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Author Topic: Monster Red/Black Reactive  (Read 12121 times)


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Monster Red/Black Reactive
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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The Black/Red Reactive Monster extends the range of Reactive reactions in the mid-price category by adding a medium flare alternative to the Green/Black Reactive Monster.

For the Black/Red Reactive Monster, the original Monster core has been modified to create a lower differential and track flare potential than the Green/Black Reactive Monster.  This change results in more length and a smoother backend reaction; making the Black/Red Reactive Monster a better match for stronger release players and/or drier lane conditions.

Specifications are as follows:

Coverstock: PowrKoil 17 - Reactive

Color: Black/Red

Hardness: 77-79

Factory Finish: Rubbing and Finishing compound double buff

Core Dynamics:


  • RG Max: 2.579

  • RG Min: 2.544

  • RG Diff: 0.035

  • RG Avg: 4.7




  • Hook Potential: 75

  • Length: 140

  • BreakPoint Shape: 75


Available Weights: 10-16 Pounds

View the official Spec sheet including Drill Instructions



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Re: Monster Red/Black Reactive
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2001, 02:37:33 PM »
Got this ball for dry/medium-dry lanes.  Had it drilled label, ball has a 4.5 inch pin, 2.5 oz. top weight.  This ball shows excellent length, and a nice, predictable arc into the pocket.  There is no skid/snap here.  It's nice and smooth and very controllable.  May be too strong to use as a dry lane ball, but fits the bill nicely, if there is some oil to help maximize the potential of this ball.  Ball hits very hard and carries well off hits.  Great job Brunswick.

Dwight Albrecht

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Re: Monster Red/Black Reactive
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2001, 11:08:22 PM »
1st Off Thank You for Reading This Review.

I am very Excited to Give a Review on 3 New Brunswick Balls, with The "Red/Black" Monster Reactive being the 1st. I will compare this Ball Reaction to the New Brunswick Purple "Fuze" and my "Parker Bohn MVP".

The Skinny on this New Ball is a Polished Powercoil 17 Reactive Coverstock, same coverstock that is used on my Parker Bohn and the Famous Blue Sapphire Zone. This beautiful Red/Black Pearl Reactive has a Medium to High Rg Core and a Medium Diff. of .035 I believe. Remember Big Diff. does not always mean better, just more aggressive.

The Lane Condition and Lane Surfaced I tested these balls on is the Recently Remodeled AMF Bowlero in Wauwatosa WI. Kudos to Roy Brent and his staff on their 1.5 Millon Dollar Make over. The Center Looks Great. The Oil Pattern I bowled on was 40 Feet Buffed to 46 using AMF Reactor Oil on Brand New HPL 9000 Lane Beds. Outsides Dry, "Christmas Tree" pattern toward the center, which will make for a high scoring environment.

I Drilled my Black/Red Monster with the Pin Out 3" from my grip center with the Pin 3 3/4 from my P.A.P. and the Center of Gravity to the right of my grip Center.

This Ball was clean the front 15' quite nice with a stong roll pattern and a smooth strong banana shape arc toward the pocket. The overall hook was comparable to my "Parker Bohn", but the Parker hit a touch harder. Compared the New Purple Pearl Fuze the "Fuze" went through the Front 15' cleaner and made a stronger move to the pocket on the backends. The Monster kept the pins low and had average pin mix. The Fuze was a Bomb going off when it hit the pins, No Pun intended. The Parker and this Monster are so close you be splitting hairs to tell any difference. For the Bowler Looking for a Low Priced Bomb, this ball gives you all of that and than some. You will not be disappointed with this ball's predictibility and hit for Medium Oily to Medium Dry Lanes. The Retail will range between $149.99 to $169.99.

Brunswick Clearly has set the Mark in appearance and performance with this Black/Red Monster. With a Great and Proven Coverstock with the Powercoil 17 and a strong but controllable weight block you can't go wrong, enjoy!!!

