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Author Topic: Monster SlayR  (Read 18330 times)


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Monster SlayR
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
When the day fades away, lane conditions change. Oil patterns break down. Boards go dry. That’s when Monster SlayR comes alive with killer performance other Reactive balls can ’t match. With the Monster SlayR on your side there ’s no need to be afraid of graveyard conditions ever again.

The Monster SlayR introduces the latest addition to the PowrKoil family of coverstocks, PowrKoil LS.

Long & Strong
All describe the performance of PowrKoil LS.

The SlayR is a medium hook potential ball that comes alive on lanes that have a lot of dry boards, such as broken-down or top-hat (blocked) oil patterns. The SlayR goes significantly longer than balls that use Brunswick’s more aggressive PowrKoil or N’Control coverstocks, but the SlayR matches the more aggressive balls backend hooking action when used on the drier lane conditions it was designed for.

The Monster SlayR uses a Mushroom shaped core derived from the very popular Quantum family of high performance balls. Designed to match up to the slicker lane oils used today, the SlayR features a high density inner core to produce a low average RG and medium flare potential ball. This strong core, in combination with the High Gloss PowrKoil LS coverstock allows the SlayR to generate strong down-lane recovery with a powerful but predictable breakpoint when used on drier lanes.

PowrKoil LS

Color: Red Pearl

Hardness: 78-80

Factory Finish
High Gloss Polish

Core Dynamics
RG Max: 2.543”  
RG Min: 2.500”
RG Diff: 0.043”
RG Avg: 3.5

Hook Potential 70
Length 165
Breakpoint Shape 90

Available Weights
10-16 Pounds



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Re: Monster SlayR
« Reply #16 on: September 04, 2004, 06:09:15 AM »
Well, I got a whole slew of different conditions in the course of 3 games tonight with it...found out this afternoon that the Friday night league MIGHT need a sub (had been trying to get in a league unsuccessfully for a month, only two centers in a two-town area of 75,000), so I showed up and sure enough, this mixed league needed a permanent male team member.  This is a 9pm league and I see the lane guy just finishing up the oil when the place opens at 1pm, and I don't think they're oiled again, not sure how many leagues happen on Friday...anyway, the condition started with a somewhat short pattern, medium oil gutter-to-gutter (light side of medium), and FLYING backends.  This was strange considering every other time I've bowled here, it's been your standard wall.

That was the pattern during warmups, anyway. By the 3rd frame, apparently there was sufficient carry-down, because this ball turned into a hockey puck! I almost went back to the Quantum, but I wanted to get some experience with it so I stuck with it. Well, split city in the 2nd half and I ended up with a 131, which was my lowest game in 2 years! I was having some knee pain, wasn't throwing particularly great, and the pattern was a little spotty.

Game 2 was a completely different story. By now, I was using a very direct route for me...on the left lane, I was standing on 6 and throwing out to 4, on the right lane it was right up 5 all the way...ball was getting a nice arc into the pocket this way and was very controllable, though wasn't getting into a nice roll like I like. As a result of this I threw a 210 (got all my spares!) that could have very easily been much higher, as two flush pocket shots left a ringing 9 and a ringing 7.

Game 3 was about the same, ended up with a 166. My 5th game of the day (not used to that number of games again yet), missed a couple of spares I shouldn't have, knee hurt, thumb started to hurt a little bit, wasn't as fundamentally sound as I should have been.

Conclusion: The ball is very sensitive to speed and carrydown. Its late reaction allows you to slow it down and still control it well though, and it hits just as hard as your full speed ball (probably the loudest hitting ball I've ever had!) I threw very well with it tonight (overall) because I was able to match my style to the pattern with the ball, but I still think there are way better options for a walled shot. The reaction and roll of this ball reminds me a LOT of the Command Zone (the original purple pearl one), so if you loved that ball but couldn't throw it on dry lanes, this is the ball for you. If you're a person who only wants to move their feet and mark when adjusting to conditions (keeping your speed and hand position the same), I don't think this ball is going to realy work out for you very often, unless you bowl at a house where the condition is very consistent, or if the layout is always the same and you're 1st shift and if it's dry.


