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Author Topic: Power Groove Proactive  (Read 16853 times)


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Power Groove Proactive
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
Click here to shop.

Color: Black Sparkle

Coverstock: Procative - light load

Hardness: 76-78

Factory Finish: 400 Grit Wet Sand

RG: 2.708

Dif: .041

Hook: 18+

Length: 70

Breakpoint Shape: 60

View the official Spec sheet including Drill Instructions



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Re: Power Groove Proactive
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2002, 08:30:44 PM »
We Finally recieved Our Power Grooves and Heres the Scoop!

The Pro-Active Power Groove uses the same Particle Formula that
Brunswick used in the Old Navy Quantum.
This was one of their strongest Pro-Active coverstocks and now they are wrapping it around the New Power Groove Core!

The Power Groove Core features (2)Power Cylinders in the bottom
of the ball to provide a stronger hook reaction and more hitting power!

The Results???  "They Did It!!!!"

We drilled this test ball with a "Full Leverage" drilling, 3-3/8" pin from
the PAP and the balance hole at 6-1/2" from the grip center straight across.

We used this stronger drilling because we really wanted to see what
this ball could do with the stronger Pro-Active cover.

Out of the box the Pro-Active cover comes in a "Matte" or "Sheen" type of
finish. Knowing the strength of this cover, we immediately went to the ball
spinner for a good application of "Black Magic" to shine this one up!

And a good thing we did! Our first few shots on our "Freshly Dressed"
lanes showed us that this was more than enough cover to conquer this
lane pattern. (Typical House League Conditions)(Top Hat)

Playing out and back again we could swing this ball and watch it come
charging back with a "Strong" controlled Hook! and "Great Hitting Power!"
"That's right! this ball will Hit!!!" We were impressed!

As we continued to roll five complete games we were able to
stay in play with this ball just by making small moves with our feet left!
"Controlled and Strong" are the key words here!

I actually liked this Pro-Active version better than the "Reactive"
one just because of the Cover Strength and Core combination!
This ball will "Get down the lane" and still have a "Strong Hook"!

Even in Oil!!!!

I am going to put one of theses in my bag for those lane conditions where
you get a good amount of "Carry Down" and you experience the "Skid/Out" problem! Especially on those 2nd. shift leagues when the oil gets pushed
down the lane towards the pin deck and the heads start to dry up!

This ball will "Conquer" this condition! Many balls in the
"Higher Performance" catagory get what we call, "Funky" in Carry down!
Alot of bowlers have problems when lanes are in this transistion phase,
but with this "Pro-Active Power Groove" I think you will find it a great tool!

This ball will be driller friendly! Go ahead and use your favorite drilling!
A basic 2:00 Pin label drilling will work for most bowlers of any average!

This will be a ball that any average level will find a use for!

We will Highly Recommend this ball to all bowlers and to Our Customers!

(check out Our new link to Phantom Radio)


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Re: Power Groove Proactive
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2002, 12:53:52 AM »
I drilled this ball with the pin above the bridge. this ball reacts very controllably. this my new go to ball. it ball gets down the lane and has a very late arc. I recomend keeping the cover the same as out of the box because there is definately nothing wrong with it that way. it is one of brunswicks best balls made.


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Re: Power Groove Proactive
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2002, 09:58:30 PM »
16 pounds
Top Weight: 3.7
Pin out: 4-5.5 inches
Factory Surface

First off, I am a power stroker with high revs and medium ball speed and about a 15 degree axis tilt. I have mine drilled up 5 3/4 inches from my PAP. This put the pin over my bridge, and the cg being just below the center of my grip. This ball is amazing. I bowled on the new brunswick synthetics on house shots that have been thrown on quite a bit during the day. This Groove cleared the heads and midlanes exceptionally, never once wanting to turn on the dry. Once, the Black Sparkle hit the dry it was a very nice smooth and controlable arc. The Power Groove hits like no ball I have ever seen. It is not an explosive hit. The Groove just pushes the pins out of its way. Nothing is left on the deck once it enters the pocket. Pins just danced across the deck, messengers left and right. The Black Sparkle does an excellent job complimenting my Swamp Monster. When I run out of adjustments or hand positions with my Swamp, I know to go right to the Power Groove Proactive. It won't start as soon as the Swamp, and be smoother on the backends. Can't wait to throw it on the upcomming tournament stops. Another great ball Brunswick, and thanks to John and Larry you guys have been a big help!

