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Author Topic: Radical Inferno  (Read 28891 times)


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Radical Inferno
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available
The Radical Inferno® is the first ball to take full advantage of Brunswick’s new Urethane casting machine.  The machine is part of a custom built “State-of-the-Art” room full of high-tech equipment that incorporates enhanced control over processing parameters.  This machine includes a sensor system that monitors temperatures, pressures and flow rates at every important point in the casting process.  Our new mixing head is multi-color and particle capable.  This all new system allows the Brunswick R&D team the unprecedented ability to fine tune bowling ball performance.

Octane Coverstock
Our new Urethane casting machine has enabled Brunswick to produce a new class of Reactive coverstock.  Octane coverstock is the result of 3 years of Research and Development into both materials technology and Urethane processing parameters.  The same meticulous screening of materials that produced the Activator coverstock family has now resulted in Octane.  Improved back-end traction with a sharper breakpoint, Octane is a perfect complement to the Activator coverstock balls known for their early revving ball reaction.  

Reaction Characteristics
The Radical Inferno is in the highly angular ball reaction class with a high traction breakpoint that is sharp, powerful and continuous.  With its high gloss polish surface the Radical Inferno gets down the lane and through the heads with ease.  What is unique about the Radical is its ability the make a sharp, continuous turn to the pocket with more traction at the breakpoint.  Our ball test group has commented at length about their ability to keep their speed up with the Radical Inferno, without the ball losing traction down lane in heavy oil or heavy carrydown.  The Radical is the best they have ever seen in a highly polished Brunswick ball.

•Out of the Box: With its High Gloss Polish finish the Radical Inferno will match up well on medium-dry to medium-oily conditions.
•When dulled: The Radical Inferno hooking action will increase and its arc will become more even, creating a better match-up for oily lane conditions and help blend the over/under reactions seen on wet/dry lane conditions.  The testing program for the Radical Inferno has identified two favored surface finishes.  One is the Factory Finish High Gloss Polish that is being used on the Radical.  The other is a dull, but very smooth surface typical of Scotch Bright White Pad or Abralon grits of 1000 or greater.  If you bowl on a lane condition where your Radical Inferno goes too long and struggles to make a strong backend move, Brunswick strongly recommends that you remove the polish from the ball with a burgundy Scotch Bright pad, or similar aggressive abrasive, then use the Grey and White Scotch Bright pads, or the 500 & 1000 grit Abralon pads to create a dull, but very smooth surface finish.

Octane Reactive
Blue Pearl
Yellow Pearl
Chrome Pearl  
Hardness: 76-78
Glow Engraving
Factory Finish
High Gloss Polish
More Information

Core Dynamics
Symmetrical core
RG Max: 2.513”  
RG Min: 2.463”
RG Diff: 0.050”
RG Avg: 2.6 out of 10
Hook Potential 135
Length 100
Breakpoint Shape 95
Available Weights
12-16 Pounds



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Re: Radical Inferno
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2006, 08:09:06 PM »
I just recieved a 15 pound brunswick radical inferno and drilled it up a few days ago. its drilled to go long and strong with the pin above the ring finger and the CG stacked underneath. ive always like brunswick for their hitting power at the pins,but this ball is like none other. when the radical hits the pins there is very little chance for anything to stay standing. most balls that carry well keep the pins low to the deck creating a domino effect,but this ball simple sprays the pins all over and its amazing, i can swish the rack when i hit light and trip out 4 pins all day if i come in sharp. ive gone straight through the nose a few times and still struck,or only left a 10 pin. the radical inferno is quite possibly the best skid flip ball ever. it has such a violent snap back to the pocket,however with its ability to get through the heads easily and go pretty long its also good at playing deep inside when the lanes start to break down. five stars for this inferno no doubt,its simply an awesome ball!

