40 ft.

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS   


Length: Long   

Back End: sharp motion   
Overall Hook: Good for price point

Midlane Read: Good

Breakpoint Shape: strong arch


Likes:For the entry level market this ball is hands down one of the strongest balls out there. This ball gets down the lane and makes a big move for the price point. This ball is as long as the Green/Blue Karma with lots more on the back part of the lane. The Blue/Black solid Karma does start sooner and hooks a little more (in oil) but doesn't have the down lane motion that the new Karma has. If you are looking for that ball when the heads dry up but there is still some carry down, this is the ball. It will clear the heads and still have some hitting power at the pins.

Dislikes: There isn't anything I would change about this ball. At this price point everyone should have one in there bag.


Joe Elam
Xtreme ReaxXxion Bowling Services
Brunswick Regional Staff
The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not Brunswick Corporation. 


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Re: Karma Purple/Pink Pearl
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2012, 08:30:27 AM »

Length: Medium League Condition and Sport Condition


Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):



Likes: If you like the original Karma you will see a lot of similar characteristics with this ball.  With its stronger coverstock the New Pink/Purple Karma is a little more angular and stronger than the orginial.  I really like this ball in situations where the heads fry up and down lane there has been a lot of transition or burn up.  It is a very smooth and predictible ball.  I would recommend to drill it with your smaller drilling angles between 45-60 degrees.

Dislikes: Its a condtional ball







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Re: Karma Purple/Pink Pearl
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2012, 03:47:35 PM »
The new Karma is really good. The coloring of Pink/Purple is extremely eye appealing. The new Karma shares the same core as the other Karmas. The difference is it uses the Activator Plus cover. 


I have drilled the Karma with a 45x6x40 layout with a P2 hole. This ball is great for when the pattern is fried. Will also be really good on lower and shorter patterns. When compared to the blue/green Karma Pearl; it is about 3-4 boards more hook. For me the overall hook is the same as the Karma Solid, but does it all in the back part of the lane.


I have been getting alot of people commenting on the color of this ball. Both male and female love the color of this ball. So it looks great and rolls great too.   

Adam Baer
Brunswick Regional Staff
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Adam Baer
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Re: Karma Purple/Pink Pearl
« Reply #5 on: February 29, 2012, 12:39:18 AM »


Brunswick Karma Pearl Purple/Pink

Bowler’s Stats:

Speed: 18.5 mph

Rev Rate: 400rpm

Axis Tilt: 10 degrees

Axis Rotation: 30-45 degrees


Ball #1 Layout:

45* by 5.5” by 45*



The original Karma Pearl was awesome on medium-dry conditions where I could move in and hook it or if I wanted to play straighter on medium patterns. Even though the cover on this ball is a little stronger, I went with the same layout to give me a similar overall shape with just a board or two more hook overall.


On 39’ medium volume THS:

The new Karma pearl reacted exactly as expected. Plenty of push though the heads and midlane, and then making a strong yet controllable move on the backend. The ball is still angular, but it’s definitely a very controllable motion still like you’d expect from basically any ball with the Danger Zone core. Compared to the original Karma Pearl, the overall shot shape is identical with about 1-2 boards more hook overall from the new Purple/Pink with both at the box surface. From shot to shot the reaction is very consistent and always finds a way to give you a good consistent look to the pocket. When it gets to the pins, the pins stay very low to the ground for me (which of course equals more carry over all) and the ball finishes just as strong as a higher end ball. Compared to an out of the box Versa Max with the same layout, the Karma is about 4 boards weaker overall with the difference being in the backend. This isn’t to say the Karma doesn’t have a strong backend, but I’m just saying that doesn’t corner as hard as the Versa Max. Basically, when the Versa Max starts to be a little too much, I know I can jump directly to the Karma Pearl and maintain stability in the backend.


Final Thoughts:

For the price point, you really can’t beat the reaction of this Karma Pearl. Day in and day out it’s a great ball for when the lane starts to dry out and you have to make sure you not only get the ball through the heads, but that you get it to corner enough and do it consistently so that you can keep scoring. Simply a must have for the lower end of your bag!


