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Author Topic: Melee Jab  (Read 36529 times)


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Melee Jab
« on: November 18, 2014, 12:06:03 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00 has the largest selection of bowling balls
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- Color: Deep Bruise Pearl (colors may vary from the picture shown)
- Core: Melee Low RG Symmetric Core (14-16#)
- Coverstock: Savvy Hook Pearl Reactive
- Finish: 500 Siaair Micro Pad; Royal Compound Finish
- Hook Potential: Medium-High
- Length: Medium
- Breakpoint Shape: Medium
- RG: 2.537 (for 15# ball)
- Diff: 0.050 (for 15# ball)



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Re: Melee Jab
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2014, 08:20:59 AM »

Pin Length: 3" - 4"

Ball Weight: 16 lbs


Dual Angle Layout: 60 x 4 1/2" x 75

X Hole (if there is one): 2" down my VAL from my PAP


Rev Rate: Higher, between 370 and 410 rpm, aka Cranker

Ball Speed: 16.50 mph

PAP/Track: 5 3/8" over and 7/8" up with a high track


Grit: Box - 500, Royal Compound

Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded): Polished


Length: Multiple

Volume: Multiple

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): Multiple


Length: 7 / 10

Back End: 8 / 10

Overall Hook: 7 / 10

Midlane Read: 7 / 10

Breakpoint Shape:  Clean through the front with angular motion down lane


Likes: Reacts like a pearl with good backend motion

Dislikes: None


The Melee Jab is the latest ball and will compliment the Melee Cross. With the same lower RG core and a 100% pearl cover, this ball will be a go to when the Melee Cross is hooking too much. The Melee Jab clears the front of the lane and will have a stronger hook motion off of the spot. I have used this ball on THS and Sport conditions with no issues. If you are looking for a ball that is versatile, then the Melee Jab is your answer.

Check out a video of Kerry Smith and myself throwing the Melee Jab:
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Re: Melee Jab
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2014, 01:16:19 PM »

On this ball I used a layout the I typically use. 73x4 3/8x78.  My axis is 5 5/16 x 1 1/4.  The ball even being pin down still give me excellent length through the front part of the lane.  In the digs in slowly in the midlane and gives a strong smooth continuous arc in the backed.  On house condition sometime struggle to get the ball to read on misses to the left.  This ball does read the heavy volume in the middle due to its lower RG rating.This is a ball that Brunswick has really need at the price point with a really go pearl symmetric you can throw on a large variety of conditions. I bowl in two houses that put down i would say more than average oil volumes. I like to start with the Fortera Intrigue and the Melee Jab is a perfect stepdown.  I dont feel like i have to over throw the ball to get it down lane and doesn't transition too quickly.

Kyle Metz

Brunswick Advisory Staff

The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation
« Last Edit: December 07, 2014, 01:24:00 PM by nazobowler »


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Re: Melee Jab
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2014, 04:58:57 PM »

75 x 5-1/2 x 40

This ball is a great pearl symmetric that everybody will have a blast throwing.  It is an extremely versatile pearl with the new additive package that Brunswick has pumped into this ball.  The Melee Jab will be great for slower ball speeds needing a ball to get thru the heads, and will also be great for the power players needing a benchmark pearl in their bag.


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Re: Melee Jab
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2014, 12:05:58 PM »
I drilled the Mele Jab with a pin under the middle finger hole down drilling (same as the Cross and regular Mele).  This ball is a look that I have never seen from Brunswick at this price point.  It is a good 2 feet cleaner than the red Mele and easily 5 stronger at the break point.  On a fresh THS, this ball looks really good.  Even with the strong backend , I can go more left to right than the red Mele, and get the ball to return with no problem.  The nice thing with the Jab is that even though the ball is a skid flip reaction, it is not over sensitive or too jumpy off the break point.  I haven’t seen a lot of carry down since throwing it to know if it is not strong enough, but with the layout I have, I highly doubt that it would be.  This is another great ball from Brunswick.


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Re: Melee Jab
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2014, 03:04:47 PM »

Length: 38 ft.

