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Shock ZonePro
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
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The Shock ZoneProâ„¢ expands the envelope of Proactiveâ„¢ performance by combining a high RG core system with a DTX Proactive cover stock to produce the latest reacting, most skid-snap Proactive ball to date. The large doorknob shaped core incorporates a 2” diameter low-density sphere in the center of the ball to push the RG Max to 2.639, the highest ever achieved with a DTX Proactive cover stock. This higher RG, in combination with the medium-high 0.048 RG differential creates an overall RG average of 6.1, also the highest ever for a DTX Proactive. This core/cover combination helps to keep the ball in check through the front part of the lane, allowing it to unleash its power in the mid-lane and back-end.  Thus the Shock ZonePro provides a Proactive ball with better down-lane recovery and increased entry angle into the pocket than other Proactive choices. The performance of the ball makes it the perfect choice to bridge the gap between Reactive balls and the more aggressive, earlier arcing Proactive balls in the Brunswick line. Compared to the other balls in the “Zone Proactive Series”, the Shock ZonePro’s overall hook potential is similar to that of the Riot ZonePro Purple Pearl, but the Shock ZonePro’s higher RG core system creates a breakpoint further down the lane, generating a more skid/snap arc than the other balls in the Proactive Series. Compared to balls in the “Zone Reactive Series”, the Shock ZonePro will produce a similar to slightly sharper arc shape compared to the Danger Zone Red Alert, but with more overall hook potential than the Red Alert. The specifications are: Part Number: 60-103409; Cover stock: Proactiveä DTX-3; Hook Potential: 115; Length: 100; Typical Breakpoint Shape: 75; RG Max: 2.639; RG Min: 2.591; RG Diff: 0.048; RG Avg: 6.1; Hardness: 76-78; Color: Burgundy Sparkle; Surface Finish: Cerium Oxide Trizactä; Weights: 12-16 lbs


Dwight Albrecht

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Re: Shock ZonePro
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2001, 10:39:01 PM »
Thanks for Reading my Review, Hope it gives you an increased knowledge on this Ball other than what Brunswick has given you.

 I drilled this 3"Pin Out #15 with a 4" Pin from my Axis with a Mass Bias swing at a 75 degree angle. Weight Hole on my axis. The general make up on this ball is a Particle Ball that gets through the fronts with a strong recovery on the back. This Burgundy Sparkle "Impact Zone" color copy ball has a High Rg Wt. Block 2.639 that gives this ball great length even through the driest heads and a diff. of .048 to give the ball plenty of backend reaction.

The lane condition that this ball works best from would be from a inside angle 3rd Arrow or deeper. The Shock Pro gives you a more predictable finish than a polished reactive would. If Polish reactives gives you fits of Rage with the extreme "Under and Over" reactions they can read from the lane, try this one, you will not be disappointed. The first series I shot with this ball was 742, from a deep 4th arrow shot.

Brunswick impresses me more right now than other ball companies. I feel they have a better chemistry between cover and core technology. They seem to push the right buttons which allows their equipment to make all of us "Look Better"
Thank you to Bill Wasserberger from Brunswick for his friendship and support.



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Re: Shock ZonePro
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2001, 01:35:16 PM »
I just recently got this ball and had it drilled 5 2/8 x4 7/8. I have a 5 5/8 over and 3/8 up axis. This ball allows me to control the mid-lane very easy. I have a 400 grit surface on it to give me more control. But I half to be careful with the ball cause when it starts to roll up early you need to switch to a diff. ball. I really like the reaction this ball gives me. I am a tweener with avg. ball speed and revs( trying to increase them both). The ball gives me a smooth arc all the way! I wish all of you luck with your bowling.

Da Truth

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Re: Shock ZonePro
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2001, 08:09:41 PM »
I had my ShockZone drilled with the pin 4-1/2"
from my PAP and the CG located under my palm.

I tested this ball on a typical house shot and a 41'
sport league condition.  This ball goes long which
is for the most part due to the  coverstock and my
a hard snap toward the pocket giving great pin action.

This is a good ball for medium to heavy oil.


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Re: Shock ZonePro
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2001, 07:35:37 PM »
See Profile for specs.

The lay out is 4 X 3 15/16" with a little extra polish.

WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!  Can we say a particle ball with some serious backend and flare?  This ball flares forever, but it doesn't really hook-up too early like many high flare balls do, however, when it gets down the lane and makes the turn it goes!  It makes my Vortex II and Stomp B/G look even, and those two balls were no where close to even for me.  I still need to throw the ball a little more to give an accurate account of what it does on different patters but if you want backends with a high-flare particle ball, this it.