Joshua W. Smith

PS...I'll be writing my review on the SmashR after I bowl a tourney this weekend.


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Re: Power Groove Proactive
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2002, 10:46:28 PM »
This ball has a pin out 2-3. I drilled it rev leverage for low track players with the cg kicked out 45 degrees with a weighthole 2 inches belop my P.A.P. I used cerium-oxide Trizact on it. This ball with this cover preperation really shows its' beauty when the backends are really hooking. The 3 piece core in this ball really shows amazing carry and hit for this price. The ball has amazing control and has a little more length and kick one the backend than the swamp monster set up the same way. This is the nearly perfect ball for the beginer or accomplished bowler looking for superior control on a variety of lane conditions at a nearly perfect price.

Bob Hanson

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Re: Power Groove Proactive
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2003, 10:50:43 AM »
I drilled this ball out as an experiment.  I was looking for an even rolling particle ball that might possibly replace my old shock zone.  The Fuze particle balls are a little more angular than what I wanted, although the Detonator is a good ball in its own right.  The Monster particles also just didn't seem to give me what I wanted.  Ron Bragg warned me to set this ball up strong, because of the relatively weak core.  My ball came with a 5 inch pin.  I basically set up a label leverge ( 3 1/2 by 3 1/2 )  This put the pin above my PAP at about 2 o'clock to the cg.  I knew I would need a balance hole, but threw the ball first.  Without the hole, it was a little disappointing.  If it was a car I would have said good tires, but a bad motor.  It had enough shell to force me a little bit into the oil, but I really couldn't get much hit whether I hugged the oil or sent it a little wider to the dry.  I opted for a 7 inch hole just past my PAP.  The hole gave me about as big an impact on a ball as I have seen from a balance hole.  Suddenly I was getting a little bit of pop from the relatively strong .41 flare potential.  Shots sent a little wider were reving stronger and carrying much better.

This still may not be the ball I am looking for, but it has a place in a lot of arsenals.  For you heavy handed players who would like to use particle equipment, but just can't find enough oil to hold it back, I would try this ball with a polished shell.  It has the old Navy Quantum shell and the relatively high rg should give a pretty mellow particle for anyone who can get some hand.  For the straighter low rev players like me the ball offers some control and decent hit if you can stay out and not cover too many boards.

Rc Charger

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Re: Power Groove Proactive
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2003, 12:43:03 PM »
I haven't been the biggest Big B fan for years but since this ball was free I can't complain. The ball is 15 lbs 3.5 in. pin drilled 5x5
I'm really impressed with the overall of the ball,  I have used this ball on different conditions and found med to med light this ball is plenty.  The ball hits very well, length came very easy (drill pattern)and I haven't run into any roll out either.  I going to buy another drilled more aggressive and see what that one does.
In all great ball

brunswick freak

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Re: Power Groove Proactive
« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2003, 11:27:25 AM »
The brunswick power groove proactive was my 1st reactive ball that i got.  At first I used to through a cleen curve with it.  But now that i have learned to put more revs and power behind my shot,I through one of the biggest curves in my leage.  This ball is the bomb when used on mediam oil to oily lanes.  The best example of this is when I was at the Pepsi Cola qualifier tornament. That was the first tournament that I actauly was in.  The lanes were so oily that the 13 and 14 year olds that had 180 averages were lucky to even get 50 or 60.  When it was my groups turn to bowl, the middle of the lane was as dry as it can possibaly get while the sides of the lanes had about 10 pounds of oil per inch.(well it seemed like that much) I had to through a clean curve even though i through about 400 revs on my curve. My clean curve actualy worked.  Every ball i through was in the poket, none went brokelin or missed the poket. This ball was the key tho me going to the Pepsi Cola State Tournament. At the state tournament,the lanes were oily, and i mean oily, the first 50 feet and dry, I mean dry, the last ten feet. I got a ton of splits cause my ball came in at a very sharp angle.  Many of the splits were the big four.  At the state touurnament i did yesterday and 2 weeks ago, my ball did fairly well.  at the tournament 2 weeks ago the lanes were mediam oily.  I got a 120, 182, and a 186, which is pretty good for me since i have an average of 134. The first game i was pushing my ball out from the center dot to the gutter.(when i say gutter i mean the gutter) My ball would be halfways in the gutter before it starts curving and go into the strike zone. The second and third game i would start out at the second dot on the left hand side and push the ball out between the first and second dot on the right side. This worked and i got about 5 stikes in each game. At the tournament yesterday, the lanes were pretty dry.  I was thoughing my ball from the left gutter to the right gutter, (actualy my body was in the left gutter)and i was still going broklin. That is why i got scores of 100, 130, 156,145,130,115.  This ball is not, i repeat, is not for dry lanes.