Volume: Medium

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS


Likes: Every once in a while a ball comes around that EVERYONE COULD use, and EVERYONE SHOULD use.  This Melee Jab is it! 

Drilled mine with pin 4.5" from PAP and just below fingers about an inch, with CG and balance hole next to the thumb.  I live and bowl in Utah, where one company has a huge presence, and I'm watching guys check it out as it sits on the ball return. 

This Jab makes me look way better than I am with it's strong read of friction and versatility.  On fresh I can play straighter lines and let it finish, but after transition it allows me to really open up the angles perfectly.  Carry has been ridiculously good. 

My teammate (450 revs) who has predominantly thrown some excellent equipment from another company used mine for about 5 frames and ordered one immediately.  I cannot imagine any style bowler not having as much fun as I am with this ball on the conditions we face 90% of the time.

If I can be of assistance please PM me and I'll do my best to help.  Thank you for considering Brunswick.

Dislikes: Not one.



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Re: Melee Jab
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2014, 12:22:53 PM »



Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):



Brunswick Melee Jab
My information
Ball speed-14 mph average/ Rev rate- 270  average
Axis tilt-15 degrees /Axis rotation-45 degrees
Ball drilling on the ball reviewed-60 x 30 @4” P 3 X-hole

Ball stats: Core-Melee Low RG Symmetrical   Coverstock- Savvy Hook Pearl
Surface-500 siaair  Pad /Royal Compound ,RG-2.487   RG Diff-.-0.050


The Melee Jab cover and core combination creates less friction
friction than the Melee or the Cross. Clears the heads and midlane
and  has a quicker respond to the friction downlane.
 The ball also has  more skid flip  than the other Melees.
The Melee Jab  creates less overall hook  throughout
 the lane than the Melee or Cross.

The Melee Jab compared to the Melee and Cross

The Melee and Cross  has more overall hook through the entire lane.
The Melee Jab has more length and greater response to the friction.
With more backend at the end of the pattern than the Melee and Cross.

On medium oily lanes 43’ house shot on 15 year old Anvilanes.

The core and cover combo creates less hook throughout the
entire  lane. But has a quick response to friction when it encounters
friction at the back end.

 The Melee Jab clears the heads and midlane  nicely, but has a lot of
axis rotation  left to create a big move on the back end. When it hits the friction
at the back end of the pattern, it turns and doesn't quit. When the lanes
start to go through the transition stage  The Melee Jab  really shows
what  it’s made of. The ease through the heads and midlane and the skid flip
motion allows you to move deeper into the lane,and still get recovery.

 As the shot transitioned during games I could easily move deeper to created
steeper angles. With the steeper angles during the transition the pin carry was
increased. The miss area wasn't so critical .The ball now had extra area to come back
without overreaction.

Closing comments:
The cover and core helps supply length and decent revs,
for medium conditions.With 4’ flare..The ball does what it is
designed to do.It gave more length and a sharper move
downlane.It got through the drying heads and light push,
all the while maintaining a sharp angular turn at the breakpoint.

The Melee Jab was best on medium oily volumes.
Higher oil volumes might require you to scuff it up some to
improve traction in oil.

Higher rev players may find they will get a great look with
with more surface on fresh oil.

The length the Melee Jab gets through the heads easy,and still keeps
its axis rotation which helps to conserve energy when coming
in contact with the pocket.

Overall a great ball for most styles.Just find a condition that
 medium,and you will not be disappointed.
Meleeâ„¢ Jab | Brunswick Bowling.webloc

Angela Wilt
Brunswick Regional Staff Member.




