My style is in my profile, and i have used alot of ebonite in the last year or so. I have become tired of the roll of ebonite, and have gone looking for something new and exciting.
The Red Fuze Is that ball, This is without a doubt the strongest pearl ever! Pearl Particle or Reactive, it is the strongest!I haven't changed the cover like alot of reviewers have, i didn't have any problems with over/under.
Ball is drilled simple hook stop. Or 3 3/8 X 2. It is smooth and arcing and has great continous roll right through the pins. Ball has better carry than anything ebonite has, and can match any storm for carry too. The Red Fuze can handle alot more oil than first believed, also i don't use a spareball, and i normally just try to kill the ball's reaction with speed and wrist adjustment. That is almost impossible. I have seen a few tweeners and one cranker use this ball and it was strong for both of them..
First condition, House shot, light though. Lanes are wood, with guardian heads. Strong backends. Ball was flying in the backends, really strong, too strong for this shot, i was standing on the 35, out to the 15, ball breaks on the 3 about 44ft down and just makes a direct turn to the pocket.
Second condition, Sport shot, med( 20 outside, 40 inside) was able to play my most comfortable line, standing on 31, out over the 3rd arrow to the 3or 5 board and back to the pocket. Ball recovered very well on the sport shot, it recovered stronger than my Apex Adrenaline, and everything else in my bag.
I was playing against a storm rep and he was using an X-It and i was having no problems but the rep,(a power tweener with cranker revs like me) struggled all night, switching from his X-it to his response, and never getting comfortable,
End of story beat him, 653 to 533
Last condition. synthetics, house shot, lots of grab in the backend. second shift, with carrydown. ball again recovered where others wouldn't and was strong, and never early rolling.ball is great and almost perfect with the right cover prep and drill pattern. Enjoy!
The distance between Insanity and Genius is measured in success.
I thank god everyday that i was not born with the name Steve.