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Mastermind Intellect
« on: August 29, 2014, 09:05:57 AM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00 has the largest selection of bowling balls
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Brunswick Mastermind Intellect Ball Specs:

- Color: Black, Blue, Yellow Solid All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
- Core: Mastermind Ultra Low RG
- Coverstock: Honor Roll A+ Solid Reactive
- Factory Finish: 500 Siaair Micro Pad; Royal Compound Finish
- Reaction: Length with a strong mid-lane traction and aggressive backend
- Radius of Gyration (RG): 2.540**
- Differential (Diff): 0.052**
- ** RG and Diff are based off of 15 lb. balls
- Hook Potential: 220 (scale 10-250)
- Length: 130 (scale 25-235)
- Breakpoint Shape: Very Angular
- Recommended Lane Condition: Medium-Heavy Oil
- A few tiny pit holes in the cover stock of the ball are normal



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Re: Mastermind Intellect
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2014, 10:42:13 AM »
It doesn't take a a BIG INTELLECT to see how great this ball is!  Watch Lane Side Reviews take the new Brunswick Bowling Mastermind Intellect to the lanes in their latest episode! #Teambrunswick #Mastermind #Intellect #ReviewswithLSR

Brunwick Mastermind Intellect

Pin Length – 3-4"
Starting Top Weight – 2.4 oz
Ball Weight - 15lb 2oz

Drilled at 65 Degrees X 5 1/2” X 35 Degrees

Rev Rate – 240 / 352 / 436
Ball Speed – 14.1 MPH / 18.6 MPH


Grit - Out of the Box
Type (Matte, Polish, Sanded) - Out of the Box

Length - 41 ft
Volume – 18.30 ml
Type (Wall, Xmas Tree, Sport) – Kegel Main Street (THS)

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Re: Mastermind Intellect
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2014, 09:01:10 AM »

Ball Weight: 16 lbs


Dual Angle: 65 x 4 1/2" x 50

X Hole (if there is one): P3, about 1" down on VAL


Rev Rate: Higher, between 370 and 410 rpm, aka Cranker

Ball Speed: 16.50 mph

PAP/Track: 5 3/8" over and 7/8" up with a high track


Grit: Box - 500 SiaAir, Royal Compound

Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded): Polished


Length: Multiple

Volume: Multiple

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS so far


Length: 8 / 10

Back End: 8 / 10

Overall Hook: 8 / 10

Midlane Read: 8 / 10

Breakpoint Shape: 8 / 10


Likes: Great ball that fits between the Mastermind and Mastermind Genius

Dislikes: None

The Mastermind Intellect is a great addition the the Mastermind series that fits between the Mastermind and Mastermind Genius. It has the easy length like the Genius, but is stronger downlane than the Mastermind with more continuation. The box surface with the Royal Compound finish has great traction in medium to heavier oil conditions, and takes well to changes. If you are looking for an all purpose ball that would be the 1st ball out of your bag, then the Mastermind Intellect is the ball.

Check out the video of me throwing the ball that was produced by :
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Re: Mastermind Intellect
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2014, 02:51:26 PM »
Brunswick Mastermind Intellect Review

Tester: James Goulding III
PAP: 4 5/8” x 0”
Speed: 17.5 – 18.0 mph
Rev Rate: 350
Drill Pattern: 49* x 5 1/8” x 65*

Typical House Shot (41ft.)

This was the first pattern that I used the Mastermind Intellect on, and it was quite the ball for the typical 41ft. house shot. I went with a longer pin (5 1/8”), but more VAL angle to keep the pin under the middle finger. I wanted length, but not the quick, aggressive backend that a pin up layout would provide. This layout worked perfectly. I started playing 15-7 on the house shot, very readable backend move, and I was amazed at the ability of the ball to clear the mid lane but still yield a strong, powerful move to the pocket, all without that crazy “skid-flip” look (239, 235, 290). Deflection was not an issue as the Mastermind Intellect powered through the pins and kept coming back for more. As the pattern broke down, I was able to get into 20, and then 23, with my break point out at 11-12, without sacrificing much for pin carry (248, 257, 266). This was very impressive for such a strong motion. In comparison to balls in the current lineup, I had the Mastermind Intellect 3 boards further in with my feet and 3 further in with my eyes than the Melee Cross, and 5 further in with my feet and 4 further in with my target than the Brute.