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Re: Melee Jab
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2014, 02:13:50 PM »

Pin Length: 3

Starting Top Weight: 3.2 oz

Ball Weight: 15 lbs 4 oz


Ball: 55 x 4.5 x 70

X Hole (if there is one): none


Rev Rate: 375 rpms

Ball Speed:17.5 mph

PAP/Track: 4 3/4 over 3/4 up


Grit: 800 Grit Siaair plus polish

Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded): Polished


Lengths of patterns: 41 foot house and 39 foot Viper

Volumes:  moderate

Type: house and sport


Length: Clean through the heads with slight read of midlane

Back End: strong continuous arc

Overall Hook: moderately aggressive

Midlane Read: none

Breakpoint Shape: strong arc


Likes: Versatility, consistency, strong move at the breakpoint

Dislikes: none

The Melee Jab is a stronger version of the original Melee.  It gives me a very useable step down from more aggressive balls like the Melee Cross with more recovery down lane than other options like the Ringer Solid.  The Melee Jab picks up the read a little sooner than the red Melee while still giving plenty of length and recovery.  This ball will be my go to benchmark ball to read ball reaction on any lane condition.  It has the consistent reading characteristic of a solid, while also having the back end recovery of the pearl.  This ball seems to play well from all angles across the lane.  I was able to start playing up the 7th board on Viper and wind up pitching it left to right from the 3rd arrow all the way to that breakpoint with no issues.  The ball would get as angular as I wanted it to be with more axis rotation and would also smooth out properly without rolling out too early when I rolled up behind it more.   It has been an absolute pleasure to roll!  This is truly a ball that most any bowler could use effectively.  If you are looking for a benchmark ball with length and recovery throw a Jab!
Chris Garrett
Upstate Pro Shop
Greenville, SC  864-248-4737

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Re: Melee Jab
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2014, 09:02:33 PM »
To all my Ball Reviews fans:
It's been a while & I am here to review 2 outstanding balls from the Big B!
The Melee Jab (& the Melee Cross) are outstanding! The hit is off the charts!! I recommend you see these 2 for yourselves. I got mine from Brad Snell at New Approach Pro Shop located inside Elk Grove Bowl at 53 S Arlington Heights Rd, Elk Grove Village or if you prefer see him at his other shop located at Poplar Creek Bowl in Hoffman Estates. He's got balls for any lane condition. Got to get rolling for now but have a striking holiday season!!!





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Re: Melee Jab
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2014, 08:15:08 AM »
Bobby Benton

Brunswick Melee Jab (
55 x 5 x 50 (OOB Surface)

Personal Stats:
400-450 RPM
18-20 MPH
PAP – 5 5/8” over, 1” up
Axis Tilt – Estimated 8-12 Degrees (example)
Current League Average: 237
Sanctioned Sport Average: 210

Intended Use:
I drilled up the Melee Jab looking to fill a big hole in my bag. In my current 6-ball arsenal, prior to drilling the Jab, I had no pearls. Even when expanding to 9 balls, I didn’t fit a pearl in the bag. Only when travelling with 12 balls did I find use for a pearl. In other words – I don’t have any pearls I like! That CHANGED with the Jab. I was looking for a ball that is clean up front, but with my speed still tractions downlane on deep, inside angles. This is a motion I was lacking for later in blocks on medium/long patterns when I am very far left on the lane. Normally, I would use something like an LT-48 or a Mastermind Genius when trying to play this deep, but neither ball was “the answer”. I now have that answer!

Where the LT-48’s solid cover lacked the punch downlane to get corners out, the Mastermind Genius’s Asymmetric Core was too over/under off the friction on a burned up condition. This Melee Jab has solved ALL of those problems. It easily clears the choppy heads with its Pearl cover, retains the energy and releases it downlane, off the back of the pattern, to create excellent entry angles from deep inside where I prefer to use it. What has impressed me most about this ball however, is how versatile it has been on softer house conditions. Since drilling it, I have used it almost exclusively in league for 4 sets ranging between 720-750. On softer conditions, I prefer to use weaker solids/hybrids with surface to play closer to the friction and maximize carry. With the Jab, I can play the same part of the lane with success. The clean cover allows the ball to glide through the dry track area on a house pattern and create excellent entry angle. The cover is also strong enough that misses in the “puddle” on a house pattern don’t hydroplane. This has created more room on a house pattern than I have seen in a while!