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Re: Monster SlayR
« Reply #17 on: October 16, 2004, 09:17:02 PM »
This is a mild, forgiving pearl and a very under-rated ball. IMO it's also misrepresented by Brunswick as being highly angular, super long and designed primarily for spotty conditions, e.g., blown heads.

Ball drilling: 4.75" x 4.75" stacked, 3" pin out, 3+ oz top weight, pin above ring

Bowler: +/-15 mph; right handed, medium/high revs (approx. 300 rpm); minimal side turn (30 deg. ? axis tilt) unless absolutely necessary

1. This ball is good for light to medium lane conditions. Fresh, spotty, whatever. Yes, even medium. Your ball speed and revs will affect its range of applicability but it's versatile enough for me for typical league conditions but I can't play a big swing shot with it. If I feel like playing down-and-in around 10 or a mild 5-10 board belly out from around 10-15 this ball will provide.

2. It's a very "rolly" ball and thus the hook is smooth and arcing, not a snap for me. Even on flying backends it's at best (worst?) a sharp arc but still very predictable. Perhaps more angular for someone with more side turn on the ball (I haven't experimented there yet) but compared to my skid/snap benchmark 4.5" stacked Silver Streak Pearl it's pretty mild for a pearl.

3. It's not a big hooking ball. The trade-off is control and predictability. Miss left x amount generally results in hitting light by x amount. Ditto missing right. On flying backends it can recover if missed left but I don't count on it (nor should I with any ball I own). It doesn't over-react. It hooks about 10 boards less than my Silver Streak Pearl and has very similar length, i.e., slightly longer than midlane.

4. Being a mild pearl it doesn't particularly like carrydown. Again no revelation there. I have to square up and play further right over the same target if I encounter a bit of carrydown. But it's still fine on minor carrydown typically encountered in a 3-game league, for example. I haven't used it on moderate to heavy carrydown, though. The nice thing is that it's unaffected by spotty heads when the oil starts migrating down so it doesn't burn up early and puke in the pocket in that situation like a particle or stronger solid reactive would.

5. At the pins the Slay/R is above average to very good. It retains energy well -- it has a moderate core that seems to match up well with the mild cover. Not the heaviest hitter in my arsenal but not bad at all, no complaints. I see a few more weak- and trip 10's with it on pocket hits than my Black Danger Zone reissue or Silver Streak Pearl on identical conditions, for example, but it still trips the 10 way more often than not. Because of the rolly/arcing move it carries light hits well. With my medium ball speed I practically never see messengers regardless (even with my snappy Silver Streak Pearl) so can't comment there.  

Overall I really like this ball in my arsenal for: (1) control situations in medium/light oil; (2) playing a more direct line and/or further outside; and (3) for when the heads get spotty. It's my 'go to' ball in one medium-condition league, for example, where the heads often dry up by game three. Also, I simply kill my wrist for 10's and 6-10 spares and this ball acts like plastic in those instances and the color is stunning.

I hope Brunswick keeps this one in their lineup in spite of it not being another big hooking ill-mannered monster. Brunswick's specs on this ball are nearly identical to their (pearl reactive) Power Groove but I find it much more versatile for the reasons I listed above.


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Re: Monster SlayR
« Reply #18 on: January 09, 2005, 11:22:59 PM »

This ball rolls very late but has a nice smooth backend with great carry. Perfect for a burned out house shot.  Will have more reviews soon


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Re: Monster SlayR
« Reply #19 on: May 27, 2005, 10:26:46 AM »
I picked up a SlayR on special at Buddies Pro Shop ($57). This ball was a great bargain. I do not have a lot of hand but I have never seen a ball backend for me as much as the SlayR (on the right conditions with dry outside boards). Mine was drilled for aggressive skid/flip reaction and this ball rolls great. It is ultra-smooth rolling down the lane and it takes a smooth but aggressive turn at the backend and hits hard. I was worried it would be a waste of money for my style (Stroker/low revs/med speed) but I'm glad I bought it and it will be my second go-to ball when my Nemesis starts to overreact.


