Hello, I just got my Raging Inferno at the Pro - Am tourn. in Taylor Mi.(March 13, 2004)
I got it drilled as soon as I got home. It was drilled in an E1 1/2 pattern according to the drilling instructions and all I can say, is thank god for brunswick!
After bowling with the Raging, I will never go back to my old Spirit for strikes again.
Thanks for the great ball, Brunswick.
Overall, I like the ball, it's an improvment over my Spirit.
just got it dulled today (800 grit) it evened out the hooking so much! I can't beleive I didn't do it sooner. Dulling really helped me control it.
Ive got at least 450 games on it, and It still hooks like new.
date: May 02/2004
^nevermind..... Im an idiot^, this ball is very versitile, has a monster hook and can shoot spares. Its the whole package baby.