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Author Topic: Monster SmashR  (Read 25100 times)


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Monster SmashR
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available
Specifications are as follows:

Coverstock: PowrKoil 18 - Reactive

Color: Blue/Silver

Hardness: 75-77

Surface Finish: 800 Grit Wet Sand

Core Dynamics:


  • RG Max: 2.577

  • RG Min: 2.536

  • RG Diff: 0.041

  • RG Avg: 4.5




  • Hook Potential: 115

  • Length: 90

  • BreakPoint Shape: 65


View the official Spec sheet including Drill Instructions



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Re: Monster SmashR
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2002, 09:20:28 PM »
First of all, I'd like to say thanks to Billy Yinger for setting this ball up for me at the Mini-Eliminator.  Now on to the good stuff.  This ball started with about a 3" pin and roughly 3.0 oz of top weight.  The pin is under and just to the right of the ring finger and the cg is in the thumb/positive quadrant with a 2" shift...basically rev leverage with a low hole.  I used this ball in box condition in an attempt to get some midlane read and it is a MONSTER midlane ball with this drilling.  When I got home, I shined it up just to see how it worked on the drier conditions, which I generally bowl on and it didn't disappoint.  This is an excellent compliment to the ScreamR that I have giving me a much better midlane read especially on those over/under conditions.  Overall, this is an excellent ball and could be the first ball out of the bag for a lot of different styles depending on the coverstock preparation.

Hope this helps,
#AFutureForMembership #WhoDoesUSBCWorkFor


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Re: Monster SmashR
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2002, 06:51:06 PM »
Smash Some Pin's with the New Monster Smash/R

We recieved Our test balls two weeks ago and we thank Brunswick for including us in their Test Ball Program for this New season.

The New "Monster Smash/R" comes to us with "Old" and "New" Technology combined for this New Season entry. The Smash/R features an Old Weight block design previously used in the "ARC Zone"/"Contact Zone"/"Riot Zone" series. (They call it a "Door Knob" shaped core! but it is the same weight block brought back out of retirement for this new ball entry.

We will state that Brunswick is using a Higher Density on this Old weight block design and we realized the results with much better hitting power.

The Coverstock, (PowrKoil-18) Reactive is strong and fully adjustable!

This ball comes out of the the box 800-grit sanded or "sheened" we like to call it. But very friendly when it came to shinning!

We drilled this ball "Label Leverage" 4X4-1/2 drilling (No Balance Hole)

Out of the box this ball is strong!!! On our fresh "Typical League Condition" test lanes we had "too much ball" for our tweener release! After one full game of attempting to get a read on the lanes we found this ball rolling smooth and very strong! "Arching" type of hook! When Brunswick stated that this ball would be good on heavy oil out of the box, they were not kidding!!

A quick trip to the ball spinner for an application of "Black Magic" and it was back to the lanes to continue our test. After four more frames we found this ball to be much more playable for our Tweener Release and again a "Strong Hooking" ball! I would not call it a (Skid/Snap) but a strong change of direction with a heavy forward roll. I will also agree with Brunswick calling this ball a "Heavy Hitter!" This ball will flat out "Smash" the Pins!

Great Hitting Power! Great Carry! This ball will not let you down in this area!

We rolled four complete games and kept the ball in play with no problem!
Predictable! Strong! and Hard Hitting!

Those bowlers who we call the "Cranker Types" should use simple drill patterns and keep it simple on this one!
Those of you who play more down & in or like myself, we call "Tweeners" can use stronger drillings if desired!
But Our opinion here is, this ball will not need much help!
Bowlers of different styles will find this ball useable and playable!

Overall this is a "Great" entry for Brunswick to start off the New Season and we will "Highly Recommend" this ball to all bowlers and to Our customers!




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Re: Monster SmashR
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2002, 08:38:10 PM »
i drilled this ball with the pin under the bridge and imediately used rubbing compound. first of this is a remake of the demolision zone. this ball is extremely foriving. it gives fairly good length but to much that it is uncontrollable. as a matter of fact this ball is the most controllable in my arsenal. this is a great cover/core combination. brunswick definately had a great idea when they decided to bring this old core and cover back to life back to life. this ball carries everything it sees on the pin deck. i give this ball an 11 out of 10.
this ball is a must have.


