Is their anyone who thinks nothing can outhook their Inferno...Guess Again. I recieved my 2 today and drilled them. In all of my years of drilling in a shop and drilling for myself, ive never had a ball this aggressive. I was a sub on a sport shot tonight and was 10 boards left of anyone else in the league.
Alot of people were washing out off the "OB", I was using the "OB" to keep this ball in the pocket. Normally im not this excited about a ball, but im very happy where this one will fit into my bag, and im sure I will make money with it, thanks again Brunswick, I knew I signed with you for a reason. Here are the drills for these 2 balls.
First off, these balls are designed for oil, so I didnt drill one mild. I dont beleive in wasting a drill on a strong ball, just so I can throw it in league. These drills are strong for me, and they worked great on the sport shot.
#1 5 inch pin, 3.7 top
Pin is above my bridge 1 inch(5 inches from my axis), cg is on my mid grip line shifted out 2 inches. weight hole 1 inch past my axis, at a 1/2 angle away from the center of the ball. Side weight came out to 3/4.
#2 3 inch pin, 3.3 top
Pin is right below my ring finger(3 3/8 from my axis), cg is 2 inches right, and 1 inch below my mid grip line. Weight hole is 5 inches from my mid grip line thru the cg. Ended up with 1/2 side, and 1/2 thumb after weight hole.
Both of these drills are very strong, however there is a considerable difference in reaction, the pin above my fingers goes at least 4 to 5 feet longer.
Any questions, please message me. Thank you.
Greg Scallan - Brunswick amatuer staff
People dont prepare to fail, they fail to prepare...