Kegel Middle Road (39ft.)

I was excited to play on this oil pattern with the Mastermind Intellect, as it owned the house shot I used it on, but to me, the measure of a ball is how it handles harder oil patterns. The Mastermind Intellect performed admirably on Middle Road. Unlike many players, I tend to start further outside on this pattern, and migrate in as needed.  I started with the Mastermind Intellect on 11, playing out to 6 with a really good look for a couple of games (219, 228). Then, I started to move in for the next two games, into 13, swinging to 8, and had better success as the pattern broke down (239, 258). Lastly, I got further inside on games five and six, noticed a little slip in pin carry, but was surprised how much further in I could go and still reach the pocket consistently, finishing at 21 swinging out to 13 (212, 221). I was 6 further inside than my Melee Cross and 7 with my feet, and was 9 further inside (to finish) and 8 with my feet than my Brute. I actually liked the Melee Cross on the broken down pattern a little better due to the fact that I could square up and carry better by crossing fewer boards. But, the Mastermind Intellect is an excellent choice to start on Middle Road, and adjust to a Melee Cross, and finally the Brute, as the pattern breaks down.

WTBA Paris Oil Pattern (47ft.)

The Paris oil pattern was the longest that I tested the Mastermind Intellect on at 47ft. I feel this was the pattern that made the ball shine the strongest. After throwing many games with this ball, a pattern has emerged that you can’t go too far inside to have it not recover. I got deeper on this pattern than any other I tested, and yet I could still consistently hit the pocket with good pin carry. I started out playing 17 with my mark and only swinging to 12, but this yielded good results (220, 228). I migrated in to 21 and swung to 15, and the pin carry actually got better (227, 245), which was a surprise to me considering how tough this pattern can play with less aggressive equipment. So, I finally ended up on 25, getting out to 16 with a very cutoff angle of entry. Still, as I stated earlier, the pin carry was very good considering how deep I was on the lane (218, 225). Overall, I averaged about 4 boards further in than with the Melee Cross, and 5 boards inside with my feet. I was 7 boards further in than my Brute on the lane and 8 further in with my feet on Paris.

Overall Impressions

I really liked the ball reaction of the Mastermind Intellect, especially for a high end, aggressive bowling ball. Many times those types of balls are relegated to special conditions and not versatile, especially on lighter or shorter patterns, but the Mastermind Intellect has no such issues and can handle most oil conditions you will encounter. I used it from 39-47ft. oil patterns, lower and higher ratios, with success on each. The deeper you go on the lane, the more you see the Mastermind Intellect shine. I don’t normally reserve a “benchmark ball” moniker for a high end aggressive ball, but I would use that for the Mastermind Intellect. This is a great bowling ball, and a perfect addition to the Mastermind series from Brunswick, to compliment the original Mastermind and the Mastermind Genius. Go get your Mastermind Intellect on the 24th of September; you’ll be glad you did!

James Goulding III
Brunswick Ball Tester
James Goulding
Bowler Builders Pro Shops
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Re: Mastermind Intellect
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2014, 04:20:11 PM »
Mastermind Intellect:
Honor Roll A+ Solid coverstock offers the most aggressive coverstock to date for a Brunswick ball. This aggressive coverstock produces easy length through the heads with unsurpassed traction in the mid-lane and backend to achieve ultimate hook.
Ball reaction for the Mastermind Intellect will fit in-between the original Mastermind and the Mastermind Genius. The new Mastermind Intellect with its Royal Compound finish, provides easy length through heads, strong mid lane traction with an aggressive move on the backend on medium to heavily oiled lane conditions.

Review: I drilled my Mastermind Intellect 65X45X5.5 which put the pin above the middle finger and the cg kicked out about inch from middle of the palm. This was a new layout that was decided since normally I have a problem with asymmetric bowling balls completely die out on me before it hits the pins and I don’t have enough energy to kick out the 10 pin. I was totally surprise when I had this ball drilled that it still kept on going when it hit the pins and didn’t die out. This ball gets the needed length that I need with still a lot of pop on the back where it just hits like a mad truck completely thru the pins. This is the best asymmetric bowling ball that I have thrown ever since I was always staying away from  them since they seem not to work for me. If you are looking for a high end ball that is very controllable and has a lot of pop in the back end this is the ball for you. I wish I had an original mastermind to compare to this, but with the testing I had with one this is just below that which is going to be an awesome piece to go to when they dry out just a little and the original is too much.
Brunswick Staffer


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Re: Mastermind Intellect
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2014, 12:25:27 PM »
This ball is incredible. I have mine drilled with the pin 1 inch to the right and above the ring finger. The CG is slightly to the right in the center of my grip and the mass bias is 1.5 inches to the right of the thumb. I left the ball at box surface. I was bowling on a 42 ft. THS.