Bob Hanson

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Re: Shock ZonePro
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2001, 05:24:38 PM »
I just realized I have never posted a review on this ball despite it being a staple in my arsenal for almost 8 months.  

The Shock Zone is interesting because it fits in nicely with the evolution of the Brunswick particle ball.  We all know that the early particle balls were oil eaters that hooked early and needed plenty of head oil.  The HPD folled by the pearlized Riot Zone were the first attempts at departing from this formula.  The Shock Zone and now the Particle Fuze represent the latest tweaking to give even more of a blend between pure reactive and pure particle.

I drilled this Shock Zone 4x4 with a hole on the PAP.  I liked this drilling very much on the Riot Zone and it didn't disappoint on the Shock Zone.  I like the Shock Zone on the wet/dry blocks because unlike the reactives I can still get some control with it in the dry area.  I also like it on flatter patterns where there is some back end but not much hold.  In todays high scoring environment there is no such thing as a truly versatile ball, but the Shock Zone is closer than most.  In a senior tournament on trashed wood lanes with heavy oil to about 38 feet I was able to play hard and straight up 8 board early and eventually migrated to 18 board by the end of the day.  The Shock Zone carried very well across the entire transition.  I can't remember the last time I was able to use one ball all day across that much lane.  The biggest problem with this ball is knowing when to put it away.  I can always find a shot to the hole, but on some types of carrydown it will really stop hitting quick.  The Shock Zone is a great compliment to the strong cored reactives such as Traumas, Heat 2's and even the Demolition Zone.


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Re: Shock ZonePro
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2001, 10:45:28 PM »
My Shock Zone is drilled with a 75 degree drilling
(pin 4 1/2" from pap, cg out, and a small hole on
my midplane).  Surface is trizact (white pad).
The ball has performed when the backends are
fresh.  Carrydown has affected a consistent
backend and hit.
String the Strikes and Fill the Frames ..... Good Bowling


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Re: Shock ZonePro
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2002, 09:15:32 PM »
this ball has a pin out of 2 1/4 inches. i drilled this ball with the pin 1 1/8 inches below the ring finger. the cg is 2 1/2 inches away from the thumb hole. the ball has a weight hole 6 1/2 inches out and 1 inch down from the the center of the grip. the weight hole is drilled with a 1 inch drill bit 3 inches deep. this ball has a nice skid snap reaction. i stand all the way left and throw it all the way right. it always comes back. this ball is very versital to diferent angles. sometimes the ball will leave 10 pins but only if you try to throw it on the wrong condition. the one bad thing about this ball is that it is somewhat condition specific. this ball cant be beat on the condition its meant for.


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Re: Shock ZonePro
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2002, 12:20:02 PM »
Not sure how the drilling was. Bought it used from a guy with the same span as me. The first time I threw the ball was on a medium to dry oil condition the ball reacted very well, it had a very sharp entry angle into the pocket and the pins exploded. first set was a 257, 223, 207 for a 687. Great go to ball when the lanes start to break down.


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Re: Shock ZonePro
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2002, 12:54:54 PM »
I am suprised there has not been more reviews of this ball.  I have thrown the popular hpd and had little success as stated in my review.  The shock zone blows this ball away, no comparison.  Both balls are drilled very close, pin above ring finger on shock zone and above bridge on the hpd.  Cg is in the same position on both balls.  

On the same 7to7 shot to 35 feet, the shock zone out hooks the hpd by about 10+ boards.  It covers those extra 10+ boards mostly on the backend, what i like.  And as stated in my previous review, the hpd comes up flat with little backend movement and bad carry.  A lot of 10 pins, a some 4's, a couple 7's, and two 5 pins.  The shock zone only left a couple 10 pins and has a consistent hook.  I really like the hit of the shock zone also, keeps pins low and even if you smash the pocket, it sounds dead and clears all ten.  

A few people took offence about my hpd review and even took the time to message me about it.  Most say grow some hand but i feel that cranking the hell out of a crap ball to make it hook is not the way to bowl good.  If it was, we would all throw maxims and white dots.  The whole purpose of a high performance ball is that it amplifies the skill of a good bowler and knocks all ten off the deck.  If a ball is overrated and does none of these like the hpd, what good is it?



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Re: Shock ZonePro
« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2002, 09:30:36 PM »
I got this ball in September. It is drilled using brunswick 1E drilling pattern.  This is not as good as it sounds at all.  This ball rolls very early with the drilling pattern and leaves a lot of corner pins.  The only conditions that i have had any success on are ones where the lanes had little grip in the back ends and have drier out sides.  In the amount of time that I have had this ball i've thrown 3 700 hundreds.  That sounds good but it's not for me.  On my normal league condition it has no room for error and has a big over under reaction.  This ball continues brunswick's lack of success since they relesed  Riot Zone.  I give this ball a 2 out of 10
"PUNISH THE PINS All 9 of them"


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Re: Shock ZonePro
« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2002, 12:13:18 AM »
I bought this ball last year and am mostly pleased with it.  It is very smooth. I have no trouble getting to the pocket from inside or out.  There are times though, that it doesn't carry as well as it should (I'm sure it's me).  I guess I just have to know when to put it up.  A solid 8 out of 10.



