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Author Topic: Monster SlayR  (Read 18329 times)


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Monster SlayR
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available
When the day fades away, lane conditions change. Oil patterns break down. Boards go dry. That’s when Monster SlayR comes alive with killer performance other Reactive balls can ’t match. With the Monster SlayR on your side there ’s no need to be afraid of graveyard conditions ever again.

The Monster SlayR introduces the latest addition to the PowrKoil family of coverstocks, PowrKoil LS.

Long & Strong
All describe the performance of PowrKoil LS.

The SlayR is a medium hook potential ball that comes alive on lanes that have a lot of dry boards, such as broken-down or top-hat (blocked) oil patterns. The SlayR goes significantly longer than balls that use Brunswick’s more aggressive PowrKoil or N’Control coverstocks, but the SlayR matches the more aggressive balls backend hooking action when used on the drier lane conditions it was designed for.

The Monster SlayR uses a Mushroom shaped core derived from the very popular Quantum family of high performance balls. Designed to match up to the slicker lane oils used today, the SlayR features a high density inner core to produce a low average RG and medium flare potential ball. This strong core, in combination with the High Gloss PowrKoil LS coverstock allows the SlayR to generate strong down-lane recovery with a powerful but predictable breakpoint when used on drier lanes.

PowrKoil LS

Color: Red Pearl

Hardness: 78-80

Factory Finish
High Gloss Polish

Core Dynamics
RG Max: 2.543”  
RG Min: 2.500”
RG Diff: 0.043”
RG Avg: 3.5

Hook Potential 70
Length 165
Breakpoint Shape 90

Available Weights
10-16 Pounds



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Re: Monster SlayR
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2003, 02:41:36 AM »
Just got the new SlayR punched up and all i can say is thank you.  I've been throwin brunswick for about the past year and the only problem i've had is that everything hooked so much.  This ball has changed that.  If you need that ball that will get you through the burnt heads and not snap off the lane, this is it.  Mine's a 2 inch pin, pin above the middle finger and cg under the ring finger.  I bowled on a burnt up shot and my screamR wouldn't get to the pocket unless i got around it a ton and got it to the gutter.  Now this ball allowed me to play em a little smarter and it left a ton of energy in the back.  Ball hits great and I recommend it to anyone lookin for their drier lane ball.

Thanks for your time,
Michael Larsen


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Re: Monster SlayR
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2003, 05:13:59 PM »
I agree 100% with the previous post.
I to have been waiting a long time for Brunswick to make a dry lane ball like this.
The low price is also a bonus.
I drilled it 4L just like my Bruiser and I am able to move 4 to 5 boards into the the dry with it and create an  arc to the pocket that kept on rolling through the pins and still carried those dreadful 1/2 tens.
Thank you Brunswick and I hope you keep making great balls.

Sal Turano:


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Re: Monster SlayR
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2003, 03:48:13 PM »
At least everyone around him can see the logo on his ball, that's what matters.


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Re: Monster SlayR
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2003, 11:18:52 AM »

I'm going to actually post a review of this ball...heh.

Got this ball in last week thanks to Brunswick's college pricing plan, and the initial impression is very positive.

THe ball came with 3.7 top and a 5.25" pin.  We stacked the pin / cg over the center of grip.

On a broken down house shot, the ball allows the user to user push the ball through the heads without increasing ball speed or dropping the thumb, items that usually decrease carry potential.  The ball retains plenty of energy for a strong finish, and tends to shy away from over-reaction in the dry.  Excess carry down will hurt performance.

On a fresh sport pattern (37' with fresh backends), this ball provides plenty of length and flip, however be wary of carrydown, as it can push the ball through its break fairly easily.

If you have any q's, please ask.

Ed Smaglik
bowl well

Ed Smaglik


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Re: Monster SlayR
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2003, 12:28:21 PM »
The Monster SlayR looks to be a ball for several bowling styles.  First, this ball will get down the lane with relative ease.  Second, it does need to have some friction on the lane, or dry area for it to work well.  Guys who have a lot of hand will like this ball for when they really start to hook and need to get in.  The players who are a little straighter will like this ball too when the track gets blown out and when you switch to other pieces of equipment and move in they don't make it around the corner.