My first thought when I got this ball was that I would need to put it up midway through the 2nd game being that I was bowling on a 5 man league. That actually didn't happen. I was able to chase the shot left and keep the ball clearing the heads. I am completely amazed at how this ball turns off the break point. It rounds the point so gracefully and keeps its energy throwing pins everywhere. The ball is a perfect first option out of the box for me. (i have a 350 to 400 rev rate). If i need more length I can transition perfectly to the Mastermind Genius or pick up the Dude if its a big move.

I would definitely recommend this ball to anybody looking for a good first option out of the bag on medium heavy oil.

Dustin Bearden
DV8 Regional 1 Staff


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Re: Mastermind Intellect
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2014, 04:47:09 PM »

Pin Length:3-4"

Starting Top Weight: 2.9

Ball Weight: 15


Pin to PAP: 5-1/4

Drill Angle: 80 degrees

Val Angle: 40 degrees

X Hole (if there is one): None


Rev Rate: 400

Ball Speed: 18

PAP/Track: 4-3/4 rt, 1/2 up


Grit: Box

Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded): Royal Compound


Length: 41'

Volume: Med to Heavy

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): USBC White


Length: 9/10

Back End: 9/10

Overall Hook: 9/10

Midlane Read: 7/10

Breakpoint Shape: Angular


The Mastermind Intellect has very little motion… the heads. This ball gets through the front so well for such an aggressive ball. It stores a great amount of energy for the backend, but not too much that its unpredictable. In addition to that, it gives just a hint of mid-lane read to let the ball set up better. Overall, this ball covers boards without sacrificing it’s energy too soon. I would consider this a skid-flip motion, but with enough mid-lane to avoid missing the spot.

I compared this to my original mastermind and mastermind genius. I had the Intellect about 2-3 weaker in overall hook than the original mastermind. This did not come as a surprise with the different surface preps. I am confident the Intellect would cover more boards than the original Mastermind if it were prepared with the same surface. As for the shape, the intellect gets what feels like about a foot more length with slightly sharper backend motion. At the same time, when comparing to the Genius, I have the Intellect 3-4 stronger than the Genius with similar length but better backend. To put it simply, this ball really fell right into the spot it was intended.

As a pro shop operator, I am really excited that players have a choice between 3 top end balls in the Mastermind line that can really fit the specific motion they need or want. People tend to assume as the new balls come out, that the older version is no longer current, and in the case of the Masterminds, each of these balls have unique motion to really fill a bowler's specific needs.



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Mastermind Intellect
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2014, 03:36:44 PM »
Brunswick's new Mastermind Intellect opens up the lane like no Mastermind before it. This ball gets through the front part of the lane with ease, and easily recovers in the mid lane revving up for a strong finish on the back end. My Intellect fits perfect in between the original Mastermind and the Genius. Whenever the Genius is getting too far down the lane or I need something that will give me a little more room, the Intellect fills the gap perfectly. I still get the skid through the front part of the lane that I am looking for, with all the recovery I could ask for down lane. With the Intellect being introduced to the Mastermind line, I feel like I can play any medium to heavy condition that is provided. Also, the yellow, blue, and black color scheme on this ball makes it easy to watch your ball reaction. If you have liked either of the previous Mastermind releases, or you have been thinking about trying one out, this is the ball for you. Get out there and get your Mastermind Intellect today!

Barry McKee
Brunswick Regional Staff
The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not the Brunswick Corporation.


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Re: Mastermind Intellect
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2014, 05:27:29 PM »

Pin Length: 4"

Starting Top Weight: 3.2 oz

Ball Weight: 15 lbs 4 oz


Ball: 60 x 4.5 x 35

X Hole (if there is one): Hole slightly down the VAL from the axis.  Hole is small.