Thanks to Bill Wasserberger, Ray Edwards, Billy O. and Ron Bragg from Brunswick for their Friendship and Support. Thank you for reading this review and best of luck.!!!



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Re: Monster Red/Black Reactive
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2001, 11:27:50 PM »
Monster Red/Blk Reactive, 15 lbs,3 in pin,3 oz top wt.
  Drill= Pin 1/2 in to right of ring finger hole, cg 1/2 oz positive, 3/8 finger, along ring finger center line.  This drill is about a 4 by 5 with my pap.
  Condition= Tried synthetic house shot, plus Sport Condition on wood/synthetic lanes.
  Review: The cover is rugged and not prone to damage.  The core is a great match to the cover.  This ball is predictable and hard hitting.
          The Red/Blk starts up somewhat earlier than a Messenger Ti Pearl.  Has an arc like hook--not skid snap.  The Red/Blk seems perfect for slower speeds and slightly higher revs, as a goto ball for house and Sport League.
          I feel that an arc type ball should be drilled with a positive attitude (as I drilled this one).  The ball's attitude is a positive, arcing force.  I regularly use this ball for control and forgiveness.
  Note: See Dwight Albrecht review--as I agree with his appraisal.
  Thank You, Bug


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Re: Monster Red/Black Reactive
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2002, 12:28:55 AM »
i drilled the ball with the pin under the ring finger. the ball gets great length with an arcing backend. it is a very consistant reaction. I love this ball. the ball is a high performance piece of equipment with a mid performance price. this ball is very reliable.


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Re: Monster Red/Black Reactive
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2002, 03:12:11 PM »

This is me brunswick.Ha personally I just not to long ago got back into bowling this past year.
While coming back I had a red alert special edition black solid before going out of bowling but never really bowled with it until the summer of 2001.

To get to the point I am going post a review for the monster red/black then for the red alert since they dont have the ball up here.First thing,first the monster red/black i got it drilled to 2-3 inches pin from CG located under the ring finger its about inch and half from my ring finger.

first time I throw it was on a tournament shot in a tournament actually.If somebody could help me out and tell me what kind of drill that it is if its for a tweener or a stroker or a  what ever.I stood about 32 throw about 15 or 12 and the ball went straight imean like a got damn plastic ball except for extremely light oil if you dont have hands this ball is just a waste of time for real broke down lanes only iam talking about a hold lot of dryness.

Now my red alert is the same way the drill that is but my pin on this ball is a tad bit out less than a centimeter but totally different this is my favorite so far I bowled my first 256 with it and is stood about 34-37 and through about
10 and further and came back and paw blow them now I have one accomplish now lets see what other accomplish next swamp monster. for further info.


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Re: Monster Red/Black Reactive
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2002, 09:56:53 PM »
15lbs. forget exact specs. but i'm pretty sure the pin is 1-2" top weight around 3oz.  pin is out to the right and up a bit from my ring finger. drilled to go long with an arching backend.  i really love this ball on light to medium oil shots.  on medium oil shots, play pretty much straight up the boards, really good carry, a nice backend.  on lighter shots, i swing the ball out, okay pin carry, uses some energy on getting back. If hits light, can carry or leave a soft 10.  dont have any problems with over/under unless i do something dumb.. but thats my fault.  overall, a very good lighter oil ball.


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Re: Monster Red/Black Reactive
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2002, 07:45:53 PM »
i got this ball with the pin 5" from the CG and drill it with the pin above and between my ring and middle finger.  i believe that this is truly one of the best balls ever made.  on nearly any condition it gives me the best control for the shot and gets trough the heads better than anything i've ever had. in fact, all for the monster series balls are awsome


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Re: Monster Red/Black Reactive
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2003, 06:11:02 AM »
802 Sanctioned out of the box. 300 five days later at a different house.

Ball picks up the same shot/same line as soon as the lanes dry up for the Inferno. Hits hard and will never die. Long Live PowerKoil!
Nick Smith ... A.K.A. Les Badder
Pro Sports Apparel - Brunswick
PBA 2004 - 2005
Nick Smith ... A.K.A. Les Badderâ„¢
Brunswick -=- PBA 03-05
   "Absolute Anticipation..."