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Re: Monster SmashR
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2002, 11:47:27 PM »
The Smash is good ball when there is oil out there, but there is some back in.  I got the bowling ball drilled to go long and then snap a little pite. THe lanes that I was bowling on was already use by little kids. So the oil pattern was scrambled. the oil partern was the 5 board was dire and the middle was oil. SO i played between the second arrow and the thrid one. The ball proformed good for me. I bolwed right hand. For right now I have no dislike about the bowling ball.


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Re: Monster SmashR
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2002, 03:53:00 PM »
I am a high speed, high rev bowler.  I have the ball drilled at 3X3 with the MB in the average position.  At first I was very disappointed with this ball... that was until I hit a shot where there was a lot of carry down.  This ball when the lanes were too dry was rolling out severely on me.  But when I was bowling later in the afternoon where there was a lot of carry down my scores skyrocketed.  I threw 13 strikes in a row!!!  I highly recommend this ball for any condition where there is some oil and/or carrydown.  I don't recommend it for dry conditions AT ALL!!!!!


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Re: Monster SmashR
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2002, 04:06:41 PM »
16 pounds
Top Weight: 2.2oz
Pin out: 4-5.5 inches
Factory Surface

Likes: Hitting Power, Consistant and very...very predictable
Dislikes: Dry Heads or Dry Backends, whichever comes first

First off, I am a power stroker with high revs and medium ball speed and about a 15 degree axis tilt. I have mine drilled up stacked leverage. This put the pin right next to my middle finger, and the cg 12:00 stacked below my axis line. This ball lives up to its name! I bowled on a combination of synthetic heads and wood.  The oil pattern was a tweaked house shot with more units of oil evenly spread.  The Smash/R rolled very smooth in the heads, once it hit the mid lanes it started to roll up, when it hit the break point and made a nice hard even arc towards the pocket. Plus,I was very pleased with the forgivness of this ball.  On the few shots that I did throw too far right of my target, the Smash/R just charged back like it was nothing.  Never losing carry.  Speaking of carry, pins just danced and flew all over the deck.  This ball is so explosive when it hits the pocket.  The only way that you will leave anything is if a pin is off spot.  That is how hard this Monster hits.   The Monster Smash/R does an excellent job complimenting my Proactive Power Groove. When I run out of adjustments or hand positions with my Power Groove, I know to go right to the Smash/R. As long as there is enough oil in the heads or backends, I will keep my line and keep scoring.  Also the Igniter compliments my Smash/R, when the Smash/R is over hooking due to the lack oil, the Ingiter goes that extra bit to keep the line.   Another great ball Brunswick, and thanks John & Larry!

Joshua W. Smith

Dwight Albrecht

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Re: Monster SmashR
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2002, 10:19:34 PM »
Very Impressive Again for this recently introduced Midpriced Monster. The Smash/R By Brunswick is truly one of the Best for the Year as the Bang for the Buck Ball.

The scoop on this ball: Coverstock Powercoil 18-Black Danger Zone. Core is the "Door Knob" shape from the command zone arc. Gives the Rg in the high 2.5"s with a diff. of .041. Strong enough to kick some butt on the pins. When this ball came out and we got wind of this ball's release I felt this ball and the Swamp Monster would be my ball of the year for sales in our shop. So far it has beat my expectations for sales. I also heard from brunswick that someone shot a 896 with this ball already. After throwing mine, I can see why.

I drilled the Smash/R 3 3/4 X 75 Degree mass bias/or C.G. 3 1/2 from my PAP. Pin out 3 1/2""from the CG in the flip zone of the ball. Factory 1200 sand, very fine.

Lane condition was HPL AMF Panels, with a taper crown shot. Light oil on the outside and heavy in the center. One lane was 6 boards oiler than the other. The ball I tested this ball against was the Hammer Vicious, same coverstock grit and drilling.