Jared Wolf

Brunswick Technical Staff

The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation
Jared Wolf
Jonesboro, AR
Brunswick Advisory Staff

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Re: Karma Purple/Pink Pearl
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2012, 01:27:14 PM »



Pin Length:
4 in

Starting Top Weight: 3 oz

Ball Weight: 15 lbs 5 oz


70 x 5 3/4 x 40


Rev Rate:
375 rpms

Ball Speed:17.5 mph

PAP/Track: 4 3/4 over 3/4 up


Box with extra polish

Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded): polished


41 feet

Volume: moderate

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): House



Back End: strong and predictable

Overall Hook: strong on light volumes

Midlane Read: non existent

Breakpoint Shape: sharp and angular


The fact that it clears the front on any lane condition and recovers well.

Dislikes: None the ball does just what it needs to do.


The Karma Pink/Purple is a great choice on light to medium oil conditions.  This ball clears the heads as well as the Nexus pearl and returns with a swooping backend motion.  It gives you the Nexus pearl shape with less hook.  The ball just plain gets it done when the lanes start transitioning and the stronger balls in the line are just too much.  For me the Karma Pink/Purple is about 5 boards less than C System Versamax and a few boards weaker than the Karma Solid with more length.  This ball will be my go to ball when the lanes really breakdown.  The carry is much improved over previous lighter oil balls and messengers fly at will.  I believe this will also be a great starter piece for those beginner bowlers looking to start hooking the ball.  If you need a great angular ball for lighter medium conditions the Karma Pink/Purple is your answer!

Chris Garrett
Upstate Pro Shop
Greenville, SC  864-248-4737

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The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation.
Chris Garrett
Upstate Pro Shop
Greenville, SC  864-248-4737

Brunswick Regional Staff
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Re: Karma Purple/Pink Pearl
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2012, 02:45:38 PM »

Layout used: 58 x 4 15/16 x 66 Same layout as my Versa Max.  Pin ended up being under my bridge with the cg kicked out and inch of so.  However no hole was needed on this one.



Ball Surface: OOB



Review: It gets very good length as a pearl ball should, but was not sensitive to missing in the oil like alot of pearl are.  Was able to play fairly square on a fresh shot but was alot better when they broke down. I was able to move in and openly up the lane with ease.  Its about 4-5 stronger overall than my Green pearl Karma and is about a foot longer than the solid blue Karma.  I drilled it with the same layout as my Versa Max with the intent to have something to move inside with and still be able to carry the corners.  When the Versa Max started to lose carry, switching to the Pink Karma was an easy choice.  


Strengths/Weakness: Its ability to blend the wet dry for a pearl ball.  Will get alot of use for the high rev players like myself.



Brunswick Eastern Region Staff Member



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Brunswick Regional Staff

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Re: Karma Purple/Pink Pearl
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2012, 06:55:23 AM »



Pin Length:  3

Starting Top Weight:  2.5 top

Ball Weight:  15




Pin to PAP:  5 (pin up)


X Hole (if there is one): No





PAP/Track:  5 1/8, 1 up




Grit:Box finish

Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded):  Polished (box)




Length:   House  


Volume:  N/A      


Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):   THS  





Length:   Good length  


Back End:  Controlled/angular  


Overall Hook:  Medium  


Mid lane Read:  Controlled  


Breakpoint Shape:  Sharp change of direction







The Activator+ cover on the Karma Purple/Pink Pearl has a familiar feel to it since it has been used on a couple of very successful balls. The Activator+ is a stronger version of the Activator Pearl cover used on the original Inferno. The characteristics of the Activator+ cover shine through on the new Karma. Control, predictable mid-lane read and continuation are the claim to fame for the Activator+ and the new Karma does not disappoint.  