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Re: Power Groove Proactive
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2003, 06:26:47 PM »
Great ball!

I don't have drilling info, but I didn't ask for anything special, the guy just went at it so I assume it's standard. My house is oiled for league play, which is really why I bought this ball to begin with. I read the profile and I have to admit, I expected the hook ratings and breakpoint shape to be slightly beefed up. There was no need to inflate this ball's performance, it flat out hooks! At a sawbuck and a half under a seanote (that's $85 ) I get plenty of bang for my buck. When I do throw a good shot, the pins don't stand a chance.

If I had to comment on a downside to this ball, it is its high traction in oil. It already breaks early, but it's moving the moment I let it go...luckily my natural motion is to throw it out a little.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery...
The question is can you throw a double in the 10th for $200,000



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Re: Power Groove Proactive
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2005, 02:01:30 PM »
Surprisingly Strong.

Well maybe not surprisingly. I've tried several Power Grooves in the past, and they have all been very strong balls for the price point.

This ball is 14 pounds and had a 4 inch pin and about 3.5 inches of top weight before drilling. The ball was drilled with the pin 1.5 inches right of the ring finger and the cg is down near the thumb. The thumbhole was drilled very deep to keep the amount of thumb weight legal. No weight hole was required.

I tried this ball in box finish first. Even on a fairly wet fresh pattern, the ball just rolled too early. I get easily 8 inches of flare on this thing. I know this ball doesn't have a "real" 2 piece core, but the Power Grooves have all rolled strong and hit well for me. Anyway the cover was too early for the amount of oil I see.

I threw the ball on the spinner and put on a light coat of control it. The ball got much better length but still covered plenty of boards and hit with authority. The ball was great the first game, but as the lanes transitioned it again read the lane too early and I put it away. This is the rare ball that I can't move deeper with as the lanes dry out. It's just too strong and I run out of room to move left with my feet.

This is a tremendous amount of cover for the price point. I feel the cover/core match up is excellent. I have considered polishing this ball to glass so I can use it more, but It would then slot the same as about 3-4 other balls I have. I'm going to leave it in this mildly polished state in case I ever need a ball with some surface and flare.

This ball should be drilled close to leverage so that the balls flare potential can come out. I believe that if you drill this one with too great a pin from Pap you drill the oompf out of the core. If the core is allowed to use most of its flare potential, you will have a great ball for oil. The cover on this ball is great for oil! The high RG allows it to start revving in the midlane instead of at your feet. This is a great alternative to the high dollar, low rg hook monsters out there. For a lot of bowlers, it mat actually be better because of the higher rg. It certainly will give you plenty of hook and a different look than most balls today.

This may be the best of the Power Grooves. That is saying a lot because I think that they are by far the best balls out there for the $$$$$$.

Why does everyone laugh when I bowl?


Why does everyone laugh when I bowl?



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Re: Power Groove Proactive
« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2006, 01:51:54 AM »
I've had this ball for just about 2 months now and have shot about 100 games on it, give or take. Since it's been about a year since the last review, I figured maybe I'll just post one myself.
                                                                          About me:

 I'm a righty, w/ ball speed from 15 to 17 mph and can go a little lower or higher if needed. Low to medium revs. Average is 170. I just started bowling again after about a 15 year layoff and am trying to regain my form.

The ball:

16 lbs. Pin is about 3 inches out and ball is drilled 1E (Heavy Oil) Brunswick Drill Pattern. Pin is just below and to the right of my ring finger. Fingertip grip with grips and thumb slug. Never altered the coverstock. Still in OOB condition. May give it a sanding, haven't decided yet. Picked the ball up on ebay, brand spankin' new for less than manufacturer's cost. Actually, have more money tied up in the drilling than I do in the cost of the ball.

The test:

I have bowled in different houses on different lane conditions with various results. None of the games bowled have been on synthetics yet due to the fact that the local houses haven't upgraded and the nearest ones being about 50 miles away. This added to the fact that every time I try to get to the synthetics to try them out there's at least an hour wait. This is why I can't get any time in on the good lanes. Anyway, here is what I have discovered.

