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Author Topic: Rattler  (Read 17142 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Coverstock: Activator
- Ball Color: Indigo Pearl / Ivory All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
- Ball Finish: High Gloss Polish
- Hook Potential: 125 (Medium-High) on a scale of 10-175 Low-High
- Length: 110 (Medium) on a scale of 25-235 Early-Late
- RG Differential: 0.043 (Medium) on a scale of 0.0-0.080 Low-High
- RG Average: 2.539 (Medium-Low) on a scale of 2.43-2.80 Very Low-High Break Point
- Breakpoint Shape: 85 (Angular) on a scale of 10-100 Arced-Angular
- Recommended Lane Conditions: Most house conditions
- A few tiny pit holes in the cover stock of the ball are normal
- Description: The Rattler strikes, and strikes, and strikes again. With a ball reaction like a snake attacking its prey, the Rattler uncoils and drives hard and fast through the backend with a vicious attack. The Rattler provides unmatched reaction at the performance price point. Don''''t be caught without one in your bag.
Activator® Coverstock: The Rattler is the first ball with Activator coverstock available at the performance price point. The original Activator coverstock used on the Rattler is a proven formula that provides strong downlane recovery, longevity of ball reaction, and undprecendented durability with superior resisitance to cracking.
Low RG Rocket Core: The Rattler uses Brunswick’s Multi-Sided Rocket Core System, providing a low RG core that when combined with the original Activator produces a ball reaction that is unmatched at the performance price point. Clean through the front with an aggressive move at the breakpoint, the Rattler gives amazing bang for the buck. There isn''''t another ball in this class that''''s even close.
High Gloss Finish: The Rattler is finished with Brunswick''''s Factory Finish High Gloss Polish to maximize the skid-snap reation out of the box. This surface preparation will allow most bowlers to match-up to both freshly oiled and moderately broken down house conditions.


K Lawson

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Re: Rattler
« Reply #16 on: June 18, 2009, 01:55:36 AM »
Brunswick has raised the stakes in the mid performance ball category with its new release the Rattler.The Rattler use Brunswick's Activator coverstock (which is one best covers to ever be formulated) around their proven low RG rocket core. I drilled mine with a dual angle layout of 45 X 5 X 65 which puts the pin under my bridge, the cg shifted about 1 1/2 inches to the right, and I had to use a small weight hole down below my mid line. My Rattler had a very strong mid lane roll and a very controllable move to the pocket. On a fresh THS this ball handled the oil extremely well as I started moving left I was a little nervous because sometimes for me low rg cores make the ball lose energy a little too fast and I start leaving weak hits. This ball never seemed to lost its energy as I moved left and circled the pattern a bit more. My pin carry was just as strong at the end of game 3 as it was in game 1. How many times have you started your league with a great ball reaction only to wonder where it went in the 2nd game? This ball allowed me to follow the oil line left without sacrificing any performance or carry and to me that is a sign of a really great ball. Thanks again Brunswick for another a great bowling ball

Rick Langton

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Re: Rattler
« Reply #17 on: August 06, 2009, 12:27:33 AM »
This is the ball I used at Spring Hill on August 1, 2009 to shoot plus 522.

Pin: Drilled out with ring finger
CG: 3/4 out from centerline
Cover: Box finish

Condition: Sport 36 feet and 39 fett

Strength: The cover is very clean and smooth and recover is a strong arc that makes the pins dance on short and long patterns. At Spring Hill PBA South Region I started practice with the wild thing and was hanging tens and light seven pins. Once I changed to the Rattler and moved 5 boards right with my feet and 2 boards at the arrows I produced a great line to the pocket. I was able to float the Rattler right and not get a over reaction and still able to carry  the ten. I was also able to miss inside of target and maintain a clean look to the pocket.

Weakness: NONE

Overall: The Rattler is a must for all bowlers at all levels. The Rattler will allow you to strike the pins from any and all angles.

Richard Langton
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Re: Rattler
« Reply #18 on: November 03, 2009, 09:20:18 AM »
350ish rev rate
17mph(at the deck)

Pin above ring
cg kicked out
--basically a 4 x 3, with a small hole on the pap.

This ball is just a typical Activator cover.  It reads the midlane well and has the trademark stand up arc Big B move.  

I picked this up used, so I tried it at 2000 after plugging it.  This gave me a consistent reaction but carry wasn't great due to my higher ball speed and slicker pattern we've been seeing lately.  I took the surface down to 1000(sandpaper).  This opened up the pattern for me and increased my carry %.  

I've bowled a few games at another center here known for having a wet/dry pattern.  Using my Rampage, I was unable to find a comfortable zone that produced consistent carry.  Switching to the Rattler allowed me to move deeper into the oil and blend the over/under I was seeing from the Rampage.  

Overall, not a flashy ball, but if you are looking for a consistent reaction, look no further than the Rattler.