Rev Rate: 375 rpms

Ball Speed:17.5 mph

PAP/Track: 4 3/4 over 3/4 up


Grit: Box Finish

Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded): 1000 then 4000 Siaair


Lengths of patterns: 41 foot house shot

Volumes:  moderate

Type: house


Length: Clean through the heads and strong read in the midlane with good backend recovery

Back End: Super Strong Arc

Overall Hook: Very strong!

Midlane Read: strong

Breakpoint Shape: Strong arc


Likes: Overall hook and versatility

Dislikes: none

The Mastermind Intellect is the third ball in the mastermind line and maybe the most versatile.  It really gives bowlers a complete line of balls from top to bottom to handle anything but the lightest conditions with a predictable roll.  The Intellect is stronger than the Mastermind Genius in the middle of the lane with three to five boards of more hook.  It is not quite as early as the original mastermind but covers almost as many boards on our typical house shot.  I added surface to it to compare the overall hook to the original and found the Mastermind Intellect to be three boards stronger and several feet earlier.  With surface adjustments this ball can cover anything from lighter mediums to a very heavy volume with no problems.  I settled on a 1000 then 4000 Siaair surface to give the ball a little bit more traction in the midlane on our very high ratio house shot.  The ball really shines on the fresh house condition that we have by allowing me to move into the slicker part of the lane and take advantage of the oil inside and still have some recovery on the super dry part of the lane.  It really makes the lanes much more playable on the fresh and pin carry is very good.  If I need a step down I can go to the Genius and keep on striking.  If your looking for a strong ball with versatility, get smarter with the Intellect!
Chris Garrett
Upstate Pro Shop
Greenville, SC  864-248-4737

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Re: Mastermind Intellect
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2014, 04:41:00 AM »


Volume:Heavy inside

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS, but with an out of bounds if too wide.


Likes: This ball was my first attempt with the MOtion hole layout.  Very continuous once it finds friction.  As with most asymmetrical cores, when I'm releasing it better it makes me look better, and the opposite is also true.  Cleaner with more late movement than the Mastermind, and less over/under than the Genius.

Dislikes: Mine came fairly dull from the factory, at least to my taste, so I added a touch of shine, but still not sure if I had a "keeper". Put it away for about two weeks while I worked on my game, and with the help of a more consistent release it seems to have come alive.  Any real "dislikes" were "bowler induced" ;).  I've since knocked a little shine back off (maybe 4000) to even out the read on the lane and that's been the best thus far.  I'm not a fan of the orange label, but it's only a color...

I'm giving this one a thumbs up and believe it's the most versatile of the three Masterminds for what I typically bowl on.



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Re: Mastermind Intellect
« Reply #10 on: December 19, 2014, 12:16:53 PM »

Pin Length:4"

Starting Top Weight: 2.9

Ball Weight: 15


Pin to PAP: 4.5

Drill Angle: 50 degrees

Val Angle: 35 degrees

X Hole (if there is one): P2


Rev Rate: 350-375

Ball Speed: 16.5

PAP/Track: 4-7/8 rt, 1/8 up


Grit: Out of Box

Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded): Royal Compound


Length: 41'

Volume: Medium

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS

Lane Surface: Wood


Length: 9/10

Back End: 8/10

Overall Hook: 8/10

Midlane Read: 9/10

Breakpoint Shape: Angular


I was very impressed with this ball initially.  For being an aggressive ball, I was happy with how well the ball got through the first part of the lane even on old wood lanes where usually the heads are the first to go.  I also noticed that the Intellect has good early roll, which I like to see in an aggressive ball. 

The mid-lane read on this ball is very good.  I usually have forgiveness either missing in or out a couple of boards.  This ball never over reacts early, which is another key component for me.   

The backend motion on this ball is one of its best qualities in my opinion.  With a 30 degree VAL angle, I did expect and get a quick transition from mid-lane to back end and that's what I got.  It's not the type angular reaction that you would get in a pearl, like someone kicked it sideways.  The Intellect has very good motion and is very predictable.  This ball really helps you get a good idea of what is going on down-lane when the lanes are starting to change. 

The best part about the Mastermind Intellect is the amount of energy this ball stores at the pins.  The motion through the pocket is excellent and carry is generous. 

