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Author Topic: Siege  (Read 20767 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
- Coverstock: Recoil Reactive
- Color: Solid Black / Silver
- Hardness: 75-76
- Factory Finish: 1,000 Micro pad
- Weight Block: MACE Two-component Asymmetrical Core
- RG max: 2.530
- RG int: 2.500
- RG min: 2.474
- RG diff: 0.056
- RG asym: 0.030
- Average RG: 2.8 of 10
- Hook Potential: 170 (Scale 10-175)
- Length: 100 (Scale 25-235)
- Typical Breakpoint Shape: 85 Angular (Scale Smooth Arc 10-Angular 100)
- Flare Potential: 0.056 High (Scale Low 0.00-High 0.060)
- Description: Coverstock: Introducing Recoil™ coverstock the next extension in Brunswick coverstock technology. Recoil is a evolutionary coverstock developed by Brunswick to improve the mid-lane and backend traction of the ball on today’s slicker oils and lane surfaces. The Recoil coverstock was discovered through testing of new formulation additives and process changes in coverstock manufacturing. Core: M.A.C.E. – Mechanical Asymmetric Core Engineering. The MACE™ core has three major benefits, Ultra Low RG core system to engage the Recoil coverstock, High RG differential to aid in traction through heavy oil and High RG asymmetric differential to quicken the response time to friction. Designed as a two component elliptical core system, the MACE core is dynamically the strongest asymmetric core ever produced for a Brunswick ball. Ball Motion: The Siege™ unites the new Recoil coverstock and the MACE core to produce a ball motion that is both aggressive in the oil and aggressive on the backend. The Siege is your ball when your game needs help battling heavy oil conditions and poor pin action. Seize the lanes, Conquer the pins, Defeat your opponent!!



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Re: Siege
« Reply #31 on: June 09, 2010, 01:08:22 AM »
WOW WHAT A BALL WITH A LOT OF ROLL AND POP ON THE BACK END. I drilled my siege pin up with the cg kicked a little. I used this ball on the house patter and played left of 4th arrow and got a really great reaction. When I added polish to this ball I was able to  move further right on the lane and keep the same break point. When this ball is taken to 500 this ball really read the lane earlier but smoothed out the back end reaction that was sharper when at box finish or even polished. For this ball being in the pro performance line it really is a great addition when need to throw a ball on slicker lane condition and needing to get more hook on the back end.


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Re: Siege
« Reply #32 on: July 02, 2010, 02:44:14 PM »
This ball is new to me I got it and another on a trade here at ball reviews.  I didn't know what to expect sence I had not read about the ball before.  All I have to say is wow!!   Shot 700 out the bag on a pro shot and used it again in league last night with success.  This ball rolls alot like my dimension ball.  nice and even and handles heavy oil with ease.
  Looking forward to throwing it again very soon. great ball brunswick!


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Re: Siege
« Reply #33 on: January 12, 2011, 09:53:32 PM »




Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS


Used the dual angle layout of 45deg x 4" x 70deg, which placed the pin below my ring finger and the mb right of val with a weight hole in the P3 location. Ball is really clean thru the heads with a nice midlane read and predictable move at the break point! I really like the way this ball reads the lanes and has great carry, except for some solid 9 pins!!!!

Likes:Strong predictable roll with great carry.    

Dislikes: Didn't drill it sooner!






"Train a child up in the way they should go and when they are old they will "Bowl Globally", "Bowl the world over", don't just hit the pocket "Shred-IT" and not turn from it!
Bruce Campbell
USBC Bronze Certified Coach
IBPSIA Certified Technician
Originator of the -35deg x 25 leverage drilling!

Bruce Campbell
Coaches aren't born, they are made!
USBC Silver Certified Coach

Changing bowling, one bowler at a time!