This ball is a winner. Not only has it filled a hole in my bag exceptionally, it has become my go-to ball on house conditions as well. It has worked exceptionally well for me as a high-rev/high-speed player, but the pearl cover will also be perfect for lower speed/rev dominant players as well.


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Re: Melee Jab
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2014, 12:22:34 PM »
The new Melee Jab is a great addition to the Melee balls. This Melee fits right in between the Cross and the original Melee. I have loved all three of these balls. They have provided me with a great benchmark reaction. The Jab is a pearl but doesn't exactly react like a pearl. It is very clean in the front, with the midlane predictability of a solid.

Drilling #1 is 65x4x35. I drilled this one with one intention, friction. This one is super long and very angular. I wanted this one to flip so I went with this layout. This ball is used on high friction surfaces or deep in a longer format when I need the ball to completely ignore the fronts.

Drilling #2 is 45x3.5x70 with a hole 2" down on my VAL. The intent with this was to use the strength of the ball. This is a strong pearl and I wanted to utilize this one that way. I am going to add some surface to this ball because when it encounters a too much is will go a tad long. I just need it to slow down a tad sooner. The strength of the ball and drilling forces me deeper but most times the angle is a too steep and I ring a lot of ten pins. This will be fixed with the surface adjustment.
Adam Baer
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Re: Melee Jab
« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2015, 07:39:36 AM »



Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):ths


Likes: First thing you will notice about this ball is how good it looks.  The second thing you will notice is how easy it is to get it down the lane, and the third will be how much movement you will get after it hits the back end.  I have been using it when my melee cross starts burning up, just switch over to the melee jab and keep swinging

Dislikes: unless your ball speed is really slow, this will not be a heavy oil ball.  also with the amount of back end people who really rev it up be prepared to move left when they get really dry



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Re: Melee Jab
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2015, 09:38:04 AM »

Ball Weight: 15 lbs


Dual Angle: 60 x 6 3/8" x 40

X Hole (if there is one): No


Rev Rate: Medium , between 250-275 rpm

Ball Speed: 17-18 mph

PAP/Track: 5 1/2" over and 1/2" down


Grit: Box Finish

Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded): Polished


The Melee Jab is a ball that I must say is one of best clean and flip bowling balls i have had in my arsenal.  The Melee Jab is a great complement to go to after my Melee Cross when the heads and midlane starts to get dry and midlane starts to read too quickly, I switch to the Jab and it skates through the fronts and midlane as if it was a fresh shot.  I drilled mine with these angles to be a inside shot condition ball when i start to lose carry and keep flat 10 with my platinum ringer, the Melee Jab gives me that pop on the backend where the Platinum didn't to kick out the 10 pin.  The Melee Jab is one of the best Pearl ball Brunswick I have ever thrown.

Charles Withers II
Brunswick Advisory Staff

The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation.

Maine Man

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Re: Melee Jab
« Reply #13 on: January 05, 2015, 02:14:56 PM »

James Goulding III
Brunswick Ball Tester
Left Handed
350 RPM
PAP: 4 5/8” x 0”
17* Tilt
18.0 – 18.5 MPH

Brunswick Melee Jab
Layout: 4 3/4” x 65*, pin under grip center
X-hole: None


40ft. House Pattern, Medium-Heavy Blend

I drilled the Melee Jab pin under to be a smooth, yet longer version of the Melee Cross, and that’s exactly what I got. Using this ball on fresh THS is great, especially when I have room left to wheel it off of, as it creates extra area and “miss room”. Being on the left side, I am able to play straighter with less aggressive equipment while still being able to “bang on it”, which is why the Melee Jab was a perfect fit for my game. My first three game set on my league was a 715 with games of 237, 226, 252. The ball reaction is very clean through the heads and mid lane, but still gives a strong heavy roll into the pocket. I believe the combination of the strong symmetrical motor of the Melee core, as well as the pearl cover stock, both allow this ball to achieve a more down lane type of hook, while still rolling heavy, which is the type of reaction you want from a versatile pearl. As far as comparison to other equipment, I played 5 boards further left with my feet, and 3 boards further left with my eyes than with the Melee Cross with a similar layout. I was also about 3 boards further left with my feet with the same target at the arrows as my Melee, showing just how well the Melee Jab fits into the lineup. If you’re looking for that benchmark pearl ball in your lineup, then pick up a Melee Jab.

