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Author Topic: Monster SmashR  (Read 25101 times)


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Monster SmashR
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Specifications are as follows:

Coverstock: PowrKoil 18 - Reactive

Color: Blue/Silver

Hardness: 75-77

Surface Finish: 800 Grit Wet Sand

Core Dynamics:


  • RG Max: 2.577

  • RG Min: 2.536

  • RG Diff: 0.041

  • RG Avg: 4.5




  • Hook Potential: 115

  • Length: 90

  • BreakPoint Shape: 65


View the official Spec sheet including Drill Instructions


Ryan Peebles

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Re: Monster SmashR
« Reply #16 on: December 20, 2002, 11:32:13 AM »
First off, thanks to Bill Orlikowski from Brunswick for some much-needed input.  The Monster SmashR is similar overall to the BTV Sage Quantum, but the "motor" (although similar to the BTV "mushroom" core) is that of the Command Zone ARC, Contact Zone Pro, and the Attitude series (from four years ago, remember?).

I suffered in league play through the entire month of November; too much over/under reaction and splits caused my average to drop nearly nine pins in four weeks!  So, I went back to basics:  reading magazine articles, reviewing present arsenal, checking drilling specs, and locating my PAP.  I discovered that my PAP is not where I thought it was; it is actually a half inch farther right.  I then purchased a SmashR (fifteen pounds, 2.1 oz. top, 2 3/4" pin out) drilled 3 3/8" X 3" with an X-hole on my PAP (5 1/8" over, 5/16" up), shined from 800 to about 1000 grit.  This was my first new sphere in ten months!

Inspired by Chris Barnes, I began placing the ball at waist height before executing my delivery (rather than at eye level in times past).  This helped me relax my grip, straighten my backswing, and maintain control of my shot with regard to both speed and release.  All my problems were solved in one evening of league competition at Harbor Freeway Lanes in Port Clinton, Ohio.

The lanes were a 40' blend with dry backends, and I consistently played a deep inside line (from 20 to around 7).  By the second game, I could read what the ball was doing.  As long as I could execute my delivery flawlessly and reach the breakpoint without forcing the ball, the rack was gone.  The SmashR rolls and finishes strong with a solid punch.  In its debut, I rolled my first ABC 700 of the season this past Wednesday (223-268-220 for a 711 series) and gained back nearly half of my November average loss.  Great performer from Brunswick, and a highly-recommended "A" ball for league play.
Ryan Peebles
Area Staff Member
Lane Masters/Lord Field/SWAG



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Re: Monster SmashR
« Reply #17 on: January 05, 2003, 02:54:24 PM »
What a great bowling ball from Brunswick.  Got a 15 lb. SmashR with a 3 inch pin.  Drilled it 1E on Brunswick's drill sheet like my Swamp Monster. Exactly what I wanted, goes a little longer than my Swamp Monster with the same powerful backend, and tremendous hit.  This has got to be one of the most under-rated weight blocks to come out in a while.  Very strong hooking ball, but also very readable and forgiving.  As I said hooks a little less than my Swamp Monster, but more than my Fuze Igniter, maybe a bit stronger than my El Nino Gold as well.  Great work Brunswick!


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Re: Monster SmashR
« Reply #18 on: January 17, 2003, 05:35:28 PM »
Power coil 18, what more is to be said, pure reactive.
Great ball!!
I drilled up 2 of them, both 5x5 and left one out of box and the other polished up to 2,000. You want a ball to push right and make the turn when you need it, this is the ball. Get on a heavy condition or need to play that ob, leave it out of box and rip through ob like it was 2 units.



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Re: Monster SmashR
« Reply #19 on: January 19, 2003, 12:32:09 PM »

Weight:16 lbs 7 oz
Top weight: 2.7
Pin: 3-4"

My specs
Left handed Tweener
Ball speed:14-15.Medium

Drill patern

Label leverage.I wanted this ball to get down the lane but hook hard on the packend and boy does it!!!
Pin is up and to the left of my ring finger(im a lefty) cg is almost in line with the pin but kicked to the right just a tad.

Lane conditions

There are 3.The first one didnt do the ball any justice..
1)Open bowling:The lanes were spotty and had oil all over and as you know and i know for a reactive to work it needs dry and it was very hard to find dry so it burnt out early.I knew that this ball had more in it than was shown so i didnt give up on it yet and i also took the factory finish off of it..Carried good on light hits but left consistent 7 pins on pocket shots.