The ball seems to actually work better for me on drier lanes, in spite of the fact it is set up for the oil. I believe this to be due to my style of play. I believe I simply throw the ball to fast to allow it the time it needs to react to the oil. I have tried to slow it down but I've thrown the ball the same speed for the past 20 years. The slowest I can throw and still control the ball is mid 14s. I generally play down and in on the oil and when they are scorched I can make the necessary adjustment and swing it out to about the 5th board and watch the ball walk back in the pocket. It's a beautiful thing. This ball is far more versatile than I ever expected. First time I threw it on scorched wood, I was playing second arrow, trying to go down and in and watched the ball go from about the 10th board, take a hard left into the gutter. No joke. I knew this wouldn't work. So a couple of adjustments later, I'm back in the groove and back in the pocket. I must say, when this ball hits the pocket flush, it looks like I threw a hand grenade at the pins. They just fly across the deck. It's a beautiful thing. I've had an unbelievable amount of "garbage" strikes that should have been 7-10 or worse splits. Bottom line this ball is incredible. Very versatile and just destroys the pins. This ball may not be alot of people's first choice but right now it's my go to ball. If I miss the pocket or miss a spare it's operator error. The ball only goes where I throw it.


If you are looking for a good particle ball that is versatile and don't want to spend a lot of green, then I would recommend picking one of these up. I know they are getting hard to find. I won't be getting rid of mine any time soon either. I've become fond of this ball. If you try one, I'm sure you will too. One final note of interest. I just got back home from throwing a few games at the local house and it was interesting to say the least. The first three games were horrible. It's been about a week since I've thrown my ball and I was feeling it the first couple of games. Finally, I got loose toward the end of the third game so I decided to throw 3 more to see what would happen. Well, what happened next is ordinary to most but special to me. I proceeded to bowl a 213, 191 and 228 for a 632 series. None of those scores are highs for me, but that's the first 600 series I've ever bowled. I haven't bowled since I was 16 (I'm 32 now)and was shooting low to mid 500's then, so this is great for me. I shot these scores using nothing but my trusty Power Groove Proactive. Tomorrow nite is league nite and I'm hoping that I can reproduce those numbers to help the team win. Anyway, this concludes my review for this ball but there will be another forth coming, as I am expecting a Storm X-Factor Deuce to arrive tomorrow and will be leaving a review for it once I have tinkered w/ it. So until next time, keep it between the gutters.

Updated 11-19-06

Well, I no longer have this ball. I sold it to one of my buddies who just had to have it. He's a cranker and can tear it up w/ this ball. Used the money to pick up a new Triple Xtreme as I have gone to throwing Storm exclusively. My feeling towards this ball are still the same. I would still recommend this ball to anyone.

"Leave it all on the lanes."

"I only work so I can pay league dues."

If anyone has any good used 10 or 16 lb. equiptment they would be interested in selling or trading, please email me w/ pics, info and I'll get back to you a.s.a.p. See my profile for my "Wish List" of 16 lb. balls. Used balls are fine as long as they have been cared for. Thanks.


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Re: Power Groove Proactive
« Reply #11 on: June 22, 2009, 01:25:08 PM »
Brunswick's Proactive Power Groove Black Sparkle ("PGPBS") in a nutshell:
  • Smooth ball with a nice feature combo for late games
  • High RG saves energy
  • (Relatively) Large differential creates good flare and ball movement
  • Light particle load enhances traction on spotty lanes

    WARNING - threviewed ball has a special setup, so this review is not representative!

    Why this ball?
    With this ball, both an occasion and a drilling plan I kept in the back of my mind for some time, came together. Trying to learn more about ball setups and ball reactions, I'd been pondering with the idea of a pin axis drilled ball for late games and spotty lanes to have a rolly and arcing ball reaction that would definitively avoid over/under reactions. I never had such a ball before and was curious - but I did not want to buy a NIB piece just for such an experiment, and I wanted a ball that would fit my needs and the drilling for a total package.

    That said, after some time a used 15lbs. PGPBS, 1st drill but already plugged, popped up on ebay (Greetings to Munich!), and I finally got it for very small money, a steal. With its high RG, medium differential and light particle load I considered the ball to be an excellent basis for my drilling plan.
    The ball came with a 3.5” pin, polished and (still) with lots of scratches on the surface - but the ball itself was intact and fine. An extra hot water bath extracted any lane conditioner left in the cover.