Inferno 2112
-Brunswick Radical Inferno
-Brunswick Inferno
-Brunswick Absolute Inferno
-Brunswick Vapor Zone
-Brunswick Zone Classic Red Pin


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Re: Radical Inferno
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2006, 08:03:50 PM »
I just bought a Brunswick Radical Inferno. I had it drilled with the pin placed above the ring finger. It has a perfect reaction in mid-oil. It is a controlled reaction and it comes back even when you don't think it will. I've already boosted my average 20 pins at my home alley with it (not even using a spare ball). The only drawback to this ball is that it will occasionaly leave a 10 pin or a long split if it hits the nose too heavy. I love the pin action on this ball. I had a messenger pin kick a 10 out today because the ball keeps the pins low. Overall this is the best ball I own and I'm extreamly pleased with it.
Brunswick Radical Inferno
Brunswick Zone
Columbia 300 Big Bully
Columbia 300 Spirit
Columbia 300 White Dot

Corey C

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Re: Radical Inferno
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2006, 01:40:39 AM »
2 5/8" Pin out, 3.00 oz top weight
5.5" pin to PAP, 4" CG to PAP
Pin above fingers, 3/4 finger, 3/4 side

I drilled my first Radical with the pin high to see if I could get an Inferno down the lane with continuation through the pin deck.

Right from the very first toss, this ball doesn't react like a typical Inferno. IT IS very clean through the heads saving energy for the back end. With this drilling I can really open up a house shot like no other Inferno. This ball will also be perfect for when a tournament shot starts to break down and starts to give you a little room.

For the house bowler who wants a high end ball for league this is a must. It is a little smoother at the breakpoint than my high pin Red Zone. And for the experienced player who wants to open up the lane and still have good control of the breakpoint this is a perfect fit.

I can't wait until Brunswick puts this coverstock on a Zone or BVP core.

Stay tuned for the low pin review in the next few days.....
Corey Clayton
Brunswick Amateur Staff
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Check out my arsenal in my profile.
Corey Clayton
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Re: Radical Inferno
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2006, 02:28:52 PM »
I just bought a radical and in just the two games that i threw it shows alot  of promise.... Leagues start in a few weeks and i'll let all of you know how it goes....

Ultimate Inferno
Radical Inferno
Monster Slyar
Zone Viz aball


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Re: Radical Inferno
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2006, 12:00:45 AM »
Specs in profile -

Drilled 5 1/2 pin to PAP, cg at 45 degrees, 3/4" hole on PAP. Pin under ring finger.

This ball is true as advertised.  The most skid/flip Brunswick ball since the Fuze Igniter.  This drilling allows me to stay straighter through the heads and allows for a strong, but controllable move to the pocket.  I think a pin up ball would allow for more coast to coast action, but the is turning out to be a fantastic control ball. I've adjusted the cover down to 1000 abralon allowed me to move a couple boards deeper while still providing a suprisingly sharp move considering the grit.

This Octane cover looks legit.  Can't wait for new iterations, and a Zone core for it to be wrapped around.

*...Got the 5 out clean!

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Re: Radical Inferno
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2006, 01:56:01 AM »
Pin 5.25" from PAP and CG @ 30 degrees
cover taken down with 2000 abralon

I am totally amazed by this ball. I had the smokin' and was questioning if I should buy this ball or not, considering the major overlap. But today in practice, my smokin' got major damage (the house where I shoot put in new gutters, I dunked  the ball and it went up and hit the camera, and cracked the ball pretty deep and long). Long story short, I bought this ball the same day to replace my smokin'.

Right of the start, this ball is extremely clean, I was bowling on a fresh TSH and I thought this ball would just skate through the backend, but it didn't, it snapped right into the pocket. I got a 200 on the first game. I like how it revves up so much quicker than the smokin.