Rating: 1-10:5

2)League:  Oiled from 10-10,This is where the ball really shined.I stood about 25 out to about 5-8 so it could get out to the dry and really work and boy did it work!!! Smashed the pocket everytime and the rack was done.If i didnt get it to the oil it would come back but it would leave 7 pins.So with the drilling i have you have to get it to the oil..

Rating:1-10:9 1/2

3)League:  oiled from 5-5, I basically played 15-10 and back in.Although i didnt have any dry to work off of this ball was great too.I got it out to the dry part of the lane and it still came back and carried.If your gonna play the oil line i suggest you play straight up so it doesnt burn up.It played great for me.

Rating:1-10:9 1/2

I really like this ball and it shows no sign of slowing down after 30-40 games.The hit and carry is phenominal..For me it really needs oil and it seems the more i use it the more oil it needs.I havnt been able to use it as much as i want because it needs so much oil and a lot of the times i cant use it if the backends are flying.I really wanted it for carrydown and thats what i got.This is a great ball and if you need something for carrydown or some heavy oil(not really heavy though)this is a great ball to use..Dont be affraid to try Brunswick, i was but figured id give the ball a try and im glad i did its a great ball.

Overal Rating: 9

Thanks for reading.

Im LoSt AnD cAnT fInD mY bOwLiNg AlLey
If for every shot my cherry bomb carried a 7 pin id be rich..But im not..Whats that say?


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Re: Monster SmashR
« Reply #20 on: January 26, 2003, 10:20:19 PM »
15 LB 3In. Pin Bought USED From Jamie's Pro Shop Located in Lunar Bowl Blue Springs MO.  The Ball has some History it was Used by Wayne Webb for a While was a Practice ball of his it was redrilled for me of course. Its sanded to 400 and has alot of games on it. Drilled my faorite way just label with the pin right next to the ring finger. I am impressed as the night wears on it gets a little over under reaction but chase the oil right and it comes right back! It hits and HITS HARD! and Carry's very well! I left alot of 10 pins with other ball's (X-Factor) but this one justs rips through and kills the corners. Shot my first 600 with this ball so I am happy and dinged a 269 with it so Its a Keeper! Not bad for 60 Bucks drilled with grips and thumb slug!



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Re: Monster SmashR
« Reply #21 on: July 19, 2003, 08:32:14 PM »
I just bought this ball,cg is in grip center with the pin above the fingers. This ball is awesome, i can play inside, outside, it doesn't matter. The center I bowl in uses light/medium patterns on brunswick proanvilanes and this ball loves it! Another great use for the famous mushroom core.


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Re: Monster SmashR
« Reply #22 on: July 19, 2003, 09:31:06 PM »
Well this is my final review. Drilled this baby up for my birthday last year so I about do for a review. Overall this is a great ball for medium-oily lanes. Just don't use it on dry or it'll roll out on ya.
It's NOT the ball, it's the bowler.


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Re: Monster SmashR
« Reply #23 on: September 11, 2003, 06:46:15 AM »
I knew that I needed to drill this ball as soon as I saw the core and coverstock combination. For those of you who don't realize, this is pretty much a $250 Quantum for around $140 depending on where you buy it. I've been searching for a ball to replace my Raven Quantum for some while now, and this looked like as good of shot as any.

I drilled the ball to get down the lane, but still save some punch for the backs. Pin over the ring finger, CG kicked out about two inches below and one inch right of the ring. I put on a nice polish before throwing the ball.

This ball is everything that I hoped it would be and more. I always loved the way that my Raven seemed to be aggressive on the back while staying smooth and controllable. That's exactly what the Smash/R does, although perhaps even better. I've thrown this ball on any number of shots now, and yet has there been one to force this back into my bag. Of course there are times my other balls will give me a better look, but this ball is always on option on any shot. The other aspect of the ball I'm so impressed with is its carry. I actually can't remember a game where I've left more than one ten with this ball.

It's nothing fancy, no huge skid/snap and not a hook 'monster', but it's the best benchmark ball I've seen in a while.


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Re: Monster SmashR
« Reply #24 on: October 27, 2003, 03:33:33 PM »
Bought this ball the first week it was out, and still use it quite a bit.  I bowl about 12-15 games a week and this is still one of my main balls.  I use it in every league where there are some wet lanes.  I had it drilled to hook early and it works perfect. I know exactly where it going to turn for me and that means more consistency and control!! I keep it dull, (since I use it for oil or wet/dry conditions), and occasionally put some hook-it on the surface after I clean it.  This ball is predictable and easy to use!


