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Author Topic: Smokin Inferno  (Read 27263 times)


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Smokin Inferno
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Reaction Characteristics - Smokin’ Hot
The Inferno line has been a tremendous success for Brunswick. Defined by Ultra-Low RG Core Systems and Activator coverstock technology, the Inferno line is known for its clean front-ends and a quick revving core that helps create mid-lane recovery and a hard arcing back-end reaction. The Smokin’ Inferno debuts the latest addition to the Activator Coverstock family. Activator Advance is a new version of Activator coverstock technology that matches up best to a higher RG core system, compared to other Inferno’s, delivering more back-end hooking action and the most angular Inferno to date.

The Activator Advance coverstock has been RG matched to produce maximum forgiveness and versatility. The RG chosen for the Smokin’ Inferno produces a ball that is less sensitive to backend and ball track transitions than higher or lower RG options that were tested.

The Smokin’ Inferno combines design elements in a unique way that produces spectacular results. Low-RG but very angular. A High Gloss Polish surface with a high hook potential. The Smoking Inferno is an excellent match-up on all but the oiliest and driest lane conditions. Smoke your competition with the Smokin’ Inferno.

Out of the Box: With its High Gloss Polish finish the Smokin’ Inferno will match up well on medium-dry to medium-oily conditions.
When dulled: The Smokin’ Inferno hooking action will increase and its arc will become more even, creating a better match-up for oily lane conditions and help blend the over/under reactions seen on wet/dry lane conditions..

Reaction Setup
The Smokin’ Inferno can be drilled using the standard drilling techniques developed for two-piece balls, see the included drilling instructions for reaction characteristics and layout details.

The Smokin’ Inferno is finished with Brunswick’s Factory Finish High Gloss Polish. To bring your Smokin’ Inferno back to its original factory finish sand the surface to 400-grit then use Brunswick’s Factory Finish High Gloss Polish. Available from your local Pro Shop.



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Re: Smokin Inferno
« Reply #31 on: July 15, 2006, 05:07:48 PM »
All I can say about this ball is WOW!. This ball holds a line like I have never seen a ball do before. This reminds me of my old thunderstorm. This ball hits so hard. Shot 290 last night with it and thats the highest game that I have thrown in a league in quite some time. Get this ball, its the best inferno ever!
Brunswick Smokin Inferno
Brunswick Ragin Inferno
Storm Fired Up
Storm Ultra Hot
Storm Super Power
Storm Fire Power
Storm Red Hit

High Game=290
High Series=739


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Re: Smokin Inferno
« Reply #32 on: July 18, 2006, 03:20:41 PM »
I purchased the Smokin Inferno 2 weeks ago. I'm not a league bowler, but I do enjoy the sport. It's 14 pounds, 2 oz. top weight, and 3-4 inch pin. I'm not sure what my layout is, but my driller, Danny from Striker's Pro Shop in Virginia Beach, succeeded in laying out an aggressive fingertip pattern, which is what i wanted. He also had to drill an X-hole. I'm a cranker with a semiroller release, VISE fingertips and thumb slug. I bowl on a medium-oily house pattern, and play pretty deep, starting off far left with my right foot on the 35th board, releasing the Inferno over the 15-16th boards out to the 5th board, then finishing with a STRONG arc back to the pocket. WOW! My first 5 games: 182, 188, 196, 239, 199. My goal is to bowl consistenly over 200, and it looks like I'm on my way. The Inferno is SMOKIN'! BTW, the new Radical Inferno looks very promising!


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Re: Smokin Inferno
« Reply #33 on: July 18, 2006, 05:03:07 PM »
its was ok.. not a big backend good mid lane read. didn't hit hard, would carry that well. coverstock died in 50 games R.I.P..... overall standard brunswick... Now its a boat anchor...
Hay Hay Hay bo I know the DAM mayor of Clemmons


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Re: Smokin Inferno
« Reply #34 on: July 19, 2006, 02:02:37 AM »
After having this ball since April 1st, I need to post a review on it.

When I first drilled up this ball, I drilled it pin next to my ring finger and cg swung in towards the grip center. The ball was too strong for it's intended use, which was less hook than my Classic drilled basically Rico.

So I went to the shop and re-drilled the ball by moving the layout to 1x7x1 and then put the ball to 2000 grit + 2 coats of polish.