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Re: Monster SlayR
« Reply #20 on: June 03, 2005, 10:16:39 AM »
Ball is made for only very dry lanes. Skids a ton and snaps nicely depending on drilling. I have mine drilled with pin under middle finger and cg 1" above thumb. It works great on really burned up lanes.


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Re: Monster SlayR
« Reply #21 on: August 17, 2005, 02:27:30 PM »
I bought this ball about 2 months ago and finally got it drilled. First a little personal information about me. I have been bowling for 40 years and I am currently carrying a 220 average in one league and 230 in the other league. I am a tweener with moderate revs and moderate speed. The houses that I bowl at one has medium oil with medium backends and the other house has dry backends with heavy oil in the front. The Monster Slayer is drilled to have a big backend with very little midlane reaction, and no weight hole. I cannot get this ball to react on a consistent basis. Some times it wants to hook and will have that back end and hit very hard, other times it just will not turn up at all. I am very disappointed with this ball. If I had the chance to do it over again I WOULD NOT BUY THIS BALL.
The Bozz (abad day of bowling beats a good day of work all the time)


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Re: Monster SlayR
« Reply #22 on: September 27, 2005, 12:22:34 AM »
My monster slayr - I named it Rory the Monster Slayer - is 13 lbs, out of the box finish, drilled with the pin under my ring finger. I tend to put a LOT of curve on... with my old ball, a 10-lber, I had a nasty habit of hitting the brooklyn side. Almost always. (Actually worked pretty well for me.) Anyway, I've been using it for about a month now. It goes a lot longer than my old ball. I like the way it rolls into the pocket - it knocks the pins away, very satisfying. I've been having some difficulty keeping the curve consistent, though - but that's probably just because I'm an ameteur. Overall, it's a great ball, and I've been breaking my personal records since I adjusted to the ball, and I'm closing almost all my frames, although I have difficulty with the first ball - almost no strikes, and the ones I got were pretty lucky. I didn't always have this problem, so part of me wants to blame it on the ball. other than that, it's great.
I didn't say WOBBLE, you stupid pin, I said FALL OVER!!!!


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Re: Monster SlayR
« Reply #23 on: July 20, 2006, 11:56:37 PM »
Ohh man, I can not believe I bought this ball. I have sanded and sanded it and did everything I could to make this thing hook. I normally throw a banana ball type shot, but this thing can barely make it on the down and in shot, which is my second style. I can rip my fingers out of the ball and put a ton of revs on the ball and it might hook 2-3 boards if I am lucky. All in all, I wouldn't suggest this ball to anyone for a primary ball. I just use it for spares sometimes or if the lanes are REALLY REALLY REALLY dried up.

You have to have balls to bowl the way I do.


Monster SmashR
Monster SlayR
Solid Uranium


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Re: Monster SlayR
« Reply #24 on: August 14, 2006, 11:54:14 AM »
Got this ball a few weeks back and had it drilled. Threw it a few frames but there was too much oil for it. Well last night after league I pulled it out to give it a try since all my other balls were too much for the conditions. While making no move on the lanes I shot 215 with the last 5 in a row. This is a great ball for burnt out conditions.



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Re: Monster SlayR
« Reply #25 on: November 03, 2007, 11:01:57 PM »
This ball is amazing
ok everyone loves a high hook potential ball that you can throw hard with a ton of revs and have it snap in the backends into the pocket 'ON OIl'

well if you have high rpm when the lanes dryout you have problems getting the ball to go down the lane and retain energy into the pins

When the lanes are fried this ball reacts like a high hook potential ball on oil...goes long and flips

this is not a ball for a fresh shot due to over/under reactions 'high gloss polish' if you dont have 450 rpm like myself 'cranker' you might want to alter the surface.

A Crankers dream, a ball that comes alive with energy on burnt conditions
'Its All About The Sound Of The Strike'