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Re: Monster SmashR
« Reply #25 on: December 16, 2003, 11:08:09 PM »
Got this ball off of ebay for $55 undrilled. Came witha  3" pin and 3.2 oz top weight.

Drilled it 12:00 with the cg just below my bridge.

Out of box it was a little to strong for what I wanted it for, so I put a light coat of black magic on top and this ball came alive.

The ball revs early, but maintains plenty of energy for the backend. It reads the midlane exceptionally well and is an easy ball to adjust with. Once the track opens up this ball allows you to move deeper inside and really make the lanes look easy.

The ball hits very well, and if you stay behind it you will get a few extra messengers here and there. One thing I have noticed with this ball is the ability to trip out the 4 more often then usual, allowing for an extra strike while informing you that you need to move.

For the price I got it this is easily the best purchase I've ever made. Total cost was $75 drilled nib.

I'm neither good, nor consistent, which is why I bowl.


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Re: Monster SmashR
« Reply #26 on: January 03, 2004, 07:32:15 PM »
I love this ball. It's my go to ball when nothing works. Sanded, my ball for a fresh league shot, but I have to stand pretty far left. Polished- works on everything, except flood. It's just great. Carry is good. Some 10 pins and a few solid 9's. Other than that its a good ball.


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Re: Monster SmashR
« Reply #27 on: January 16, 2004, 09:17:37 PM »
I just got this ball last week and have bowled 6 games with it. Amazing hooking action, rolls very early and still has powerful backend. Most hooking ball I have ever used in my 16 years of bowling. Do not use this ball unless the lanes have wet heads. If you polish it, it will give you more length, and even more backend. Only problem with this ball is I left 3 solid 7-10's in one game, and four 9 pins in another. The ball just keeps on a truckin' right through the rack. Rating: 9
Live, Love, Bowl, Die...


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Re: Monster SmashR
« Reply #28 on: January 24, 2004, 10:29:51 AM »

   I am a lefty that has good speed at 17-19mph and has many revs.  With that said this is one of the most versatile balls i have owned.

   I had this ball drilled in rev leverage for heavy oil and it didnt disappoint me.  This ball is a monster in dull out of box finish.  Bought it cause i love the quantums and this reminded me alot of the fire quantum i had.  Amazing hitting power.  I used it for a while in ouut of box finish but then i purchased a inferno so i had no need for that to be heavy oil ball no more so i polished it like a marble and it skidded alot farther and had enormus back end.  That is why i said very versatile can use on variety of shots.  Wonderfull ball for the price range that it in high performance at a entry level price.  9 out of ten.


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Re: Monster SmashR
« Reply #29 on: April 24, 2004, 11:18:48 PM »
Ok, this ball is light for me (14, I use 15), so i can rev it up a little more.

It has a 2 1/2-3" pin, located at about 2:30 relative to the CG.  The pin is under and to the right of the ring finger.

As in my profile, I'm mainly a 16-17 mph tweener with between 35-55 degrees of axis rotation.  I have a fairly high track.

With that said, this ball has a great midlane roll for me.  I have it in box, and scuff it up with a green scotch brite to maintain that condition.  But this ball reads the mids very well, and then it will react strong on the backend, not skid-snap, just a strong arc.  I can play a bunch of lines with this thing on medium oil, and I'll just rev it up and play down and in on heavier oils.  I don't use this on lighter conditions, as it will burn up fairly easily.  But I bought this to be a medium-medium oily ball, and so that doesn't matter much.

So in all, I'll give this ball 9.5/10, since no ball is perfect.  This ball has a good midlane roll/read, and a good backend.  You can use it on carrydown if left in box, or shine it up to get it to go later and snap a bit more pronounced.  Highly recommended.  Too bad they're discontinuing it.


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Re: Monster SmashR
« Reply #30 on: May 31, 2004, 02:18:57 AM »
This is my first ball and I had it drilled to standard, dead center configuration. With grips and my wide stretch, I can't get it to hook much at all. When I start on the first game of league night, I get tremendous power in the backend and usually take a few more pins just due to this ball's excellent weight distribution. I keep it clean of scuffs and oil, but unpolished and cannot read the lane conditions too well, without a decent hook. Otherwise, it is a great ball for firing straight and killing a few more pins, but I wish I had had it drilled off center, the way it was meant to be drilled to compensate for a low rev bowler like myself.