What I was looking for with this layout was to shape a ball for the breakdown by increasing the length while preserving energy for a move on the back-end. I achieved just that with this ball. I've thrown it on a 44' house shot both fresh and broken down. The Karma Purple/Pink is clean through the heads and reads the mids very well. The move off the breakpoint is angular with good continuation through the pin deck.  The medium RG light bulb core helps get the Karma through the heads clean with plenty of pop left for the back-end. Don't let the price point fool you, this is ball is not a wimp by any means. League players will find this ball useful using straighter angles on the fresh. For those bowling on the “graveyard shift”, the Karma Purple/Pearl is ideal for moving in and opening up the lane. Tournament players will likely find this ball useful later in a block after the lanes have transitioned and you need a ball to get through the heads clean.


This is not a dislike per se but, more of an observation. I would recommend considering pin up layouts with this ball for all but high speed players. The Activator+ cover reads the mids very well. I've found, at least for me, pin down layouts with this cover over accentuate the mids often at the expense of back-end reaction.  


Fran Varin
USBC Silver">Strike F/X Proshops
Brunswick Regional Staff
The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation.
Fran Varin
USBC Silver


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Re: Karma Purple/Pink Pearl
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2012, 03:17:01 PM »

Length: 41 ft USBC White Pattern   


Volume: Med - Heavy (Use this on the burn)

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): 6-1 Ratio THS

LAYOUT: 70 X 5.75 X 30



Likes:  I call balls like this, my money maker.  Why you ask?  Because when the money is on the line, I'm throwing a ball like this from 5th & 6th arrow on a lane that has no oil left in the heads and it's coming down to the final fews frames of determining victory or defeat.  You need a ball that's not only going to get you through the heads without hooking at your feet, but also with energy at the pins.  Prior to this ball, it was the Brunswick Damage, and prior to that the Brunswick Swarm.  Now the Karma Pearl will step into that role.  Balls like these are key in maintaining striking power from the deep inside lines.  This ball is clean through the front, and smooth off of the friction,and with pop on the backend giving an extremely predictable and powerful reaction.  It's a stronger ball overall than I originally thought when I ordered it. 

I have this ball as a weaker overall than the Versa Max by 2-3 boards.  I thought it would be more significant.  I have it reading the lane sooner, but hooking less on the backend.  I have it less angular off of friction, but controllable.  It really is a great entry level bowling ball for new bowlers because it is a pretty strong ball and makes a good shape on the lane.  The ladies love the color scheme and it looks great going down lane. 

Dislikes:  I think this ball fits perfectly into the scheme of things.  It does what it is intended to do.  It is clean, but it does pick up off of friction quite a bit.  The reaction off of friction is great, but I kind of wish it would squirt through those patches a hair further before turning the corner.  All is solved with a little airtime before hitting the lane.  Then again, I'm just being picky.  I could probably get this result with a little different layout.   



The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation.

340-370 revs
18 mph
Arsenal: (In the bag) Nexxus F(p+r), Nexus F(p+f), Nexus f(p), C-System Ulti-Max, C-System Versa Max, Massive Damage, Karma Pink/Purple.  On the wall, Loaded Revolver, Lethal Revolver, Damage, Slingshot.


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Re: Karma Purple/Pink Pearl
« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2012, 08:33:43 PM »
Bowler Style:
   Rev rate: stroker
   Ball speed: 15.5-16
   PAP: 4 7/8" right 1/4" up

Drill Pattern:
   PAP drilling:
      Pin-->PAP: 4"
      MB-->PAP: 5 1/8"
      Pin Buffer: 1 3/4"
   X-hole: n/a

Surface Prep:
   out of box

   I bought this ball for when the lanes get burnt out and for second shift leagues and tournaments. I got more than what I asked for with this ball. The activator plus with pearl additive coverstock that is on this ball makes it different than any other dry lane ball activates. The old cover with a new twist to it gives you amazing length without compromising hitting power and pin carry. Nor does this ball give you the over under reaction that some other high gloss mid performance balls give. When you take this ball out you know exactly what you are getting and don't have to waste a shot to get lined in.

Jeremy Angevine
Poughkeepsie, NY
GT's Pro Shop
Brunswick advisory staff
Jeremy Angevine
Poughkeepsie, NY
GT's Pro Shop
Brunswick/DV8/Radical advisory staff