BINGO! This ball is now amazing. The ball is great for lighter sport shots since now it doesn't overreact on the backend. It's also great for the med/light house shots. The ball hits great and the carry is amazing.

Overall, this is an amazing ball for Brunswick. I hope more people give the ball a chance, since it's a winner!

Rating: Perfect 10/10

Brunswick and Morich just hit harder... and that's all there is to it!

Video of me!


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Re: Smokin Inferno
« Reply #35 on: July 27, 2006, 06:36:45 PM »
I have this 15lb ball for about 6 months. First time I tried it I didn't like it. But then after reading some of the reviews that this ball works on a drier lane. Now this is the ball to used on the 3rd game on a 9pm league. I bowl on the LA Mission Major League with all of the High Rev players makes the lane dries after the first 2 games. Now, I have ball to use when oil starting to brake down.
The ball is highly Polished and drilled 2L and the CG slightly toward in between both fingers. Three of my Inferno's (Blazing, Intense and Smokin) drilled that way. Works for all High RPM players. Highly Polished recommended  if don't have enough speed.


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Re: Smokin Inferno
« Reply #36 on: July 30, 2006, 04:27:26 AM »
everything has pretty much been said about this ball already... but I'll give a little insight.

I'm a high rev player with a little over medium ball speed... I rolled the first three games with my smokin today which was drilled to roll early.

The house I bowled must've just oiled their lanes as they were pretty slick, so my typical house shot of 17-6 or so wouldnt cut it with the Smokin... it just seemed to skate & not able to make the turn. So I moved myself to about 8 on the approach & began throwing it out over about 2 or 3 & the ball would read the mids beautifully & snap right into the pocket. I played there for about 9 frames before I had to move a little left.

By game 3 I was standing on 12 playing a breakpoint of 6 & the ball would just walk in.

I'm not the biggest brunswick fan in the world, anyone will tell you that, but they impressed me here. I expected it to hook a little more... my two favorite balls (Black Nighthawk/Nighthawk Torque Pearl)out hook the Smokin'... but I think the Smokin' will compliment my NHTPearl nicely when the lanes begin to bleed.

Update Jan 07': Got rid of this ball. Ended up leaving more ten pins than I knew what to do with. Any angle.... It didn't matter. Rolled beautiful... but couldn't carry with it to save my life.

2005 Lindenwood University Championship Team Member

Gene J Kanak

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Re: Smokin Inferno
« Reply #37 on: December 04, 2006, 05:19:24 PM »
Smokin' Inferno (White Pin)
Drilled pin beneath ring, cg stacked, no weight hole
Box finish, rough buff finish, green scothbrite

At the remarkable price that was selling these for, I just had to pick one up. Here's what I found.

Out of the box, the ball was long and strong. I first tested it on a broken down house shot. On that condition, I could stand left, fling right and just watch the ball come flying back. The ball came off the dry extremely hard and went hunting for the pocket. Upon arrival, the ball was simply devastating. The only trouble on this pattern came when I got the ball inside and up the oil line. From there, the ball had a hard time making its read, causing it to lope before making its move to the pocket. Once it got there, flat 10s were the norm. But then, what would you expect when you throw a reactive pearl up the oil line?

For me, the OOB surface was just too late, so I decided to try hitting the ball with rough buff. That made the ball pick up the mids a bit sooner and slightly even out the backend. The ball was still very quick off the dry, but it was not nearly as violent as it had been with the OOB surface.

Nevertheless, I wanted earlier reaction, so I took the surface down even further, this time hitting it with a green scotcbrite pad. This was a new experiment for me, as I normally don't rough up the surface of pearl balls. I must say, this surface impressed me the most. The ball now read the midlane in a comfortable spot and smoothed out the backend to the point where it was actually controllable. The move was much more of an arc than either of the previous two surfaces had offered. It kind of reminded me of an absolute inferno for slightly ligher mediums.

Still, I got rid of this ball somewhat quickly. It isn't a bad piece in the least, but it's just not quite what I was looking for. I felt that it was a bit too specific for me, just as others have reported the original Smokin' to be. When the shot was wide open, I could hit the pocket at will and look good doing it. However, if the shot was the least bit spotty, I was never quite sure what this one was going to do. Perhaps I just didn't give it enough time.