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Monster Red/Black Reactive
« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2003, 12:49:16 PM »
EXTREMELY underrated underappreciated ball. Probably because this ball was released at about the same time as the scream/r.

Hits good, great lenght and it is not jumpy for a pearl reactive. For many people this ball could be the first ball out of their bag. Due to my ball speed I use it primarily on dry lanes. It will not work if you have carrydown or spotty backends.

This ball is a solid 8-10. With the price point you can get them at now that they are discontinued EVERYONE should have one.
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

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Re: Monster Red/Black Reactive
« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2003, 05:31:55 AM »
I got this ball for half-price 3 months ago at the same place I purchased my Morich Hercules as part of a promotion.  I had it drilled Brunswick #1 (pin next to my ring finger) with no weight hole.  I used it on medium short oil (around 24' from my estimate) and raised my average in that house from 182 to 189 within the last few months of my fun league (Sunday evenings).  I must say, really really good ball for the price!  I was comfortable throwing it out to 10 with decent backend to set in the pocket.  I did, however, received my share of taps, but it was more of the 9-pin rather than the 7-pin (most likely due to my line being more outside for this ball).  I rate this ball a 8.5 out of 10 for price and reliability for the medium rev outside line bowler.
Laughter is the language of the Gods.
Laughter is the language of the Gods.
In my bag (16lbs):

Visionary Gladiator Pearl
Visionary Centaur AMD Solid
Visionary Blue Sparkle Gryphon
Columbia 300 Blue Dot


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Re: Monster Red/Black Reactive
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2003, 12:23:01 PM »
We all can hit the pocket,just carry the damn corners
Keith Cordy
900 Global Staff Ambassador


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Re: Monster Red/Black Reactive
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2003, 01:23:49 AM »
Not overly a bad ball. I like mine.. but that's not the point. I personally think this is a great ball.. mine is just not quite drilled for me.. It has perfect backend roll for a pearl ball... and it is great the heads. IT works great on the sport patterns and the deserts you might encounter. I have a friend that has one and it works like a charm... Mine does to... high game with it.. 226... Great ball Brunswick.. make another one like it.


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Re: Monster Red/Black Reactive
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2003, 01:24:58 PM »
How could Brunswick discontinue this ball? It has powerkoil 17, an oldie but still a great coverstock. I looked all over for this ball and thanks to this forum I located one in California. This is the best ball I have ever thrown and I have thrown a lot. I have bowled well on oil, burnt out heads, late shift and weekend graveyards. I am hitting everything. I can adust and play up the boards or throw 4th arrow. So much of my stuff is a one condition ball and then you change and lose feel and confidence. This ball lets me keep the same feel and my confidence is sky high. People tell me I have bowled this well in about 4 years. What can I say, equipment rules!  Gino


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Re: Monster Red/Black Reactive
« Reply #14 on: November 18, 2003, 09:26:30 PM »
Well this ball hooks is about all i have to say.  I have lower revs and medium to lower speed, though i am very accurate and a pretty solid player.  I just have to make equipment changes and hand positions to compensate certain parts of the game.  This ball rips off the dry harder than any ball i have ever thrown, it can get over under at times though.  The ball is factory finished with a 4X4 drill.  I got this ball used from a freind who never liked the reaction, you pull the ball in the oil 2 boards and you get a wash out, he sends it out a board or two and rips through the nose.  For me however this ball is great.  Havent used it in league yet, but it starts to show a read of the dry then revs up hard and look out.  Never been a fan of brunswick stuff, usually to many earlier (heavy) rollers for me.  This ball fits in between mild reactive and heavy particle stuff perfect.  When i bowl in a tournament and it starts to get burned out, look out when i move inside with this monster.  Great job brunswick finally something with a predictable move!
"yes i throw it like a girl, but i throw like a girl exactly the same every time"