    About me:
    Style = Stroker/mild Tweener, right-handed
    Speed = ~14 mph
    PAP = 5" over & 7/8" up
    Axis tilt = ~20°
    Revs = ~275-300 RPM at release
    For more details, check out my profile, please.

    The ball and its setup:
    I had - as per usual - the ball drilled up at Michael Kraemer's pro shop in Duisburg, Germany. We discussed my ideas and plans, and due to the large pin distance the ball ended up with a 1.5x4.5 drilling (what I have found in literature as a “Half Axis Drilling”?): The pin at 1.5” from PAP above the mid line and the CG in the palm area – effectively, Brunswick’s standard 3E drilling for high differential balls. As a side effect, no x-hole was necessary to make the ball legal.


    * = Pin (in ring finger hole position)
    # = CG

    Pictures of the ball can be found in the video provided below. A black urethane thumb slug plus clear oval inserts completed the drilling job. The surface remained "polished" (with unknown base grit), just as the ball came.

    Video: The Proactive Power Groove Black Sparkle with its 1.5x4.5 layout in action:
    3:40 min. of ball data and performance footage, and direct comparison with Revolution Renegade with 4.5x4.5 layout on a fresh, crowned THS on Duisburg’ Qubica 2004 synths.


    The testing program in detail:

    A) Medium 35'ish crowned pattern, 2004 Qubica synth surface:
    Directly after drilling it up, the PGPBS' maiden flight took place at “Treff Bowling” in Duisburg, the pro shop’s location. I was really curious what it would do with my medium revs and lower ball speed.

    As a benchmark, I made some games with my Revolution Renegade (4.5x4.5 setup): feet at 25th board (measured at my sliding foot's shoe tip), aiming at 13th board at the arrows and relying on the buffed outside area for recovery. Nothing fancy, but the Renegade felt at home and showed a nice skid/hook/roll reaction, "working" well.

    Enter the rolly PGPBS: it delivered a VERY different reaction shape, while handling the medium conditions well. Even though it flared about 2", the ball would smoothly stabilize its rotational axis around/towards the pin. Very early and steady, for a very continuous curve all way down the lane with no definite breakpoint. A completely different look on the lane.

    The ball felt "at home" either with some side rotation straight down between 1st and 2nd arrow (feet between 17th and 20th board), showing a slight curve in the buffed area and then a final more defined hook just before netering the pins, or with more hand behind the ball on a deeper line across 3rd arrow (feet at 24th board) for a narrow belly shot on the higher oil volumes in the lane's middle area.

    What immediately became obvious:
  • Entry angle is crucial! While the ball was easy to hold in the pocket, its small hook and entry angle would leave many stone 10 pins and occasional 4-6-7 splits if tugged to close to the gutter. Switching between the aforementioned releases and lines, this could be easily mended.
  • The polished surface seemed to be a very good choice for the ball's setup and purpose on this medium condition. The ball has, due to the setup, little natural length, but with the glossy surface it would still skid well through the heads.
  • Despite the shiny surface the particle coverstock quickly builds up mechanical traction and stabilizes the ball's move, getting it into rolling forward. Once out of the oil, it could be clearly seen how the ball made full lane contact and delivered its rest of stored energy for a surprisingly powerful hit.

    Surprisingly, staying aggressive with the release did not yield extra covered boards - the PGPBS would stoically make its curve, never over-reacting, rather move too little when accidently tossed too far outside. This would also hold true for cross-lane spares: Being THAT rolly, the ball would not cover many boards in the back end. Even with forced revs and side rotation, it would only deliver its smooth curve and small overall hook, so taking out 4s or 7s needed some getting used to the limited hook potential of this layout.

    B) Medium 35'ish crowned pattern, 2004 Qubica synth surface:
    Another occasion at the same house, but this time I had the camera with me, so that I can provide some real life impressions. Since the oil volume was rather light, I just pitted the PGPBS against my Revolution Renegade.

    If you look at the shots, you can clearly see how much different this ball reacts – it does not cover lots of boards and feels at home on a rather straight line between 1st and 2nd arrow, sliding foot at 21st board. The hook was very early and smooth, but the clean back end still allowed a little of back end move – even though the ball would not recover well from shots that were tossed too close to the gutter. 2-8 leaves or wide-open splits like a 2-4-6-7-10 were to be expected.

