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Author Topic: Raging Red Fuze  (Read 25639 times)


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Raging Red Fuze
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
The Raging Red Fuze features an Aggressive Reactive (AR) coverstock based on Brunswick's classic PowrKoil18 reactive. This new AR Material has been specially to retain the characteristic aggresive reative reaction to the dry outside boards and backends of typical league conditions, while at the same time providing increased mid-lane traction to the heavier oiled sections of the lane.

The Raging Red Fuze also features a totally new Geometrically-Balanced, medium-low RG core, which has been designed to produce heavy mid-lane roll that leads to an aggressive backend reation.  In combination with a split density outer core that provides perimeter top weight control, the total core system of the Raging Red Fuze provides exceptional mid-lane and backend strength.

The state of the art fusion of Aggressive Reactive coverstock and high-tech core work together to create a ball that will provide superior reactions for a wide variety of bowlers on typical league conditions.  Because of its ability totraction in the oil and respond quickly to high friction areas on the lane, the Raging Red Fuze will deliver outstanding performance for most bowlers on medium-dry to medium-oily lane conditions.

Specifications are as follows:

Coverstock: AR (Aggressive Reactive)

Color: Raging Red

Hardness: 77-79

Factory Finish: Polished

Core Dynamics:


  • RG Max: 2.559

  • RG Min: 2.504

  • RG Diff: 0.055

  • RG Avg: 3.8




  • Hook Potential: 110

  • Length: 100

  • BreakPoint Shape: 75


Available Weights: 12-16 Pounds

View the official Spec sheet including Drill Instructions



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Re: Raging Red Fuze
« Reply #16 on: January 30, 2002, 03:53:37 PM »
PIN- placed just below the ring finger
CG- placed on midline below the pin

The ball goes through the front part of the lane with very little effort.  It is very predictable, and when you need to move in, this ball will get around the corner.  The ball really reads the dry portion of the lane.  It is a great ball for when you need too open up the lane and project it away from the pocket.  The ball gives great versitillity.  You can play up the boards or you can get in and swing it.  When there is a little more oil on the lanes i would put the ball away and go with something else.  This ball does need some dry boards  for it to work really well. This ball is a must have for any tournament players arsenal.
Jason Kaiser


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Re: Raging Red Fuze
« Reply #17 on: March 06, 2002, 06:15:27 PM »
This was another damage special at my work i had to fix.  This ball is set up almost the same as the demolition zone, pin 3/4" from ring finger and cg kicked out 1/4" to the right.  The raging red fuze is almost identical to the demolition zone.  The only difference i could tell is the fuze went 5-7 feet farther down the lane before it made the turn.  It has the same deck clearing power as the demolition zone.  I prefer the demolition zone because of the hard arc, it was a little more forgiving but both are fantastic balls.


Charlie Lacy

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Re: Raging Red Fuze
« Reply #18 on: March 07, 2002, 09:38:36 AM »
Excellant aggressive reactive by Brunswick; ball has hook at
break point of a solid but in a pearl cover. I drilled mine
4 1/2 by 3 3/8 and got medium length with a dramatic move
but I was elated with the hitting power of this ball. I have
been able to use it on fairly heavy oil and still get a decent
reaction. Ball seems to work great from all parts of the lane.

Ryan Peebles

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Re: Raging Red Fuze
« Reply #19 on: March 14, 2002, 09:37:58 PM »
First of all, I would like to thank Michael Cimba (The Pro Shop at Nesbits' Lanes, Inc. in Plumborough, PA) for this ball that I won in auction on this very website!

I used the 2E drill pattern (CG below midline + X-hole in lower right quadrant = a pin-down setup for early roll and strong hook).  I was looking for a reaction similar to the reactive Danger Zone series.  Well, this ball has a much sharper entry angle to the pocket.  I took the advice from a couple other reviewers and sanded the surface to a 1500-grit sheen to moderate the over/under reactions of the box finish.

The Raging Red has seen ABC league play only once: a respectable 640 series.  However, I have rolled a few practice games, all of them above 200.

Fresh oil (about 40" in length) suits this Fuze just fine.  This ball will jump on the dry, but when it hits the hole, watch out!
Ryan Peebles
Area Staff Member
Lane Masters/Lord Field/SWAG



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Re: Raging Red Fuze
« Reply #20 on: April 26, 2002, 12:27:28 PM »
Had this abll for some time now just never had any extra time to review

This ball to me is a control ball unless the backens are flying.

I have mine drilled 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 hole on PAP

I love to use it on drier conditions or spotty conditions,
i get a very true roll out of it not as snappy as you would think of this ball.

Carry is above average but not spectaular

For me it seems it was advertised incorrectly as a big snap ball I find that is just not true, if you try this on heavy oil its great for straight spares.



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Re: Raging Red Fuze
« Reply #21 on: April 30, 2002, 10:43:14 AM »
Axis coordinates are: 4-3/4" right and 1/2" up.
Pin distance from cg: 3"

Ball Layout: Pin 4" from axis and c.g. 3" from axis. C.G. is approximately 5/8" above grip midline. Weight hole 6" across.