Compared to the Mastermind Genius, I would say the Mastermind Intellect reads the lane quite a bit sooner and a lot stronger transition in the backend.  I felt that I need to get my Genius to actually get to friction for it to perform at its best.  These 2 ball compliment each other perfectly and Brunswick has done a great job in designing it that way. 

I would recommend this ball to anyone looking for a ball on Medium to High volume pattern.   

« Last Edit: December 19, 2014, 12:19:01 PM by bbe300 »
Jeff Edwards
Brunswick Regional Staff
The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not the Brunswick Corporation.


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Re: Mastermind Intellect
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2014, 10:23:42 PM »
I drilled my Intellect 45 x 4.5 x 60 hoping that it would read the mid-lane good and have a nice move to the pocket. This ball does exactly that and then some. It reads the mid-lane exactly how I wanted it to and makes a strong continuous move to the pocket. Once the heads start breaking down I can switch to my Genius and stay in the same area. They compliment each other perfectly. The Mastermind Intellect is my favorite ball to date so far.

Jim Varno
Brunswick Regional 1 Staff Player
The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not the Brunswick Corporation.


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Re: Mastermind Intellect
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2015, 08:45:23 PM »

Pin Length: 4 Inches

Starting Top Weight:3.00 oz

Ball Weight:13 lbs (Rehabbing Injury)


Dual Angle:60 x 4.5 x 30

X Hole (if there is one):P3


Rev Rate:400+

Ball Speed:17-18 Avg

PAP/Track:4 5/8> 3/4^


Grit:Out of Box

Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded):Lightly Polished


Length:43ft on old wood

Volume:High Volume on High Friction

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS


Length:7 out of 10

Back End:7 out of 10

Overall Hook:8 out of 10

Midlane Read:8 out of 10

Breakpoint Shape:8 out of 10


Likes:With throwing 13lb balls I get a true feel of how good the coverstocks truly are. 13lb Assyms have the same core shape as the old Vapor Zones and roll really good. This ball didn't dissapoint for medium-heavy oil and might be the best compliment to a heavy oil coverstock ever produced by Brunswick. The Intellect is a perfect compliment to the first 2 Masterminds. It fits right in the middle of the Mastermind and the Genius. This is the best bench mark asymmetrical ball since the Nexus Solid. It handles oil but not too much in out of box finish and it handles mediums perfectly. A slight surface change created a good heavy oil reaction. This coverstock is extremely tunable.

Dislikes:I personally prefer solid one color balls but the shelf appeal on this ball is undeniable. So it isn't really a dislike rather than a personal quirk!  :)
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Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
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Andrew Adler

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Re: Mastermind Intellect
« Reply #13 on: January 12, 2015, 05:08:34 PM »
Andrew Adler
Right Handed
PAP 4 ½ over 5/8 up
Rev Rate 500, Speed 17 mph
Brunswick Regional Staff

This is the one I was waiting for in the Mastermind series. The original Mastermind did exactly what it was made to do. It hooked. A ton. One of the strongest balls ever made. Now with the intellect, I get an even stronger backend motion with a very clean front and midlane motion. This ball glides through those zones and stores up all of its energy for maximum hitting power. I drilled mine Pin over the middle finger with the CG kicked out, mass bias in the strong position about 2 inches right of my thumb. It gives me even more length and a very strong backend motion.

Bowled on THS 42' and 43', 24-25ml of oil.


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Re: Mastermind Intellect
« Reply #14 on: January 15, 2015, 10:12:23 AM »

Rev Rate: 400

Ball Speed: 18.5

PAP/Track: 4 9/16 right 1/4 up


Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS

Layout 60 x 5 x 30

The Mastermind Intellect combines the best attributes of the original Mastermind and the Genius. The solid coverstock of this ball shoots through the front of the lane like the hybrid cover did of the Genius. When this ball gets down the lane it gives you that excellent traction and recovery that you had with the original Mastermind. The great thing about this is it gives you more versatility when playing different angles. If desired you can stay straighter longer because of how clean this ball is in the front part of the lane. The opposite looks great as well due to the powerful midlane traction this ball gives you. If you want to move in and throw it right you always have great recovery. This ball is a monster through the pin deck, the amount of energy it retains for a solid cover and super strong core is truly amazing.

Greensburg, PA