-reviewed by the flamethrower
Drilled up with pin diagonally up and right of ring by about 1 inch to 1 1/2 inches. CG out. for the first time, I got different inserts AND I finally got a slug. . .
Ring-Clear grip, pretty sure its VISE
Middle-VISE white insert
Thumb-Clear Slug(not sure who makes it
Goes long and snaps hard. Simply put. SECOND SET OUT OF BOX I SHOT A 300. That was first one too. Hits like a friggin fat Albert. The coverstock, Octane, yet again is very durable. Still no nicks on it whatsoever.
First set on a regular 36ft house shot I went 239, 207, 279. Second set I go 220, 300, 257.
Playing straight up is just as easy as swinging it out. I could play straight up 2nd arrow or straight up between 3rd and 4th arrow and still hammer the pocket.
When I swung it out, I started leaning against the ball return layed it down around the edge of the gutter, and shot it over 3rd arrow from the left. I swung out to about 2nd arrow on the right, and snapped something crazy, nailing the pocket again. And all this time, I kept my same ball speed. crazy. . .
It ed. less than 15 games on it and it ed around the ring finger. not cool. But I have to admit, the guys over at brunswick took me as one of there own, along with AllStarBowling-Joe, who gave me a new one, no charge.
It is very versitile, just like every other inferno I have thrown.
AND. . .The colors and also something that turns heads going down the lanes. very nice swirl, blends into each other nicely.
Once again Brunswick makes a suuuhhh-weeeeeetttt bowling ball. as if thats news

Keep it it up Brunswick, you all are still NUMERO UNO in my books.
ALSO, I would like to give a sincere thank you to Joe from AllStarBowling for his service. If I need anything bowling related, he is always on the top of the list. A big bear hug goes out to him.
Thanks for reading my review,
AKA-The Flamethrower
Its hard to play with an inferno and not get burned. Last time I threw my inferno, the opposing bowler definitely got burned.

Since I only throw Infernos, just call me the Flamethrower.

Pimpin ain't easy-it's mandatory.

This is 10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will, 5% pleasure, 50% pain, and 100% reason to remember the name
-Fort Minor