Team USA Mexico City Oil Pattern

I was curious how the Melee Jab would handle the longer oil pattern (45ft.) that Mexico City lays down, and was actually pleasantly surprised with the results. With a 4 3/4” pin under layout, the Melee Jab starts its move early enough to give a more readable reaction on this oil pattern. If I had a long pin over layout, I don’t feel it would have given me the look I desired on this longer oil pattern. Carry percentage was the only issue on this pattern when it was fresh, but after throwing a few games, and breaking down the pattern (with the help of the Melee Cross to burn up a spot), the Melee Jab really shined. It’s a perfect compliment to the Melee Cross, which worked great on Mexico City until they broke down, and then I could move right to the Melee Jab and pick up where the Melee Cross left off, playing a similar part of the lane. I shot games of 219, 218, 227 (fresh oil) and then games of 238, 247, 269 on the burn. On this pattern, I played 4 boards further left with my feet and 2 boards further left with my target than the Melee Cross. Also, I was 2 boards further left and 1 board further left with my target than I was with the Melee on Mexico City.

Team USA Los Angeles Oil Pattern

The Team USA Los Angeles oil pattern is a 36ft. pattern, which was a great test to see how the Melee Jab would react to the shorter length, and it really shined on the fresh oil. I was able to start left, placing the ball down around 11, catching my break point at the 5 board down lane, and the ball reaction was incredible. Even as I had to move inside as the oil pattern wore down, I was still able to get tremendous pin carry, which is something that many balls struggle with as you increase the angle off of your hand. I was able to play much straighter than I could with my original Melee or Melee Cross on this shorter oil pattern, and having that pearl cover stock really makes a huge difference, especially on these type of shorter oil patterns. I played 6 further left with my feet and 3 further left with my target than the Melee Cross, and I was able to play 3 further left with my feet and the same target as the Melee. Overall, I was very pleased with how the Melee Jab held up on this shorter pattern. It will be the ball I start with going forward, and if they break down further I can go to my Ringer Platinum Pearl and then the Strike King when they really break down.

Overall Impression

I would say that overall the Melee Jab is a must own for any bowler looking to add a ball that can handle a variety of lane conditions, from medium blends to shorter patterns. The cover stock is very surface adjustment friendly, so don’t be afraid to sand or polish the cover stock to your liking. This ball fits perfectly behind the Melee Cross (very aggressive) and the Melee (medium oil monster) in my arsenal, and it will be in my bag for a long time. If you’re a one day a week bowler, this ball will help get you the most bang for your buck, as the pearl cover will widen the amount of lane conditions you can hit with one ball, especially as patterns break down. Also, if you’re the serious, competitive bowler such as me, then this ball HAS to be in your bag at all times. I can’t wait to use it on an even wider variety of flatter tournament conditions and see this ball shine. If you’re looking for your next benchmark pearl ball, or looking to fill that gap between the super aggressive stuff and the milder reacting balls, check out the Brunswick Melee Jab, you’ll be glad you did!

James Goulding III
Brunswick Ball Tester
James Goulding
Bowler Builders Pro Shops
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Re: Melee Jab
« Reply #14 on: January 10, 2015, 06:10:33 PM »

Pin Length:3.5

Starting Top Weight:3.0

Ball Weight:15


Pin to PAP:4 3/4

CG to PAP:4

X Hole (if there is one):


Rev Rate:400

Ball Speed:19

PAP/Track:4 3/4 right  1/2 up



Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded):




Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS


Length:easy length

Back End:strong but controllable

Overall Hook:medium to strong

Midlane Read:clean in the mid lane saving energy

Breakpoint Shape:strong move but not snappy


Likes:this ball is playable on everything! Skids enough on the dry and hooks enough to handle some oil.

Dislikes:other people can use it.