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Author Topic: Soul Solid  (Read 19355 times)


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Soul Solid
« on: April 13, 2015, 02:13:09 PM »
Brunswick Soul Solid Ball Specs:

- Color:  Black Smoke Solid (colors may vary from the picture shown)
- Coverstock:  CPTv2 - Control Reactive
- Core:  Soul Medium RG (14-16#)
- Factory Finish:  500 Siaair Micro Pad, Royal Compound
- Hook Potential:  Medium
- Length:  Medium
- Breakpoint Shape:  Medium
- Differential:  .041 (15#)
- RG:  2.583 (15#)



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Re: Soul Solid
« Reply #16 on: July 11, 2015, 12:19:40 AM »

Medium length - 40'


Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):
House and Kegel Challenge patterns on THS and Brunswick Pro-Anvil


The Brunswick Soul is very clean through the heads with a strong mid-lane read with good continuation through the pins. Given solid entry angle into the pocket, I have not seen where the Sould loses energy and deflects or hits flat. The cover and core match on this ball is on the money. I can see where this ball will be a permanent resident in my tournament bag.

Without a doubt, this ball will make huge waves with most league players on a typical house shot as well. I see this as the best, most versatile ball for that application on the market. It is a log of ball at this price point.

In terms of tournament players, this will fit for most medium shots or late in a block where some friction is present. The Soul does a great job of smoothing out a pronounced over/under reaction.

None to speak of

Fran Varin
USBC Silver


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Re: Soul Solid
« Reply #17 on: July 11, 2015, 10:54:36 AM »

Ball Weight: 15 lbs


Dual Angle: 55 x 5 1/2" x 55

X Hole (if there is one): Yes


Rev Rate: Medium , between 250-275 rpm

Ball Speed: 17-18 mph

PAP/Track: 5 1/2" over and 1/2" down


Grit: Box Finish

Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded): Matte


The Soul Solid is a very versatile ball that can be used on a variety of different house shots and most sport shots.  I drilled mine with this layout to roll a lot through the lane and to allow the coverstock and weight block to take advantage of the backend, so its a smooth, continuous arcing motion into the pocket.  The Soul Solid is about 3-4 boards weaker in the backend and about a 2 feet more skid than the Brute Strength, so both of them will be great bowling balls to have in your bag.  The Soul Solid is a one of a kind ball you don't wanna miss out on getting, be sure to get one from your local pro shop.

Charles Withers II
Brunswick Advisory Staff

The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation.


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Re: Soul Solid
« Reply #18 on: July 22, 2015, 11:55:54 AM »

Length: 41', 37'

Volume: Heavy (41'), Medium (37')

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS


I drilled my soul with one of my more typical pin up layouts (5" pin to pap with 40 degree VAL angle). The Soul is a very unique ball at this price point. It rolls much like a higher end midline piece for me. With this layout and box finish, it was pretty strong down lane. I used it mostly on fresher patterns so it tends to store a fair bit of energy when there is a good amount of volume which can make it a little less predictable. I don't think 41' heavier pattern I typically shoot on is ideal for this ball as it is just too clean with box finish. But as the center I bowled in transitioned to their "summer" pattern at 37' and medium volume, I found the Soul to give me the strong motion I would see out of a high end ball as if I were on heavier conditions. In this case, it was very predictable and better suited for this type of lane condition.

As for comparing this ball to other releases in the line, I'd say it's comparable to the LT-48, but a little less overall and more abrupt motion downlane. I think with the right surface this ball could be very versatile. Overall, its definitely a great ball for the price point. It introduces more of a high performance shape/hook potential for transitioning conditions versus trying to switch into typical entry-level type balls. This will still give you the confidence and reliability you would expect with high-end equipment at a fraction of the cost.



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Re: Soul Solid
« Reply #19 on: August 01, 2015, 10:56:38 AM »
Soul Black Smoke Solid

This ball has a medium RG with the CPTv2- Control reactive coverstock.  This is a low friction cover that allows this ball to easily get down the lane.  It projects through the fronts while gripping the mid lane.  It is finished with a 500 Siaair Micro Pad with the Royal Compound finish, allowing this ball to grab in the mid-lane leading to a controllable and continuous hooking motion.  I love how predictable the roll is on this ball, and it also allows the bowler the confidence to play medium oil lanes without having to move so deep inside.  This is a symmetrical ball, and multiple layouts will work for this ball.