Also I have some questions about the ball itself.
1.) what's with the smell? I actually like it, but what part in the manufacturing process gave it a smell?
2.) even though it claims to be smooth through the fronts, it make a wierd noise down the land? anybody care to explain


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Re: Radical Inferno
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2006, 11:53:37 PM »
-reviewed by the flamethrower

Drilled up with pin diagonally up and right of ring by about 1 inch to 1 1/2 inches. CG out. for the first time, I got different inserts AND I finally got a slug. . .

Ring-Clear grip, pretty sure its VISE
Middle-VISE white insert
Thumb-Clear Slug(not sure who makes it

Goes long and snaps hard. Simply put. SECOND SET OUT OF BOX I SHOT A 300. That was first one too. Hits like a friggin fat Albert. The coverstock, Octane, yet again is very durable. Still no nicks on it whatsoever.
First set on a regular 36ft house shot I went 239, 207, 279. Second set I go 220, 300, 257.
Playing straight up is just as easy as swinging it out. I could play straight up 2nd arrow or straight up between 3rd and 4th arrow and still hammer the pocket.
When I swung it out, I started leaning against the ball return layed it down around the edge of the gutter, and shot it over 3rd arrow from the left. I swung out to about 2nd arrow on the right, and snapped something crazy, nailing the pocket again. And all this time, I kept my same ball speed. crazy. . .
It ed. less than 15 games on it and it ed around the ring finger. not cool. But I have to admit, the guys over at brunswick took me as one of there own, along with AllStarBowling-Joe, who gave me a new one, no charge.
It is very versitile, just like every other inferno I have thrown.
AND. . .The colors and also something that turns heads going down the lanes. very nice swirl, blends into each other nicely.

Once again Brunswick makes a suuuhhh-weeeeeetttt bowling ball. as if thats news

Keep it it up Brunswick, you all are still NUMERO UNO in my books.

ALSO, I would like to give a sincere thank you to Joe from AllStarBowling for his service. If I need anything bowling related, he is always on the top of the list. A big bear hug goes out to him.

Thanks for reading my review,
AKA-The Flamethrower
Its hard to play with an inferno and not get burned. Last time I threw my inferno, the opposing bowler definitely got burned.

Since I only throw Infernos, just call me the Flamethrower.

Pimpin ain't easy-it's mandatory.

This is 10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will, 5% pleasure, 50% pain, and 100% reason to remember the name
                             -Fort Minor


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Re: Radical Inferno
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2006, 06:32:00 PM »
You know what's radical,I'll tell you what's radical...MY SUICIDAL TENDENCIES!!! when I use this ball.  HOLY FREEHOLIES!!! If I add a smidge more fingers the ball jumps over to the West Side Highway and visits my Grandma but if for some unholy reason I fudge it with a little pistacchio whip cream it will skate over the the Wollman Rink to have some hot chocolate with Tai Babalonia.

OKOK its possible that I might be exaggerating a bit, people tell me I do this sometimes <ahem> but man I'll tell you what, this core is EL STRONGO THE BEAR and the coverstock may have special mood ring powers which accentuates my mistakes by a kachillian boards...that's right! the house I bowl at has a kachillian and one boards.  

Look I'm no Thro-bot, I'm not even throf-art but I'm not a scrub either; I can hit the side of a barn when the stars are aligned and I take my Viagra.  I know what makes this sport easy like a crackwhore needing a fix.

Hope you liked my review.

Dwight Albrecht

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Re: Radical Inferno
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2006, 12:42:05 AM »
Radical Inferno
Ball Specs
The ball being drilled was a 3” pin out with 3.00 oz top weight.
Drilling: Pin 3 3/4" from PAP and Mb 45 degree angle. Pin is above ring finger, 3" above grip midline. Weight Hole on my axis. Factory Polished.

Bowler Information:
Track diameter is 10 1/2.
PAP is measured at 5 1/4 over and 3/8" up.
Average ball speed (foul line to head pin) is 17 mph.
Axis rotation is typically 90 degrees
Initial rev rate is typically 300 rpm, "Tweener"
Lane Condition and Pattern:
Bowlero Lanes, HPL 9000 Panel. Oil Pattern: Fairly Flat condition from edge board to edge board, semi clean backends.