If you have the time and patience to put this one through its paces, or if you're looking for a niche ball, pick this one up. You can't beat it for the price. However, if you're looking for predictability, you may want to look elsewhere.

As with all of my reviews, this is only one opinion based upon how the ball worked for my style with this drilling, prep, etc. Take it for what it's worth, because you may find something totally different.
I've only bowled 300, but I've benched 345


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Re: Smokin Inferno
« Reply #38 on: December 11, 2006, 11:44:23 AM »
Drilled the Red Pin one of these up 5.5 x 5.5 with the pin up over the fingers and the cg in the center of grip. I left this box finish as it was a cheap e-bay auction find (under $50). I drilled this up to satisfy my curiousity.

I threw this briefly on some broken down house conditions and threw it a few times side by side with a Rampage drilled very simularly. The ball was okay when I hit dry earlier down the lane. If I hit late dry, the ball just poofed at the pocket and it was flat ten city. On this same shot, my Rampage read the pattern a little more crisply and would get out the half ten, so the majority of the time this went back in the bag.

I feel if I would have experimented some with the surface, I could have made it work. Instead I got an offer that was more than what I paid for it, so bon voyage Smoking.

"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 83? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Bowling Amateur Staff - Westerville, OH


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Re: Smokin Inferno
« Reply #39 on: December 11, 2006, 12:48:43 PM »
brunswick drilling layout sheet 2L (drilled for skid/snap)
pin above ring finger for length

Speed: 16-17 mph
Revs: between tweener and cranker
Axis: around 45 degrees

I drilled this ball hoping I could throw it once a shot broke down a little bit, and that is what I currently use it for.  I bowl strictly on sport shots for our collegiate conference, and I can use this ball inside (between 3rd and 4th arrow and out to 15-10 boards) and have a little bit of area.  On a house shot, this ball just kills and I can play anywhere outside of 3rd arrow and it's practically in the pocket.

This ball recovers well on a house shot, and I like how angular the breakpoint is.  I never have any carrying issues with this ball, I leave a few 9 pins here and there, but no big deal.

Basically, on a house shot this ball is all that it is cracked up to be and more, and on a sport shot, you can move inside and still get a little more than a board to throw at.

any questions on the drilling or anything else,


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Re: Smokin Inferno
« Reply #40 on: March 06, 2007, 04:05:25 PM »
This ball is ok.  If I could do it again I would get the absolute inferno.  The ball does not have a strong back end and she can leave the 10 on you.(part of me is just mad because I would have had a 300 but on a nice pocket shot she left me a 10) This is not a bad ball it is a good ball, just not great.

She does not finsih as stong on the back end as I said above and on a scale of 1-10 I would give here a 6.  If you are going to spend the money get the absolute inferno.  If you are interested in this ball save the money and get the power groove.



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Re: Smokin Inferno
« Reply #41 on: July 02, 2007, 01:46:35 AM »
Got the Smokin Drilled with pin just below the Ring Finger, Shinny out of the box Surface.  Shot 230, 235, 276=  741 on the Cheatah Pattern.  Very Good ball, strong backend, even in the oil, and Carries very well.  Left 3 Ten Pins, and one 8 pin in that series.

Brunswick Smokin Inferno
Brunswick Radical Inferno
Lane #1 G-Force
Lane #1 Enriched Uranium
Storm Fired-UP
Revolution Rev-Traction
Ebonite Big Time
Ebonite Predator Jungle Green


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Re: Smokin Inferno
« Reply #42 on: December 29, 2007, 06:42:39 PM »
The Brunswick Smokin' Inferno is truly an amazing ball. I used this ball on a heavy/medium oiled house shot. The ball did exactly what I wanted, which was to go long and snap hard on the backend. I know it's hard to believe but this ball even out performed my scorchin and total inferno's. If you have a decent amount of revs and medium to fast ball speed and were thinking about getting this ball then go for it, you won't be disappointed.


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Re: Smokin Inferno
« Reply #43 on: February 27, 2008, 04:14:26 PM »

Im a cranker
16-17 mph
420-440 rpms

This ball is a beast. I have it drilled pin under ring finger and cg in palm. I love the reaction from this ball. It hits hard and has great carry. To me this ball is a little strong for medium but terrible for heavy. I recommend this ball to anyone. I also bowled a 300 with the Smokin' and im 15!