My Soul is drilled with the pin under.  I went with a 4 1/2 inch pin, 75 degree mass bias drilling, a 70 degree VAL drilling.  I love this balls reaction so much, will be drilling my next one 75 x 5 x 35 to have one with a pin up, to get more length down lane with an even quicker response.  This is a must ball for your bag.  Check out my Facebook video to see the ball in motion, or email me for any questions at with any questions.

Troy Schaefer
Brunswick Regional Staff Player
#bowlwithbruns #teamBrunswick


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Re: Soul Solid
« Reply #20 on: August 09, 2015, 10:27:35 AM »



Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):house


Likes:Drilled up this ball based on recommendations of a very close friend, due to my low to med rev rate I did not think it was something that would complement my game. Boy was I wrong, for an entry level ball I am not sure how Brunswick can put out a ball with this kind of performance at a low  reasonable price. I drilled this with my favorite layout 60x3 3/4x35 and for the squirrely house shot that I have to bowl on The Soul Solid is perfect. I have always been primarily asymmetrical core, but am slowly converting to more symmetric cored balls. The Soul is by far the smoothest transition ball that I have ever thrown, there is never any over or under reactions with this ball, you know as soon as it comes off your hand what you have. Because of this our local pro shop cannot keep this ball on his shelf. Everyone who has purchased this ball has so many positive remarks about it, some have never owned a Brunswick ball ever and have immediately become Pro Brunswick. For the price everyone should drill up a Brunswick Soul, this is a can't miss ball for the money, it's like driving a Porsche but paying for a Volkswagen. The opinions expressed is solely the opinion of the writer and not that of Brunswick Corporation.



Maine Man

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Re: Soul Solid
« Reply #21 on: September 15, 2015, 02:32:22 PM »

Ball Weight: 15 lbs.
Drill Pattern: 4 1/2” x 62*
X-hole: ¾” wide x 2.5” deep, 2” down VAL
PAP: 4 5/8” x 0” (up)
SPEED: 18.0 – 18.5 mph (release)
TILT: 17*

I drilled the Brunswick Soul to be the third most aggressive ball in my bag, behind the Mastermind Einstein and Brute Strength, and it has not disappointed. With the 4 1/2” x 62* drill pattern, the pin ended up below my bridge. I did need a weight hole, located 2” down on my VAL. I have used the Soul on a wide variety of lane conditions. I will post them below, as well as a brief synopsis of how the ball performed.


As you would imagine on a typical house shot (THS), I was able to play inside and create a lot of area with the Soul, with a good amount of “miss room” both inside and outside of target. The great thing about the Soul is that I am able to keep migrating further into the lane with my target and my feet and still have good pin carry, which is not always true of other, mid to high end, fairly aggressive balls I have reviewed and used in the past. Being on the left side allows me to stay further out longer, but having the ability to move inside and know you can carry is a valuable tool for all bowlers to have, and the Soul gives me that peace of mind. I liked the box finish, but I also used this ball quite a bit sanded to 2000 with Royal Shine and Royal Polish, and with less traffic on the left side, this surface was absolutely incredible on this ball. It allowed me to play straighter while actually INCREASING my carry percentage over playing more angle with the polish on the ball. This ball takes very well to surface adjustments and do not be afraid to tune it to the specific shot on the lanes, the Soul can handle it beautifully.


This 40ft. Challenge Series pattern proved to be a very interesting pattern for the Soul. I tried it on the fresh at box finish and really liked the look I got. I was able to play 14 to 9 and move in as the pattern transitioned, keeping pin carry the same as I moved. I then used it polished at 2000 w/ Royal Shine and Royal Polish and found that with 40ft. of oil and the higher gloss finish, the Soul was getting too spotty of a read to get consistent pin carry. But, I bowled a (5) game tournament block on the pattern, and by midway through game three, I was able to get further inside with the Soul and found a very nice ball reaction, where other balls were laboring to get back to the pocket, and this was at a straight 2000 sanded cover stock prep. This was very impressive to me, and having the polished Soul to go to later in a block when others were starting to struggle with pin carry and angle to the pocket, gave me a leg up on other bowlers. In the tournament I used it, I was out of the cash cut until I took out the Soul the last two games, and ended up pulling out a check when it looked like I might not cash. The Soul will be my go to ball going forward on carry down and late block adjustments when I need to get further inside without having a ball over react.