I had this ball since March 22, 2002 and I have been testing and experimenting with the ball.  This ball is a lot stronger than I thought. This ball checks up on me really quick on the lane.  I lightly stripped the polish off this ball as well as polish with storm diamond gloss polish.  And...the ball still checks up on me. I have tried this ball on numerous patterns with the same result.  I am not saying this ball is bad at all. Had I known how strong this ball was I would have done a different layout. I believe the layout I used was wrong and that is why I have the reaction I see.  I do think this is a good ball for a lot of individuals. This is the strongest pearl I have seen since the Black Ice.  I do plan trying another red fuze in the near future.


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Re: Raging Red Fuze
« Reply #22 on: May 10, 2002, 10:36:41 PM »
Ball specs:  15lbs., 3oz., Pin:  2-3", TopWeight:  3oz.
Pin:  1" above & slightly right of ring finger, CG:  below ring finger half way to thumb hole.
Me:  Righty, tweener with medium ball speed & revs.
I've been using this ball since November in league and tournaments. GREAT BALL!  This ball "TOTALLY REEKS OF AWESOMENESS"!!!
My favorite "go-to" ball when the Firehawk's leaving splits or not carrying. Best for medium-oily conditions. This ball revs hard and hits hard in the pocket!  A beautiful reaction-very smooth & revving on the lanes and at the pins! Forgiving and can carry the "off-hits"(light & Brooklyn).  The coverstock (PowerKoil18) seems to be very lively as it can really make the pins move & dance around horizontally!  A reaction, I believe is very unique to this ball.  Also polished up to save energy and hit for the backend.
Good control and hitting power! Effective on all lanes as long as not too dry or too much carrydown.  One of my favorites and very versatile ball! If I only had one ball to use, this would be it.  A winner from Brunswick!!!  GO FUZE!!!


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Re: Raging Red Fuze
« Reply #23 on: June 01, 2002, 11:42:52 AM »
My name is Russell Boynton. I've been bowling since I was 5 years old and I'm seventeen now. During my sothmore year in high school, I joined the high school team at the varsity level. Right then, I knew that I was going to need a high performance ball. So, I went online and found this one. As soon as I looked at the ball's characteristics, I knew that this ball would be the right one for me. Following that decision, I got the ball for my birthday, which the ball was new at the time. After going through the season having a lot of practice with it and learning how to use it correctly by my coach, I now have been bowling beter than ever. Also, I started excercising and that's made me an even beter bowler too. With this ball, I threw my first 600 series ever,my highest average ever, and my highest game ever. Right now, I'm in a summer league and my current average is high. Since I got this ball, My average his rised from 145 to 176, and my high game rised from 214 to 243. So, this ball is awseam and I would reccamend it for everyone.

Bob Hanson

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Re: Raging Red Fuze
« Reply #24 on: July 10, 2002, 10:34:05 AM »
This is my second review, but it is for a different red fuze.  My first review was for a Fuze drilled 4x3 that I ultimately found to be my best strong reactive ball, edging out the Trauma and the ER.  This review is for one that I drilled 2x2 for some early roll and control.  I used a pin out, low top weight ball and only needed a small balance hole to make it legal.  I first tried this ball on the difficult 36 foot pattern at Tucson in the Senior Masters.  It took me all of 2 shots to realize it wouldn't work.  However I brought it back home and tried it on a heavily crowned anvil lane shot and was very pleased.  Many people have mentioned the over under they experience on a box condition Red Fuze.  While that is easily tweaked with a surface adjustment, I found the 2x2 drilling to be an equally good remedy.  With this drilling I was reminded very much of the old Danger zone.  The 2x2 started up much quicker than the 4x3, but I was still able to get in around 15 board and get nice hit if I didn't swing it too far.  Definitely a condition ball with this drilling, but very effective if I have a little back end.

I want to thank Ray for comping me this ball in Tucson.


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Re: Raging Red Fuze
« Reply #25 on: July 12, 2002, 01:34:35 PM »
Bought it this past Decemeber or January.  When I first got it, loved the reaction, went down the lane then made a strong arc finish.  Hit like a Brick.  The best ball i had as long there was oil through the heads.  Within 30-40 games, i started to notice a loss of backend and hitting power. I've tried lots of things to fix its reaction, nothing's worked.  it's very over/under now.  It's a great ball if u can keep it in "like new" condition.


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Re: Raging Red Fuze
« Reply #26 on: July 20, 2002, 04:37:42 PM »
My style is in my profile, and i have used alot of ebonite in the last year or so. I have become tired of the roll of ebonite, and have gone looking for something new and exciting.

The Red Fuze Is that ball, This is without a doubt the strongest pearl ever! Pearl Particle or Reactive, it is the strongest!I haven't changed the cover like alot of reviewers have, i didn't have any problems with over/under.