Both balls reacted well in the fronts, very clean for both being lightly sanded. Both had strong moves on the backends, but this is where the similiarity stopped. The Smash/R was 2 boards stronger overall hook and had a touch earlier breakpoint where the vicious would go longer and came in behind the pocket leaving powerful 10 pins. The Smash/R would give me a faster move to the pocket and murdered the 10 pin. I did not leave one 10 pin in 2 1/2 games. The Smash/R got into a stronger more forward roll by the time it got to the pocket with the vicious labored it's roll. The Smash/R lived up to it's name when it came to the hit. If you want a ball to clear the deck fast this is the ball of choice.

I was able to play out with this ball up 8th board with strong backend and was able to swing 17th board with great recovery on the backends making this ball extremely versatile.

I am always amazed how good this Powercoil 18 Black Danger Zone coverstock is and how well it compliments so many games. Great Job Brunswick on a ball that I see no flaws in. Truely worth every penny that you will pay for this ball. Strong hit and raw power and versatile makes this ball my choice for ball of the year in the reactive family.

Thanks for reading my review and enjoy your Smash/R.

Bob Hanson

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Re: Monster SmashR
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2002, 05:55:58 PM »
I drilled this one out last week based partly on good reviews, and partly because I like the mushroom block and wanted to see how it would work with the Powerkoil.  I was only able to get a 4 inch pin ball, so was forced into experimenting with a pin out drill.  I went with 4x4 with no hole that put the pin above and right of my middle finger with the cg just slightly offset to the right of center grip.  

My initial reaction to the ball on heavy fresh oil was that it was incredibly strong in the midlane for a resin ball.  It almost seemed to compare to my particle adrenaline.  However after about 5 games it tamed slightly and took on more resin characteristics.  After throwing it in 4 different houses this week I think I have a pretty good read on the ball.  It basically reads the midlane quite a bit earlier than my Red Fuze, and stands up after an angular turn in a manner very familiar to those have have thrown balls with this core before.  This ball seems at its best when I can get inside and have some strong back ends to throw to from good heads.  It is one of those balls that seems to finish deep in the pocket from inside on the right pattern.  My carry from 17 out to 8 was better than I usually get with any resin ball.  On the down side it has that resin tendancy to over under on a heavy defined oil line.  

Summary:  Best condition, inside angle on opened up shot with good back end and plenty of head oil in the middle.  Worst condition, wet dry 10 to 10 or carry down.  This one may find a way into my tournament arsenal if it will play some places where my Detonator won't work.


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Re: Monster SmashR
« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2002, 11:22:50 PM »
The ball has a pin out 3-4 and of course I threw out the box before I looked at the topweight. Drilled with the pin above the bridge and the cg kicked out 40 degrees with no weighthole. I polished this one with black magic. The ball gets great length with a strong arcing backend. The best feature of this ball is its hit and carry and it really does a good job at both of those, expecially hitting hard. You can play any angle you want with this ball, it is one of my favorite balls it is tied with the Frenzy. I strongly recomend this ball to anybody.


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Re: Monster SmashR
« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2002, 10:25:59 AM »
I'm getting older so I invested in some lighter equipment. I got a 15 LB smash R for a medium condition house shot.  I left it in box condition.

I am right handed. The pin is below my ring finger with the cg kicked straight out to the side.  The mass bias is in the leverage position.

This ball is great when the lanes have some oil in the heads.  It has a strong midlane move and a strong backend.  I bowl on the first shift on synthetic lanes and this ball is perfect for this.

When the heads break down this ball is too much.  I have a power groove reactive drilled to go long when this happens.  This combination has proved to be great for me.  


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Re: Monster SmashR
« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2002, 12:23:39 AM »
Well, I've watched several people throw this ball. I'm familiar with most of their games, and I've been real impressed at what this ball does for those folks. I was also real impressed when the lady I crossed with at the last regional won the tournament by over 200 pins using this ball. So I bought one.