This 45ft. Challenge Series oil pattern is by far my favorite oil pattern for the Soul. I was able to bowl a (6) game block, all with the Soul at the 2000 sanded surface. The extra length of this pattern brought out the best in the Soul, as I was able to start deeper, around 17-18 at the arrows, and actually migrate left, out to about 13-14 at the arrows as the block progressed. Pin carry was phenomenal, and the ball never made the “herky-jerky” type of motion some balls do as the oil pattern breaks down. This is due to both the low rg symmetrical Soul core, and the pin down layout. I had games of 226, 218, 240, 289, 235, 248. It was a very readable reaction, and strong off the back of the pattern. The Soul has to be your go to benchmark ball on longer and/or medium-heavy blend oil patterns.


I used the Soul on this 37ft. Challenge Series pattern, and found that this was the only pattern where I had a hard time using the ball for an entire block at box finish, but I did like the look of the ball at 2000 with Royal Shine and Royal Polish on this pattern for a five game set. I believe the shorter length of the pattern really steers away from the strong nature of a sanded Soul, and I was able to get to the pocket from multiple angles, but pin carry was not as good as some of the longer or heavier oil patterns I have used the Soul on at box finish. But, the Soul takes to cover changes very well, and I applied some Brunswick Royal Shine and Royal Polish to the cover stock, and transformed the Soul from a ball I may have to leave in the bag, to one that dominated the Kegel Broadway oil pattern. The extra length provided by applying the Royal Shine and Royal Polish allowed the Soul to get through the front part of the lane easily, while retaining enough energy to strike consistently from multiple angles. This is another great reason to own more than one Soul, keep one dull for the heavier patterns, and have one shined with Royal Shine for the shorter and broken down oil patterns, or buy a Soul Mate for easy length. I was pleasantly surprised with the results after the cover change, and shows that the Soul really is a great all around bowling ball.

In closing, I would like to thank everyone at Brunswick Bowling for making another winner. Brunswick truly has the best, most versatile lineup around. Showing what the  Brunswick Soul can do across a variety of oil patterns, from THS to long and short Challenge Series patterns, will help bowlers see the versatility of the Soul, and just how easily this ball can be used on a wide array of conditions. It is the first ball out of my bag on medium-heavy patterns, and also when the lanes break down, I grab the polished Soul, move further in and have fun. I hope you enjoyed my review of the Brunswick Soul bowling ball, good luck and good bowling everyone. Go get your Soul today!

James Goulding III
Brunswick Ball Tester
James Goulding
Bowler Builders Pro Shops
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F.D.D.S. Tournament Director

Brandon Riley

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Re: Soul Solid
« Reply #22 on: November 19, 2015, 05:40:45 PM »
What really interested me about the Soul was how our staff info about this ball compared it to the Versamax, while at the latest demo, overheard that the technology used in the ETS coverstock from the Vandal/Einstein/Nirvana was first used on this ball.
I chose a 45x4x60 (pin in ring) layout to provide a more even shape and hit it with a 4k pad to further smooth out the reaction.  So many of the mid to higher end balls these days are becoming so strong (particularly on the backend), that finding options to stay straighter has been a bit of a problem for me as of late. 
Of all patterns so far, this ball has honestly been most effective on our house pattern, where starting as close to the track as possible is always the best course of attack.  The interesting thing is that by putting more hand/tilt into the ball, I have also had a great look at the end of a league session crossing 4arrow and still experiencing good ball reaction. 
I have also used the Soul on 41' Beaten Path and 43' Dead Man's Curve with a respectable look to the pocket, but with the volume in the mids, my carry % is not as high as it could be with something stronger.  The next pattern in our scratch league will be 37' Broadway, and I am anticipating the Soul being one of the first balls out of the bag.
I recommend the Soul to bowlers of any style looking for a versatile, benchmark type reaction for all but extreme lane conditions.
Brandon Riley
Hammer Regional Staff