Hey, I didn't realize this ball was listed here. Here's my review, since I just picked one up NIB off ebay:
Finally got it. 3" pin, drilled next to ring/CG in palm. This ball STILL destroys a fresh pattern, time and oil technology have not lessened its effects. I started out on a 2nd shift condition all the way left throwing over 5th arrow with a little loft, and even here it still had enough to come charging back - when I could get it out far enough to keep it right of the head pin! (there were a few brooklyns too). Doing this with my Raging would leave a lot of 5 + back row pin leaves.
Oil man came through and put down a fresh pattern. Nothing special about it, decent volume that would cause me to throw my 220 grit/rough buff Smokin' nearly straight up. Not this ball, this ball hits the lane and says "what oil?" The major difference is that it got down significantly farther and then completely flipped and obliterated the pocket. I think I was throwing about 23-7, which is absolutely INSANE, my Raging Inferno on the same condition runs somewhere between 12-4 and 15-6 (then again, that ball hates to be swung in its box condition, this one definitely does not have that problem). The ball's length was speed dependant, and the reaction was hand dependant, so I had a lot of options on this condition. Kill the hand a little and up the speed, you get a hard, controllable arc. Put more fingers into it and it's a flip monster. I suppose if I found some kind of ridiculous gutter-to-gutter flood, all I would need to do is take a half step back, stay down, reduce the speed just a hair, and this ball would react.
The major problem with this ball? Finding enough oil for it and tracking it up. Since this will rarely come out of my bag, the tracking problem isn't one, it won't track up any "faster" (time-wise) than anything else in my bag. I went to a cleaner-soaked rag instead of my micro fiber towel though, because it was not pulling anything off the ball. It also picked up a couple of belt marks after half a game, which easily came off with cleaner but still...
Unless you have insanely high speed, 2 revs, or both, this ball is only useable on the heaviest of floods in box condition, and I seem to recall that it doesn't take to polish too well...I think you HAVE to have the trizact and use the cerium oxide to notice anything. But then, if you're doing that, there's probably other options that would suit you better than finding this rarity. I feel like I could go down to the ice skating rink and get this ball to hook after the zamboni runs...but unlike say the Zone Pro Azure, this isn't a "hook at your feet" type reaction, it wants to get down the lane a little bit (head oil permitting, of course). This is due to the higher RG core I think, and the high diff gives it flip at the back end.
In summary, it gets a 9 out of 10 score from me. 10 out of 10 for its performance on ideal conditions, 5 out of 10 for versatility...but you can't have it all, so drill it strong, leave it box, and bring it out when nothing else turns over and you will beat everybody else (assuming you execute, and they're not also throwing this ball, haha!)