Review: Saw Mika throw the Radical at this years Trade Show in Lombard IL. He told me to take a white scotch brite to the track right away to take out the under/over. I didn't listen to him initially, tried it factory polished. I like it, it reminds me of the Orginal Inferno in its hook and back end reaction. It is 3-4 boards more hook and earlier hook than my smokin but smoother on the back ends.

So I listened to Mika a took a 4000 grit abralon pad to it. I liked it better on Heavier Oil and it was more predictable but it lacked the back end snap reaction that I got out of it factory polished. So I re-polished it up and use it for my medium to dry lane choice. Hits hard and like the looks of it also.

Guys with more hand will like this ball, tweeners with probably have to break the shine if they are on oil with this ball.

The noise one of the other reviewers mention is probably from the shell, if you look close at the shell, it looks like the ball still has some grind lines in it from the manufacturing process that weren't sanded out smooth. I have seen that from other Brunswick balls so far this year, just not the Radical.

Thanks for reading me review.

Perfect Approach Pro Shop

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Re: Radical Inferno
« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2006, 04:08:42 AM »
Ball is laid out  with 4" pin from PAP and a 45 degree MB. Initially with out of box finish ball had great length with strong backend. This was on a summer league shot. Once winter leagues started noticed ball was not recovering on the backend. Put it on the spinner and hit it with 2000 Abralon pads just enough to nock the shine off and what a difference. This ball is great with this surface adjustment. Does not over react and reads the midlane well. Those looking for a versital ball on a typical house shot, look no further, The Radical is my recommendation.

Perfect Approach Pro Shop
Brunswick Pro Source Member
JD Helton
Perfect Approach Pro Shop
J. Helton
Perfect Approach Pro Shop


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Re: Radical Inferno
« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2006, 11:16:32 AM »
Ball sanded with Burgundy Scotch Brite pad

Better much better, same Radical Nuclear hit with a more playable reaction, this ball is one of the better explosive pin pulverizing balls from Brunswick.

Tonight I will be bringing this bling bling honey to my Monday Nite Merry Mixers and show off to Da LAYDEEES!


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Re: Radical Inferno
« Reply #12 on: October 23, 2006, 03:39:25 PM »

I want to comment on this ball...

I'm tweener, right handed...

I've got this ball from my brother and I use his pin placement, just shorten the grip span...

Pin right next to ring finger, 1/4 sideweight, 1500 grit polished, no balance hole.

ball goes too long with a smooth arc at the backends, good hit and carry...
I'm looking for a flip/skid monster hitting ball, I've seen a few Radical I. already, I'm aware it 's not the best drilling layout to skid/flip, but I think it will give me enough  info. when I buy one for my own.

So I'll try the high gloss finish (oob) that brunswick advertise in its web page, and I'll be posting another comment in a few days...


- A wise man told me once, "If you want to do the best job, you have to have the best tools".. I would add "... be sure to know how to use those tools"...


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Re: Radical Inferno
« Reply #13 on: October 26, 2006, 11:29:02 AM »
Dont know the actually lay out but im a tweener pin is next to ring finger with a weight hole ball is drill to skid/flip it is out of box finish all got to say is I love this ball I shoot a 769 series with it last nite I went 258,256,255 I know alot of ppl dnt like it but I love mine


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Re: Radical Inferno
« Reply #14 on: October 27, 2006, 11:55:15 AM »
The back end on this ball is completely unpredictable.  It just hooks whenever it wants, but it doesn't roll out.  It can't carry a 10 pin (and no, it's not must me... I know about all of that angle of entry stuff).  I wouldn't recommend this ball to anyone.  I traded it for a Seek and Destroy (honestly i would have probably traded it for a white dot.... nah, maybe a blue dot) and the guy i traded it too hated it as well.... sorry Dale.