Jason Kaiser
Jason Kaiser


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Re: Monster SlayR
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2003, 12:01:15 AM »
Drilled - Pin above bridge, Cg kicked out, X-hole on PAP (5.5x4)
Coverstock - Grey scotchbrite, reshined with Neo-Tac #2

The length is this balls strength, the backend motion is smooth and readable. But this ball needs friction. Lots of friction. Best thing about this ball, is its ability to ignore the fronts and allow the player to go straighter on either burnt heads or old wood lanes. What seperates this dry lane ball from others is its smoothness, it wont over-react when it hits dry. It helps you stay in control on lighter conditions.

Bob Hanson

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Re: Monster SlayR
« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2003, 01:25:28 PM »
I was looking for a new dry lane ball, and the price I got from the Brunswick seminar was too good to pass up.  Also, I like the quantum core and I have had good luck with other low rg mild surface balls ( Battle Zone Cannon ) on the dry.  This one came with 3.7 top and a 3 inch pin.  I set it up with the pin under the bridge ( 5 inches to PAP ) and the cg kicked out about an inch.  I put a small hole 2 inches below the axis.  

I first tried a few balls with it on a super walled fresh pro anvil lane with lots of dry outside 7.  I was able to go right down 6 board and get a pretty good reaction, although I think the carry down would have stopped me in a few more shots.  I next took it to a very old anvil lane house for a second shift league.  The heads go quick in this house and I typically end up play semi fall back around 20 board with either my Inferno or Bruiser.  I tried the SlayR in warmups and couldn't get any kid of reaction, even in the track area.  I threw the Inferno all 3 games and was setting it down about 23 crossing 20 at the splices with a break point not much to the right of 15.  After league I got the SlayR back out and threw 2 more games.  I was able to move back right and threw a bunch of strikes targeting 19 at the splices.  The ball revved great and carried a variety of pocket hits.  I think the SlayR will be at its best where you have a pretty toasted track and drier heads.  Even with flying back ends, the head oil might make it a little squirrely for me.  Heavier handed guys might like the ball because the low rg will keep it from being quite as flippy.

Overall I think this will be a great dry lane ball, although I would place it a little further right on the Brunswick chart.  The quantum core is simply too strong to put it over in the Power Groove area.          


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Re: Monster SlayR
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2003, 07:40:43 PM »
I just had the SlayR plugged and redrilled (SOMEBODY left this ball on the rack where I bowl at: must've not liked it). The pin is above the ring finger, and the cg is a little to the right. I can play this ball in the track (no deeper than 15), and it has serious length and a strong snap in the backend. I will definitely play this ball when the lanes dry up, and still be able to play outside to 15. The pin to cg placement is 2-3".


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Re: Monster SlayR
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2004, 12:07:32 AM »
Drilled this ball up 2 weeks ago.  Pin under the ring, with the cg swungout about half an inch.  Close to 5 x 4 1/2.  For my style and preference, This ball is awesome.  was expecting length with snap and it is completely opposite.  It combines early roll with excellent length, and creates the most controllable arc i've ever seen.  Very versatile on drier conditions and/or clean backends.  On my normal house 10 to 10 house shot, I can play our very dry outsides and not worry about over/under.  The only dislike i have of the ball is when the shot breaks down and carrydwon appears.  But then again what pearl ball likes carrydown?  The hit and carry on this ball is also very good.  Trips light 4s very well, and blow the rack on lighter hits.  On most flat hits it will send a messenger at the 10.  Overall this ball is a very good control ball as well as a good first ball out the back.  Great for flatening out and shooting spares with.  I now have the confidence to go straighter cross lane at 4s and 7s.  Beast ball in my bag.

what do i know

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Re: Monster SlayR
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2004, 05:24:43 PM »
Hello all,
I have recently drilled this ball and my first impression was YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! This ball is the weapon that the strong handed need in the war against bumper bowling. Its clean through the heads readable in the mid lane and smooth on the back end. What ever brunswick did with this cover they need to keep doin it.