Ball is drilled simple hook stop. Or 3 3/8 X 2. It is smooth and arcing and has great continous roll right through the pins. Ball has better carry than anything ebonite has, and can match any storm for carry too. The Red Fuze can handle alot more oil than first believed, also i don't use a spareball, and i normally just try to kill the ball's reaction with speed and wrist adjustment. That is almost impossible. I have seen a few tweeners and one cranker use this ball and it was strong for both of them..

First condition, House shot, light though. Lanes are wood, with guardian heads. Strong backends. Ball was flying in the backends, really strong, too strong for this shot, i was standing on the 35, out to the 15, ball breaks on the 3 about 44ft down and just makes a direct turn to the pocket.

Second condition, Sport shot, med( 20 outside, 40 inside) was able to play my most comfortable line, standing on 31, out over the 3rd arrow to the 3or 5 board and back to the pocket. Ball recovered very well on the sport shot, it recovered stronger than my Apex Adrenaline, and everything else in my bag.
I was playing against a storm rep and he was using an X-It and i was having no problems but the rep,(a power tweener with cranker revs like me) struggled all night, switching from his X-it to his response, and never getting comfortable,
End of story beat him, 653 to 533

Last condition. synthetics, house shot, lots of grab in the backend. second shift, with carrydown. ball again recovered where others wouldn't and was strong, and never early rolling.ball is great and almost perfect with the right cover prep and drill pattern. Enjoy!
The distance between Insanity and Genius is measured in success.
I thank god everyday that i was not born with the name Steve.
Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shops
LaSalle, Quebec-Located inside Pont Mercier Lanes.
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Re: Raging Red Fuze
« Reply #27 on: August 02, 2002, 02:44:15 PM »
I just recently had this ball give to me! We layed it out 4x4 (3-4 in. pin ended up right beside my ring finger, and cg just below) and put a x-hole below my pap. Polished with ebonite's factory finish. This ball had a get down the lane type of roll to it. I expected raging backends, but it more less rolled through the break for me. Haven't tested it on a sport shot yet, but you can assume that it will be very squirty. This ball flares quite a bit also! I would recommend this ball for a tweener or a powerful stroker. We will continue to give this ball a try. Until next time!

Good Luck and Good Bowling,


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Re: Raging Red Fuze
« Reply #28 on: September 05, 2002, 12:34:06 PM »
Got this ball for a regional tournament and it was set up with a simple 4X3 drilling. Hook set normally but this ball reacts so strong on fresh backends you can't tell it has that type of drilling.

Ball Carries better than anything else from brunswick in the past.I use this ball on a heavy house shot that right now has no dry area on the outsides. It is a 42ft crown pattern. Backends are clean and move well. This pattern for me is difficult to find and be able to maintain a line without having to adjust almost constantly. I only had two lines to play, on was standing on the 35, sending the ball out the 25 and it would roll to the 5to 7 and charge back to the pocket. the other line avaible was down and in. this ball can't play down and in. the ball will roll to early and it need to be swung out to sit long enough. This ball is strong plain and simple. If you have a high rev rate. drill this control drilling patterns and not strong becauase the ball will be too much. those with less hand will love this ball cause it will make you feel confident enough to move more left and swing it more.

Overall ball carries very well and it is a strong bench mark ball.

The distance between Insanity and Genius is measured in success.
I thank god everyday that i was not born with the name Pchee2 cause then i would be too great to be a simple bowler. I would be a GOD."We're Not Worthy, We're Not Worthy"
Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shops
LaSalle, Quebec-Located inside Pont Mercier Lanes.
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Re: Raging Red Fuze
« Reply #29 on: September 07, 2002, 08:44:26 PM »

Da Truth

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Re: Raging Red Fuze
« Reply #30 on: September 15, 2002, 10:17:18 PM »
Weight: 14

I have my Raging Red Fuze drilled with a 4x4 layout. The pin
is under my ring finder. I left the ball in box condition. I tested this
ball on a couple of conditions.

One condition was a 38 foot pattern on wood lanes. The ball cleared the
heads nicely and made a hard snappy backend. I really had to move with the
oil because of the Aggressive Reactive coverstock. On this shot, I played
deep inside around the 22 board and swung the ball to 5. The reaction was
strong and the ball finished hard.

Another condition was the same 38 foot pattern, however the lanes were
Brunswick Pro Anvilane synthetics. I played inside near 25 and swung the ball to the 10 board. It rolled nicely into the pocket, but overreacted if it got
out past 10. I did not have to move as much on the Brunswick synthetics as
with the wood lanes and the other.

The other condition was about 40 feet with less oil around 10 board. The oil
was thick with the surface being wood. I played a little more direct swinging
the ball from about 13 to 4. The ball went long and snapped hard.

I like this ball because it clears the heads and H.I.T.S. However, it
is really sensitive to the oil breaking down, especially on wood lanes.
This ball needs head oil or it will roll out at the breakpoint.
Good ball, I rate it a 9 out of 10!!