I can't use it in the house I bowl 2 leagues and practice. I used it in my other league tonight, at another house (synthetics, and more oil). WOW! I was impressed. The first game I shot 213 - I kept having to move right with carrydown, and didn't figure it out real quick. The second game, another 213 - started out with 4 in a row, baby split on a really bad ball, then 9 spares off the sheet. Then, I moved 1/2 board more right, and shot 278, for a 704. I've NEVER shot 700 as the first series with a ball before. And - normally on that league shot, I'll have a couple of boards of room. Tonight, IF I put my feet in the right place, I had at least 5 boards. I think this one's a keeper!
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Re: Monster SmashR
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2002, 12:16:15 AM »
I drilled this ball with the pin 4" from my axis and the mass bias in the strong position (very close to a 4x4 drilling).  I am a tweener with a descent revrate and normal speed (17mph or so).

I first took the surface of this ball to a Storm 3 finish (about 1200).  I liked the ball a lot but found it hard to match up to a lot of the conditions in the town I live in.  Atlanta GA is known for having very mushy backends and hooking gutters.  I then took a suggestion from a friend and took the surface back to box finish.  This has now become my go to ball in my bag.  I love it's readability and it's controlled move down the lane.  This truly is the first ball out of my bag wherever I happen to be.

This is not a ball that you will buy if you want to watch it hook from coast to coast, and it is not a ball that you would buy if you want a massive backend move (even though shiny it does jerk a bit).  I do think this is the benchmark ball in Brunswick's line.  Very easy ball to match up to nearly any kind of player from the straight player to the big boomer.  A definite winner by Brunswick.
Lane 1 = David Koresh of bowling


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Re: Monster SmashR
« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2002, 07:10:20 PM »
The SmashR is my first bowling ball. I have bowled for a few years and decided to get serious and get a ball. After throwing a few games, I feel very satisfied with this balls performance.

I bought it from a local pro shop. I don't know the exact drilling layout. The pin is place about 1/4 inch right of my ring finger. The locator pin is located in the middle of my hand and slightly to the right. The thumb whole is offset a 1/4 of inch to the left of my middle finger. I left the ball in out of box condition. I throw a slower ball with slow/medium revs. The lanes I play on are medium-heavy/heavy oil.

As far as performance goes the SmashR is a champ. It has wicked midlane flare and descent backend hook. This ball is a little fussy though. Speed is everything! I found myself having to slow my ball down to keep from the old over/under action. This thing hits like a truck. Throw a good ball and there will be nothing left, not even the ocassional 10 pin.

I would recommend this ball to anyone. Just take some time and learn the ball and how it rolls, and it wont do you wrong. I give it a 7/10!!!!



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Re: Monster SmashR
« Reply #14 on: December 19, 2002, 03:16:49 PM »
First off I'd like to say that I've always been a fan of Columbia.  It's just that right now, they aren't making anything that appeals to me.  The ICONs are ok, but are not as much ball as advertised.  I thought I'd try to stay in the mid-price range and drift away from C300 for a while.

So, picked up a few balls from the Big B, a SmashR and a ScreamR.  

The SmashR I punched in a 4 x 4 stacked pattern, pin above the fingers.  X-hole on axis.  This ball loves oil and HITS.  Lemme tell ya, I've never seen a resin ball roll this early, but it sure hits hard.  I have used it on wood and synthetics, dry, oily, sport, you name it.  It is very predictable and never really overreacts.  It rolls strong and makes a smooth powerful turn to the pocket.

I wouldn't recommend it on dry heads, but if you can find enough oil to get it to breakpoint it will carry.  ESPECIALLY light just tosses pins around.  I would definitely say that this line is the best on the market right now.  The SmashR will be an oil ball for lower ballspeeds or higher rev rates, and can fit in as a med. condition ball if you polish it.  I personally don't like mine polished.  It hits harder and covers more conditions in box finish.

In my opinion, one of the best balls for your money on the market right now.  Solid 9 out of 10.  Everyone around here is raving about an X Factor....screw that!  Why buy one of those when you can get a ball that hits just as hard for 1/2 the price??!!  Keep 'em coming Brunswick!  You have convinced me!
J. J. Mastny
Mens Head Coach
University of Nebraska Omaha Bowling