 I used a 0-1 pin and drilled it 4 1/2 x 4 1/4 this is normally a pretty aggressive drill for me but in this ball not only could i keep it in play it didn't become over aggressive off of the friction right.The down side to this ball is that when the lanes push i have to make very very good shots to carry. It doesn't allow me to get away with half hits and light hits. If i can get another with a longer pin i will see if the added flare helps, all in all this ball is a tool for the skilled. Just like i belive all players should have a V2 in there bag i also believe that all heavy handed or heavy rolling players should have a slay r


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Re: Monster SlayR
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2004, 03:20:09 PM »
this ball is awesome for light oil conditons or broken down lanes. it has really good length with a smooth angular break. once a track is broken into the ball it hooks a bit more so i put a light polish on it once in a while.

Zack Pelton

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Re: Monster SlayR
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2004, 03:35:52 AM »
Brunswick Monster Slay R
Pin 2-3 inch

Monster Slay R I got used in a trade for one of my Vortex 2's. Drilled the ball with the pin above the ring finger and cg kicked out an 1 1/2, weight hole needed. Polished with ebonite factory finish and was put through the Ebonite Hook Again. I have been putting together a sport shot arsinal the past couple of months and this seems to be a good fit.

Sport shot 30 foot and buffed to 35.
I started out with a straight wrist normal grip pressure and playing up the 3 board. The shot was definatly there with that ball, but there was not any room for error. Next I keep everything the same and moved left to play the 8 board. This shot walked to the pocket all night. Then for a little test I lightend up grip pressure and went from 15 to 8 this shot also walked to the pocket. Don't get me wrong I miss a couple to the left or right it went its repective way. Shot 202, 203, 238, 243, 210, 201 with four opens with this ball. I played the middle of the lane but anyone how knows me I do not belive in playing the middle of the lane on a sport shot. Too touchy.

The ball hits hard and works great for all sport shots I have bowled on.

Zack Pelton
Bowl to Win!!!!
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Zack Pelton
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Kingpin 300

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Re: Monster SlayR
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2004, 12:17:51 PM »
This is one of my favorite balls.
16lbs pin 2-3
cg in palm pin beside ring finger

This ball has great length and an excellent backend reaction. It hits hard but on certain conditions it has trouble carrying. Probably the best ball in my bag.
Used it last thursday morning for a pick-up league, I came in late and got put on a pair that didn't get oiled, so I was bowling on broken down lanes and i shot the lights out. 249, 267, 264 for a 780. I have shot numerous 700+ series with this ball. I recomend that every bowler should have one.
Carson Lineberger


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Re: Monster SlayR
« Reply #14 on: September 03, 2004, 08:34:57 PM »
15 lb 2" pin, box, drilling layout approx 1L, medium-high revs, medium-high speed, tweener.

I wanted a ball for light oil and I got it. Almost has a hook-stop reaction, and is not very forgiving...If I missed left, it still hooked about the same number of boards, same if I missed right. On the other hand, it didn't end up in the channel if I missed left, and that's great! But it didn't come back if I missed right, despite the walled condition.  Lanes had a medium oil pattern and if I threw it my normal speed, it did not pick up a roll, but still carried pretty well when I pointed it. I slowed down a touch, got over the top and went up the boards, and that's when the magic happenened. I would compare this ball to a Speed Demon Zone, with maybe 3 - 5 fewer boards of hook overall and quite a bit less back end. Has a similar high-rev quality, and the Quantum-derived core gives it a very smooth reaction.  Really, the lane condition I was on was more suited for my primary ball, a Denim Quantum, so I'll probably post a second review once I see some true dry.

I can't see one using this as their only ball or the 1st ball out of their bag unless they're at an extraordinarily dry house, have a lot of revs and low speed, or both. This ball fills a very specific need and does it very well. I also liked using it for spares.