Monster Red/Blk Reactive, 15 lbs,3 in pin,3 oz top wt.
Drill= Pin 1/2 in to right of ring finger hole, cg 1/2 oz positive, 3/8 finger, along ring finger center line. This drill is about a 4 by 5 with my pap.
Condition= Tried synthetic house shot, plus Sport Condition on wood/synthetic lanes.
Review: The cover is rugged and not prone to damage. The core is a great match to the cover. This ball is predictable and hard hitting.
The Red/Blk starts up somewhat earlier than a Messenger Ti Pearl. Has an arc like hook--not skid snap. The Red/Blk seems perfect for slower speeds and slightly higher revs, as a goto ball for house and Sport League.
I feel that an arc type ball should be drilled with a positive attitude (as I drilled this one). The ball's attitude is a positive, arcing force. I regularly use this ball for control and forgiveness.
Note: See Dwight Albrecht review--as I agree with his appraisal.
Thank You, Bug