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Re: Shock ZonePro
« Reply #12 on: October 09, 2002, 11:53:41 PM »
Owwwwwwwwww EEEEeeeeeeeeeeee!!!


If you ever read my ramblings you know this.

I have a Pro Zone Violet I can hit the pocket with all day.
No 300s.  Over 20 258 and above!  Light is golden, flush is 7 pin.

I have a Monster Scream/r I love but it is a little quick thru the heads in the leagues I bowl in and depends on it's lightning quick backend to score.

I've owned and loved both the Demolition Zone and the Impact Zone and found both to be some of the most exciting skid snap monsters and carry monsters when I need to get third arrow and beyond.

Now this beauty.  Pin out 4 inches, 2 ounces of starting top weight.
Drilled 4 X 5.  No Weighthole Pin way out away from ring finger and above.
(Had another Shock drilled near thumb leverage by a driller(too early).

What I'm looking for is the Impact Zone but a little more rounded, and a little more able to handle a heavier condition(they call that midlane right?)  Voila!  

This is it!  The perfect blend between particle and reactive.  More predictable with almost the back end of reactive.  (Didn't I see Parker win with this on TV)

The Condition, Pretty heavy head oil, crown in the middle, and to add a little spice a glaze outside of 10 on both sides to the 35 foot mark.

Tweaked and fooled with the thumb on this thing for three weeks before I threw it.  Still isn't right.  Went up and shoveled this thing on the lanes about 13 to 9 at the 40 foot mark was the plan.  Well this thing really had a mind of it's own(due to difficulty getting out of clean)  Shots hit everything from 16 to 9 at the arrows(sort of embarrasing! and went flush.  No 7 pins for two games and square up and flush 10 in the pit.  663.  I don't know if I've ever sprayed like this and looked so good at the pocket.

To give a little more insight into this shot the Red Fuzes, Demos, Ti Messengers Pearls, Monster Scream/rs were just leaving ringing 7s like crazy.
The bigger handed the more pronounced the breakpoint on this Synthetic heads,
Wood backends condition.

This house (my home house has always given me fits, my lowest average by about 10 pins usually).  The key has always been midlane and my strong siderelease has left me in 7 pin city at this carrydown house.

Take the Pro Zone Violet, and the Impact Zone and marry them and you get this smooth, oil munching(not the heaviest) monster with near reactive backend. I hope the coverstock holds up like my Pro Zone Violet has!

I think I'm on to my highest average ever in this bugaboo house of mine!


PS Anyone got a great condition backup of this beauty!
PSS I don't know if the large pin out is a help.
PSSS I don't know if the center line transfer finger setup was also a help, I love this ball!  
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Shock ZonePro
« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2003, 03:38:02 AM »
This was the third ball in the "Zone" line I drilled since my return to the game...the others being the HPH Danger Zone and the Contact Zone Pro....and I like this one most of all.

This ball has great at 12 o'clock above the finger cg shifted 1-2' from the grip...and this is the first ball out of the bag.

This ball is a great go between when the lanes are hooking and the back-ends start to go away.  It has a reactive type reaction with a particle roll, and on even the driest conditions it hasn't even attempted to roll out on me.

How ever do not try to use it on a HEAVY won't do anything (i have gotten plastic to do more on a house shot) the great length the ball gives is a huge draw back on a heavy oil condition.  This is a great compliment to anything that hooks.

Jesse James

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Re: Shock ZonePro
« Reply #14 on: October 07, 2003, 07:34:31 PM »
I've gotta give props where they are due. Got this ball from Lucky Lefty, used. He told me to drill it leverage. I had my driller set it up exactly as he had it set up originally, for a left-hander...only right handed for me. Leveraged, with a 1" shift off the midline. This ball is GOLD!! Great for medium to light-medium, on up till the lanes start getting dryish. This ball gets great length, and a strong proctive-like arc,....but it hits a ball that just snapped into the pocket. Been using it on synthetics primarily. Shot a 650 set last nite, and two weeks ago, on a pair of drying out lanes, I shot my HI for this year, a 275! Love this ball and can't put it down. Thanks Lucky....another winner.
Some days you're the bug....some days you're the windshield...that's bowling!