    The Renegade, on the other side, behaved like a “normal” ball, with a clear skid/hook/roll pattern and much more back end action and power in the pins, allowing more room for error. Due to this delayed action, the Renegade could be played on a much deeper line: sliding foot on 27th board, and aimed across 3rd arrow. Both would break around 5th board, but the PGPBS 3’ earlier and a lot smoother than the Renegade, which appears like a sharp skid/snap ball in direct comparison.

    C) 30' buffed to 35’ crowned THS, 2008 Brunswick AnvilLane:
    I also tried the ball at my club house, with a modern, slicker surface but less oil. Here, the ball needed to be played even closer to the gutter to exploit the buffed area between 10th and 1st board on this particular pattern. Compared to the shot at Duisburg, I had to lign up even straighter: sliding foot on 13 and aiming across 8th board at the arrows exploited the ball’s smooth hook in the lighter oil areas well. But, as before, margin for error was relatively low. Balls tugged to the left for Brooklyn hits were not the problem, but excessive speed would easily let the ball slip through its breakpoint and hit high on the 3 pin, missing 1 entirely, and therefore leave some wide splits and washouts as before.

    Some conclusions:
    Since this is a special purpose piece in my arsenal and a kind of drilling experiment, it is hard to draw general conclusions about the PGPBS in general.
    But IMHO, it is a versatile piece for a wide range of conditions, anything except the extremes. After having been in Brunswick's line-up for years, it is a shame that it has never been replaced with a similar or updated offer - it would complete the Power Groove line again and provide Brunswick with a unique offer.

    The coverstock, the same as the Navy Quantum from around 1999, feels pretty old-school – and it is a strong cover. It is a "hard" cover that reminds me much of classic urethane, very durable. The added light carbide particle load matches well with the non-nervous character of the coverstock base. It is an ideal control piece, it has very mechanical good traction.

    With my special setup, I think I exploited the PGPBS' basic characteristics well. The high RG pushes the ball well down the lane, saves energy. The polished surface adds length through the head area, necessary for late games due to the good mechanical grip the particle load develops.

    Finally, the drilling with the pin close to the PAP offers a very stable reaction throughout the lane - but it is quite rolly and has a very tame back end, if any at all. There is the definite danger that the ball rolls just too early on totally toasted lanes, as well as the risk that it could slip too long and not finish well, due to the non-aggressive drilling - I was warned not to add too much polish, because the ball could slide forever without getting into a powerful forward roll at all.

    With the overall current setup, the ball seems to be suitable for medium conditions and less, and it works very well on crowned patterns on lines close to the gutter. I might try a 4.000 Abralon surface, though, to see if it enhances the back end reaction and recovery potential. With a matte finish, the ball would definitively handle oilier conditions, but surely not a flood.

    Overall, I am content with the experiment's outcome. This rolly PGPBS fills a small but vital arsenal gap, and the setup makes it an alternative for my Revolution Renegade or black Pure Hammer, which excel on medium to medium-dry conditions with a lot more hook and back end, but quit when things dry up (either burning up easily or hooking too early) or become spotty (where it just lacks traction).

    Personal rating scale (for the tested ball):

    Length/through the heads:
    Easy 0000X00000 Needs head oil

    Breakpoint shape:
    Arc 0X00000000 Angular

    Hook potential:
    Low 0X000000000 High

    Stable 00X0000000 Erratic

    Poor 00000000X0 High

    Suited for…
    Dry 00XXXX0000 Oily

    Range of utility/lane conditions:
    Limited 000X000000 Broad

    Subjective overall rating:
    Poor 0000X00000 Excellent

    Scale is inspired by popular rating methods. Surface prep and drillings may change the results, it is just personal experience with the reviewed ball

    Lane utility for tested ball at OOB surface (pattern length vs. oil volume):

    |S M L
    |h e o
    |o d n
    |r . g
    |0 + +| Light volume
    |+ X 0| Medium volume
    |+ + 0| Heavy volume

    X = Best suited with effective control & carry
    + = Fairly suited (works, somehow, but can lack control and effectiveness)
    0 = Unsuited (ineffective, either slips helplessly or burns up)

    The chart concept is borrowed from Storm's 2003 print catalogue. Again, surface prep and drillings may change the results

    Finally... the looks:
    Actually, the PGPBS looks good - especially with a polished surface, when the PET flakes in the coverstock material shine through together with the glittering particles. Then, add the bright yellow engravings, and you get a ball with timeless but appealing design. I have seen MUCH uglier things
    DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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    Edited on 26.09.2011 at 7:21 AM
    Edited on 26.10.2011 at 3:56 AM
    DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany